anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi ladies, I thought I'd write a little update on me.

As you may remember our referral got screwed up and the IUI we were meant to start in 2 weeks isn't happening anymore :nope:

Our GP confirmed that funding is available but they do need to issue a new referral to London.

The great news is that the new clinic is apparently one of the best in the country. The bad news is that there will be a new wait. No idea how long but I'm guessing 4-f months....may be more.

But somehow I'm not as devastated as I thought I'd be. I'm pretty bummed about how let down we were by the NHS but the wait isn't that upsetting.

I'm CD11 today, no Clomid, no nothing. Started getting lots of ewcm last night (quite early for me!). CBFM showed my first High today. I think ill ovulate tomorrow/tuesday. Which again is very early for me. May be the fact that I'm having regular cycles is helping get over all the bad news.

Oh and for the first time EVER I dreamt that DH and I had a baby boy :happydance: I saw it so clearly it was scary! Lol!
So you never know - first time ever since starting ttc I dreamt about us having a baby. And I "knew" it was our baby iykwim?! Rather than someone else's baby I was holding.

Anyway, thatks the update on me. It does actually help taking little breaks from the forum so I might keep doing it

But I'm still following all your news ladies :hugs:
My fingers r crossed for u Maria!

I am at day 24 and still feel crappy! Tired and tummy pains! I gave in today and did a test! I saw a faint line there for a few minutes then it went! So think I will wait to Friday or Saturday and do it again
Maria > Im so glad that you are taking the news so well! It will make the wait much easier and not be so long as when u counting down the days. O on CD12/13 wihtout any meds is great!!!!!! Still keeping everything crossed for you!

Jennie > i must say it sounds a bit strange, i didnt have anything either but it might also just be that a nerve was cut where the op was done and it needs to reattach. Hoping it is something small.

Princess > I wil definitely have a blast, it is a great bunch of friends that is going.

Fee > Hoping that it is a strong + on friday!! How many dpo are you now and how sensitive was the test?

AFM > My O was confirmed by temps on day 16 :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: (TMI alert) On saturday i even stayed in bed for about an hour after BDíng just to give them :spermy:'s an extra jump start :D

Im now 3DPO, we are going away the weekend on a 30th bday break so im gonna try and test on Friday morning which will be 7DPO, hoping to get a + then :D I bought a HPT that is very sensitive (10mlU/mL) so fx'd!!!
Hello Ladies,

I just got back from our vacation, we went on a cruise to the Bahamas. Unfortunately, Hurricane Irene planned a trip there at the same time, so it was cut short a bit, then we came home to have Irene hit us here as well. But we are all safe and sound. I had a great time on the cruise, I really needed a break from Reality! haha

I am currently CD9. I missed my CD2 appointment with my FS - so I didn't have clomid this cycle. I have an appointment tomorrow to see where I am at. We were going to try for an IUI this month, but only if it looks promising. I only have one shot at it, because my insurance doesn't cover it and I just can't afford more than one.

OH and I got some great news just before we left for our trip - my sister is expecting. She has 2 kids already, it would be great if we could be pregnant at the same time. I am hoping it happens real soon!

Maria- sounds like your cruise was great too! Welcome back, and I see that you won't be doing an IUI this month. I am hoping you conceive on your own so you don't have to wait for new hospital! I also think it is good to take a few breaks for BnB. In most ways it helps, in others it stresses me out. So, I am trying to take a few days off between visits here.

Welcome to our newbies!! Hope all is well with everyone. Let's get a BFP!!
hey ladies , this month feels more postive for a lot of us huh! despite the fact i did ovulate and hubby couldnt follow through with performance has bummed me a lil buit but i am hoping that the lil guys from baby dancing 2 days before ovulation got the egg. i have the SOREST boobs in the world and strangley enough dont have AF cramps like i usually do before Af is am CD 25 today really scared to test i feel like i should be having mopre symptoms if i were preg!
Lozdog - how many dpo are you? Good luck this month!

snflwrgrl - welcome back! Sorry about missing the clomid this cycle. Any chance you'll ovulate on your own?

jennie - the numbness doesn't sound good. I hope it works it's way out soon.

tella - fx'd for you this month!

fee - I can't wait for you to test again! Sounds promising!

Maria - welcome back! I was hoping that a few days break would be good enough for you. I'm happy to see that you're optimistic again. I love those baby dreams! They don't happen very often but they're the kind you just want to go back to sleep and experience it all over again! I'm excited to see if you ovulate this early! Good luck!

AFM - I started NPC to bring on AF again. I'm not obsessing about it every day like I was last month, so tomorrow will be day 8 of the NPC - which is surprising (but good!). I usually start AF between day 7-14 of the NPC, so hopefully it won't be long before I start on 5mg of Femara. I made an appointment to start seeing an acupuncturist, but unfortunately, she's in China for 3 weeks so it won't be until almost the end of September until I see her. I was really hoping to start seeing her right away, but I guess this cycle will be just me and the drugs again. I've been fighting depression since my dr. appointment but every day gets better. I just try not to think about the failure that is my body. As others have mentioned, it has helped to take a short break from BnB, so I apologize I haven't been as chatty lately.

I'm excited to see what the next week brings for so many of you!
Lozdog - GOOD LUCK BABES,,,, i wish you and all the ladies a strong BFP for this month.....
Well bruising has really gone own alot now. Pretty much back to normal after op. Managed to start bd'ing last night so fx'd. The op was 2 weeks yesterday an the dr said 3-4 weeks for full recovery coz of the work he did. But back to work today got a big cake to make. But really looking forward to getting back in my kitchen. And started to reduce my pain killers with no problems or pains so all looks good.
Feeling really good about everything since the op. Almost like a new lease of life a fresh start.

Jennie - hope all settles for you soon, if not please go and get it checked by your dr just to be safe.

Lozdog - my fx'd for you,

Maria - sorry to hear about the nhs letting you down, I was ment to have my op on the hns within 3 months of seeing the consultant and they forgot about me took 1 year.
Fx'd for you that you don't have to wait to long. But glad to hear you having regular cycles.

Tells - fx'd for you on Friday. :)

Baby dust to every one
Hi cridge sort of I am a cake decorator. I make all the cake my self either square rectangle or circle theni carve them in to the shape of what ever I am making, ice and decorate all by hand. I am making a tigger at the moment so mad ethe cake today I have orange and black striped sponge so tomorrow I have got to carve and build him then ice and decorate him will be a long day tomoz buti really do love it. I do a lot of novelty cakes like cars and horses, cartoon characters ect I also traditional like wedding and christening so I most types anything is possible. Love it
Last day of clomid today any idea when i should ovulate ? Leg still numb :/ rang doc she going ring me back x
For all the ladies taking clomid, this is a great Clomid calendar, it was always accurate when i was on clomid. Jennievictora hope that this is helpful to you

AFM i am 3 days in my new cycle & just keeping positive!!!
Ok at day 26 going to test Thursday or Friday! Still feel like I want to sleep and vomit

Princess I have just start cake decorating classes everything is so expensive here in oz
I gave in and did a test it was neg! So I don't know what is happening! I feel so sick and tired! I c my specialist again next week so just going to try and not think about it too then
Fee - everything is expensive here in uk but I am quite lucky I no a lady down the road who has done it all her life and she is retiring soon so I borrow anything from her in stead of buying. As I have found some things you will buy for 1 specific cake then you won't use it again for ages.
I tought my self at home then last year I did an evening class to help me with the more traditional stuff like royal icing and flowers.
But I do enjoy a lot more of the novelty cakes as each one is always different and unique in there own way.
Fee > how many DPO are you now? it is possible that you might just be testing to early. It aint over till the witch shows up.

Princess > That sounds so nice, never a dull moment in your kitchen then. :D

Cridge > Good luck with the meds! Fx'd this is your cycle!

Keisha > Thank you so much for that link, it is very accurate. I inserted my last cycles details and it is spot on. Fx'd for you as well :dust: :dust: :dust:

Jennie > They say you O 5-9 days after your last pill if it is effective. And mine was 9 days. Are you temping? If not, i would suggest you start so that you can see when O is confirmed by your temps. It gives great peace of mind.

AFM > Im 5DPO and just keeping fx'd for Friday!!!!!!!!!!!
Fee > Day 26 would be since the day you started your cycle, basically first day of AF. Then do you know on what Cycle Day you Ovulated? As since then you start counting again, ie. DPO - Days Past Ovulation then normally 14 days thereafter AF starts if not preg or it stays away like we all have been praying.

Im just trying to figure out if you are testing to early and dont want you to loose faith. :hugs:

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