anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Fee - I'm so sorry you got a neg today! I agree with Maria - we need a BFP on this thread!! Are you scheduled to get a blood test done? If so, I wouldn't test again until you do that (but that's just me). Otherwise, I'd give it another 5-7 days and test again then. Good luck - I'm keeping my fx'd for you!

Maria - thanks for the info on the Mucinex. It kinda makes me a little scared to be taking that much cough med though. And I'm like you - I really have no idea when I should be ovulating anyway. I'll have to give it some thought.

So are you doing injectables along with IUI? I'm not familiar with how the UK does all the infertility stuff - but I was assuming it was just trigger shot and IUI - is that what it is or are you doing something like Gonal-F as well?
Cridge - are you 1DPO today???

Because I still don't have regular ovulation (like this month it never happened) they will stimulate me. Last time I used Menopur which is more or less the same as Gonal. I have no idea what the new clinic will use :shrug: But yes I will be stimulated and then triggered!

Fee - if you have the patience I would wait till the last day of your lonest cycle and re-test then. As in if your longest cycle was 34 days I would test on Day 34. What CD are you today?
Fee - Sorry about the first -ve test. Hopefully AF wont show and ur next test will be positive!

Maria - I have had the same issue, I have ovulated last 4 cycles after OD, but as you know my last cycle was 26 days, despite no +ve OPK, and now I am on day 17 of my cycle and the OPK's are still negative, no sore boobs, nothing! I don't know if the early period last month has completely screwed up my cycle.

I have also been Temp charting this month, its been very eratic up and down between 36.3 and 36.4 degrees, last 2 days have been 36.2 and today I was down to 36.0 degrees - How odd!!!! I have put 31 day cycle in my signature below, so I am hoping I may ovulate some time this weekend, but I guess the PCOS is back with a BANG! SO weight loss nor OD has helped me....sorry girls feeling really low as I feel like I am alone in this, and doctors are all so commercial with no willingness to help where they can! Urrgh!!!!!!!

I am due to see a specialist on the NHS at the end of this month and hopefully he may suggest something else that is more helpful. I did say I would take it easy this month, easier said then done, when you have to wake up daily and take temps and do OPK's daily.

Good luck ladies!

Take Care!
Arza > Im so sorry your not seeing + results from the OD. Are you temping orally or vaginally? It could be that you are maybe sleeping wiht your mouth open and therefor the eratic temps. fx'd that you O this weekend and that your temps will confirm it by early next week.

Will be praying that the FS will give you an alternative method of treatment or maybe an IUI, not sure how you feel about it but its a option.

:hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug:
Hi Tella - No I temp orally. You may be right about sleeping habits, I know I did wake up at around 2am feeling cold, and to put on a jumper, maybe it was that.

I am all for trying something else, anything just to atleast have some hope, I just feel time is running away from me with every day I dont do anything about my infertility. My DH also really wants to have a baby as he is the second of four brothers and all three have children - 2 each!!! It just gets painful when its me that has the problem and when we talk about it, and he just says well I dont know what to tell u, I mean if you aren't even ovulating what is the point of trying!:cry:

He is usually very supportive, dont get me wrong, but you know Men fail to understand sometimes. Also I have worked really hard at losing weight to sort of help me tackle PCOS - I guess that didnt work for me either!

Sorry hun, I should probably be more positive but...](*,)
I think that had a big influence on your temps.

I've started on a natural medicine path, im not going to take clomid this month coming. Im gonna try SMEP, Soy Iso, Evening Primrose Oils which helps with your CM and moving the egg done the tube as well as Royal Jelly which helps with the quality of your egg. Maybe you should have a look at this thread they have a lot of knowledge on this stuff. I think it is worth a shot, so im actually very excited to start my new cycle and start will all of these and get my BFP by mid Nov :D

Ah angel you must not let the fact that they already have kids get you down so much. Just remember you might be fighting this battle but they have other battles they are fighting. You will have you bundle of joy, there is still so many alternative for you. And atleast you guys have the NHS and it is covered. Here by us we have to pay for every last thing, no infertility is covered.

I've read a lot lately and there is a few natural meds that might help with PCOS, so research it a bit and see maybe you lucky and works well for you. Also I would think that if your PCOS is bad even after the op then your FS should give you metformin to help with it. So help is just a little way away, only 3 weeks? till you see the specialist?

Thinking about you my OD buddy :hugs: I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:
Thanks Tella, I will definately check out the link.

Wish you all the best, I truly hope that you do not have a next cycle, and this will be the one for you! :)

U will be in my prayers!

Maria - Wish u all the best for your IUI coming up, its good to know you have an understanding new boss, that will help a lot when u have appointments etc

Cridge - Dreaded 2WW!!!! Hope it all goes well for you

To ALL the other ladies - Good luck hope ur all doing well.

Take Care.
not my month the witch arrived today. finding the positives. my cycle has gone from 60 something days to 34 down at 31 days. and i had heaps less pain with getting it this time. so another month of no provera makes me happy
Wow just finished reading 131 pages lol! I had OD on 9/28 and those gave me something to do while laying on the couch! A little about me.... My name is Kelli i am 25 dig with pcos 2 1/2 yes ago. OH is 29. Next month we will have been trying for 3 years. 3 very long years.we tried multiple rounds of clomid and femera and injectable cycles. Never ovulated on any of them. We tried doing a iui but My RE had to put me on such high doses of injectables that I had to many follicles so we converted to ivf. That ended bfn. Then we did another ivf again negative. Then we tried clomid and dexamethasone which i did respond to and we did an iui but once again negative. Then OH had to work out of state for 6 months. During all my treatment I ended up weighing a whopping 220 lbs. While my hubby was gone i started a. Weight loss program and lost 56 lbs. Before i never had periods on my own after losing the weight i did start having af but very irregular. Then we went back to the RE and did a round of clomid on an lower dose than before I did respond but another bfn. My RE recommended od and dye test ( I had a normal dye test 2 yrs ago but he wanted to do another.) because my egg quality was bad during ivf He thinks due to my testosterone level. My testosterone level decreased after weight loss but not to normal levels. So we did the od and I am slowly feeling better.

Now we just Need some bfp on here!! Sorry to go on for so long but just wanted to let you know a little about me I feel like I already know a lot of you from reading your post. Looking forward to getting to know you better - Kelli
Welcome kdwebb86, hope your stay with us is a short one as well! I believe you will start seeing the possitives from OD in a few months if not sooner. Congrats on the weight loss, it seems to have a good effect already.

Fee > Im so sorry girl! Good luck with the coming cycle. Maybe you should consider temping to know for sure when you O, that way you will know when AF is due and in the same time not get disappointed unnecesarily. :hugs:

Hows all the other girls doing? :hugs:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Welcome Kelli (Kdwebb86)

I hope you feel right at home here......

so true,,,, we need to see some :bfp: on this thread,,,, come on :witch: stay away.....
Kelli - welcome to the thread! My testosterone went down within 4-6 weeks after the OD. I saw the benefits of that too very soon - less acne and hair and its been easier to lose weight. I hope you recover quickly!

Fee - so sorry af arrived :nope: every month you hope and pray you won't see her for the next 9 months (and longer!!) And then you are totally srushed when it come again. Sending you massive :hugs:

Tella - any news your way yet??? 16DPO I think requirs a test :wink:

AFM - yesterday was CD24 and I started getting strong positive OPKs... I totally thought this would be annovulatory cycle so no idea why I'm suddenly getting an LH surge. Given that I already had a dominant follicle of 12mm 14 days ago I don't think there'll be a live egg within it anymore. May be its grown into a cyst and is now about to pop :shrug: I'm having quite a bit of pain on my right side. I don't know if stress could have caused this - as in follicle stopped growing when I went away and then started growing again - is it even possible?!

So I guess I'm expecting af by the 24th to start IUI... Just 2 days till our appointment :happydance:
HI Maria, no i have not tested yet, but im to scared so will only try in a day or two if AF still doesnt show. Im disappointed that i didnt continue to temp as it would have helped lol but i will let you guys know if AF shows.

I've read about delayed ovulation due to stress so i suppose it is very possible. Yay only 2 more days!!!!!!! :happydance:

loads of :dust: for all.
Welcome kdwebb86 - Wishing u all the best, still early days after OD for you, but with what you have been through, may the lord grant your wish soon. TBH with what we have all gone through - PLEASE LORD!
Good job with the weight loss! Trust me, I know how hard it is to lose weight, especially with PCOS!

Maria - If ur gettig positive OPK's this may be a good sign, I would get on the :sex: sharpish LoL :winkwink:

Tella - FX'd for U! :hugs:

AFM - No ovulation for me - temps still all over the place! So this cycle is wasted. We will wait till the end of the month to see the new specialist. :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Hi just a quick update, the :witch: just landed :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Im gonna try a few herbal things this month instead of Clomid, so hope it works!
Can someone explain the whole temp thing? My husband has to go and have his sperm tested on the 22nd of this month
Go have a look at it is very helpful and gives you all the info and hows on temping.

It might seem like a lot now but once you used to it, it will become like second nature :)
Tella, i love the signature ... lol
how is everyone doing, i hope better than me.....

i feel somewhat different today, not sick or anything, i just dont feel myself !!
I am gonna try the "Royal Jelly and Soy" thingy next cycle, Tella, please email me some info on that,,,, before i end up eating a

have a fantastic week ladies...

Hi Ladies - Please check out this success story, its another OD graduate!!!! :)
This success story really made me smile!

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