Hi ladies,
Sorry for going MIA but im a very relaxed about TTC the next 2 months, if anything im gonna enjoy the rest of the year and not be stressed out about TTC. Everyone is in a happy, party mood and Im gonna be too

Not temping, no OPK's nothing, and I must say it feels GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! BD is fun again, and also because I was away from home for a week, DH is super naughty and we had LOADS of fun this weekend, its like we dating again

think im gonna go away for a week more often
Im also not on BnB much either, will only check in on Monday mornings to see whats happened and hopefully wish everyone on their BFP's this cycle.
I did take soy this cycle but only to help with my O, next cycle im not taking anything untill I see my FS in Jan.
Good luck to all the girls waiting to O, have fun BDing!!!! To the ones that are in their 2ww, keep faith you might just be preggers