anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Sarah - congrats on the OD! I'm so glad your doctor said that you should give your body 3 months before worrying about how it's doing! I really wish I had given my body more of a chance to work things out before getting back on meds, but I was too freaked out that I hadn't responded well to the OD. I hope you see some quick and amazing results!

Shardil - that sounds so great! Hang in there during the 1st trimester! It's an emotional roller coaster!
Yes I totally agree, I am totally on board with waiting three months to see what I do. I have my follow up booked for 14th July, so exactly four months after the op. I am feeling positive and think there is a chance I will be pregnant by then anyway!

Just thought I would update, as I a week out from surgery now and it's useful for those still researching! I'm back at work, went back yesterday. I was due back on Tuesday but just wasn't ready then, I was still walking so slowly.

I'd say today I am 90% better! still a bit sore, and aware of my ovaries. But, doing ok and fine to be back at work. I'm still quite tired, and missing my afternoon naps now I am back at work lol.

My incisions are healing ok, and I think will be barely visible once fully healed, especially since the lower two are on or just next to my c section scar anyway. They are still tender, as I discovered when the cat walked over my abdomen this morning!!

I won't be on for a while now, as we are moving house to,or row so won't have internet for a while.

Thanks for all the support and encouragement!

:hi: everyone!

It's been so quiet on here lately. Would love updates from everyone :flower:

Sarah - I hope the house move went well. I expect you're fully recovered from the op now.

Shardil - How are you feeling? Have you had your scan yet? :hugs:

AFM: Still suffering with PND, but have been coping ok. Jude is nearly 14 months old, he's a happy chappy, always babbling away and into everything. He's got his own language going on but he says Dadad or Dada and Mumum :cloud9:
I was curious how those ladies with OD babies have found their cycles are now?
I've been monitoring my cycle just out of curiosity really. I didn't want to take BC because I feel my hormones are messed up as it was, so I have been using OPKs and I am pretty sure I have ovulated for the past three months on a 28/29 day cycle. I've had some fairly strong positives on i/c opks around cds 14-16 and ovulation symptoms which is just nice to know and I'm sharing the info as hope for anyone who'd like a second pregnancy. That said, Aunt Flo has been weird, very heavy one month and then very light last month so not sure why that is :shrug: but not really complaining as it's nice to have regular cycles. :flower:
Hi All, i am new to this and i was wondering if someone could give me any information on TTC in the same month as a lap.

I am due to have my lap on the 9th April and due to ovulate on or after the 11th.. would it be a bad idea to TTC before the surgery?

Thanks so much.
Welcome saw, God luck with the op. fxd it brings a bfp for you quickly. The thing is they do the op before you o but you reset your cycle to cd1 on the day of the op. So you will only o 2weeks+ after the op again. we tried immediately without any or lens basically up to you and if you comfortable. lots of ladies get a bfp without a af but most need to give their bodies 3 or so months to recover and balance those hormones.

kyla, so sorry you still suffering from it. Your little man looks so cute. love our when they have their own language.

mommymel sends her love to you all, she and all 3 her girls are doing great.

afm, having a chilled cycle waiting for immune testing. fxd it will give me answers and a sticky bfp after the treatment.
Kyla - that's so great that you're ovulating!! When W2 was about 6 months old, I felt like I was making some progress with my cycles… but then I got sick and it was like my body reset back to the same ol' same ol'. I'm still working to get some sort of a cycle going and use NPC almost every 30 days (or… 60 :haha:), but the difference this time around is that I'm not constantly hoping that I'll get pregnant. It's SUCH a huge and nice change from the last decade of my life! Honestly, I'd love to get pregnant again this year, but if it doesn't happen, I'm done with ttc forever - which is such a relief.

Saw - good luck with the surgery! Like Tella mentioned, I would give your body 3 months before really stressing out about ttc, but it just might happen right away!
Hi ladies!!! Sorry I haven't been on for a while.....but you all have been in my thoughts especially Sarah, Cridge, Maria F and Kyla :) I had two scans since I last posted.....the most recent was this Tuesday where the doc told me I was 8 weeks 1 day pregnant...we saw and heard baby's hb.....was 154 was a truly incredible experience......only problem was they found a trace of sugar in my I am so scared that I may develop gestational diabetes.....this last week has been pretty rough.....feeling nauseous ALOT!!!don't know why they call it "morning sickness" I feel sick all different times of the day and night....what remedies helped you gals through this?

Sarah - How have you been? would love to hear about your recovery.

Saw- Welcome dear! I had the surgery January 25th and fell pregnant soon after without even getting an aunt it is possible!!!:thumbup:

Well hope you ladies have a great weekend!!! take care!!:hugs:
Hi Shardil! Sorry about the "morning" sickness! I seemed to have it all day as well, with it being worse at night. I found that protein helped the most - cheese, milk (lots of chocolate milk!!), yogurt… lots of dairy. :haha: Good luck and congrats!!
A BIG HELLO!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been around for months and months! It's taken me a little while to get up to date again.

How is everyone?

Eleanor is 6 months old now and we started weaning a couple of weeks ago, she loves her food just like Mummy and Daddy!

She was being such a good baby, sleeping through or waking for one feed from 2 months, then at 4.5 months she started waking loads and the only thing I could do to comfort her was to nurse her back to sleep, this has been going on ever since although the last 2 nights have been much better with only one wake up like the old times! I've been struggling with the tiredness lately but I'm hoping it won't last forever. I am still so very grateful to have our little IVF miracle. She is just such a cutie, smiling and laughing all the time. She's got her own little personality already (basically a cheeky monkey!).

I've enjoyed catching up on all the old timers (haha) news as well as the newbies.

I wondered what you ladies opinions are on going back to work? Money wise I don't need to, some people have said don't if I don't have to but I'm not sure whether it would be good for me to work part time to get that work/life balance. What do you think?

Love to all. xxx
Hi ladies :hi:

Not been posting for a while just been busy at work really. I just wanted to post and tell you ladies how my gynaecologist appointment went this morning at the Maternity/Fertility Clinic. So I saw him he was okay I guess and took all details from me and my OH and took a urine sample and my height and weight. I was so happy I thought they were going to help me... Turns out they want us to try naturally for several months!!!!

So I went to the desk to hand in my patient card to receive my nest appointment to see him for further tests and help and I was thinking maybe it wont be too long and when the receptionist looked at the card then on her computer and said it will be the 9th October 2014! I felt like crying again :cry::cry:

............. :sad2::sad2:

I know I don't have periods on my own with my PCOS so how am I going to get pregnant. This sort of throws our plans for a summer 2015 baby out of the window really.

It also show that we really cant time this as well as we wanted to because of my PCOS and we might be thinking on just giving and TTC natural from now on instead of May/June. A bit of early start but I suppose I don't have a choice other than TTC natural.

I really don't know what to do OH has suggested form now on we start TTC as of today natural and do exactly what he has told us to. That's not what I want to hear though :cry::cry:
Hi Lpear! It sounds like things are going really well for you!! I'm so happy to hear that! I love being a SAHM. Honestly, I view being a mother as an unpaid full time job. That's not to say I don't get compensated for my time. :haha: I couldn't have a paying job - I'm just not the type of person to be able to manage 2 jobs. There are many women that have to work, either for the money or for the sanity, and I'm so grateful that I don't "have" to. I'm very blessed to be able to stay at home and raise my children as I see fit, and it is a very difficult job that I take very seriously. I really feel like you need to make the decision based on what you feel is best for your family! I have many friends that feel like they need to work, and they feel like they're better mothers for it, so I don't know that there's a right or wrong answer. You just need to be comfortable with the decision. As far as work/life balance though - even being a SAHM, I have to find that kind of balance. My family and home are my work, but I have to have a life too. :thumbup: Good luck with the decision!

SarahLou - I'm so sorry! :hugs: There really is no "trying" when PCOS rules your life and you don't ovulate! :cry: I wish doctors would realize that. I feel bad for you being in the UK and subject to what the health system throws at you. I went through so many doctors trying to find the one that would understand and actually help me, and I feel bad that you can't do the same. Try to keep your chin up and do everything you know you need to do to try to get your body to work on it's own. I'm so glad that your dh is on your side and willing to go through the work with you!! :hugs:
Hi ladies I hope your doing ok? It's been ages since I've posted.

I haven't had chance to read all posts but all stay strong.

All good here I go back to work in two weeks I'm dreading it but I'm only doing part time hours so think I can cope with that. I'm currently monitoring my cycles I've had reg cycles for the last few months not sure if I'm ovulating or not might do some opk, not that I've had any luck in the past with them.
Hi girls sorry I've been quiet just waiting to o really! I'd say I am fully recovered now and back to normal. Just started back at the gym last week and was shocked how hard I found it! Didn't do any weights just cycling and fast walk on treadmill.

Just got a temp rise this morning so hoping that means i ovulated yesterday, 29 days post op.

Shardil congratulations on seeing tbe HB! That's really cool. I had all day nausea too and found small savoury snacks helped the most. It will all be worth it in the end!

Sarahlou I'm sorry that is so frustrating! You CAN ask for a second opinion though, you would have to aee your gp again. Once you have been diagnosed pcos they really shouldn't send you away to try on your own.
:hi: everyone!

It has been quiet hasn't it. Sorry for being awol, I have been on holiday. I'm back now, although tomorrow I am going into hospital to have my pesky gallbladder removed. I am absolutely petrified! I am back to the same nerves that I had before my OD operation. I keep telling myself all the advice I have given to others here that it will be fine and the anaesthetic isn't as big a worry in reality, but I am still scared. :cry:
Jude is 14 months old now, he's definitely more toddler than baby now. He's babbling all the time and he loves exploring the world.

Tella - :hugs: Thinking of you.

Shardil - How are you? Sorry about the morning sickness, it's such an unpleasant thing to have to experience. Ginger biscuits have always helped ladies I know who have experienced it. Fingers crossed it is easing now.

Cridge - A funny thing happened to me this cycle, after ovulating and regular cycles, I had an LH surge on CD15, then AF didn't arrive. I repeated the OPK on CD29 and it was high again, and I still haven't had AF and I am not pregnant. So my hormones are messed up again :dohh: I don't know if it's down to the nerves of my op. I know PCOS ladies can have dodgy OPK results, I usually don't have LH present all cycle so I am truly in a weird zone at the mo. How's little ninja getting on?

Lpear - HELLO!!!! :hugs: Lovely to hear from you and have an update on Eleanor (I love that name!). Have you read about Wonder Weeks? There is a book on it which I haven't read, I just skimmed the general idea, and it's that at certain times in a baby's development they make a developmental leap forward and it coincides with a change in their habits, like broken/disturbed sleep etc. It's interesting to read up on if you Google it.
With going back to work...There are no right or wrong answers and everyone is different. I have been a SAHM since DS1 was born 8 years ago. I have loved it, however, if I was having my time again I think I would've gone back to work part time. Being a SAHM can be very isolating at times and I have suffered with depression, and loneliness lack of contact with other adults during the day. I haven't managed to make any other SAHM friends as they all seem to be so busy. I was noseying on my old work's Twitter feed and I realised how much I have missed feeling part of a team, the interaction with colleagues and the challenge. I'm so out of it now having had a break for 8 years, so my advice would be to work a few days if you can. Nurseries for children can be wonderful opportunities for them. DS1 went to a day nursery for a while and he learnt so much. I intend on finding a nursery place for Jude as soon as he has dropped his daytime naps (I don't want to pay them while he is asleep) :haha: and I just wish I'd have gone back and worked some of the time, I don't know now how I would go about applying for something with such a huge break and so much competition. Sorry for waffling on. :flower:

SarahLou - Noooo! October! :nope: If it were me, I'd write a letter to the consultant asking for their "advice/expertise" *snort* on HOW exactly can you ovulate naturally with PCOS when you don't have periods and what tips do they have for avoiding depression when you're still not successful. It may get them to review their decision. Sometimes these medics frustrate me so much, it's like they just glance at notes and don't really assess what's going on. Bug hugs to you :hugs:

Nikkia - Hi, good luck for the return to work. Have you had any proud Mummy moments lately? It's lovely to hear how the graduates are getting along :friends:

Sarah - Glad to hear you're all recovered. How have things been since the op? Any signs of ovulation yet?

I have waffled enough. Love to everyone, fingers crossed my op goes well and I don't run away in fear before hand. I must keep telling myself that I WILL be ok! :thumbup:
Good luck with the op :hugs: I know it's scary at times but just think of the relieve you will have once it's over.
Good luck with the op Kyla!! You'll be just fine!

Sorry your cycles seem to be screwy now. :nope: Hopefully you're right, and it's because of the op nerves! :hugs:
Hi Ladies. Im sure you all remember me in this topic? Im sorry I've not been dropping in and keeping in touch lately, work as just been so demanding of my time... :dohh: :book:


I just wanted to tell you all the good news and the maybe not so good news (But its still a big step forward for me and OH) Me and OH have decided to finally start TTC as of last week!!!!!! :happydance::dance::headspin:........................:shhh::wohoo:

Originally we had planned to start TTC May/June 2014, But due to my PCOS being so unpredictable we thought that we would cut our losses and just give ttc a try, and try and stay relaxed about it. My cycles are so irregular that we probably not going to be able to time conceiving our little one. So we would be grateful to have our little one when ever we can, and because gynaecology wants us to try naturally until October which is the not so good news.... :cry:

I'm going to try and find the time to write in my journal on here again soon too. I will be finishing that journal to and starting a new one.
Hello ladies, my name is Angie and this is my first time on this forum, i have been dealing with infirtility for a very long time, my husband (not familier with the abbreviations yet sorry) and i have been married since 06 and have been ttc since then, i joined the group because i see how much support you all can be and i feel like im not alone, my OD is coming up, i should actually find out tomorrow what date but it is happening for sure, i hope to be welcomed into the group as i too understand what alot of you ladies feel and want to conceive so badly.
:hi: ladies

I've had my gallbladder op, all went well thank goodness. The gas pains were painful just like the OD gas pains, but didn't last as long this time. I am very bruised though on my tummy button scar so feeling sore and tired still.

SarahLou - Wonderful news :happydance: That is a good step forward. I hope it won't be too stressful for you. Keep us informed. :hugs:

Angie - Hi and welcome to the thread. I'm Kyla, I've been on this forum since my op in December 2011 and it's a wonderful place to be for support. There are many success stories on here, I don't know how far you've got reading through, I am a success story, my OD baby is now 14 months old. You're never alone in your journey, we've all be through the same emotions, stresses and strains so completely and you'll get some great advice and support here. :friends:
Welcome once again, looking forward to chatting with you soon. Let us know when you have your OD date through. :flower:

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