anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

@linkerland, woohoo for the solid, hope you caught/catch it
@farrar 4 years, wow. I truely hope you get that BFP soon.
@sasha how you feeling?
@Flibberty how you getting on?

So I rang the doctors today (I know doc is calling me Thursday) but I wanted to check results were back, receptionist said yes they are back all normal no action required?? So I'm none wiser till Friday.

We took hubbies sample in on Tuesday to. At least that was a giggle.

I've had continued nausea, sensitive nips, temps look to be climbing ish, headache, cramps, tired, backache, gassy, touch of thrush but no breast soreness what so ever which makes me think not a chance and also had a bfn this morning. So I think it's just left over cold virus from last week.

To make things worse my colleague on my team at work today told me she's 3mths pregnant and they conceived on their 1st month of trying. I'm pleased for her don't get me wrong. But seriously when's it my turn?
Omg, nipples feel like sandpaper been dragged across them, everything hurts them, eye wateringly so. And they're hot! Sorry tmi. Still no sore bb's and still continuous cramps, nausea, gassy, tired. Heart burn,. But BFN this morning, I'm using those cheapie 10mui dip stick ones.

Seriously if I don't get a BFP and/or the doc says no ov when he calls tomorrow my body is seriously cruel.
Daisy- all those symptoms sound so promising. Sorry you got a bfn today. Hopeful your bfp's around the corner. With all those symptom's your body is definitely doing something. If the receptionist said everything looked normal, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that means you definitely O'd. Keep us posted.
afm- had a negative opk this morning. So had surges for two days. Had a little rise in my bbt but not much. Not sure if I've ovulated yet or not. Maybe my temp will rise tomorrow. My boobs have started to get really sore. Not sure if that's a symptom for both before o'ing and after. Just trying to devidence what day to do my progesterone test. Guess I'll see what my temps do. But Df has still been down for the count. So only bd was 5-6 possibly 7 days before O. Depending on when I O. BD last friday. So a week ago tomorrow. So more then likely bfp is out of the picture. But still anxious to see if I O'd.
hi ladies, i wish i had something great to announce but im afraid to test, and im feeling very down these days :( thats why i hardly get on anymore. i have a friend that was about 4 days behind me on our periods and she was very irregular after she had her daughter last july, and she just found out shes pregnant again. im happy for her dont get me wrong, but it sucks that i monitor every single day and look out for cm, for twinges everything and i dont see a baby coming this year for me. sorry for being a debby downer but its just one of those days, i am due for af monday or tuesday the 21st. hubby says not to stress and not to test if that will make me more sad, to just wait and see if it shows its ugly face. what do you ladies think?
Hey ladies
@linkerland keep temping and testing, sore bb's usually come after o, my temps don't always rise massively as o. It's so annoying when you can't bd. but you might be lucky.
@readyformybaby try not to be down, I know it's so tough. And it's so easy to go nuts over each tiny thing. Lord knows I do.

Afm, I spoke to the docs and YES my levels are normal, so yes I ovulated woohoo.
My nips, are still super sore literally can't stand even my bra on them. bb's to and when I woke up my bbt shot up from 36.39 to 36.62 I was convinced I was going to get the BFP. But the cheap dip stick very very negative. Heartburn all day.

What do you think of my chart? Triphasic or just me being nuts?
Before my BFP, I never ever had sore bb's after ov, BFP they were so painful, post mc I got them most months but not like then. And this month is so different again

but my cm seems to be drying and up so I think my bodies just being extra mean. :(


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Ready- sorry you've been feeling down. I completely understand. I know how it feels to be happy for someone else. But still crazy upset for yourself. We try so hard. And to watch others who don't have to do all the things we do, fall pregnant more then once while we're still trying. Just isn't fair. As for testing... I'm going to try and wait till af is supposed to show. But know that most likely I'll be testing before I should. Even though I only bd once so early. I'm addicted to the, well maybe there might be a chance. Wishing you lots of luck with whatever you decide to do.
Daisy- I couldn't be more excited for you! Yay for ovulating! It looks like a triphasic chart to me. But then again I don't know much about it. You seem like you have so many things pointing towards a bfp. How many dpo are you? Have you thought about getting a frer?
Afm- temp spiked today from 96.4 to 97.1. So guess maybe I O'd yesterday. That is, if I O'd. So going to get my progesterone tested next Thursday. Boobs are still very sore. A little all over. But alot on the outside. They feel super bruised.
Nevermind daisy just thought to look at your chart for your dpo lol. If it was me, I'd buy a frer. With that many symptoms and bring 13dpo. I would be going nuts. Did your dr say what your progesterone levels were? Or just that they were normal?
Hey darlings, just an update on me. I'm on cd9. So hoping I ovulate this cycle. I missed taking one of my days of clomid so I'm not sure if it'll work :wacko:

Today I got to be an aunty! My nephew was born this morning! So excited about that.:happydance:

Thank you guys for the support. I love all of u.

Linkerland here's hoping u ovulated!

Daisy, Yayyy for ovulating!

Ready you should test but with a frer!

@Linkerland YES for the temp spike :happydance:
@sasha, congrats on being an aunty and I hope you ov soon.

Afm, 14dpo today, my temp dropped today from 36.62 to 36.48 still different to last month though, they dropped drastically last month on 13dpo, bb's less sore today they didn't stop me sleeping and I took a wondfo opk and another cheapie one step 10mui both very negative, cm still drying up so tbh I think I'm out. I guess the :witch: will show tomorrow or Monday. Either way I'm not testing anymore unless nothing by wed, I'm fed up of the disappointment and clearly I'm a poas aholic. I do have frers and CB digis I. My drawer but I've wasted them on previous month hence why I'm only using the cheapies until after I'm late.

The cheapies have very mixed reviews but I would have thought by now I would see a hint or for sure the wondfo opk would have been + if I was pg.

My lp is 14/15 days and I normally see red/brown when I scrape my cervix 1-2 days before so I expect I'll be able to see that later.

Oh doc said my levels were25.5 normal range. Whatever that means

Next month then I guess. Temp chart below I just really wanted to announce that baby for Xmas :cry:


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This month green vs last 16dpo was day 1


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Hi ladies how are we all doing? I've been super busy working so haven't been on in a while!

Linkerland - hope df feels better soon and you can catch the egg!

Daisy - hoping that witch stats away for you.

AFM - CD14. Opks all neg so far. Haven't done today's yet though and I did 50mg clomid days 2-6 so hoping I ov sooner than day 31 this time!
Woo hoo Flib! I got my positive opk's cd16 and cd17. Also on clomid this cycle. Looks like our cycles are acting similar. Going to take my progesterone test this Thursday cd25. Probably won't get my results back till next week. But hoping for a positive result.
I my take myself for a progesterone test. Haven't been told to but my GPs are awesome and will do pretty much anything I ask them. I also need to renew my prescription for my metformin so I might aswell get it done while I'm there :)
@flib Woo hoo
@linkerland let us know what your bloods are.

Afm, despite bd'ing before, during and after ov. Despite those crazy symptoms and my triphasic looking bbt and despite my awesome 25.5 21day bloods. My temp took a dive 14 dpo, another yesterday 15dpo and Again 26dpo when I started to see spotting when I checked cp. temp dropped again to cover line today 17dpo and spotting still when I check cp. so AF will be in full flow tomorrow. Just did an opk just to see and neg. I was pretty down about it but tbh It been 14mths with only 1 month of bfps that I'm so used to seeing bfns now that it hard to ever imagine anything else :(

What I don't understand the is my lp last month was 15days, pre op it was always 14/15 dates but the months after the op it was longer and this month it will be 17days. Do you think it's the agnus catus?

Taking hubbies 2nd semen sample in tomorrow. Hopefully paris in 2 weeks will have the magic touch.
Hi ladies, just checking in here. i tested on the 18th and got a negative:(
then yesterday i had mild cramps for maybe 5 minutes and saw just barely a bit of pink, then nothing at all the rest of the day, today i have mild cramping again and spotting very very lightly, usually by now im full on bleeding so i dont know if i should count today as cycle day 1 or not. im just so tired of this, i feel like that bfp is soo far away and i want a baby so bad it hurts :( if its cycle day one then fine il accept it, and will try my damn hardest to make this my month! my bday is next month and i couldnt think of anything better than to be pregnant as my bday gift :) so positive thoughts right?
Flib- I would definitely get a progesterone test. ALloyd my cycles even before the op I would always get positive opk when I was supposed. But my progesterone test would show I didn't ovulate. So I think besides an ultrasound right after ovulation that's the only way to tell for sure if we have actually ovulated or not. Pretty sure it's supposed to be done 7dpo. My doctor always says to do it 7,8, or 9 days after first positive opk. So I'm going for 9 days after my first positive opk. Which puts me 7 days after FF says I o'd.
Daisy- I'm really sorry your bbt is dropping. I know this cycle has been an emotional one for you. I am excited that you had a 25.5. I've read anything above a 14 is a sign of ovulation. So it's great that you're getting egg's you can try to catch. My progesterone levels have always come back .5 and last month .7 hope your hubby's SA comes back good. And that Paris will be just the magic you guys need.
Ready- I'm sorry you got another negative. I just don't understand why it has to be so hard for us. Hoping you still have a chance this cycle. If not, hope you get the bfp birthday present you deserve.
Afm- my insurance company decided they were going to say they didn't get my payment on time (even though they cashed the check on time) so at my last ultrasound found out I was terminated. So had to pay 80 dollars cash for that. Which isn't to bad. But about to run out of my metformin. Which is 96 dollars without insurance. And have to pay for my progesterone test. Which I'm guessing is going to be around 140. All on a cycle I didn't even get to bd on when I should. But still need to see if the 50 mg clomid worked. So need to know if I ovulated. It's a bummer. But hopefully my insurance will get figured out soon. Not sure how much clomid will be without it. All this after I have met my deductible. Speaking of. My ovarian drilling ended up costing around 25,000 just for the hospital. My insurance paid 21,000. But I have to pay over 3,400. Is that around what it cost you girls? Man this ttc is costing so much money. It would be fine if we knew for sure we'd be blessed with a baby. But if in the end nothing works, it's just going to be to much to handle.
Wow @linkerland. I now appreciate the nhs. I got mine done in a private hospital but still through the nhs. We pay in through our taxing system and that covers it here.

I knew American healthcare was expensive but that's crazy.

We all deserve our bfps

@Ready I hope your birthday month is your month too
Linkerland thank you so much! i sure hope i get it too :)
im so sorry about all the trouble you are having, i hate how the insurance works for fertility treatments, i dont see why its so expensive, i paid 1500 out of pocket for the surgery and my insurance paid the rest, i believe my doctor said total was about 40.000 not sure if we had the same things done or i had more, i had the hysteroscopy, laporoscopy, and the drilling, i know there was something else that i cant think of at the moment. i wanted to mention to you if you are interested and trust me, i would never lie to you, if you want i can send you some metformin that i have, i only pay $5.00 for the prescription. thankfully my husband works for the state so i have a wonderful insurance that helps me out so much with prescription prices. i would be more than happy to send you what i can, to save you $96.00 :/ i know doctors would frown upon that but its stressfull enough as it is, then worrying about the money too? not fun. you can private message me if you want to talk about it.
Daisy- we pay in taxes for all sorts of things. Pretty sure we're paying for those who don't work and come here illegally to get all they need for free. Here in the US unless you're extremely lucky and have great insurance, they consider infertility something not covered. Once this obamacare stuff started the price I pay for insurance went way up. The things they covered went way down. And i have to pay 6000 out of pocket before they cover anything its crazy. And then right when they are supposed to start covering things they cancel it on me. Crazy! My doctor and I had to lie for the surgery and say I had a tumor. If they knew it had anything to do with helping me ovulate it wouldn't have been covered at all. I just think it's crazy here that everyone is fighting for women's rights to have abortions. But there's little to no help for those ttc. My Df has the lovely "obamacare" and during this last major infection I couldn't find a single dr. Or hospital that accepted his insurance. Thankfully my dads a dentist and was able to call him in antibiotics. So he's paying for something he can't even use. But if he doesn't pay for it, he gets fined! Makes no sense. Sorry just had to rant.
Ready- thank you so much for the offer. I already picked up one month worth for 34 dollars. So if for some reason my insurance isn't back to normal next month. I might be pm'ing you :) so so so sweet of you to offer! Like I've said before having all of your girl's support is the only thing making this whole process bearable. I'm so thankful to have you guy's to talk to :)

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