Hey MummyMel - temping requires a nack

It may take a couple of months to start seeing a chart that's meaningful.
What you do is buy a digital thermometer. Preferably that has 2 decimal points. I think you can buy special thermometers for ttc'ing on the internet.
Then, you take your temp every morning (within 1-2 hours if you can) either in your bum or your vagina

:wink wink:
Things that can affect the reading are: alcohol consumption the night before (well, more than a glass); getting up several time to pee during the night, les than 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Then create an account with FertilityFriend and enter your data there (it's all free). It will build a chart for you.
Let us know if you have any questions as you go along :thumb up:
Cridge - yeah, I just went through the list of all Im taking this month - it's what I take every month (well, sometimes I also take Clomid). Apart from Metformin it's all herbal and natural.
That supplement you mentioned sounds great! I heard great things about most of the ingredients (especially liquorice root). But it's not cheap

On the other hand I paid about $15 just for liquorice....
Fee - great news about your body playing ball :thumb up:
I have my CD4 bloods on Monday to check LH, FSH, Oestradial, Rubella, Syphilis (sp?). Then once all the results are back and I sent them to the clinic we should hear back with the date of the first appointment in a few days (I hope)!