Oh my goodness girls! I go MIA for a few days and look at what happens! Jennie & Snflwgrl - CONGRATS!! I can't believe our luck lately!

So happy for you both!
I want to give a shout-out to the rest of you! I just had to read through about 4 pages to catch up, so I apologize for not getting more personal. Sounds like some good things are going on though.
I've been so anxious to tell you all about my u/s on Monday. I had family in town that just left this morning, so I'm playing catch-up with my life. Monday was CD13 and I was so nervous about my u/s because I haven't been feeling anything in the ovary region this cycle - which is totally different from previous cycles. I had 2 follicles on the right side at 9 and 11mm, which wasn't great, but then we found a big fatty 22mm follicle on my left side!! My lining was over 12 (probably due to my freaky light af), and although it wasn't very trinomial (or whatever it is they're looking for), she said because of the thickness, I shouldn't have anything to worry about. I'm going back in today for another u/s and I'll probably get a trigger shot. I say probably, because my temp went up ever so slightly this morning, so MAYBE I already ovulated!! If not though, I'll get the trigger shot today. YAY!!

I am SO, SO excited that I actually responded and am going to ovulate!! DH and I have been

like rabbits and I've been using preseed even though my cf has been amazingly abundant ewcm, so there's really nothing more I can do.
I completely credit Inositol for my response this month. My last 2 u/s have shown fewer and smaller pcos follicles (the "string-of-pearls" ones), which is absolutely amazing and I KNOW it's because of the inositol (after 14 years of nothing else working, it's pretty clear that was the difference). I am so excited right now, but trying to keep an even mind that even though everything seems to be working out perfectly, it still might not end in a pregnancy. I'm just so excited to actually see some progress!!