anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

scerena - you can do it! It's really not that bad. Many women have needed to take clomid or femara to ovulate after the drilling, but response seems to be better. Many have ovulated on their own without help though, so hopefully you'll be one of those lucky ones!
Thanks hun! I hope i could ovulate on my own that would be nice! But i dont mind clomid again if it actually helps this time... Hope youre ok? X
scerena > Good luck for tomorrow girl, I know it is stressfull but once it is done you will realise it is not that bad. Fx'd for no pain and a speedy recovery! And a BFP shortly after!

I took clomid before OD and didnt respond but after OD I o'd on CD14/15 on Clomid and CD21-24 naturally.

Cridge > Fx'd for you girl, cant wait to get the good news from you! BnB has been SO active with BFP's and i hope you apart of that.

To all the other girls, hope you have a wonderful week. We only have a 4day work week and then a long weekend and we driving to the coast to the BIL.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Cridge...... i hope this is it for you..... a BFP...

to all the ladies, have a fab day..... and loads of baby dust you all !!!

Tella babes, have a safe trip !!!
Tella- Thank you so much for the goodluck hun! I am so nervous that I couldnt even sleep last night :cry: I hope I have no pain I really do but I suppose what will be will be, Im preparing myself for bad news as after my hycosy they wasnt sure if my tube was blocked or spasming... also I seem to have such bad luck!
I am praying af stays away for one more day- Ive woke with the worse stomach pains this morning!
Thats reslly good that you ovulated naturally and on clomid! Apparently I dodnt ovulate on clomid and I certainly dont naturally- Hopefuly I will have luck like you :)

I hope that you have a lovely and safe trip :)
Scerena - will be thinking of you tomorrow :hugs: You'll be fine by Chrimbo! Good luck and here's hoping that the OD will bring you your miracle!
Hi Scerena,

Good luck with your surgery!! Don't worry its not that bad. You will be fine! Just relax, it's all worth it !!

I had mine done on Oct 12 and had AF on Nov 16. This is my second month, but it was the best decision i have made.

AFM: I am on DPO-10 today. I have been nauseous on and off a lot. Good luck ladies :)
scerena - i'll be thinking of you tomorrow. You'll do great! By the way (maybe I've mentioned this to you?) if you still don't ovulate on clomid, I would give femara (letrozole) a try. It seems to work better for girls that don't respond well to clomid.

shareena - when are you testing?! fx'd for you!!

tella - I know you're "taking a break" but do you know where you are in your cycle? ;)

you too mommymel - I hate not knowing where everyone is in their cycle and you're notorious for being sneaky. :haha:

afm - 2ww is dragging, as it does. I'm 6dpo today. I convinced myself over the weekend that there's no way I'm going to get a bfp. And all the poas addicts almost have me convinced that I should start testing in the next couple of days. I'm wondering what happened to my inner strength to stay away from those little sticks. DH is taking Friday off work, so I'm thinking I'll test then. I'll be 10dpo. Still freaks me out to do it that early.
tella - I know you're "taking a break" but do you know where you are in your cycle? ;)

All i know is that im CD27 :lol: no idea if have O'd early or late. But i've only had a short cycle on clomid and i only took Soy this month to which i only O on CD23 and if it was a natural O it would be no i have absolutely no clue :haha: Didn't have any EWCM, no planned bd so i know there is no surprise waiting for me.

How many DPO did you get your + with your DS?
I will take my temp tomorrow morning and see, because if it is above 37.00 then i have already O'd.
Ladies - I got my faint BFP at 9DPO. This was on FRER. ic's were stll negative. I know this was super early as in most cases implantation doesn't occur until 8DPO. But now thinking back I think I started to implant around 6DPO, had sever cramps on 7DPO and started spotting on 8DPO with bright red blood on 9DPO and a BFP.

Good luck to Shareena and Cridge.

Tella - fingers crossed it's over 37 :thumbup:

MommyMel - where are you in your cycle?

Jennie and Snflwrgrl - how are you doing?
tella - isn't it great that we can check our temp one day out of the month and know if we ovulated or not?! fx'd it's above 37 tomorrow!

I got my bfp with my ds at 14dpo...although it may have been 16dpo. there was a death in the family and I didn't temp for 3 or 4 days ... and of course I ovulated somewhere in there. But I called my nurse at either 12 or 14dpo telling her to prepare for a new cycle because I really didn't think it was my month. So I'm keeping that in mind this time. I just decided to test on a whim and was shocked out of my mind.

Maria - you're so brave to test early! ;) I have 8 ic's and I'm not keen to purchase any more tests, so I guess based on your experience, I should definitely wait until later to test. I'm allowing myself to use 3 tests this cycle so I can save some for later. 10, 12 & 14dpo are the days I'm allowing myself to test. When did your ic's start coming up pos?
Hello ladies,

I am not going to do UPT because i am going in for BHCG on Friday.

Cridge, do you have any symptoms??

Have a good Monday girls :)
Cridge - I think my i/c had a VERY faint line on 10DPO, in the evening with strong wee. By then FRER already had an unmistakeable bright line. I think by 12dpo ic were clearly there but still very, very faint.
i/c didn't get properly dark till after af was late - so about 16DPO when I already got 2-3 on my Digi.

But still - on 10DPO I could just about make out a shadow of a pink line.
shareena - yay for bhcg! :) I don't have any symptoms. In fact, I always have sore nipples after ovulating up until af, but they only remained sore for about 3 days this cycle. That's what got me freaking out that it's just not going to happen this time, but I have to remind myself that symptoms or no symptoms, my chances are the same either way. I keep telling myself that I'm cramping, but I'm pretty sure it's all in my head. :haha:

How about you? Any symptoms yet? What's your typical luteal phase?

Maria - I'm glad to know you had something on the ic's at 10dpo. Now I'm tempted to go buy a FRER, but I'm going to resist. I'm trying really hard to stay realistic and not to get my hopes up but stay positive at the same time. :)
The hospital phoned at 11.45 today to tell me the op has been cancelled tomorrow so now no op for me now until the 3/01/12 as apparently they have an emergency- surely if it was an emergency it woud have been dealt with today not tomorrow! I was in tears when I got off the phone I was ready for the op deep down! Just had enough now! I have to be scared for another 3 weeks now!

Thanks for all your kind words ladies it really meant alot... So you will probably have me pestering you all for a while longer... :haha: I am so upset oh had to hug me for ages after I put the phone down I was in floods of tears :cry:

Thanks for the tip about femara cridge
Awww scerena really sorry bout the silly hospital...gosh the NHS is so crap!!!!
I am really sorry, I can understand how you feel, especially since you are totally helpless, they have no heart! :Hugs:
Oh Scerena - I'm so sorry it got cancelled :hugs: I think all of us have been through phases when you've been waiting for treatment for ages, counting down months/weeks/day to only get a call a few days before to say there was a mistake and you need to wait again for a bit more :nope: I certainly had that happen to me and I know its devastating!
Hopefully Christmas and NY's will help you take your mind off things and 3d of Jan will be just around the corner :thumbup:

Cridge - I didn't really get any pregnancy symptoms around the days af was due. My boobs weren't sore (in the past they were sore some months after ovulation but not others). My boobs never got the sore boobs until about 7-8 weeks. Then I had a bit of nausea for a couple of days and then it came and went! So I would say I sometimes had more symptoms in the 2WW in non-pregnant cycles :wacko: So don't worry too much about symptoms. I have everything crossed for you!
Scerena - I'm so sorry! :hugs: I can imagine how frustrated you are. Like Maria said - hopefully with the holidays coming up time will go by a bit faster for you. :hug:

So I would say I sometimes had more symptoms in the 2WW in non-pregnant cycles :wacko: So don't worry too much about symptoms. I have everything crossed for you!

Right on Maria! That's why I'm not putting much into every little twinge that I feel. I'm trying not to worry about my nips going from sore to not sore - as long as my temp stays high, symptoms or no, I feel like my chances are the same either way. I'm to the point where I just want to know. This 2ww is crap. :wacko:
Scerena > :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug: :hugs: :hug:
Im so sorry about the cancellation girl! Try and take a break from TTC for the holiday season, have a blast ( its a lot easier if your not thinking about ttc) and then you start your new year with a bang and a bfp shortly after! :hugs:

Cridge > All i keep telling myself is how many woman only finds out they are preggers well past due AF and they had no symptoms. So I dont get excited about them anymore. We will just keep routing for those temps to stay up and a nice flashy by next week!!!!

AFM >:yipee: I've o'd already!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: My temp this morning was 37.04, which if i compare it to other cycles are similar to 9DPO but that could just be a coincidence. Will wait until after Christmas for AF, as the 27th is 14days from today which is my normal LP.

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