Snflwrgrl - Ur miracle is great!!!

Wow how awesome its so great when people say they have cycles like yours and it is usually the case! My beautician has had exactly the same experience - I wish I could take it easy, its just not in my nature, I like to know where I am, and that I am trying my hardest!
Cridge - Clomid or no clomid, I am always wet down there LoL!

its not CM, its just a weird thing I have always had, I get loads of thrush, it may be that. I will look out for those Inositol sachets/pills and try them out.
MariaF - Hello darling! :wave:Yeah I am doing OPK's I started yesterday, I am always a late ovulater (if that is even a proper word
) so not expecting a positive for a while maybe day 18-19!
I have had 2 bouts of my Herpes this cycle,

so I must be either stressed out, or my immune is weak, either way, I have a feeling this will not be my cycle, as I have to have really strong medications for it. No worries, when the time will be right it will happen - I shall just continue trying my best!
Angeluh - I hate those line sticks - I have to say, I just never know what to read in to them. I prefer the straight forward ones with the smilies/ digital ones - I know they are more expensive, but by golly the amount of time it takes to work the lines out, I would rather spend the money! I am a weirdo - ignore me!

Just test again in a couple of days, 8dpo is quite early hopefully you will get a better result maybe 12-14 dpo.
Shareena - Good luck babe!!!!!
Good luck y'all!! Have a nice weekend! X