anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi charbaby

The recovery time varies from as little as a couple of days until about 3-4 weeks, I'm sure you'll be fine for your holiday.

Usually the hospital will issue a sick note for 2 weeks, some ladies are back at work within a few days, others (like me) take a little longer. I had a couple of infections after the op so I took longer to recover, but by 4 weeks I was fine.

Good luck for your op and enjoy your holiday :hugs:
Hi charbaby

The recovery time varies from as little as a couple of days until about 3-4 weeks, I'm sure you'll be fine for your holiday.

Usually the hospital will issue a sick note for 2 weeks, some ladies are back at work within a few days, others (like me) take a little longer. I had a couple of infections after the op so I took longer to recover, but by 4 weeks I was fine.

Good luck for your op and enjoy your holiday :hugs:

I noticed from your siggy you had yours done last December, How has everything been since having it? Have you ovulated? I have pcos also and have been on metformin for the last 3 months. My f/s said she will put me on chlomid if I don't conceive within 3 months of having the Op x
Charbaby - I've not ovulated since the op , but don't let that worry you as many ladies have! I've got a high BMI of 35, so there are other factors involved in my case. I'm trying to lose weight as my fs said losing just 5% of my body weight should really make a difference.
One of the things it has done for me, is to restore my periods as I wasn't having any before hand. :thumbup:
Since the op I've been put on 1700mg Metformin a day and 5mg Femara/Letrozole to see if that will make a difference (Clomid made me ovulate sometimes but didn't get a BFP). Your ovaries should respond well to the clomid after the op. Sometimes it takes a few months for our hormones to settle down post-op.

AFM - I've had half of my blood test results back - my FSH was 'normal' but they haven't reported the progesterone yet. :dohh: I was hoping to find out that I had ovulated this cycle. :shrug:
thanks for the welcome. Will try and call doctor about belly button then. Been washing with the anitbacterial soap i washed with before op and cleaning out with water and cotton wool but will call and see if i need antibiotics as well. My doctors isn't very good with phonecalls so may have to make an appt instead. Have one for next tuesday already but maybe need to go earlier.
Charbaby - I've not ovulated since the op , but don't let that worry you as many ladies have! I've got a high BMI of 35, so there are other factors involved in my case. I'm trying to lose weight as my fs said losing just 5% of my body weight should really make a difference.
One of the things it has done for me, is to restore my periods as I wasn't having any before hand. :thumbup:
Since the op I've been put on 1700mg Metformin a day and 5mg Femara/Letrozole to see if that will make a difference (Clomid made me ovulate sometimes but didn't get a BFP). Your ovaries should respond well to the clomid after the op. Sometimes it takes a few months for our hormones to settle down post-op.

AFM - I've had half of my blood test results back - my FSH was 'normal' but they haven't reported the progesterone yet. :dohh: I was hoping to find out that I had ovulated this cycle. :shrug:

Thank you, I was told to lose 5% also. My bmi was 29 so she wanted me to lose 9lb before my Op which so far I have managed to lose 10lb with the help of metformin and low carb/sugar diet. metformin has sorted my periods out straight away went from 100 + day cycles down to 29 I think its amazing x
Miracle19 - I hope you're tummy button recovers nicely. My GP doesn't usually do phone calls but I phoned up the receptionist, explained that the hospital said I might need antibiotics after the op and did I need to "bother" the GP with an appointment. I didn't it seems, as they knew I'd had the op. But either way, they worked a treat. How are you doing otherwise?

Charbaby - Congratulations on the weight loss. Do you mind me asking which diet you followed? I've lost previously on South Beach Diet and I've been low carbing/low sugar plus gym, swimming and zumba but my weight is staying the same. Someone told me yesterday though I need to drink more water and that might help, so that's my plan from now on!! Hope you'll stay with us on this thread to keep us posted on how you're doing.

Ladies - how are you all?

AFM - CD26. BFN. :cry: Will test again tomorrow or Friday, but not expecting anything as I don't have any symptoms. :dohh:
:wave: Hi ladies.
miracle19- welcome to the thread. Hope you feel better now. After my op it took 7days to recover the wound. This operation will help u to get ur bfp. Keep us update.​
snflwr - its really sad news that u have GD. But really happy that ur little one is well. I hope ur doc will permit u for bedrest in ur home for sometime. Really its hard to stay most of the time in bed. I am sure u will get ur most precious gift in ur holding arm soon.​
Tella - i think you will O this week. Fx'd for u.​
kyla - do u get ur progesteron test report. Cd26 is too early for pg test. I think u should wait for some more days to do pregnancy test. Everything is crossed for u.​
cridge - how r u?​
charbaby- its really hard to loose 10lb. But its effect is nice. I am sure with normal bmi the od will help u to get the goal.​
AFM - i am now cd31. No af showd. I know that i am not prego because there is no symptom of that. But will test on saturday morning to asured my mind.
Welcome to the new girls! :hi:

Kyla - sorry about the bfn! But, (and this is for Anupur too), I had zero symptoms with my son until I was 6.5 weeks along. Actually, I did have a symptom, but I didn't realize it was a symptom at the time.... I had tons of yellow, sticky cf... but that's IT. In fact, I called my nurse to get going on my next cycle because I was so sure I wasn't pregnant. So don't give up yet! No symptoms isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Hey girls

Welcome to to the newbies. Everyone on here is so lovely so you will get on well here. It is so nice to speak to other people who are going through the same thing.

Hope Scerena is enjoying her holiday.

Tella - hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.

AFM - I am finally seeing my FS tomorrow for my follow up so will find out a bit more about what my plan is. I am CD31, have not ovulated. My last stitch (belly button) finally came out at the weekend almost 2 months after the op.

Hope everyone is well. I am off on holiday on Saturday, there is free wifi in the hotel so I will try to keep up to date on my phone but will probably not post again for a couple of weeks. Although I will try and update after my appointment tomorrow.
Lepear i am thinking about u buddy. Please let me know what ur fs plan for u. I am cd32 also. No af. I think me also didnt ovulate. Ask ur fs about to take meds for induce af. My pg test come negatv today. Cridge i am sure that i didnt ovulate and not proggo.
Hi i am doing better today. Some of my stitches have started to come away (dissolvable ones so i assume that is right...) Feeling positive about things today. Started taking ov test yesterday and today it was definitely darker. not ovulating yet sure it would be too early but usually they show no signs at all. Should i take it as a good sign..who knows. Will test again tomorrow morning and see what happens. Now period has defnitely stopped andit has been a week since operation i think i may tempt hubby to try tonight or tomorrow just to see how it is - pain/comfort wise. It would be sooo amazing to conceive 1st month it really would. make the stress and pain of op worth while definitely.
keeping fingers crossed for everyone else this month xxx
LPEAR - Hope your FS appointment went well and you've got a plan! :thumbup: Have a lovely holdiay!

Miracle19 - That sounds right with the stitches, so glad you've got a great attitude. Keep us updated on the OPKs. :hugs:

Anupur - Sorry about the BFN. I'm in the same boat with a BFN today also. :cry: I didn't get my progesterone results back yet, that will make for interesting reading. What's your plan for next cycle? :friends:
kyla - sorry to hear ur bfn news. Its really hard time for us. Now i decided to take 5day meds for induce af. Dont know it is right or wrong decision, but cant wait for natural af. What do u think? What is ur plan? Then will start clomid cd2to cd6.​
lepear- wt is ur fs plan for u? Do u take any meds to induce af?​
miracle - your positv attitude will help u to get bfp early. Do u ovulate or not O let us update hun.​
AFM- cd33 no af sign.​
:hi: everyone.....

how is everyone doing ?
missed you all soooo much .....

I have been stalking the thread daily, checking up and following all updates.

Welcome to all the new ladies, this thread is amazing...... :blush:

Cridge and Maria > how are you doing ladies, i hope and pray everything is well with you and your bump,,, almost t ime for you Maria.....
Cridge > you are growing beautifully...... :hugs: to all of you...

Tella, Anupur , Scerena, Kyla, i hope you are all very well.... you ladies are always in my thoughts and prayers..... :hugs:

AFM> nothing much to report, just enjoying and relaxing on my break from ttc,,,,
i did not realize how much i needed this break until i took it... no needles, no temping, no symptom spotting,,,, and no ttc stress.....
but at the back of my mind i wish i could get that BFP naturally while on a break .... :winkwink:
We are still going ahead with the IVF, but not just yet..... :coffee:

So i am around all the time..... much love to all of you and take care.:kiss:
Just a quick update, will update properly later.
FS wants me to wait a week or two to see if af arrives, if not will induce af then do clomid 50mg days 2 to 6. He days try that dose for 3 months and if i ovulate continue for another 3. If not stop the clomid and go back and see him. He did actually say after that onto ivf but i have since found out i can't have this on the Nhs till I'm 30. So i think it will be injectibles.
Anupur and Kyla - sorry you got BFNs :cry::hugs:

Kyla - when do you expect to get the progesterone results back?

LPEAR - sounds like you have a plan of action at least for the next 6 months. Have you tried Clomid before? Usually it works much better after the OD because your ovaries are looking much better once that capsule is broken.
And this is ridiculous you can't have IVF just because you aren't 30 :growlmad: The success rates are much higher the younger you are so why on earth would they make you wait just for you to lose 2 more years :growlmad:

MommyMel - great to hear from you as well! Im glad you are enjoying your break but I also know what you mean always having the thought ot a BFP at the back of your mind...I was like that when I took my breaks :dohh:

Welcome to all the new ladies :flower: Miracle - how many days has it been since the OD now? Usually the first months (or more sometimes) your body goes through a huge hormonal change after the OD. But I do know ladies who fell pg about 2-3 weeks after the OD! They got their first positive OPK and caught that egg :thumbup: So it does happen!!
Anupur - I think it's a good idea to induce AF if you're sure you've not Ov or are pregnant. Good luck!! :thumbup:

MommyMel - lovely to hear how you're getting on on your break. TTC is so stressful, like you say until you take a break we don't realise how stressful it is. Good luck to you.

Maria - How are you coping with the heat? I remember when I was pg, the summer heat was just getting to me, and I was only halfway through my pregnancy. I needed to stick my feet in a bowl of water and run my wrists under a cool tap just to cool down. Hope you are managing to sleep! :hugs:

AFM - :cry: Apologies in advance for the downer - I got my progesterone tests back this morning and it was a pathetic and soul destroying 4.3 :cry::cry::cry: This has hit me really hard, as I'm feeling like my body is just useless. Like many of you, I've been through the OD and Lap and Dye, not ovulating afterwards and now on my 1st Femara 5mg cycle with 1650mg Metformin there is not even a glimmer of hope. I'm beginning to wonder if there is something else wrong with me - I'm dieting and exercising every day either with gym, swim or exercise class and two weeks on I haven't lost any weight at all. :grr:
Maria thanks for asking...its been 1 week now - we are going to try this month just out of curiosity but not expecting anything. You are getting close to the big day. How you feeling? Good luck with everything xxx

Kyla sorry you are feeling down. I know that feeling very well. More often than not when I went for prog they didn't even bother telling me results etc. once it was 27 and my doctor said it was good and my consultant said it was bad so it is so difficult --- I don't really understand the numbers at all. Sending a hug.

Everyone else hoping that we can be each others good luck charms and there are lots of BFPs...:winkwink:
The heat is OK. My hands are very swollen in the evenings/mornings but the swelling goes down from the air con in the office. Night sleep has ben broken for the last month or so but I guess it only prepares me for what's to come when baby is here :haha:

Miracle - I got a natural positive OPK exactly 12 days after the OD. We didn't catch for another 8 or 9 months but I did ovulate a few times after the surgery.

Kyla - was this a Femara cycle then? Did they not scan you to see how your ovaries responded?
Progesterone is a tricky one. In the UK anything above 30 confirms ovulation, however, this has to be on exactly 7-8DPO. If the blood is taken a couple of days before or after it may simply mean that the hormone hasn't risen yet or is declining already.
Readings less than 5 kinda mean no ovulation - everything inbwteen is inconclusive - and can be for the above reason.
maria - thinking about u my friend. I think ur bump is now really big size hun. When do u take holiday from work?​
kyla - really sorry for u. :hugs: What is ur next plan? I am also feeling down. Dont know next cycle with clomid either i ovulate or not. Do u take any meds for induce af?​
miracle - best of luck for this cycle. :thumbup: If u get positive opk catch the eggy.​
AFM - Started 10mg provera twice today for 5days to induce af. Feeling very down for not ovulate naturally. :cry:

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