anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Congrats to the girls that got their BFP's! Praying for a healthy pregnancy & baby for you both! Seems like it's going to be a good month for BFP's!
Whoa!!! 2 BFP's Jennie and snlwrgrl congrats to you both!!! Really truly happy for you!!! :happydance::dance::wohoo: :happydance::dance::wohoo:
:happydance::dance::wohoo: :happydance::dance::wohoo: :happydance::dance::wohoo:

I agree with Tella, MariaF is a lucky charm - You cannot leave!

Aww that is really good news, hope to get mine soon too!

Take Care!
Post some pics for us Jennie, its the best to see them with you :happydance:
MariaF .... you are a prune !!!! i love it !!!

please please stay................ you are our lucky charm ,,,
aww il see if i can get some on my lappy not sure how to do it on this phone dying show them :( x
:hi: all!
I have had a little read through the thread and congrats to all the ladies who have gotten their :bfp:

I have been ttc for 3 years, 3 failed rounds of clomid and now I am having my laparoscopy, hysteroscopy and ovarian drilling done on december the 13th!
I am so scared! Im the biggest whimp EVER :haha:

How did you girls find the operation?
How did you find the pain after??

And please tell me any success stories and how long after you got your :bfp:

Any info on anything to do with the op will be appreciated.
Scerena, I hope I spelled that right, I had my operation two weeks ago. It wasn't that bad, my only issue after waking up was I had a bad reaction to anesthesia. I woke up puking on my nurse :) but recovery was fairly quickly. The doctor said not to BD for so weeks, but I slipped and did it after only five. I have done it repeatedly at least five times since then, and I'm already back to work. I am a fighter jet refueler in the Air Force, and my job is EXTREMELY physical. But other then some soreness, I am peachy :) I THINK I ovulated twelve days after the op, but I am a newbie to OPK's so idk. I should be 6 dpo right now, and I am SO BLOATED. I pee every hour, or less, I have red spots on my BBS, I have been having a dull ache in my abdomen for three days now, and today their were sharp shooting pains. I can feel my uterus, idk moving or something. Like when they did my HSG almost. I makes my bladder feel full all the time. It's DRIVING ME NUTS so I POAS and, OFCOURSE, BFN.
j mean I am only 6 dpo but still super depressing . ....
Welcome Scerena :hi:

I also a real whimp when it comes to pain and the only thing that was sore for me was the gas in your chest cavity but that only lasts for a day or so. My FS say to try BD when i feel comfortable and that was about 6/7days later.

Both our veterans of OD has gotten their BFP in the last two months. Im now 6 months after my OD but im on a TTC break till Jan. We have had girls in the last few months that got their BFP the cycle following OD and some a month of two afterwards which is all amazing. But sofar i think the OD has helped each and every one of us girls here, even if it just mean Oing for the first time or having better hormone levels.

Good luck with your surgery, we will pray that it is a success and as painless as possible!!!

Good luck to you girls in the 2ww and the ones waiting to O :thumbup:

Hi Scerena! I had my OD in March 2011. I felt a little weak and sore for a day or two afterwards but nothing too bad. I was walking around 30 minutes after coming to!

We BD'ed 10 days after the OD and I got my positive OPK just 11 days after the op. It did take us 8 months to conceive after the OD. I also had 2 more rounds of Clomid, although the month I caught was natural with ovulation on Cd25 - so very late! We also used tons of Conceive Plus and legas up in the air technique!

Good luck for your OD!
AngelUh05- hey hun! Why do they recommend that you do not bd for six weeks? Thats a very long time I think that I would cave too lol! Aw sorry to hear you had a bad reaction to the anesthesia :hugs: I bet the nurse was impressed! Go you for being back at work! Im such a whimp!
Im glad you have ovulated- do you temp? That can be very accurate... I hope in a few days that you see a :bfp:

Tella- Glad your op went ok too :) So you also felt comfortable to bd soon after, thats a good sign! Im also happy to hear that so many ladies have had such good success from the procedure! Im hoping to even just ovulate on my own! How come you are taking a break if you dont mind me asking?

MariaF- Thats good you was up and about so soon after! What was the pain like? 8 months is still very good it shows that OD helped doesnt it! Congrats on your :bfp:

What medication did you ladies take after the op? As at my pre op assessment the nurse said to just take paracetamol and ibuprofen as they wont give me meds to take home? Is that really going to take the pain off it???
Im just scared of being in pain I cant stand it :cry: but I guess it is one step closer to my :bfp: 6 DAYS TO GO! x
Aaw, hun, don't worry about the pain that much. Seriously, it is scary, of course it is! It's a proper op and I think anyone claiming it's a walk in the park is mistaken. Yes, some people are back in the gym the next day - but these are rare exceptions!
On average it takes about a week to get back to more or less "normal".

Now, I had 2 laps. And the pain immediatel after the first one was more intense than after the second one. What I did was call the nurse and she gave me more morhpine! Now that is like HEAVEN!!! Honestly, life seems perfect whilst you are on morphine :haha:
And then you just start taking Cocodamol.

The main discomfort comes from your shest/shoulder. But then again - I was lucky and after the second op I had NO shoulder pain at all!
Basically they pump you up with air during the op and then it's this air that rises into your brest cage and presses on everything which hurts :nope: But that lasts about 2-3 days and it is bearable.
Hi Scerena - I had my OD done on 01/06/2011, same time as Tella, and I like you worried endlessly about the op. It was not necessary however, as it went really well.

I expected to be in a lot more pain than I really was to be honest. I was just sore more than anything else as there are just 3 incisions they make in key hole surgery, you just have to be careful with the stitches. I luckily did not have any shoulder pains, but they do say you could get them, however my doc said to have paracetemol if it hurt, but to be honest I didn't have anything, I was fine in like 3 days after the op.

I ovulated 10 days after the op, and I must say have had pretty good cycles since that time, also it has helped me to lose weight, I think because my cycles are more regular I have managed to keep weight off as well. (Not entirely sure about this theory)

I am also on my 6th cycle after OD and still trying, have been having Clomid 100mg for the past cycle and this one. Let us see what happens. I hope the OP goes well for you and you benefit from it.

AngelUh05 - No BD for 6 weeks? That is strange advise, as my doc told me us to try as soon as I had a positive OPK - strange how different doc diagnose the same problems!

MariaF - How is the little one, Its really good to see your progress on your ticker!
Pitty, Munzy, Snflwrgrl, Jennie - Hope you are all doing well, I hope I haven't forgotten any othe OD graduates? Let us know of your will be nice, and also let us know what you think you did different in the cycles you got your BFP's!

Hope everyone else is doing well - Good Luck!
Hi girls :)
MariaF- I didnt realise that you had two op's you are so brave! Ill be asking for morphine as soon as I wake up then lol! Not looking forward to the gas! I bet you're so happy that you finally got your little bean :) How long was you ttc for? At least no more tests and ops for you for now :)

Arza786- I am glad that everything was ok when you had you lap :) Wow no painkillers you are a proper tough woman! go you! I'm glad that you have regular cycles :dust: for a sticky bean for you soon... How are you finding clomid? I have done 50mg and 100mg... before, do you have scans etc?

Thanks for all the info girls, I will have my darling oh here with me for a week or as long as I need him for everyday :) so I wont be having to move around much- just for exercise...

Is there anything I am going to need for after the op for when I get home?
I have peppermint tea as the nurse said that helps with the gas pains, anything else....
Oh my goodness girls! I go MIA for a few days and look at what happens! Jennie & Snflwgrl - CONGRATS!! I can't believe our luck lately! :dance: So happy for you both!

I want to give a shout-out to the rest of you! I just had to read through about 4 pages to catch up, so I apologize for not getting more personal. Sounds like some good things are going on though.

I've been so anxious to tell you all about my u/s on Monday. I had family in town that just left this morning, so I'm playing catch-up with my life. Monday was CD13 and I was so nervous about my u/s because I haven't been feeling anything in the ovary region this cycle - which is totally different from previous cycles. I had 2 follicles on the right side at 9 and 11mm, which wasn't great, but then we found a big fatty 22mm follicle on my left side!! My lining was over 12 (probably due to my freaky light af), and although it wasn't very trinomial (or whatever it is they're looking for), she said because of the thickness, I shouldn't have anything to worry about. I'm going back in today for another u/s and I'll probably get a trigger shot. I say probably, because my temp went up ever so slightly this morning, so MAYBE I already ovulated!! If not though, I'll get the trigger shot today. YAY!! :dance: I am SO, SO excited that I actually responded and am going to ovulate!! DH and I have been :sex: like rabbits and I've been using preseed even though my cf has been amazingly abundant ewcm, so there's really nothing more I can do.

I completely credit Inositol for my response this month. My last 2 u/s have shown fewer and smaller pcos follicles (the "string-of-pearls" ones), which is absolutely amazing and I KNOW it's because of the inositol (after 14 years of nothing else working, it's pretty clear that was the difference). I am so excited right now, but trying to keep an even mind that even though everything seems to be working out perfectly, it still might not end in a pregnancy. I'm just so excited to actually see some progress!!
Girls - I am freaking out right now!! My body is so screwy I don't even know what to think, but I just had a holy crap morning.

So Monday morning I had an u/s which was amazing - showed I should ovulate soon. I was looking for a + opt and if I didn't see one, I was going to be triggered today. Well, I hadn't seen one. I wasn't even going to take a opt this morning because it was before noon and I just didn't think it would be positive. I literally jumped back in shock when I looked down to see a smiley face staring back at me. I've never seen that!! My first + OPT in years!!!

Less than an hour later, I'm in getting an u/s and the first thing the tech says to me is "is there any way you could be pregnant already?". I don't see how on earth I could be, but we both saw a "cystic sac" right where it should be with a "little membrane" inside. Then she checked my ovaries and confirmed that I had already ovulated. My best guess based on symptoms is that I ovulated last night. (Why the crap did I get a + opt this morning?!) The tech was totally bafoozled because she said the only thing she can think that would be is an early pregnancy. It's possible it's some freaky weird fluid filled sac, but she said that wasn't likely. My doc even said it looked like an early pregnancy to her. Of course the poas test came back neg but my doc did a blood test to check for sure.

I don't even know what to think!!! How in the WORLD could I have a gestational sac already even if I ovulated Monday morning?! And especially if I ovulated last night?! Why would I have a + opt this morning?! I'm totally shaking right now - I seriously don't know what to think. As soon as I can calm down about this u/s, I'll just be grateful that I actually ovulated and I'm in the 2ww!!! So either way, I'll know for sure in 2 weeks. I really wanted to go back for another u/s in a week or so, but my doc said she'd see me in a month for another u/s and check. Dang.

Anyway - I already told my dh, but I feel like I can't tell anyone else but you ladies because it's probably just a fluke. I just had to get it all out!!!
Hey Girls. I have been checking in every once in a while but have never had time to write as I really like to address everyone's situation. And right now Im off to class but I HAD to pop in and say YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY for Cridge!!!! Lady-I am so happy for you! Wish I could give you a hug! This is great news! Havent ever seen such a beautiful smiley face huh?!?! Keep us posted! I am going to PRAY PRAY PRAY!!!!
This thread is so active and I,myself, have been so active its hard to keep up but I will write more soon, I promise.
And a big hug to those BFP!!!! Screw our two front teeth-all we want for Chrismas is a BIG FAT POSITIVE!!!! :)
Cridge - that is exciting news. I really hope they are right about an early pregnancy. The timing for your + OPT seemed right. When I had the trigger shot I wouldn't get the + until after the shot. Maybe you oved on the right side earlier than you thought. I wish you the best of luck. FX'd for your BFP!!!

AFM - I had my blood test yesterday and called for my results today and doctor's office confirmed it is a positive pregnancy test. Its starting to seem real - maybe once we hear the heartbeat on the 11th - it will really sink in.

I posted my BFPs for you all to see. The second lines were very light and the one line as part of the + was light - so I was doubting myself.

Hoping this good luck continues for all of us!!


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