anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi becks-there's a few of us all with normal bmi that conceived within a couple mths of od...Sonialouise, myself, firefox, Annie. I'm sure none us would mind you asking any questions u have about it. The important thing is to stay positive and really visualise having ur baby. I know its difficult ESP after trying for so long but it works and pays off to stay positive even wen if u don't conceive the mth u were really positive, don't give up. Keep the dream of having a baby in the forefront of yr mind and stay positive always. The girls who did fall preg, a few of us read Rhonda Byrnes the secret the power. It's a really useful book to keep you motivated to achieve yr goals. Good luck with it xx
Cridge - any more POAS? I sometimes get sensitive nipples after ovulation. They can get so sore, its painful the put the bra on :wacko: But other months - nothing! No idea why 2ww symptoms can be so different :shrug:

Becks - welcome! Its totally normal to be scared. I also had 2 laps and before the first one I was more curious and excited (and a little scared). Then before the second one (when they did the OD) I was shaking like a leaf right before the anaesthetic! They first had to give me something to relax because I was shaking so much!

I think you need to be realistic about the success rates. My BMI is 24/25. I almost never had periods before the OD. I honestly thought I'd get my BFP 4 weeks after the procedure :dohh:. Its been almost 7 months now and although I have regular periods, still no BFP (everything else is normal with us). And each cycle I visualise the BFP and holding my baby. I even dreamt of it last cycle - still nothing... But as Cridge said there have been a few BFPs on here earlier in the year. So it definitely works for some.

One of my best friends is having hers done tomorrow on the NHS. They waited since May so not too bad.
So I guess I was right all along - yesterday was 16dpo. The :witch: found me today! Such a strange, strange cycle. Even this morning has been really odd. Typically my temp drops on 16dpo, I start having mild cramps and by the evening I've started spotting slightly. This morning (17dpo), my temp dropped only a little bit but the cramps were so much worse than usual. Then immediately after getting up I had what was exactly like ewcm, but it was pink. Lots and lots of it. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. Now I'm "bleeding" but it's really watery and has a bunch of clots. Whatever. My body is so lame. I'm just so happy that #1 I actually ovulated this month (which at one point I thought wasn't going to happen) and #2 I get to count today as CD1! So on Tuesday I'll be starting 5mg of Femara. Ahhh. It feels good to finally see the end of that cycle and move forward.
Have you actually done a test? Odd forms of bleeding are common in early pregnancy and yours certainly sounds odd!!

But like you say even if its BFN, at least you ovulated and can move on with stimulation!

CD4 for me so its the "boring" part of the cycle :dohh: I have my last lot of bloods this morning and then just waiting for results. Will pick them up and get DH to hand deliver to the clinic! After the muck ups over the last few weeks I don't trust anyone :haha:
No test needed. This morning the :witch: is more like a beast! Worst cramps I've ever had and heavy, heavy, heavy bleeding... like 30 minutes until I bleed through everything. I've had this heavy of bleeding once or twice in the past, but I don't remember cramps this bad - even after giving birth. The pain is radiating down to my knees. Had I not had a bpn on 14dpo I would have thought something was up, but it's "typical" for my body to be "atypical" so I'm not reading too much into it. I'm hunkered down in my bed today and hopeful that tomorrow I can at least get some things done. Shower at least. :haha:

I think you're doing the right thing taking matters into your own hands and hand delivering results. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself too! :) I had some bloods done this morning and they did way more than I was expecting - which is always a good thing. I'm anxious for the results.

What cd do you typically ovulate? I would say we're cycle buddies, but I typically ovulate late. :dohh:
I have no idea when if at all ill ovulate this cycle. My right ovary is "lazy" and in the past (after OD) I took Clomid every other cycle when I knew it was the right one's turn. But this cycle I'm just sick and tired of taking Clomid so I'm on a break. No idea if body will play ball or not. Whatever it is I'm hoping to be seeing the new FS soon hopefully with a plan of action!
Maria - my SIL is a really bad case and is about to go thru IVF, her last IUI worked but it was an ectopic, luckily they saved the tube but she was told by the specialist that even if you ovulate out the side where there is no tube, apparently the other tube will pick it up, weird huh? oh and he also said that your ovaries dont take turns in ovulating either and that there is always tends to be a dominant ovary! man out bodies are strange

AFM well i am CD 13 and pretty sure i have already ovulated, i had very EWCM on CD 10 and pinching pain last night on my left side. heres bloody hoping!!!! i had a dream last night that i was on a trip in rome/italy/ germany etc and went into the public toilets thereand there toilets have automatic preg testers when you pee into the toilet it tells you if your pregnant or not and mine came up with two lines where the flusher is hahahahaha silly dreams i was sooo happy too! i was trying to wake up to tell hubby and when i did wake and realise it was a dream i was so gutted. how cruel we can be to ourselves huh?

how is everybody else doing?
Hi Ladies.

Hope all is well so no BFP's yet....Nature playing a horrible game with all of us! :(

I will quickly update all of you I am on my 4th cycle after OD - given no meds and no seeing specialist till after 6 months of OD, so on day 25 today of hopefully a 31 day cycle!

I had a really odd cycle last month where I got a positive OPK on cycle day 13, and a negative on day 14 and my AF showed up late on cycle day 31 after 3 negative pregnancy tests and some pressure point method of period induction - confused you will be!!!

I really want some good news on here soon! Please God....!

kstan - nice to see you still check in to this forum - hope ur pregnancy is going well.
Thanks arza yeh still crossing everything for u all. Really would love u to all get yr bfps and soon too xx
Hey Lozdog and Azra - great to have you back ladies :thumbup:

Lozdog - the body is certainly a mystery to me :wacko: I guess you just never know what exactly is going on - I wish I had a machine which could see through inside the body so I can exactly what my womb lining os doing and my ovaries :haha:
Your dream sounds bizarrrrr! What TTC does to us all, hey?!

Arza - you may have ovulated on CD14-15 and had a 16 days LP which would make sense for af to arrive on CD31. Or the bean tried to implant but failed so no BFP but this also caused a couple of day delay to af.

The odd thing is we will never know....

Im CD5 so not much's happening :sleep:
Hi Ladies,

Just stopping by to give an update and hopefully get some opinions/information. I am in my 2WW. I had my first IUI (back to back) on Wednesday and Thursday. I went in for bloodwork to check my progesterone levels today and they were low. Every other cycle they have been excellent. So, I will have to start suppositories (spelling?) tomorrow. Has anyone had to use them before? Anyone know if this could be a good sign that a BFP is on its way?
Snflwrgirl - I had to take suppositories after IUI. They are a bit gross and keep coming out throughout the day :dohh: but totally worth it to raise the progesterone. When are you going to test?

I got some mixed test results today. All of mine are normal now but hubby's SA came back really low on all counts :cry: Am pretty bummed about it - seems like everything is going against us right now. I don't know what the new FS will say but I'm not sure if the volumes are high enough for IUI but I think we MUST do 2 rounds of IUI before proceeding to IVF.

Sorry for the downer post ladies - just feel really down...again!
Snflwrgirl - I had to take suppositories after IUI. They are a bit gross and keep coming out throughout the day :dohh: but totally worth it to raise the progesterone. When are you going to test?

I got some mixed test results today. All of mine are normal now but hubby's SA came back really low on all counts :cry: Am pretty bummed about it - seems like everything is going against us right now. I don't know what the new FS will say but I'm not sure if the volumes are high enough for IUI but I think we MUST do 2 rounds of IUI before proceeding to IVF.

Sorry for the downer post ladies - just feel really down...again!

Thanks Maria- I won't be testing at home. I pay enough each week for the FS to monitor me, I will let them test for me. Next tuesday is my bloodtest.

I know how you feel, it seems like once I start feeling good about a cycle, I go in to the FS and get some bad news. I am ready to take a break from all of this, it is so stressful and its all I think about.
Hi girls!

Lozdog - your dream cracked me up! If only, right?! :rofl:

Jennie - what dpo are you? Seems like you just ovulated... but everyone else's lp seems to go by way faster than mine.

arza - that's good news that you've been ovulating since OD, right? I agree with Maria's assessment of your last cycle. Makes sense.

snflwrgrl - do you know what your level was? good luck with the sups - doesn't sound fun. but they'll be worth it if you get your bfp.

Maria - I think even with lower numbers (especially with lower numbers), IUI would definitely help you! So don't count yourself out yet. :hugs: You need some good news soon!

afm - I started 5mg of femara today. I'm hopeful that it will help me to ovulate sooner than last month, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high.

I also had my first acupuncture appointment today. I'll be going in twice a week for the first cycle, so that will be good. I need a bfp by then though cause I can't afford many more appointments after that! :dohh: So I'm up to 17 pills a day for now. How fun is that?!
Hello My dear support sisters,

Thankyou to all who replied to my post. As I said yesterday I am on day 26 of my cycle yet since today morning I have had cramping on and off and I am bleeding ..... :nope:

At fist I got alittle excited as it was spotting type - but then I had Fresh blood on the tissue...I am so confused ladies as I did OPK's (the good digital clearblue ones) from day 11 onwards until day 18 and didnt get any positives, I got really sore breasts on Day 20 and so thought maybe I ovulated later than day can it be possible? Last month 31 day cycle - even that after sort of inducing my period and yet this cycle I am almost 4-5 days early than expected????? :cry::cry:

I have been going through a lot of stress in my life at the moment as my SIL has decide to leave my brother and they have a 1 yr old son and it is really hard on my family....Also I am doing exercise classes at least 4-5 days a week and I had a class last night with lots of jumping and moving about...could that have caused this?? Ahhhhh I give up honestly, I am so tired of all FS keeps saying just hold on for 6 months and let everything settle down before we move on to other things...What to do?????

Sorry ladies, I know we are all having one prob or another its soooooo frustrating!!!!
Hi everyone! Sorry I have been quite trying so hard do to think about it this month! I am 100% sure I have ovulated cos I have really sore ovaries! So just have to wait and c what happens!

Hope everyone starts getting some good news
Arza - just to give you an idea. My second cycle after the OD was only 23 days long :wacko: Every other one was at least 26-28 days and some - even 31 days.

I am also not sure if I ovulated then. But I think it can take a few months for cycles to regulate themselves. Are you taking any supplements?

Fee - great news about ovulation!
Arza - sorry to hear about the crazy cycle! It's so frustrating! OPK's are good when they work, but I wouldn't rely on them too much - you may have still ovulated even while getting negs.

When I'm on meds that play with hormone levels, I can have really strange and really short cycles. OD is supposed to lower your levels, so maybe that's why you're having these strange, short cycles...??? Do you temp chart? You may have ovulated late or you may have not ovulated and your hormone levels are just starting over preparing for another go. Good luck over the next few days. When is your 6 month wait up?

Fee - congrats on the ovulating! Here's to an obsession-free 2ww. :haha:
hi ladies just a quick check in, will post again later on tonight... nothing new for me, suspect that im 2dpo, my opks are back to light and they were really dark around ovulation symtoms

maria you said your hubby was low on everything, im so sorry i am kinda dealing with that too, fist SA hubby had 27 million per mil which is normal but no rapid moving ones just all slow but they still count that as working sperm (as opposed to dead or moving in circles etc) and then the last test he only had 7.5 million/ml and 40 % were rapid and 30% slow moving so i am like WTF?!! im hoping i can still get pregnant with these funny changing results! i guess it does only take one tho huh

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