anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

MommyMel > I cant wait for Friday!!!!!!!!!! You guys said I had patience but holly cow you have mountains more than me. I would have tested the day after AF is late :D Im keeping everything crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

I also don’t think they understand the emotional side of TTC, they just take it as it will happen next month, why you stressed….wish they could just walk in our shoes for 1 day!

Jennie > Have fun Bd'ing tonight and tomorrow, and good luck with the 2ww!

Maria > Don’t think like that girl, it is a very hard journey but you WILL hold your own bundle of joy. At this moment you feel like it is a mountain that is impossible to climb but at the end with faith you will prevail! We all will be praying for success when you start with IUI. And even after that you still have the option of IVF, there is still a lot of options!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ahhh, MariaF,,,,, i really feel for you. its feels like its never gonna happen, we try everything, do what we must, get pricked, probed, cut, and all, but still we dont get the result we longing for. We ask ourselves,,,, how much more ????
but have faith, this is a long road for some of us,,,, but hey, chin up.... our shoulders are so broad,,, we can handle this,,,, deep down we have the strength no-one can explain, and when your bundle of joy arrives you will be over the moon........

i too feel like this sometimes.... i can totally relate !!!!!!
Tella,,,, i am trying for take my mind off it..... but i am praying everyday that there is a little sticky bean growing,,,,,, i even dream of being pregnant..... it feels so cruel, as though mother nature is torturing me slowly.....
I also praying for you and keeping fx'd.

I had those dreams last week, when my boobs was so unbelievably sore. When i woke up it even felt real :(
1st IUI is done. I go back tomorrow for another. DH numbers looked really good. Will keep everyone posted! This is going to be the longest 2WW so far!
loads of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It will be long but worth it when you get your BFP :D
good luck,,,,,, lots of baby dust to you......
i will say a prayer for you today!........

if i may ask, how was the procedure ?
mommymel - are you sure on the date you ovulated? If you've gone 18 days past ovulation, you're pregnant! How long is your typical luteal phase?

jennie - have fun the next couple of days! ;) And see - there's another reason to chart. You have it all written down and can go back and obsess when you need to know details of what your body has been doing. No need to try to remember it all. :dohh:

Maria - I am so sorry! :flower: Don't worry about having an outburst here and there. It's totally fine. Get it all out and then you can start building hope for next cycle. That's what we do, right? I totally understand how you have deep inner feelings like it's never going to happen. The first couple of years that we started trying my sil told one of my friends that she didn't feel sorry for us because eventually everyone gets pregnant (she's got 5 kids now and I can't even think of her ignorance or it makes me want to scream). I just knew deep down that my body was messed up...majorly. Yes, we were blessed with our son, but I believe that was a true miracle that was necessary for me and my family at the time. I don't think that you're deep down feelings "have" to be true, but I do feel that many times, there is truth in the way we feel deep down. Although our control is completely stripped from us when it comes to ttc and infertility, we can still control our attitude and how we're going to act and react. Over the years, dh and I have had to really buckle down and think of the things we're blessed with - instead of the things we're not. We will mourn forever the loss of our ideal family, but we have learned to be happy with what we have and deal with our infertility when and how we can. Sometimes you just have to let go for a little while to get some sanity back, but no matter what, you always just have to keep pushing along. What choice do we have, right? Anyway, this was way long. I just hope you can get through the next week or so and start looking forward to the future. :hug:
Cridge - please, please, please don't take this the wrong way. But you've got a son. I know I can't relate to how it must feel, but I would have hoped it'd be a little easier. Because you've been there before, you KNOW your body is capable. You are a mummy already... I really hope you don't feel mad at me?! :hugs:

Yeah, I think my PMS is getting worse with every cycle. I simply can't control it :nope: but I know its temporary and will pass :dohh:

Snflrwgrl - good luck for the 2WW! Patience is certainly not one of my virtues :haha:

MommyMel - if af is 2 days late already this must be IT!!

I had extra hopes for this cycle - I dreamt of holding a baby son, my baby son. This was about 4 days before ovulation and I was sure this would be my month. I ovulated on my late Dad's Birthday so I had a feeling we'd conceive a boy and call him Alex, after my Dad... Obviously it didn't happen. I'm spotting now...
yeah next time im defo writing it all down i did before but this time didnt bother :/ so you think i should come on in two weeks if i have ovulated and im not pregnant really nervous wish i was been givin blood tests x
Ahh Maria - Of course I don't take that the wrong way! And I'm not mad at all! :hugs: I'm very sensitive to the fact that I have a child and I usually don't like to even mention him in forums like this. Truth be told though, I have been where you are. It took us 4 years to get him, so I know exactly how you feel thinking you'll never be a mom. And honestly, (and please don't take this the wrong way - I'm just realistic-minded) maybe you never will be pregnant, but there are options for being a mom. I have a friend that we went through adoption training together, and they just adopted their 2nd (both within 18 months of each other). I know that she will mourn forever the fact that she will probably never be pregnant, but she's now got 2 sons (and I hold back my jealousy cause I still just have 1 :blush:). They tried for 12 years before getting their first, and I can't even imagine what those 12 years were like for them. Awful, I'm sure! I've seen how happy they are now though and the past is like a dream to her.

Anyway, my point is that dealing with infertility in any fashion is excruciating. I feel like having to wait 3 weeks is too long when you're ttc, so I try really hard not to hold it against anyone when they complain that it took them "2 whole months" to get pregnant. :gun: (oh, whoops :haha:) It's hard. I hope, hope, hope that you will get your baby and that it's very soon!! My goal in my previous reply was to give hope for the future because what more can we do but have hope? We can succumb to the pain and anguish or we can carry on. Yes, I am a mom and I know I am so very blessed, but honestly, if I didn't have my son when I did, I never would have given up until I found a way to be a mom. It would have been my life mission. I hope you don't have to wait much longer, and I hope you can carry your own baby, but either way, I know you'll find a way to be a mom because that's what you want most.

I've seen how excited you are for what's coming up in the next few months and I've seen you bounce back before, so I know you'll get through these next few days and come out on top ready to take over the world. Honestly, I'll probably be right where you are in the next couple of days cursing af and wanting to knock my husband out. :wacko: It's okay to feel that way sometimes. The road is a rough and unfair one and (I think I said this earlier?) sometimes the only thing we can control is our attitude. I like to wallow in my depression every now and again too - it's helps. ;)

:hug: I hope I didn't make it worse by going on like this, I just want to support you and help you to know that you're loved. :hugs:
jennie - sometimes you ovulate a couple/few days after a + opt (sometimes, the next day). Most luteal phases are 10-16 days - do you know what's typical for you? So I would say you should expect af approx. 12-18 days after your + opt. I know that's a large range - it really depends on each individual and what is typical for them. It's not too late to start temp charting, even if just for the next week or so - you can detect when ovulation has occurred and plan on being pregnant 18 days later. ;)
:hugs: Cridge!

No, of course you didn't it make it worse! Thanks for sharing. I didn't realise this is how long it took you to get your baby! And please don't try to conceal him on here! You suffered enough to get him and are suffering again to give him a brother or sister so please bring him into this, if you feel like it!
I don't think I'll ever be ablento understand those suffering whilst LTTTC ther 4th child say....I'm sure it must be tough when nature isn't going the way you want it to go. But if you've given birth 3 kids having a fourth should be just a nice to have rather than a desperate desire, you know?

So was he just a miracle or did you have treatment to conceive him?

I'm sat here watching Giuliana and Bill with a large glass of vino :wine: Feeling better already:winkwink:
Jennie - yes, you temp orally. See if you can find the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler (that last name might be spelled way wrong..??). It will tell you everything you'll ever need to know! If you can't find that, then I believe the website also has training sessions you can do online. You can even track everything online - it's a good website.

Maria - I guess I hadn't shared any of my story on this thread before...?? I get confused as to where I've mentioned it. You're so sweet and thank you so much for your kind words. With all my struggles to get my son, I learned a great many things about how to conduct myself the second time around. I swore I would never be insensitive like so many other women were when I was ttc #1. I hope no one begrudges me because I have a child, but I know that some do. My friend that just adopted #2 begrudged me a great deal for trying to adopt when I already had one. In fact, I'm pretty sure she still has it out for me a bit because mine is biological when both of hers are not. I know it can be hard either way. I know that feeling of desperation and having empathy for others in that position has actually been a large reason why I haven't pursued ttc#2 (or adoption) as much as I probably should have. It's like I feel guilty for trying to have another one when I already have one. Anyway.

Yes, he came through gonal-f injections along with metformin. A couple years before I got pregnant I quit my job and made it my new "job" to go to the dr. 2-3 times/wk. You all know how that goes. Just before I was supposed to have my trigger shot and IUI my sister died and I had to go out of state. We dtd a couple days later just to give us some shot in the dark, but I really didn't think that was my month. I was charting, so I knew I had at least ovulated, but I didn't know the exact day because I didn't temp for a few days around the time my sister died. I ended up testing at 14dpo and to my utter shock, it was +. My dh didn't even believe me when I told him. He thought it was some sort of cruel joke. So yes, we had treatments, but yes, after dealing with the last 9 years, we know that he was definitely a miracle. I hope you get your miracle much, much faster than I did! Like next month would be good. :)

I just have to say that over the years I've been on a few bb's here and there and I haven't connected with any of them like I have with you gals. I just love you ladies and think of you often.
i used ovulation strips, had strong dark line on the 27 &28 Aug,,,, and did major baby dancing before and after..... so yeah,,, i dont know,,, but my boobs are sore on the sides,,, but that too happend before. so i am trying not to get my hopes up again...
MommyMel > One day closer to that BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunflrgrl > Good luck for today! Fx'd that those :spermy:'s catch that eggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maria > PMS is never easy, I can actually sometimes hear how unreasonable I am but still cant help lashing out. Don’t lose hope, your dad will still keep an eye on you and help you through this difficult time. Alex is a beautiful name but I would abbreviate it from Alexander :D
Good luck with AF, it is almost time for the next exciting part of the cycle!

Jennie > Lets hold thumbs that you don’t have to write it down :) Only write down BFP :D

Cridge > I sometimes think it is worse if you already have a little one and struggling with #2 as you know what you are missing. For us TTC #1, we still longing and wondering what we missing but yet we want it so desperately! Either way at the end of the day we long for a bundle of joy to hold and the journey to accomplish that is a tough one for some but I do believe that there is lots of options after all the personal treatments.

AFM > CD6 second last day of Clomid. So not much news :D
thank you girls il check that book out :) its odd because according to my dates i should of ovulated last week and be due on in next couple weeks but i had positive ovulatin test esterday :wacko:
Mommymel.....!!!!! I think this is it for you! Sore boobs on the sides (especially under armpits) is a really good sign!! I can't wait to hear your news! (and I think you should get us all out of our misery and test today! ;) ) :test:

Jennie - I always ovulated late on clomid. I ovulated WAY late this month on 2.5mg of femara, which is supposedly suppose to make you ovulate earlier than clomid - eh? I wouldn't go by your dates as much as what the opt is telling you.

afm - the :witch: is knocking at my door. I've had mild cramps the last 2 days and thought for SURE I would have woken up to a lower temp, but it's still high. I usually only start cramping the day my temp goes down so I'm not happy about what's going on. I wish she'd just let herself in and get on with it. I'm so ready to leave this nightmare of a cycle behind and start fresh. Based on my typical lp though, I could still have a high temp tomorrow as well. Ugh. Just get on with it already! :dohh:
oh dear God, please, i pray, please grant me the dream and blessing of conception... i ask in your mighty name,,,,, amen.

Cridge, i pray that this is it.... but if not, i will accept and try again.

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