anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hello, this is my first ever post and I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice or help. My partner and I have been TTC for about 3 years now. It was about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS. This wednesday I am having my ovarian drilling and having a polyp removed from my womb. I was wondering if anyone could give any advice on what the operation is like? As it is the unknown im currently petrified and dont know what to expect Wednesday from being put to sleep to waking up wondering whether i will be in excruciating pain or just a little sore and if the recovery process is painful. Any advice anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated as i know this is an important operation and moves me one step closer to hopefully being a mummy but im extremely nervous at the moment. Thank you x
Hello, this is my first ever post and I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice or help. My partner and I have been TTC for about 3 years now. It was about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS. This wednesday I am having my ovarian drilling and having a polyp removed from my womb. I was wondering if anyone could give any advice on what the operation is like? As it is the unknown im currently petrified and dont know what to expect Wednesday from being put to sleep to waking up wondering whether i will be in excruciating pain or just a little sore and if the recovery process is painful. Any advice anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated as i know this is an important operation and moves me one step closer to hopefully being a mummy but im extremely nervous at the moment. Thank you x

I had a uterine polyp removed and a half my thyroid removed. No pain. Surgery is very scary but they give you pain killers before the surgery and as soon as you wake. You will get light bleeding for a few days after surgery and if your unlucky mild period like pains. But the whole experience is easier and less painful then an actual period. When your heading into the surgery room just keep thinking about what your going to do once you've recovered from surgery. Once they put anesthesic you will be out within a few minutes and won't even remember like 10mins before the surgery. Good luck :-)
Hey gals thank u! I just wanted to give u other girls some hope because the ovarian drilling was successful in my case. I just had an incompetent cervix. Hang in there! :thumbup:

I'm waiting for the bleeding to stop and then it's back on the horse for us. At first I didn't want to try so soon, it hasn't been three weeks but my mind is slowly changing. I want a baby soo bad now. I miss my Liam so much. Life is just so dull and incomplete. :cry:

I will be posting my updates again when we officially start to TTC. Some people say the bleeding goes on for as much as six weeks! I hope that's not me! :growlmad: I am getting impatient, lol.

R.I.P to your little Liam. Here is a little thought and hope even if your not a Muslim.

“When the child of a person dies, Allah says to His angels: ‘You have taken the soul of the child of My slave?’

They say: ‘Yes.’

He says: ‘You have taken the apple of his eye?’

They say: ‘Yes.’

He says: ‘What did My slave say?’

They say: ‘He praised You and said*innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’oon.’

And Allaah says: ‘Build for My slave a house in Paradise, and call it the house of praise.’”**

"Indeed the miscarried child whose parents were thrown to Hellfire would argue with his Lord, and then he will be told: "O miscarried child who argues with his Lord, take your parents to Paradise, so he would pull them with his umbilical cord until they enterParadise."*

"I swear by Allah in Whose Hands my soul is, the miscarried child would pull his mother with his umbilical cord to Paradise if she sought Allah's Reward for it and was patient."
Hello, this is my first ever post and I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice or help. My partner and I have been TTC for about 3 years now. It was about 2 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS. This wednesday I am having my ovarian drilling and having a polyp removed from my womb. I was wondering if anyone could give any advice on what the operation is like? As it is the unknown im currently petrified and dont know what to expect Wednesday from being put to sleep to waking up wondering whether i will be in excruciating pain or just a little sore and if the recovery process is painful. Any advice anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated as i know this is an important operation and moves me one step closer to hopefully being a mummy but im extremely nervous at the moment. Thank you x

Hello Zobo - welcome to the board. I've been here since 2011, I am now a success story (my ovarian drilling baby is now nearly 2 and a half!) and do try to keep up with the posts. If I miss a post anyone can PM me and I'll reply.
I know exactly how you feel because I too was petrified. I had never had any sort of op before, although I had had a baby naturally in 2006 I hadn't needed an op. I've also read this whole thread from before I joined to all the posts that came after and I want to assure you that you will be absolutely fine. Everyone is nervous, however they all come back to say it wasn't anywhere near as bad as they thought. You will feel uncomfortable, and we all get some pain from the gas used to inflate our tummies, often in the shoulder. The first 24 hours are the worst afterwards, but it really isn't a big deal and you'll soon be over it. You need to give your body a few months to settle down after the op, as hormones need to settle.
Please come back and update us on how you got on. :hugs:
hi all :happydance:
im new to this site..
me and DH got married 2 years ago, im 20 and my DH 24.
my period always irregular since i was married. in Jan'14 i try to consult with Obgyn, and he gave me provera to make me bleeding. and it works.
but in next cycle, my AF not come and always like that every month. my gyn diagnosed that i have PCOS. he gave me metformin, i took in dosage 1500mg/day, and clomid in 2nd days of cycle in dosage 100mg for 4 cycle but it doesnt work to me. He said im "clomid resistant" and my PCO still in my ovaries even i took metformin.
on 9th june 2015, i had ovarian drilling and dye. Thanks to God both tube are good..2 days after OD, i have bleeding like period. not too heavy, i change for sanitary pad 4 times a day, and ended with brown spotting on 16th June 2015. at that night i did BD with my DH, it feels a little bit hurt but i can hold it..
now its 15 days post op and 14 days after my last bleeding.
i didnt use any OPK yet, and i didnt feel any ovulation sign/ period sign. but i keep BD with my DH regularly , 3 times a week.
my body 100% recovery like usual. the scar after operation is not pain anymore.
does anyone here have same experience with me? how long did you get AF after operation?
My last AF before operation is 25th May 2015, if that operation can make my cycle regular, i thought i will get period on 25th June 2015, but i didn feel any signs..

please comment anything or share your experience with me:kiss:
baby dust to all <3:hugs:
Hi Ladies, i did it! Yay!! So I had my surgery yesterday. I was a complete bag of nerves first thing, i was awake since 4:30am yesterday while also being sick and not wanting to go through with it. However my partner was amazing and kept talking me through it and reminding me why we was doing this. So i was admitted at 8am while sobbing my heart out as i was so scared opps! and by the time I saw my surgeon and anaesthetist it was 9am and i was given a rough time of 10am for surgery which i was pleased about. I did speak to them about the relaxtion drug but as it was only an hour to wait they advised me against it so I went with it and the anaesthetist also advised me against the magic cream on my hand as i have good veins and he said the cream actually makes it harder for them to find the veins (you clearly do learn something new everyday). So luckily i was taken down at 9:50 and by now my nerves really kicked in and i was a bit upset again but luckily i walked to surgery with my main surgeon and he was amazing and gave me a hug which made me feel better. Before i knew it i was given a small drug through my hand to calm me down and then put to sleep and the next thing i know i was waking up in recovery about 11ish. I did wake up in a little pain just like period pain first of all but they gave me something straight away before i moved onto the ward. The surgeon came and saw me straight away, im pleased to say the operation was a success the ovarian drilling went well, dye test in my tubes came back all clear BUT there is always a but when they went to remove the polyp in my womb they discovered it wasn't actually that, my womb is split into two so its like a partition wall smack back in the middle between my two tubes, so the bad news is i need surgery again :( They said this isn't common (typical me never normal) but they have seen it before and it is fixable. If i was to conceive i am at high risk of miscarrying in my second trimester and I definitely dont want that. Two years ago right when i was diagnosed with PCOS i fell pregnant i found out at 5 weeks on a Monday and by the Friday it was gone and i was bleeding which i know is common but i remember how awful i felt so i know this surgery is important. Luckily i was in the car and on my way home by 1:30pm yesterday, my partner has waited on me hand and foot and my mum and sister had the day off too so they popped over, cleaned my house and done our washing too which was a bonus haha. So all in all since yesterday touchwood my gas wind from the keyhole hasnt been too bad ive had the odd really bad pain in my shoulders but i tried to sit up as much as possible and the peppermint tea has worked a treat. Im on co-codamol and ibruprofen. My stomach is a little sore and aches like i have done too much at the gym, i feel like im 90 years old haha. So for now im just not thinking about the next lot of surgery and just recovering from this one and i have a follow up with my surgeon on July 30th to see how i have recovered and to discuss hopefully the final step and final surgery. But in the meantime i have a wedding to plan for June next year eeekkkk im so excited! Thank you all so much for your advice and support and i hope my post helps the next person as i was absolutely petrified and like you all said it is much worse in the build up and your mind goes crazy but once its done its been ok and bareable. I will definitely keep you all updated over the coming weeks though and i am definitely not googling my next issue, google is your own worst enemy sometimes! Xxx
Hi girls! Hope everyone is doing good. I wanted to update. July 15th will be a year from my surgery. And i think I might have my first ever real bfp. I am 10dpo 12 days past the trigger. Here's my test so far. Really hoping they get darker.
Hi girls! I added my latest test to the photo bucket link above. Definitely positive :) took a blood test last Wednesday. Won't get the results till Monday. And im sure my dr will want to do a repeat beta. Beyond excited. But also still nervous. Hoping for a healthy sticky bean. I'll update with my beta once I get it.
Hi girls! I added my latest test to the photo bucket link above. Definitely positive :) took a blood test last Wednesday. Won't get the results till Monday. And im sure my dr will want to do a repeat beta. Beyond excited. But also still nervous. Hoping for a healthy sticky bean. I'll update with my beta once I get it.

Congratulations!!!! I'm so pleased for you. Keep us updated
Hi girls! I added my latest test to the photo bucket link above. Definitely positive :) took a blood test last Wednesday. Won't get the results till Monday. And im sure my dr will want to do a repeat beta. Beyond excited. But also still nervous. Hoping for a healthy sticky bean. I'll update with my beta once I get it.

congratulations linkerland.. :happydance: Praying for sticky bean.. your bfp gives hope to me and all other new girls joined this thread..

Welcome to all the new girls...
Thanks girls :) my first beta at 11dpo came back at 36. My 16dpo beta came back at 424. My first ultrasound is scheduled for next Thursday. I'm beyond excited. And super nervous. Praying for a healthy sticky bean.
Thanks girls :) my first beta at 11dpo came back at 36. My 16dpo beta came back at 424. My first ultrasound is scheduled for next Thursday. I'm beyond excited. And super nervous. Praying for a healthy sticky bean.

wish you happy & healthy 9 months...:flower:

Is this your medicated cycle.. how many months after OD and what did you do differently this month?
My od was July 15th of last year. So i got my bfp a little over 11 months after surgery. The month after surgery we just tried on our own. Then after that every cycle was on clomid 75mg. ( 1 1/2 pills a day) cd 3-7. Sometimes 2-6. This cycle I actually did 3-8. I took an extra day of pills because I had extra and figured it couldn't hurt. Maybe it was what helped. I have been triggering the last 5 cycles. I usually would have like an 18mm follicle when I'd go in for my ultrasound around cd10. And trigger a day or 2 later. But this time I couldn't go in till cd13 and I had a 22 mm on my right and a 14 and 16 on my left. The dr wanted me to give the left a chance to catch up. So i waited to trigger till 2 days later. So my right follicle was probably 26 mm. So i think that might have helped maybe having a more mature egg. Not really sure. I didn't eat pineapple this cycle. I had on others. I used preseed. But I ran out of applicators. So just used it around the area. And the biggest thing is I found our wedding venue. So i was excited and thinking about planning my wedding. So i was a "little" less stressed about ttc. But still completely thinking about it. I know alot of girls have gotten lucky around 11 months after surgery. I really had lost hope. I Figured It Probably Was Never Going To Happen. I'm so happy and shocked that I'm in this boat. Hope all of you are able to join me soon. I'll let you know if I can think of anything else different I did this cycle. Can't think of anything else right now. Also I've been on 2000 mg of metformin a day since the surgery.
Congrats Linkerland . I am so happy for you. I have been keeping an eye on this forum since my surgery last year July 15, 2014. One year tomorrow I can't even believe it.although I'm not actively trying right now. I'm excited to say this surgery was the best decision I ever made. I have had a cycle every month since my surgery cd varies from 29- 35.i have realized that my cycles are getting slightly longer which makes me nervous that my period will stop coming. I recently had a annual and was told that my ovaries still show pcos but not as much as before. Which is good. I'm still going to continue metformin , and continue my weight lost journey so far lost 15 lbs. I finally feel like my body is doing what it's suppose to and I can achieve parenthood one day when it's time. I wish u all the best ladies.
Thanks cnr :) it's crazy we had our surgery on the same day. One year ago today. I can't believe I'm going in for my first ultrasound tomorrow. So anxious and excited. I'll update everyone and let you all know how it goes :)
Went in for my first ultrasound today. And the dr didn't show up. I guess he was sick yesterday. And just didn't show today. And his phone is going straight to voicemail. Hopefully he's ok. But super bummed I didn't get to see what was going on in there. Now just have to wait till I hear from them to find out when I can go in again. On the positive side I took another clearblue weeks estimator and got 3+ so I'm hoping that's a sign everything is going good.
So my doctor had a mental breakdown. He is no longer going to be practicing. No matter what I appreciate everything he's done for me. And feel like he's one of the best doctors I've had. And feel like without him I wouldn't have had the drilling or gotten pregnant. I found a new doctor. A friend with pcos suggested. I met with her today. I really loved herm and feel like I'm in great hands. My ultrasound showed everything measuring the way it should at 6 weeks 5 days. And she found a heartbeat of 168. I'm super thrilled and hoping for a healthy 9 months :)
Linkerland > Glad you found new fs and you like her.... Happy that your baby doing great.. :happydance:
Hello girls.. :flower:

Where is everyone? why this thread is been so quiet?

Sasha, Syd, Kyla, rossita, zobo - how you girls are getting on?

it is really amazing to share our experience and feeling here in this thread and support you guys have been giving..

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