anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

My cycles have been all over the place my whole life so it's hard to say. Sometimes I don't bleed for months. Other times I bleed for months. Since this is my first cycle after the operation it will be interesting to see how my cycles play out. Unless I get lucky and get my bfp.
Oh I hope you do. When will you test?

I did another this morning (a cheapie 10mui) day 10dpo and negative. Still to early I think. I'm cramping so much and cm back up but still clear I'm starting to think I'm out, I just feel/felt so sure I'd see that little line this month.

I guess I wanted it so bad as I ovulated on my birthday and day 14 (Sunday 17th) was my exact due date as well as my brothers and best friends birthday. Oh and the day before I go back to work post op.

Going back to a mega stressful job i hate first day of my cycle is not going to be cool. Going back with a BFP would be awesome.

It should not be this hard to make what we were put on the planet to do. But all these sites have made me realise there are hundreds of thousands of woman all in the same struggles.

Wishing, hoping and praying for sticky bfps very very soon
I feel for you for sure daisy. Definitely isn't easy. And it's even harder knowing it is that easy for some people. Even my mom who had 5 kids can't believe how much I know about our bodies. She struggles with it being so hard for me. She got pregnant with all of on birth control. Crazy! As for testing. I'm a total poas addict. If I used first positive opk as 1dpo I'd be only 7dpo. But I don't think I ovulated till the next day or following. Which would only put me at 6 or 5 dpo. And I already started testing lol. Knowing full well it's way to early. My Temps are still rising. Normal is like 95.7 and today I was 97.79. Boobs and nipples still sore. And woke up very achy in my left pelvic area. Hopefully it's an egg about to implant or making its way through my fallopian tube :) also what is weird is I woke up at 3:30 am feeling like it was 6. Went back to sleep and woke up an hour earlier then normal feeling wide awake. I'm symptom spotting like crazy. But feel like it helps me get through this tww a little easier. Keeps my hopes up. Hoping they don't get crushed back down.
My bb's aren't sore at all and they were the month I got my BFP. Just loads and loads of cramping and now lotion like cm and quite a lot, my temp dipped this morning from 36.4 to 36.1

Ooooo grumble grumble grumble. I really do feel like a mad woman obsessing over every detail.
Hi my darlings, I'm cd49 still no sign of af so I'm going on provera. Hope you gals are good. Any BFPs??? Baby dust to all!!
I feel for you for sure daisy. Definitely isn't easy. And it's even harder knowing it is that easy for some people. Even my mom who had 5 kids can't believe how much I know about our bodies. She struggles with it being so hard for me. She got pregnant with all of on birth control. Crazy! As for testing. I'm a total poas addict. If I used first positive opk as 1dpo I'd be only 7dpo. But I don't think I ovulated till the next day or following. Which would only put me at 6 or 5 dpo. And I already started testing lol. Knowing full well it's way to early. My Temps are still rising. Normal is like 95.7 and today I was 97.79. Boobs and nipples still sore. And woke up very achy in my left pelvic area. Hopefully it's an egg about to implant or making its way through my fallopian tube :) also what is weird is I woke up at 3:30 am feeling like it was 6. Went back to sleep and woke up an hour earlier then normal feeling wide awake. I'm symptom spotting like crazy. But feel like it helps me get through this tww a little easier. Keeps my hopes up. Hoping they don't get crushed back down.

Hi girl, just a quick one. You normally O 24-36hrs after your first + opk so that would explain why you felt it a day or so later. I know what you mean about symptom spotting like crazy! I always say im not gonna do it but end up doing it anycase. :lol:

Fxd your bean is busy getting snuggled in!!!

Oh I hope you do. When will you test?

I did another this morning (a cheapie 10mui) day 10dpo and negative. Still to early I think. I'm cramping so much and cm back up but still clear I'm starting to think I'm out, I just feel/felt so sure I'd see that little line this month.

I guess I wanted it so bad as I ovulated on my birthday and day 14 (Sunday 17th) was my exact due date as well as my brothers and best friends birthday. Oh and the day before I go back to work post op.

Going back to a mega stressful job i hate first day of my cycle is not going to be cool. Going back with a BFP would be awesome.

It should not be this hard to make what we were put on the planet to do. But all these sites have made me realise there are hundreds of thousands of woman all in the same struggles.

Wishing, hoping and praying for sticky bfps very very soon

10dpo is still very early, i only got a super light line on 13dpo. So dont stress about bfns that is early. Fxd that it is just getting ready to reveal it self. Fxd you will be going to work with a bfp!!!

Hi my darlings, I'm cd49 still no sign of af so I'm going on provera. Hope you gals are good. Any BFPs??? Baby dust to all!!

:hugs: Im so sorry that you not getting any relieve in the cycle lenght department. Im so used to longer cycles that my 28day cycle last month feels like it was to short :haha: Fxd the provera helps and you can get a fresh start!!
Hi Tella,

I'm 12dpo now and another bfn this morning, but I'm using cheapie tests. I'm going on to frer on day 14 then every 48hrs until AF or :bfp:

I just feel so sicky all the time with sicky burps, cramps seem to be getting less temp dropped yesterday and back up today, but as I've said they were the same every month regardless of BFP or no ovulation at all. So who knows.


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13dpo today woke up and temp had dropped to 36.1 then had an immediate hot flush and it was up to 36.6 again. BFn well at least I think it was my eyes may have been playing tricks or it could have been an evap line.

Loads of cramping, backache and feeling wet wet wet, watery cm. bb's look out and still nauseous.

I then met a friend and in my 4th coffee I thought oh shoot. Should not be drinking coffee. I normally only drink water.

Anyway now home, still cramping and feeling sick. I'm due tomorrow/Monday. Really starting to think I'm out. Surely the cramps would have quit by now or a BFP would have shown.

What did people cycles do after ov?
Sorry I haven't replied. Have my 22 year old nephew staying with me. Trying to help get him back on his feet. Today 7dpo. Yesterday at 6dpo I had weird brown spotting when I wiped twice and that was it nothing anymore. It was a color I've never seen. Almost like brownish yellow and speckled. Maybe implementation bleeding. Not sure. Still sore boobs. Only on the inside though. Also had a really sharp pain shoot through my right nipple when I went to bed last night. Feeling warmer then normal. And felt a little nauseous last night. I did get some more random pain in my left ovary yesterday. Hoping it's not a cyst. Now just waiting. Hoping for a bfp.
Oh I hope it is for you. Everything crossed. I'm bundled up on the soda in winter pjs under a thick blanket as I'm freezing!!

Hoping your nephew is ok to
Thanks daisy :) he lost his job and is living in an area I'm just not comfortable with. So I'm taking him in till I can get him a job with my sister in Oregon. It's crazy that your freezing. I'm sitting here sweating like crazy. Have to get ready for my bestfriends bridal shower. Not looking forward to blow drying my hair lol.
Don't I suddenly came over all hot sweats, dizzy, nausea temperature shot up to 37.8 went all blotchy and veiny.

Now I'm hot, still 37.5 cramps are back. Just worked out I'm not due tomorrow not Monday. I think I'm out tbh. Enjoy the bridal shower.

I had the worst night, my cramps were so bad, worse than when I had appendicitis, nausea I really thought I'd puke. Dizzy.

Woke up really early temp down to 36.1

So 14 dpo test on frer negative :( again, I thought I saw a line. Then decided I was imagining it.

Cramps and backache still there. It's never this painful and when checking cervix no cm and not the norm.

What happened to every bodies cycles after OD? Did they get shorter? Did your lp get longer? Was your first period way more painful and did it change your usual tracking?

This is horrible tbh and if this is what my cycles are going to be like now, I think I would rather of not had the operation and just stayed 31/32 days ovulating on some cycles.
:hi: Ladies

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I am back now from my holiday.

Welcome over here Daisy :hugs:
So sorry you're having this confusing cycle, it can take a while for the hormones to settle and I certainly don't think you'll be getting regular cycles like it. I have read through all the pages of this thread and I have never heard of anyone having problems with their cycles after the drilling so I do think your body is still in the "Whoa! What just happened" phase.
Seems everyone's first cycle is different, so not everyone gets a perfect 28 day cycle after the op. Our ovaries need time to repair as well as to generate the necessary hormones. Sasha is on a long cycle too. Please don't despair, there are many many success stories where people have had confusing cycles, long cycles etc and still got their BFP.
Patience after the op is the hardest thing to have, it's horribly hard to relax isn't it, but it is still early days. Just a thought, I had a little infection after my op and had a lot of pain, so my GP gave me some antibiotics. With the pains you have had, I would recommend popping over to see your GP to see what they say in case you need something or at least to put your mind at rest.

Linkerland - that spotting sounds promising! I have had that after ovulation before now. Fingers crossed. :thumbup:

Sasha - :hugs: Good luck with the provera. As I said to Daisy, there have been other ladies who have had crazy long cycles which settle down in time.

I know it's the summer months and lots of people are holidaying but would really love an update from the regulars if you see this girls! :winkwink:
Sending everyone lots of baby dust to all
Hello ladies! its been so long since ive been able to relax and check this thread but im back now, unfortunately i dont have my BFP yet :( im due for AF on the wednesday or thursday. i have been having very light cramps on and off maybe lasting 10 minutes or so, i took a digital pregnancy test yesterday morning and it was a clear negative :( the only thing i am grateful for is that i have been getting my period every month since my ovarian drilling and exactly at the 30 days every month, not once have a i had it a day late. granted its only been 3 months but still, i hope my periods dont become sporatic once again. it makes it so much easier to estimate when il be ovulating. although its not as easy to catch those eggies as i would like, now that i am finally ovulating. i really wish it was easy but dammit it is not. :growlmad: Anyway how are you all doing? any BFP'S???? I SURE HOPE SO!!!!
:hi: Ladies

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I am back now from my holiday.

Welcome over here Daisy :hugs:
So sorry you're having this confusing cycle, it can take a while for the hormones to settle and I certainly don't think you'll be getting regular cycles like it. I have read through all the pages of this thread and I have never heard of anyone having problems with their cycles after the drilling so I do think your body is still in the "Whoa! What just happened" phase.
Seems everyone's first cycle is different, so not everyone gets a perfect 28 day cycle after the op. Our ovaries need time to repair as well as to generate the necessary hormones. Sasha is on a long cycle too. Please don't despair, there are many many success stories where people have had confusing cycles, long cycles etc and still got their BFP.
Patience after the op is the hardest thing to have, it's horribly hard to relax isn't it, but it is still early days. Just a thought, I had a little infection after my op and had a lot of pain, so my GP gave me some antibiotics. With the pains you have had, I would recommend popping over to see your GP to see what they say in case you need something or at least to put your mind at rest.

Linkerland - that spotting sounds promising! I have had that after ovulation before now. Fingers crossed. :thumbup:

Sasha - :hugs: Good luck with the provera. As I said to Daisy, there have been other ladies who have had crazy long cycles which settle down in time.

I know it's the summer months and lots of people are holidaying but would really love an update from the regulars if you see this girls! :winkwink:
Sending everyone lots of baby dust to all

Thanks Kyla, my cycle is set to be short this month. I'm usually a 3/4 day bleed, ov 17/28 AF again 31/32 days regular as clockwork. Bar, the BFP month, straight after mc that was 29.

I didn't ov maybe 4 of the last 12. Doc just put me straight on metformin and in for surgery.

My lp never goes over 14, so I know when I get a pos opk it's going to appear on day 15. Even when I don't if I could 14 days from day 18, bingo.

I'm 15dpo from the only positive opk I got post surgery ov was day 12/13 so I'm counting from day after 13.

My cramps are still there but much lighter today. Odd though keep think AF here, go and I'm so dry, only the tiniest bit of cm when cervix is scraped.

Oh another BFN today. I'm sure she'll show today/tomorrow.

I didn't more buy supplies though in hope!
Hello ladies! its been so long since ive been able to relax and check this thread but im back now, unfortunately i dont have my BFP yet :( im due for AF on the wednesday or thursday. i have been having very light cramps on and off maybe lasting 10 minutes or so, i took a digital pregnancy test yesterday morning and it was a clear negative :( the only thing i am grateful for is that i have been getting my period every month since my ovarian drilling and exactly at the 30 days every month, not once have a i had it a day late. granted its only been 3 months but still, i hope my periods dont become sporatic once again. it makes it so much easier to estimate when il be ovulating. although its not as easy to catch those eggies as i would like, now that i am finally ovulating. i really wish it was easy but dammit it is not. :growlmad: Anyway how are you all doing? any BFP'S???? I SURE HOPE SO!!!!

What were your cycles like before the drilling?
Daisy, my periods before surgery were pretty much like this: i would get a period 1 month and skip 5 or 6 months, then maybe get another period that would last up to 1 full month and would only stop with meds. then maybe 3 to 5 months later i would get another period. so basically if i was not ovulating at all, seriously not at all. doctor confirmed after surgery that i have never ovulated before. and now after op i have ovulated every month since May 2014. pretty horrible, but soooo happy i now have a chance to concieve. i hope yours arent that bad!
Daisy, my periods before surgery were pretty much like this: i would get a period 1 month and skip 5 or 6 months, then maybe get another period that would last up to 1 full month and would only stop with meds. then maybe 3 to 5 months later i would get another period. so basically if i was not ovulating at all, seriously not at all. doctor confirmed after surgery that i have never ovulated before. and now after op i have ovulated every month since May 2014. pretty horrible, but soooo happy i now have a chance to concieve. i hope yours arent that bad!

Oh that's terrible. See that's the thing with me from coming off the pill I've been regular as clockwork. I know and bloods confirmed the months I didn't o I didn't get a + opk the months I did I did. But did it didn't my period was always there bang on time, either on the 15th day after Ov or 15th day counting from 18 when I didn't.

So now according to opk I Ov'd earlier than the norm on day 12/13 which was 17/18 days ago and no period, another BFN on frer this morning to.

I'm fed up I though OD was supposed to help you ovulate nit mess up your regular cycles.

So I'll test again Friday if nothing then Sunday and if nothing by Tuesday I'll be over a week late and 4 days late even if I hadnt Ov'd and was on my normal 31/32 day cycle. I'll call the doctors.

I've still got no cm but having watery gushes, temp 36.4 again, still cramps, still backache, still nausea, still dizzy spells, bb's on and off but not sore really not like they were when I did get my BFP, some heart burn and hot sweats today. Tired but it's my first week back to work.
Oh that's terrible. See that's the thing with me from coming off the pill I've been regular as clockwork. I know and bloods confirmed the months I didn't o I didn't get a + opk the months I did I did. But did it didn't my period was always there bang on time, either on the 15th day after Ov or 15th day counting from 18 when I didn't.

So now according to opk I Ov'd earlier than the norm on day 12/13 which was 17/18 days ago and no period, another BFN on frer this morning to.

I'm fed up I though OD was supposed to help you ovulate nit mess up your regular cycles.

So I'll test again Friday if nothing then Sunday and if nothing by Tuesday I'll be over a week late and 4 days late even if I hadnt Ov'd and was on my normal 31/32 day cycle. I'll call the doctors.

I've still got no cm but having watery gushes, temp 36.4 again, still cramps, still backache, still nausea, still dizzy spells, bb's on and off but not sore really not like they were when I did get my BFP, some heart burn and hot sweats today. Tired but it's my first week back to work.
Daisy so you had your surgery just last month? i think you just need to give yourself a little more time for your body to settle and get adjusted again, i know its hard to do that believe me. i am very impatient myself, but i believe for me it definitely has made a huge differance, i am now like clockwork on my period, in fact i have been getting it every 21st of the month since my surgery and last night i woke up with cramps so im almost positive i will see AF by tomorrow. i pray that you start seeing the positive side of the surgery soon and you dont have to play the guessing game anymore. think positive!!!! i send you lots and lots of baby dust!!!
Oh that's terrible. See that's the thing with me from coming off the pill I've been regular as clockwork. I know and bloods confirmed the months I didn't o I didn't get a + opk the months I did I did. But did it didn't my period was always there bang on time, either on the 15th day after Ov or 15th day counting from 18 when I didn't.

So now according to opk I Ov'd earlier than the norm on day 12/13 which was 17/18 days ago and no period, another BFN on frer this morning to.

I'm fed up I though OD was supposed to help you ovulate nit mess up your regular cycles.

So I'll test again Friday if nothing then Sunday and if nothing by Tuesday I'll be over a week late and 4 days late even if I hadnt Ov'd and was on my normal 31/32 day cycle. I'll call the doctors.

I've still got no cm but having watery gushes, temp 36.4 again, still cramps, still backache, still nausea, still dizzy spells, bb's on and off but not sore really not like they were when I did get my BFP, some heart burn and hot sweats today. Tired but it's my first week back to work.
Daisy so you had your surgery just last month? i think you just need to give yourself a little more time for your body to settle and get adjusted again, i know its hard to do that believe me. i am very impatient myself, but i believe for me it definitely has made a huge differance, i am now like clockwork on my period, in fact i have been getting it every 21st of the month since my surgery and last night i woke up with cramps so im almost positive i will see AF by tomorrow. i pray that you start seeing the positive side of the surgery soon and you dont have to play the guessing game anymore. think positive!!!! i send you lots and lots of baby dust!!!

I was like clock work before that's what annoyed me so much :(.

I had it on 24th July. Surely if one was regular as clockwork pre op it shouldn't mess you up post op.

I'm still cramping still lots of gushes of water. I keep rushing to the loo thinking it's there and it's not. Hot flushes to and temp up again today.

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