anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Il check that calender out Thank you i dont temp iv got a load of ovulation test but wary of them as got false positive :/
So at worse you could only be 11DPO which is still early to test for some people. Keep faith! we are all keeping fx'd for you! Good luck, hope you feel better or more so that it is just great symptoms for you!
So tomorrow is my day 28 and trying to decide if I should test again! I still feel sick and tired still but not really confident the result will b what I want
Fee - I don't know girl. ;) If I was in your spot, I'd wait til Monday, but I avoid tests if I can!

It's been quiet around here lately. How is everyone?

So, someone needs to figure me out because I'm at a complete loss. I feel like since OD my body has gone back to how messed up it used to be years ago. After the bad news from my doc a couple weeks ago, I decided to use NPC to bring on AF and start a new cycle. I've used NPC for years and it works 100% of the time. It's like the only thing I can count on. What I do is use it until I start to spot, stop using it, and within a day or two I've started af. Well, I used it for 9 days (which is actually a little longer than usually necessary), started to spot, so I stopped using it, and then... nothing. Nothing except cf turning more and more into ewcf...??? what?! Then last night I noticed that my nips are sore (which usually means I've ovulated) but this morning my temp was way low - lower than typical for me. My cervix is low and hard and I'm still producing what's very close to ewcf. So I'm trying to figure it all out... estrogen makes your temp low and helps produce the ewcf. That all makes sense - my estrogen must be high, but then you throw in the sore nips (caused from progesterone, which I stopped taking 3 days ago and never get sore nips while using NPC), BUT maybe my body is reacting to the NPC that is no longer in my body...?? And I can't remember what makes your cervix chance position. Is it the estrogen that makes it go high and soft and progesterone that drops it back down and tightens it up? Or is it other hormones like FSH and something else? Where's Maria - she'll know. ;) I'm too lazy to go dig out my book. So apparently, I currently have high estrogen AND progesterone, but I haven't ovulated (or else my temp would be high). I LOVE my body. It's so awesome and I know you all wish you were me. ;) Seriously, if I could set up a blood work lab in my house and take my blood everyday, I would. I'd be like my own freak experiment.
Hey Cridge!!

Wow, sounds confusing and complicated, doesn't it?!

How long has it been since your OD?

Reason I ask is because something similar happened to me 6 weeks after the OD. Except I wasn't taking progesterone.

So I ovulated 12 days after the OD and had a 26 day cycle (counting the day of OD as CD1). I started af on march 31st. Then I knew I didn't ovulate in april and CD21 bloods confirmed it. The following day (CD22) we flew to Mexico for an amazing 2 week beach holiday so on the one hand I was gutted to not have ovulated. On the other - I thought it was probably best as I wudnt get af on holidays. Well, guess what?! AF arrived on CD29!!!! So it was a double whamy - no ovulation AND af bang in the middle of holidays :dohh:

Anyway, starting from CD3 my nipples got extremely sore - so sore I couldn't touch them for about 10 days. I only ever get this after ovulation from progesterone. But how can one ovulate on CD2?! Anyway, we got home when I was about CD11/12 and I got a positive OPK on CD12! So I was like: What's going on?! In the end I had a 23 day cycle with ovulation probably on CD13 and a short luteal phase.
But what went on during that cycle and caused the sore nipples - I never found out.

It does sound like your hormones are probably adjusting and are all over the place right now. Did you say your testosterone came back as High 2 weeks ago? I would start on a herbal supplement routine asap!
What helped me reduce testosterone dramatically very quickly was taking licorice root supplement. You can get them from any herbal stores. Take that (as instructed on the bottle) for about 2 weeks. Then start taking sage leaf capsules. That promotes FSH and follicular growth. Keep taking it until you think you're ovulating. It can take 2 weeks or it can take a month. But it helps me big time!

But for now I think I'd just wait for a week and see what happens. Then start the licorice. Google it and see what it says about lowering testosterone!
ok at day 30 no period still feel crap test still negative. going to see my specialist on thursday going to ask for some more options as my husband is going away for work. he will be gone for 2 weeks at a time then back for one week.

just having a really down day. found out my sister in law is pregnant. so happy for them but down at the same time
hi Fee83, i know that feeling..... its like everyone else gets to live your dream, besides you !!! :cry:
hold on sweetheart, as difficult as it is, there is a silver linning.:thumbup:
Me too, just found out my cuzion is preggies, she has PCOS and is very over weight,,,, yet she managed to conceive. :growlmad:

but i believe our turn will be soon !!!! :happydance:
baby dust to you all ..... :hugs: :hugs:
Fee > loads of :hugs: for you today!!! Hope you feel better soon and that the FS can give you more clarity on whats going on. May the next few days pass quickly for you.

MommyMel > How you doing?

AFM > Im now 10DPO and my boobs are killing me! So hoping that AF will stay away on Friday, as will test then again as i will be 14DPO then. FX'd
Thanks for the support! Just feel all the tablets r taking a toll on me! Feel my body is just playing tricks on me!

Tella I have my fingers crossed for u!

I can't do much til thursday
I totally understand that feeling when we find out someone else's pg. Just found out yesterday a colleague's 12 weeks gone.... And of course had to make a surprised happy face and hide any despair/jealousy/sadness :nope:

Tella - sounds really promising! Do you usually get sore boobs in the 2ww? I can't believe your willpower - waiting till 14dpo! Can't wait till Fri to know your news!

Fee - I hope the witch stays away for you too. Is there any chance you ovulated later than you thought? What did you use to detect ovulation?

Haven't heard from Snflrwgrl, SimpleSam, Ren or Keisha in a while. Hope you ladies are doing OK :hugs:
Maria > Not normally, my only usuall signs of AF approacing is cramping nothing else. So im also hoping that it is a good sign, it has been exactly the same today.

How you doing otherwise?

Yeah everyone has been quite the last few days :( Hope everyone is doing ok.
Hi Tella,

i am doing great thanks, found out now my friend is also expecting, she just got a BFP today !!!!!
maybe it works in 3's ..... and i am the 3rd person !!!!! :)

i wish !!!!!!!!!!!!

i have been getting so much ovulation pains and cramps,,,, for the past 5 days ??? and i am extremly thirsty.... aaaiiiii....

how are you doing ?
Hi girls!

Maria - thanks for that info! I've been wondering if there is something natural to help lower testosterone, but I hadn't been able to find anything yet. I've had high testosterone for awhile, but it was only minimally high. 6 weeks after OD it had doubled...?? Oh - and I had OD on June 27th so it's been somewhere around 10 weeks..?? I'm glad to know that you had the same issue I'm having and your body worked its way out. I'm still waiting for af to arrive....not sure what to do if she doesn't because I already tried my NPC. I've also been feeling like I'm getting a lot of ovarian cysts the last week or so. Argh! I just feel totally messed up right now.

Tella - I have my fx'd for you!

Fee & Mommymel - It's so hard to find out someone close to you is pregnant. I finally had to realize that I can't begrudge people for doing exactly what I would do if I could. But it still hurts when you know someone that can get that BFP when you're trying so hard for one. I hope you both (we all!) get our BFP soon!
I am happy for them it just sucks cos my husband is a twin abd it's his brothers wife and for the last 12 months they have complained it hasn't happen! They haven't gone through anything like as!

I am pretty sure I ovulated days 12 to 16 cos I had lots of pains and things! I seriously would b wrapped to get my period without having to take the provera! I had a good cry tonight! Just over all the drugs and feeling so sick
hiya guys sorry iv not been on for few days my laptop charger broke only just got it fixed :) well im back on antibiotics because my stich in belly button is infected again :( doc said might be worth taking it out got an appointment thursday and waiting see if i ovulate i reckon if i do it be end of week x
Oh Jennie, that stitch of yours sounds like a pain! Can't believe its still infected!! Does it hurt? I really hope the antibiotics work soon!

Tella - sounds fab! This must be IT! :happydance:

Fee - what CD are you now?
its a right pain tbh lol its not hurting at all but it cleared up and has come back :( seems worse than before to me x

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