anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Linkerland - dont be nervous about your surgery everything will be ok! i was stressing out about it too and it was so easy i would do it again anytime if it means 1 step closer to your miracle baby!! good luck!!!!!!!!

Tella, yes girl since we got married it will be 8 years next month actually, but we werent using protection since we started dating which is more like 11 years but we werent officially trying since then. and yeah hubby knows because doctor tells us both or he wants to know everything but im gonna stop telling him so much and hopefully he wont feel pressured to perform, il just act like its purely for fun lol and if i only knew exactly when to BD so we could catch that eggie life would be sooo much easier for us trying to concieve. instead we get a "week" where its possible :/

im sorry you are getting AF again :( dont be sad, you will get your BFP!! you've gotten it before so you know your body can do it, it just needs to happen again for you and i believe it will!!!

I gree, everytime i want to give up i see a little one or even my god daughter and i think i can give up on that. And it gives me renewed energy to keep trying.

The fact that i got a natural bfp before is the one reason i keep thinking why cant it happen again, i hope we can sort out my immune system as it must be something that the normal doctors dont test for as they just tell me im unexplained.

I agree i would also do it again considering the benefits i got out of it.

Ready- thanks for your encouraging words! It does put me at ease knowing you would do it again. I do have my hope's up it will help me on my way to my bfp. But trying not to get them to high incase it takes awhile or more help to get me ovulating. Tella- im sorry af is showing its ugly face :( hoping we'll both get our bfps next cycle. The doctors is going to do a d&c since I've been bleeding so many days. Hopefully that cleans me out so I can hopefully get a more normal af. I'm a dental assistant. My dad and sister are both dentists. So by procedures I mean extractions, crowns, root canals, ect.... im thinking I'll be fine to take xrays the week after. But am trying my best to limit the others due to the fact im moving, bending, and have to be quick at what I do. Unfortunately more and more patients keep calling with tooth aches. So it might be inevitable that we'll have to put more bigger procedures in. Allready have two I had to put in the schedule. But tried to put them closer to the end of the week when im hopefully feeling better.
Afm- went to my pre op appointment today. Had to wait over 2 hours to see the doctor. Then go thru all the paperwork with the pre op nurse. Get blood taken ect... ended up running late for our afternoon patients. And not getting lunch :( But happy its done. Just gotta get through one more busy day at work tomorrow. Then ops the next day.

Oh ok yes sorry, now it rings a bell :dohh: Hope you dont have to work before atleast Monday. I had my op on a Wednesday and was back at work the following Monday.

A D&C might just make your uterus more susceptible for implantation.

Good luck linkerland, will be thinking off you! Good idea to try and stay on light duties when back at work, but I hope you are taking at least three days off sick??. Honestly you will need it!

Stay positive ladies, this WILL happen for us all. I am trying to spend less time on forums, as it just makes me obsess more. It's hard, it's horrible to be in this position, but every time I see a new baby I tell myself it will be me soon.

At the weekend I met my new nephew for the first time, it was hard but not as hard as I was expecting. The worst bit was actually my sister in law telling me they weren't trying and didn't want it to happen so soon! (He was a honeymoon baby). she didn't mean it maliciously, she is just a bit (well, very) clueless and speaks before she thinks. She was probably nervous too and when I didn't have a meltdown she relaxed a bit too much I think lol. Anyway I said I didn't need to hear that and then I think she realised what she had said!

I am trying to put TTC to the back of my mind, now we have IVF approaching in October, I am really trying to see this as one last childless summer and make the most of it!

I understand your thing with the forums making you more obsessed, i find it the same. Although i have like 3/4 threads that i dont mind keeping up with but at the moment im not really keeping up with any journals as that gets to much for me at times.

Its great way to pass the time to your IVF, enjoy your last days of sleeping late on weekends, having a tan on weekends and going out for drinks because next year this time that will not be possible :winkwink:
Thanks bertie :) yes im taking 5 days completely off counting the surgery day. Surgerys tomorrow. And don't have to be back at work till Tuesday. Sorry your sister in law was clueless with her words to you. But you are right it will be all our time too one day. Hoping for you to get a surprise bfp before ivf :)
Afm- had a crazy day at work. There was a bank robbery and a chase going right by my office where they let one hostage go after being shot. There were 62 cops flying by. And 1 hostage killed. Two other's shot. And the suspects shot at the cops during the whole 45 min chase. They came back by our office and the pursuit ended just a few blocks away. Had to go on lock down. Super scary stuff. I feel so heart broken for the poor innocent victims. I just don't understand why evil people like that exist. Praying for all the familys and victims involved. It definitely took my mind off the surgery tomorrow. Now just trying to figure out how to get some sleep with so much on my mind. Have to be at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. Surgeries starts at 7:30. Can't wait to be done and on my way to recovering. Thank you to all of you girls for your support. It means the world to me. Will update everyone once im feeling better and not loopy :)
Thinking of you today and hope everything is bearable after the op :hugs:
im saying a prayer for you Linkerland!! dont worry and rest as much as you can, do exactly as the doctor says. before you know it you will be back on your feet feeling like new :) and im so sorry you had to go through such a horrible day, i hope you are able to get past that, and the people that caused it go to prison where they deserve to be :(

As for me, im 4 days until im supposed to have a period and im having very light cramping that comes and goes, i feel like AF is coming but im hoping i still have a chance for this to be our month. Im due to start monday and were going camping on weds thru saturday :/ i hope it doesnt come with a vengeance this month if it does, i would like to enjoy our trip with her. I honestly wish this was so much easier, i need to stop obsessing over getting pregnant but i feel like time is ticking, in a few months il be 32 and time doesnt slow for anyone, i want to enjoy my kids and the older i get the less time i can do that .
Thanks girls :) operation went really well. Anestia is wearing off. My stomach feels beat up. But actually feeling way better then I thought I would be. Just trying to take it super easy. And sleeping as much as I can. All in all you we're all right. And I would do it again if I had to. Really excited to fully recover and be back on board to trying to get my bfp! Back to bed for me :) will update everyone tomorrow!
Holy moly sore today. My tummy hurts alot! Can't wait for the days to pass for it to just keep getting better.
Linkerland im so happy your operation went well!! thats how i felt too, mostly sore but not really in pain as i expected. take it easy and dont lift, move or do anything that could hurt you. Take it easy and before you know it you will feel much better!!

As for me, i am 3 days away from expected AF and i have been feeling cramps on and off, i wasnt feeling optimistic just because my gut feeling wasnt good, well i confirmed this morning. i got a BFN :( im so upset because we really thought we had a good chance this month, i mean i ovulated for sure, and we had a good size follicle waiting for us. :cry: i guess next month we will have to try harder.....
Linkerland glad it went well, you will be sore that's normal. For me it got worse before it got better- day three was the worst, but quickly better after that. Glad you have five days off, and then light duties, I am sure you will be fine. Shocking what happened on your block!! That sounds really terrible.

Thankyou, I am hoping for a BFP before IVF too but being realistic. Would just be pleased if my cycle started coming more frequently really. :/

Ready sorry about your bfn, but there is still time AF is not here yet, so fingers crossed still for you. Either way hope you enjoy camping!
Angie-I'm sorry about the bfn. Still hoping you get your bfp.
Bertie- its good to know after day 3 you started feeling better. Hoping tomorrow is not worse then today. But now prepared that it might be. As for me right now, stomach feels really tight and heavy. Super sore like I got tugged twisted and pulled. And gassy. But so far still no shoulder pain. Hoping it stays that way. Just now feeling burning pain around the incisions. I noticed im breaking out on my left cheek. Before od I rarely ever broke out. One of the few pcos symptoms I didn't get. Not sure if its just from laying on it since I've been sleeping alot. Or maybe my hormones are already doing something different. Thats what im hoping for. Bleeding is pretty much all gone. Which is amazing since I was like on cd42 of af before. Doctor did a d&c so maybe thats why. I really hope the surgery works for me. Just a waiting game now to see.
What day after everyone's od, did you ladies start your opk's if you used them?
linker, sorry for feeling sore. I didn't have those pains but had the gas pains on day 2 and 3. I'm glad to hear your af has stopped and hope it us fixed for ever. Your hormones is gonna be all over the place but soon it will be stable amd you gonna get that bfp! !

ready, sorry about the bfn :hugs: they always suck and never gets easier.

heres, just relax these few months and then you can go into the ivf relaxed. and maybe you will get a surprise bfp
:hi: ladies!

Linkerland - Glad to hear the op went well. I was sore after the op too, in my case I had a little infection and had to have antibiotics, but I think the general experience is soreness but not pain. Kinda like how it feels when you do some exercise, the next day you're achey but not in pain. Hope you're fully recovered in no time. :hugs:
Sorry to hear about your terrible time at work, that must've really shaken you and played on your mind. :nope: I can't understand these horrible people either.
So day of the op is CD1, so I would start on the opks from around CD10, but don't feel downhearted if you don't see any immediate results. Its often said on here, the hardest thing is patience immediately after the op because you're fired up and ready to go get that bfp.

Angie - Sorry about your BFN. Have you retested? Each BFN is horrible to see, we stare and stare at it hoping a line will appear. Don't worry about your age, I was 36 when I had Jude.

Sarah - Massive hugs to you :hugs: I'm happy you're on the IVF list but I am also praying you get a surprise BFP. My friend has IVF twins, they're now 3 and she had years of despair prior to getting pregnant.

Sasha - Never give up! I have been there many times during ltttc so I do understand how low you can get but it is a journey worth persevering with.

AFM - My odd cycle continues. I went to the Dr after I started spotting on CD11, it's now CD25 and I am still having trouble. Anyway, my thyroid levels are fine, and he ran a CA125 cancer antigen check for ovarian cancer and that's all normal too. He suggests it's just pcos playing up but I have never had a cycle like it before. I go on hols on Tuesday and I want the bleeding to stop. It's whacky, today for example I have had no spotting at all, not even when I wipe then tonight sudden heavy blood. :shrug: Doc has given me some norithiesone (sp?) to delay a period whilse I am away, but I have to take it 3 days before my next period is due - I have no idea when that will be so I am going to start taking it tomorrow and hope for the best. Anyone ever taken it before?

Sending you all lots of dust, c'mon BFPs!!
oh kyla what a strange thing. Thank God all tests are ok! Excited for your holidays though! Have lots of fun.

AFM I didn't ovulate this cycle, bummer. Just praying af shows when she's supposed to, so I get another shot. I'm definitely going to take the fertility pills for my next cycle, because they helped me o last cycle. I'm CD 24 btw. Too late to ovulate I suppose?
Kyla, hope the pills work and you have a fabulous holiday!!!

Sasha, CD24 isnt to late to O. I od CD25 in the beginning just after my op for a few cycles and then it started coming down to CD21 and then CD19 and now im between 17-19.

Linker, thinking about you ! Hope you all better and able to move about.
Ladies i have some questions, AF was due today, and all last week i had very mild cramps off and on, well yesterday i had more like strong twinges on my right side only, hubby suggested i take a pregnancy test just in case since AF was technically due today and maybe the last time i tested was too soon, well not to my surprise it was negative. To my surprise because ive never experienced AF to arrive exactly 30 days from last one and i was woken up by really bad cramps this morning, i went to the bathroom and expected bright red AF like usual but instead i got VERY mucusy light pink blood and only when i wipe, its been about 5 hours and still only see it when i wipe. i dont know if i should consider it AF and still take clomid on day 3. i dont want to take it too early and mess up this cycle. what do you ladies think?
Thanks ladies. I am packing for holiday and it's getting me irritable! :haha: I hate packing. We are going to visit family for just over three weeks, so I am sure we will be ok if we forget anything because I can buy it there and we have access to washing machines, but it doesn't make it easier for me. I am also dreading what Jude will be like for 8 hours on the plane. He went last year but he was only 5 and a half months old so big difference between then and my now active toddler. :wacko:

Hi Angie
Sorry about the BFN :hugs: I would repeat the test again in 2 days just in case. Remind me, do you think you ovulated this cycle?
My consultant always told me that to count the first day of bleeding as CD1, so if it were me, I wouldn't count today based on spotting. Some ladies take Clomid days 5-9 of their cycle so you can afford to wait and see what happens in the next few days I think. :flower:
Thanks Tella :) im feeling 1000 times better. Just a little sore where the incisions are. Going to get the stiches out friday. Hoping they do an ultrasound so I can see if any follicles are growing. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.
Angie not sure if im the best of help. I always used any spotting as cd 1 when I was taking clomid. If I were you though id probably wait a few days to see if you start bleeding more. Or if you get your bfp. Fingers crossed for the bfp :)
Kyla- I hope you have a great holiday! Hoping the plane ride goes smoothly for you and Jude :)
Kyla, dont stress out just think about the holiday and how much fun you will have! i hope you enjoy your trip :)
as for me im positive i ovulated and especially because i spoke to soon earlier, AF is here, she just started weird! and i have the cramps to prove it lol they are kicking my butt! so i am CD1 and praying the lucky number 3 since having my OP.

Linkerland, im so happy your feeling much better!!! continue to take it easy as long as you need to.
like i said to Kyla, AF did arrive, she just wanted to confuse me at first. but shes here so il be starting clomid this wednesday and pray for the best!
Angie-sorry af showed up. But atleast you feeel confident counting this as cd1. Praying this cycle is your lucky cycle!
Linkerland, thank you! I sure hope it's my lucky month too. You're only 3 months behind me with the OP hopefully were lucky enough to have it work for us. I know it's not a sure thing that it works for everyone who has it. But I pray very soon we have a ton of BFP's for all of us TTC sisters!

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