anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi and welcome Kit

I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs:
I have everything crossed for your BFP this cycle.

Your situation with infrequent ovulation and wonky cycles with a high BMI sounds very much like my own. I'm really sorry your local NHS won't fund anymore, I think that it is downright unfair, especially with having PCOS. :nope: I had been ltttc when I saw a fab consultant, who specialised in PCOS and fertility and he told me it was "near bloody impossible" for me to lose weight, and that I would have to have less than 1000 calories a day for the rest of my life to lose and maintain weight loss and he said that is no way to live. Hooray to that, because I have had a high BMI for years, it gets me so down as I really don't eat very much and people assume I sit eating pies, chocolates cakes and takeaways all the time. :growlmad: I was referred to a dietician, but they really don't understand PCOS in my opinion and I'd lose a bit but it wouldn't stay off.

I have two children now, and I am sharing my story with you in the hope that it may help you too. With my first, I had a high BMI. I was having irregular periods, and I was recommended the South Beach Diet. I cannot recommend it or a similar carb free/low carb diet highly enough for PCOS. I really believe that it 'reset' my insulin levels in the first few weeks and the weight loss kick started ovulation for me, as I fell pregnant the first cycle of trying. SBD is not a diet you'd want to stick to long term, but it will help you lose a decent amount of weight which may get you under the BMI requirements for more treatment, and a 5-10% weight loss can on it's own be enough to kick start ovulation.
If you get a mo, have a read of Ibelieveitwil's story here: :thumbup:
I also recommend a good pre-natal vitamin, both DH and I took the his and hers Pregnacare Conception.
Best wishes for tomorrow and lots of baby dust
Kyla - that's what I read too. I was never really overweight. I am 5ft5 and weighed 72at my heaviest after stopping the pill. But going down to 65kg I do believe really helped. I think with pcos we need to be really disciplined with the diet, exercise, metforming etc.

I look at some friends who eat cake and chocolate and Mcdonalds like there's no tomorrow and still stay really skinny with perfect skin. I eat a piece of cake and gain a pound :nope:

Have you taken another test? How is your temp this morning?
Hi Everyone!

Welcome to all the newbies and tons of luck with the OD - it worked for me 5-6 months after having the op...and I had NEVER ovulated before that.

So sorry for my silence....I rarely find time to brush my teeth and wash my face before late afternoon these days! Max and Alexandra were 4 months old yesterday!!! I cant believe it!! We are all doing great BUT it is absolutely and utterly relentless. My default setting these days is exhausted and overwhelmed. It is non stop and I am often so tired I am nauseous but it is of course all worth it as they are the light of my life! They have slept through the night (from midnight to about 5 or 6am) a handful of times but mostly Max wakes about 3 or 4 am and then I waked Lex too and feed them both. I pray he stops doing this soon so i can get more sleep. On the weekends my husband takes all the morning stuff and I sleep through till 11 or 12 - it is GLORIOUS!!!! Raising twins is more stressful and exhausting then any job I have ever done....and I am going back to work in 2 months time (hubby will then stay home with them) and am soooooo going to miss them!!!!! Will try to attach some pics.

How is everyone doing? Kyla - I'm sorry to hear about the PND but it sounds as if you are doing all the right things. Take it one day at a time and you will get through it.

Uh oh - I hear some crying from the other room - nooooooo!!!! Big hugs to all. xoxo
:hi: Sunny

Lovely to hear from you! It's great to hear an update as I do wonder how everyone is getting along. My friend had twins who are now 2, so I have a really good idea about how simply exhausting it is. Your husband sounds wonderful, what a brilliant support he must be :cloud9:
4 months old, aww that's a nice age. I expect they're so cute when they're smiling and that stereo giggling will be just amazing. Looking forward to some pics, reminds me I must update my profile pic.
Thanks, I hate having PND. It's very debilitating and I find I am anxious about tiny things which I *know* don't matter but when I am worrying they feel so important :dohh:
Well i hope everyone had a GREAT Christmas, I know my DH and I did :happydance:
I went and had the OD done on Dec 20th and it was not near as bad as i was setting myself up for :thumbup: I recovered quickly and not a lot of pain to be honest. I went for my checkups and the doctor informed me that i had endometriosis in my left tube which would make it very hard to fall pregnant and if i did i had a 50/50 chance of a tubal pregnancy :sad2: He told me that my 2 options would be another surgery where they would take a balloon like object and open up my left tube, although he could not promise how long it would stay open. My 2nd option was IVF....:shrug: I was a bit emotional when he told me this because I was set on the OD working and that i would get my BFP naturally... But me and my DH talked it over and we decided that we are going to try the IVF. It’s such a high success rate! I am BC for 21 days them will have shots for 10-20 days. Not quite sure yet and that part and he said if it works that i would be pregnant by the end of January 2014 :cloud9:
So now I ask, How many of you ladies have done the IVF or thought about doing it and what is your opinion on it?
Thanks for all the support I hope everyone is getting that BFP or already have a beautiful healthy baby to hold tight :baby:
Hi Barberwife,

Happy New Year to you! I think the op pain hasn't been as bad as anyone expects, it's hard to describe it.
Sorry to hear about the endo, but it's good that you've got the next step organised. Good luck for the IVF. My friend has IVF twins :cloud9: I don't know much about it, but I'm sure some of the other ladies will pick this up and reply. Scerena who posts on here, she had OD op and got pregnant after her first IVF and is due really soon. :happydance:
Sending you best wishes for your IVF, keep in touch :hugs:

Anupur, Keisha - how are you getting along? Hi to everyone else, would love some updates - thinking of everyone :friends:
Hey ladies hope your all well and had a lovely Christmas
I'm just 22 weeks pregnant now haven't felt loads movement yet and since yesterday I've had a pain under my belly button not really sore but it's there and it's more sharp when I walk or bend down have any of yous had this while pregnant just has be worried because I haven't felt much movements ? Have my main scan on Friday and hoping to find out the sex of the baby !
Hope your all keeping well xx
Kyla~ Thank you !!! We are very excited and hopeful. My DH has been my rock through this whole ttc journey and i dont know what i'd do without him :) We go in Thursday 1/9/2014 for a check up, sign papers, and DH to do some blood work and SA. So now its just the waiting game to see if everything will fall into place and work out for us ( Fingers Crossed). I will keep you all updated on my progress with this IVF.
Bride - it's perfectly normal not to feel much before about 25 weeks with your first, so don't worry about that at all. And the pain is probably just your muscles pulling apart right there. Pregnancy is fun, eh? :winkwink: Hang in there!

Barberwife - good luck with everything! I've chosen to never do IVF - I don't think I could handle all the physical and emotional aspects. So it's really great that your dh is so supportive - very important!! I hope it all works out really well!!!
Barberwife - WOW! It's amazing how quickly you can go ahead with IVF! Best of luck and :dust: I hope the injections aren't too tough for you.

Bride - I felt movement very early (17 weeks) for a first. That's because I had a very low posterior placenta (not great!). I clearly remember I didn't feel movement daily until 20 weeks or so. And only after 26-28 weeks I started feeling constant regular movement. If you have an anterior placenta it's normal not to feel anything until 24 weeks. If you are worried about the pain, can you call a midwife and not have to wait and worry till Friday? How exciting about your scan :happydance:
:hi: Bride

Just as the others have said, it sounds fairly normal to me to not feel much movement yet. There is still lots of growing room in there and the position of the placenta may be blocking what you can feel. There isn't at set number of times you should feel baby move yet and movements can be so subtle at this stage that if you're busy you don't notice.
I used to have the pain you describe, it's just everything stretching. I used to get it when walking a lot later in the pregnancy and I would have to stop walking while I caught my breath.
I'm sure we've all reassured you :hugs: I am SO excited to hear the news from your scan on Friday and I'll keep an eye out for updates. Absolutely brilliant for you to have another peek in to see how babyBride is doing and fingers crossed you'll be able to tell if you're team pink or team blue. I'm going make a wild, unscientific 50:50 guess at team pink!

Barberwife - Fingers crossed for you both at your appointment tomorrow. :flower:
Thanks ladies yous have put my mind at ease it's just it took so long to get pregnant now that I am I worry about everything haha
Maria the pain isn't bad at all just with every little twinge I wonder is everything ok :) wish I could just sleep until Friday ha but no have to work :) the doctor did say I prop wouldn't feel much movement until 24 weeks or so plus I'm not skinny so that prop doesn't help !
Kyla hope your feeling ok ! My whole family think it's a girl I always thought I'd have a boy before I was pregnant now I don't no haven't a clue what the baby is once is healthy I don't mind .. :) xx
Heya Kyla got a great I'm team blue yay although I'd have been happy either way ! Found out the placenta is in front of the womb which makes sense to why I haven't felt much movement so that put me at ease ! Everything they could see was perfect but she couldn't get all of the heart cos baby's hand was covering it so I've to go back in 3 weeks to check that but said it's nothing to worry about ! So happy and full of emotions today xx
Yay for Team Blue :happydance:

So pleased all is well! With placenta being anterior chances are you won't feel regular movement till about 28 weeks. And what a bonus you'll get to see your little man again in 3 weeks :thumbup:
Heya Kyla got a great I'm team blue yay although I'd have been happy either way ! Found out the placenta is in front of the womb which makes sense to why I haven't felt much movement so that put me at ease ! Everything they could see was perfect but she couldn't get all of the heart cos baby's hand was covering it so I've to go back in 3 weeks to check that but said it's nothing to worry about ! So happy and full of emotions today xx

Woohoo Team Blue!! :blue: I guessed wrongly! Congratulations Bride.
Jude was lying in a funny position for my 20 week scan and they couldn't see his heart properly so we also go the bonus extra scan :happydance: Very reassuring too about the placenta. :hugs:
Thanks so much Kyla and Maria we are both so chuffed felt like I was dreaming I Friday once the baby is healthy that was the name thing we didn't mind either way if boy or girl :) the midwife said he's well nourished already weighs 1 pound 3 onces ����
Yes Kyla knowning that about the placenta really but my mind at ease just hope I will feel him kick at some stage and the the placenta moves because if it doesn't it could mean a c section ! But we shall wait and see ..
How have u all been keeping ? X
Oh Bride, I'm so over the moon for you. :cloud9: Has the Team Blue news sunk in yet, are you finding yourself looking at baby boys things more? There are some gorgeous things out there! We got a bit carried away stocking up on baby wipes though, I think Jude was 9 months old before we had to buy any new packs :haha:

I'm doing ok, thanks. I'm having a bit of a tough time with PND so I am trying to do something positive each day, my HV said that this will help me focus on getting better. Sometimes it can be a little positive thing, or a treat like a soak in the bath or something bigger. So today I have registered for a blood stem cell donor pack in response to the Margot Martini appeal I read about in the news. :thumbup:

Barberwife - How did you get on at your appointment?
Hello hope your all ok? Kyla I cant belive Jude is nearly 1! rory is 6 months now and we are weaning hes doing well, he likes his food like his mother nom nom.

Congratulation bride. Maria have you thought about anymore yet?

Nikkia - haha :haha: Let's out it this way - only about a month ago we said to each other that perhaps we shouldn't definitely rule out another - up until then S was going to be the only child :haha:

This year we have a huge project going on - we sold our house and are moving into a rented flat next week. We are hoping to but a house that needs a lot of work (we can't afford the finished product in the area where we want to buy). So I'll be juggling full time work, a toddler and a building project - I think we'll revisit the question of another baby in 2015 :rofl:

We are just using pull out method so part of me is thinking it would be good if it just happened....because I really don't fancy having to purposefully ttc again.

I can't believe Rory is 6 months already!!!!!!! Were has the time gone! Is he a good sleeper? Glad weaning is going well! It's exciting isn't it? Until they demand feeding themselves and you might as well open a trade account with B&Q for the supply of paint for the walls and new floors :rofl:

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