How long was your first cycle mala?
I am day 23 today and have been ovulation testing daily, with a few darker lines but no strong positives. Had days of feeling really nauseous and tired this week. Waiting for Af to arrive next week. Lots of cramping going on too. Body feels all over the place! I didn't have a proper bleep post op, just spotting for an hour or so. I don't think I ovulated on my own before the OD. Not feeling very hopeful and they want to leave me 6 months before considering mediation x
Hi ladies it's been a awhile! I just wanted to give u guys a quick update.
I had a beautiful baby boy -Liam, on April 25, he was born 23- 25weeks. He was perfect ten fingers ten toes. Because of the laws in my country, they are not allowed to save him if he's not 28 weeks. I had a regular delivery with labor and everything. He died in my arms one hour after birth. It's been abt two weeks and the pain is Soo fresh. Life sucks...
We prayed with him when he was alive and thanked God for the opportunity to call ourselves parents to a perfect baby boy if only for an hour.
Thank u guys for the support u have given me after the surgery and the six months after it took for us to get pregnant.
Hey gals thank u! I just wanted to give u other girls some hope because the ovarian drilling was successful in my case. I just had an incompetent cervix. Hang in there!
I'm waiting for the bleeding to stop and then it's back on the horse for us. At first I didn't want to try so soon, it hasn't been three weeks but my mind is slowly changing. I want a baby soo bad now. I miss my Liam so much. Life is just so dull and incomplete.
I will be posting my updates again when we officially start to TTC. Some people say the bleeding goes on for as much as six weeks! I hope that's not me!I am getting impatient, lol.