anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Thank you Sarah. Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. I'm definitely adding you to my prayers. Does everyone feel like their cycles after od regulated? I used to only have one once every couple of months. Then the last 3 months of clomid I had 21 day cycles with 10 days of bleeding. Now the first cycle without clomid, just my regular metformin. I've been bleeding for 25 days now. My cycles are just way all over the place. Which is crazy since im confirmed by scans and blood test that I haven't ovulated during any of them. I guess it's all just anovulatary bleeding or something. Also every month I get a positive smiley face opk right around the time I should. But bloods confirm no ovulation. Wondering if I have a good lh surge that trys to get my body to do what it needs to. But am missing the pieces to finish the rest of the ovulating puzzle.
Thanks ladies :hugs:

Sarah - I wonder if it's breakthrough bleeding. You can sometimes get that with ovulation or with a hormone wobble. I've had ovulation spotting before now which has been like a light AF after I have ov'd.
I wouldn't worry about the 3 and a half months, I was told the first 12 months as it can take 3-4 months for everything to normalise. I really feel for you, 3 years of being a Mummy but still waiting for your rainbow to hold must be a rollercoaster of emotions. What a strong and lovely lady you are.
Ask about the Femara also when you have your appointment, maybe they'll try you with a few months clomid but also give you a femara prescription to try. After I didn't ovulate on my own after the op I had the choice of trying Clomid again or Femara and I took a chance with the latter, it worked first time. I hope your consultant appointment next week goes well. :hugs:

Melissa - Thank you :flower: It helped me on the thread when I was feeling low to read about Maria and Cridge's pregnancies, then my own and we had a group after that. There have been others too who I have read on other threads who have had BFPs but didn't update here, PaulaPuddle being one I can remember.
I think your plans for time off work are perfect. Are you taking Folic Acid either by itself or as part of a pre-pregnancy multivitamin? I think that's a good way to prepare for the next stage of your journey. Even get your hubby on the multi vits too :haha:

Would love an update from the rest of the girls :flower:
Cd1. WTH? Either I ovulated sooner than I thought and my temps did not show it, AND I got a random very positive OPK and ewcm in my lp (unlikely), or I just had a 3 day lp. I hate my body right now, it seems like the op has made things worse for me! It's a cruel joke after waiting five months to have it done.

I see the consultant next week (week tomorrow) but now it will be too late to start any treatment this cycle. So that's another two months in limbo waitinfg for the next AF!

Fed up doesn't even cover it.

Sorry you getting the hard end of the stick. I can only imagine the frustrations of sitting with the same issues as before the op. I hope that your doctor will be proactive and get you on meds to assist you to O sooner and also progesterone as it might just be a magic combination for you. Might be low progesterone levels that can cause the LP deficiency.

Have you ever look into Soy Isoflavones to help you O? Maybe a option in the waiting period.

Hi ladies. I'm new. Just got done reading all 562 pages. Everyonr on here is so inspiring. Best thread I've ever come across. A little about me, my names Melissa. Im from California. I'm 31 df is 36. I was diagnosed with pcos over 10 years about. Have been on Metformin for 2 years. Am now at 2000 mg a day. I failed to ovulate at all on three rounds of clomid. Will be going in for od on july 17th. So I think thats just about 3 weeks away. I'm very nervous. But feel exvited it might be the help I need to ovulate and finally get that bfp. I'm not sure what my bmi is. But I way 194 and sm 5'5. I was a gymnast my whole life. So still have a ton of muscle but definitely could use to lose snother 20 possibly 30 pounds. Down 20 though since we've upped my metformin. I'm hoping od will work for me even though im not a thin cyster. So excited for everyone here who's gotten their bfps! Hoping all uour good luck rubs off on me after I have my surgery done. For those who haven't, I will add you to my prayers. We all deserve to hold are little one's in our arms one day. And hopefully soon! Thanks to all the wonderful people on this thread. You have giving me back my hope, but also brought me to the reality it might not happen right away. But could still happen.

Welcome :wave: I salute you on reading all the pages!!! But i think it is like a book of emotion, hormonal and determined woman :haha: been on here for so long that i suppose it could even be fun to read back on it. Not that i have time for that now, so will give that a skip till im bored one day :lol:

I cant give you any advise on PCOS as i dont have it just didnt O and my FS first suggestion was OD and it worked wonders for me as i had it done 3 years ago and it kick started my cycles and since then Od every cycle where i never did before, not even on Clomid 100mg.

This thread is super fertile, most of the ladies have all falled after OD and if it wasnt soon then it helped in some way or another.

Sarah - :hugs: Is it really AF? I'm sorry hun. Remind me when you had the OD op again? There had been some crazy cycles after the op that I have read about while our hormones settle down. You must be feeling really low, big hugs to you, I've been there with the frustration and it's not nice at all. :nope: Please let us know how you get on with your consultant and we're here if you need an ear :flower:

:hi: and welcome to the thread Melissa!
I'm an OD graduate, my little boy is very nearly 17 months old now. Well done for reading all the pages, I read them too before I joined the thread and although at times I feel 'guilty' for posting here when I have my baby, I do think it helps ladies to have support of others who have success stories and have gone through the same emotions. I'm a high BMI pcoser and I'm now 37.
I did see an improvement after OD with facial and body hair, and even over 2 years since I had my op things are better than they were before the op. PCOS is a really horrible thing to have isn't it, not just for fertility but the acne, excess facial hair and in my case excess weight. :dohh:
Good luck for your op, feel free to ask any questions - there is no such thing as a silly question here :friends:

Noooo please dont feel guilty, we love the fact that you hang around and it keeps one motivated to see a age ticker instead of TTC ticker, soon we will all be asking pregnancy questions :thumbup:

Kyla definitely don't feel guilty about still posting here, I really appreciate that you find the time to come back! It definitely helps to have your graduates still around to answer questions and share experience. So many threads are started with someone asking a question then they never update with what happened!

Thankyou for the hugs, I really am so frustrated and feel hopeless. It's almost three years since Bertie died, and I really don't feel any closer to a BFP than I did then. :( my op was mid March so 3 1/2 months ago. My doc told me it takes about three months to see optimum results.....but this seems worse for me that I was before! Will be interested to see what he says on Monday.

Funny you ask is it really AF? Well, yes, I think so, but it is VERY light. More than spotting, but not nearly a normal cd2 flow. Yesterday was a lot of brown old blood so I started wondering if maybe it was a delayed ov bleed? But, more pink/red today. Yesterday I had bad AF cramps and today they have stopped. I think it is AF, just very light as maybe my lining never built up either? It's weird. Maybe I will temp tomorrow, I don't bother during AF normally as I do it vaginally.

Melissa, welcome and good luck!

I agree that there is far to many threads not being updated but the original poster, its so horrible when you search the net for inspiration or advise and you find a good thread but no one ever posts their outcome/experiences.

Ive had light AFs ever since my MC which is strange but i went for a lining scan and all is the right thickness so to me it doesnt seem like lenght of AF determines the quality of your lining. But also considering that you not sure if you Od and if there wasnt enought progesterone present to thicken up the lining you wouldnt have a normal AF. Holding thumbs that you will have a decent cycle and a bfp at the end of it!!!

Thank you Sarah. Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. I'm definitely adding you to my prayers. Does everyone feel like their cycles after od regulated? I used to only have one once every couple of months. Then the last 3 months of clomid I had 21 day cycles with 10 days of bleeding. Now the first cycle without clomid, just my regular metformin. I've been bleeding for 25 days now. My cycles are just way all over the place. Which is crazy since im confirmed by scans and blood test that I haven't ovulated during any of them. I guess it's all just anovulatary bleeding or something. Also every month I get a positive smiley face opk right around the time I should. But bloods confirm no ovulation. Wondering if I have a good lh surge that trys to get my body to do what it needs to. But am missing the pieces to finish the rest of the ovulating puzzle.

25 days of AF is insane!!! But yes mine definitely regulated after OD, i didnt get AF at all without Provera pre OD, since od my o date came down from around CD25 to now 18/19 regularly and i respond perfectly to the meds if im on it.

AFM, i think i have od yesterday instead of today as my OPK would suggest. Temps will make it more clear around Friday. Lets see how it goes.
Thanks for the advice Kyla, I will add femara to my list of questions for next week! It could be a breakthrough bleed maybe...I am pretty sure I did o and it was just a poor egg/low progesterone. When I did clomid last year, I needed progesterone support so will be asking to get back on that for sure. The combo gave me perfect cycles but still no BFP. :(

Tella I did do a couple of rounds of soy whilst waiting for the op, and it didn't make a lot of difference. I'm wary about doing it again to be honest, I don't want to mess with my already crazy hormones lol. I will ask on Monday for something to bring on a bleed, and then clomid/femara to start afresh, plus progesterone. Blimey he is not going to know what hit him lol he'll be like who's the consultant here? Haha.

Planning to start some supps to try and improve egg quality too, thinking royal jelly, plus coQ10. Any experience? I already take omega 3 and have done royal jelly before but stopped before the op as wanted to go cold turkey on supps to see what the op would do. Wish I had carried on now!!
Hi kyla, I am taking all my vitamins. Was just taking folic acid and omega 3's. Then once I started clomid switched to taking pre-natels that also had folic acid and still taking the omega 3's. In this last break while waiting for the surgery I've slacked off and not taken them everyday like I should. But you're right that I should probably get on track of being good about taking them everyday again. My fiancé hasn't been taking any. His SA results came back good. So didn't think he needed to. But probably isn't a bad idea to have him start taking them too. We also use preseed when we bd. We are busy planning our wedding for 12/12/14. So that's atleast keeping me a little occupied. Df thought maybe we should take a break till after our wedding. He saw how stressed out i was getting. But after all this time and money spent on ttc. I just really didn't want to put off the surgery.
Hi Tella, thanks for the welcome :) its great to hear your af regulated after od. I agree 25 days is insane. Going on 26 now with full blown cramps. Maybe I just bled right on thru to my next period. Wacky for sure. Keeping my fingers double crossed you get a bfp this cycle. You definitely deserve it!
Afm- just anxiously awaiting the 17th for my operation. I would have had it earlier, but had to make sure I could get the time off of work I needed. Which unfortunately didn't work out till then. But fortunately gave me the time to get thru this thread, which has helped calmed my nerves quite a bit :)
Hey guys, decided to not stress this month, gonna "try" to not do OPKs and all the crazy stuff. Gonna try the relaxed approach. :thumbup:

Cd6 today after the worst cramps I have ever had in my life. I seriously wanted to go to the hospital. The pain killers weren't working either. So 2 days before af and 3 days of af extreme pain. Anyone experience this after the surgery?

Tella did u ovulate? :thumbup:

Heres how r u feeling hun?:hugs:

Kyla time for your 3rd? Lol :kiss:

Paty where r u? R u ok?

Both readys are u guys good?

Linkerland I bled for 12 days from the day of the surgery. So I understand now the crazy long af for the first time. No comparison to the 25 though!! :nope:
Hey guys, decided to not stress this month, gonna "try" to not do OPKs and all the crazy stuff. Gonna try the relaxed approach. :thumbup:

Cd6 today after the worst cramps I have ever had in my life. I seriously wanted to go to the hospital. The pain killers weren't working either. So 2 days before af and 3 days of af extreme pain. Anyone experience this after the surgery?

Tella did u ovulate? :thumbup:

Heres how r u feeling hun?:hugs:

Kyla time for your 3rd? Lol :kiss:

Paty where r u? R u ok?

Both readys are u guys good?

Linkerland I bled for 12 days from the day of the surgery. So I understand now the crazy long af for the first time. No comparison to the 25 though!! :nope:

Sasha you go girl! I hear that's how so many ttc woman get there BFP!:happydance: Just relaxing and letting the body to the work. No bueno on the cramps and bleeding. I'm glad to hear it's over.

I'm doing good, DH and I both got check ups today. Things are looking good. I have myopks and preseed and ready to try for the first time. I'm trying to have fun with it and just look at it as a game and not stress about it. I'm CD9 so in2 more days I will poas. Hoping share the positivity with all my ttc ladies! :happydance:
Hope everyone's doing good! :hugs:
Sasha- sorry that you're having so much cramping pain. I can't really answer your question because I haven't had my surgery yet. Hope they go away soon though.
Afm- af is still here :( which is super annoying since im going to try on wedding dresses for the first time tomorrow. Atleast it's not heavy. At this rate I just hope it goes away before the surgery in 15 days.
Sasha hun so sorry to hear about your painful cramps! That's horrible :( was it a heavy flow too? I wonder if it's becuase your body is resetting and having a "clear out" after the op? Either way, glad it's over!

Linkerland, that's exciting going dress shopping! I remember doing that :) so much fun. I hope your bleeding is light enough not to matter tomorrow. Don't worry about it being there for the op, it won't interfere with things. Hopefully having the op will sort it out for you x

I'm doing ok, better than I was, just waiting for Monday's follow up now. Thinking of trying to just let it go and relax this cycle too, since chances are we won't be doing any treatment..trying to see it as a little break from the whole situation. It isn't really working lol. Reflexology tonight though yeah! It is soooo good :)
Sasha hun so sorry to hear about your painful cramps! That's horrible :( was it a heavy flow too? I wonder if it's becuase your body is resetting and having a "clear out" after the op? Either way, glad it's over!

Linkerland, that's exciting going dress shopping! I remember doing that :) so much fun. I hope your bleeding is light enough not to matter tomorrow. Don't worry about it being there for the op, it won't interfere with things. Hopefully having the op will sort it out for you x

I'm doing ok, better than I was, just waiting for Monday's follow up now. Thinking of trying to just let it go and relax this cycle too, since chances are we won't be doing any treatment..trying to see it as a little break from the whole situation. It isn't really working lol. Reflexology tonight though yeah! It is soooo good :)

Hey hun, it was a super heavy flow, changed every 2 hours. Weird for me then. Lol the relaxed approach is definitely hard! After 4 years of trying doing nothing seems wrong, you know? :dohh:
Wedding dress shopping went great. Found my perfect dress after only trying 6 others on. I love it!! Helps to have these other exciting things keeping me occupied. A much needed change of mind set in this break from ttc im having before surgery. Feels like its going to be here before I know it. Af is still here but not to heavy.
Heres-happy to hear you're doing ok. Hope that if you just relax this cycle, you'll be one of the lucky ones that gets your surprise bfp.
I agree with you sasha on it being hard to take a break after trying so hard. I definitely didn't want to take 6 months to wait till after my wedding to have the drilling done. Im hoping after my drilling, concentrating on my wedding will help me maybe stress less about ovulating and in turn higher my chances of getting my bfp. Could be wishful thinking. Either way both the wedding and my surgery are going to make time go fast!
Hello. I m doing ok.. just so busy at work and with shopping before my holiday on wednesday... I still keep my fingers crossed for all of you :)
sorry for af which came but I hope this cycles will be lucky ones for all!!
Wedding dress shopping = exciting! :):happydance:

Paty holidays are always welcomed! Lol:thumbup:

AFM today is CD10 and awaiting the big O day! Started using conceive plus today. And will Bd every other day. Hope it works! Fxd for a BFP this month!! Baby dust to all!!
Sasha- fingers crossed you get your bfp this month :)
Paty-hope you have a great Holiday!!
Afm- af is still here. Starting to get nervous about the surgery next Thursday. I just hope it all goes well. And can't wait to get thru the recovery. It's definitely a little scary.
Linkerland - :happydance: for wedding dress shopping! It will be so lovely to have something else to think about. I had a weird month long AF once, it was awful, I felt really drained and had to take medication in the end to get it to stop. Pre-op nerves are normal, but you will be fine. It's exciting to be taking the next step.

Paty - Hooray for holidays!

Sarah - Thinking of you today for your appointment, looking forward to an update :hugs:

Sasha - Good luck with the next few days, fingers crossed for some signs of ov.:thumbup:

AFM - I'm having a weird cycle, wondered if anyone else has experienced the same. TMI alert - I'm on CD13. I had a normal, but light AF. On CD11 I started spotting, just when I wiped. Then yesterday I started with cystitis and I had bad spotting with clots. Late afternoon yesterday it disappeared completely and everything except the cystitis was back to normal, then this morning the spotting is back. :shrug: It's not blood in my urine and I have had a BFN. It's probably pcos playing up, but I have never had this happen before. Anyone had anything like it?
Dust to all
Hmm Kyla that does sound strange! Sorry I can't shed any light for you, could well just be PCOS playing up. Weird though! I hope it settles down soon for you.

My appointment went really well,, could not have been better really! I am on the list for IVF. He said there is no waiting list as such, I just have a hysteroscopy on sept 30th, then we start right after that! So just three months to go!! I can't believe it, I just told him about my cycles post op, and he said right, let's do IVF, no point messing about with more clomid since we've don't six rounds!

S now I have a LOT of reading to do lol :)
Hmm Kyla that does sound strange! Sorry I can't shed any light for you, could well just be PCOS playing up. Weird though! I hope it settles down soon for you.

My appointment went really well,, could not have been better really! I am on the list for IVF. He said there is no waiting list as such, I just have a hysteroscopy on sept 30th, then we start right after that! So just three months to go!! I can't believe it, I just told him about my cycles post op, and he said right, let's do IVF, no point messing about with more clomid since we've don't six rounds!

S now I have a LOT of reading to do lol :)

No waiting list?? Lol that's super great! :happydance:
heres, that is awesome news that you will be doing IVF so soon and that you dont have to wait as long as you thought!!! Bring on that bfp!! Got told today about a friend of my sister that got her bfp.....naturally the month she was suppose to down reg for IVF but got told that she didnt have enough antral follies so had to wait another month, 2 weeks later bam BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patysia, great to hear from you, hope you get your rainbow this month :hugs:
You must enjoy your holiday!!! Where you going?

Linker, pre-op jitters is normal but you will recover quickly and get that bfp soon!!! Yay for finding your dress, its the best feeling ever!!

Kyla, wow thats very strange but cant help as i dont have pcos. hope its a once off thing!!!
Hey guys I'm on cd12 and my OPKs are getting lighter instead of darker. Is this normal? I'm worried I don't ovulate this month. Sigh Soo stressed.

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