anyone here WTT after an ectopic?

well I hope it lessens for you today, or better yet, goes away completley!
*come on beanie~ Stick in the right place this time! Mama wants u!
You dont know how much that means huni it means so so much xx

I still have a few niggles but its more lower back and a few mild aches in abdomen, im trying to keep positive i really am, it maybe just normal pregnancy aches and pains but because of my recent surgery maybe its all hightened due to that??

Thankyou for thinking of me huni xxxxx
hi nicky g, sorry for your loss, but nice to meet you:hi:

lou1979, pains down your leg sounds a bit like sciatica???

i wonder what gnomette is up to:winkwink::winkwink:

hi to everyone else, not been on for a little while, been a bit down x x
The problem is ive gone into panic overload now..

so until i am told and see it for myself that its it the right place im not going to believe it.

If im honest tho its getting worse and i just know the outcome.
Lou if it is getting worse, go to the dr asap! I am sure you are just overreacting.when is your dr appt?
hay ladies!!!
lou you are right an ep is a lagacy! but i have every thing crossed in the hope bean is in the right place!
i have been a very busy lady!! :winkwink::winkwink:
i had the most amazing day it stil feels like the most fantastic dream! i have to keep pinching my self! photos will be put on here soon our computer blew up so we are borrowing one at the min so as soon as we have a new one they will be on here!! we had no trouble just a very dunk uncle and father in law (who thought it would be great to get a bit handsy with the ladies an i was no exception) apart from that we had a fantastic day!! and we stayed in a lovely hotel didnt see much of it as we were late for breakfast!:dance:
did ya miss me??
thank you all for your kind thoughts xx
mrs Arnold-purcell
Hi ya

Thankyou ladies for your replys,

i need some advice is thats possible from you> thats if you dont mind..

The pain im getting is if you were to put your hands on your hips its like lowerback ache, and also shsrp pains on both sides (overy tube) area,

Now it may be just scar tissue stretching after op?? or something more sinister, so what and where was your pain ladies? if you dont mind me asking?

thankyou xxxx
Lou~ explain the pain, does it come and go? is it a sharp pain that makes you double over? Do you have any other symptoms? Do you have a fever? Pain with Bowel or bladder movements?
I am gonna re read your posts, but you did have a tube removed right?

I will tell you my symptoms, but my scenario is very different than the norm.
I was woken up at 5 am on a wed in jan with Very sharp Shooting pains in my left low abdomen. RIght above the pubic bone, and over to the left. I shifted around a bit, laid on my right side, and the pain moved to the right. I got up walked around and went to the bathroom and had a BM that was very painful. The pain went away after that. So I thought it was gas related
In the next few days, every time I had a BM the pain got worse and worse, but it would go away after the BM. I did a lot of research, and I though I was getting IBS. (my intestines were on FIRE and I could feel the parastaltic movement.) By day 5 the pain was there almost constantly, and that is when I went to the ER.

I didn't want to make a mountain out of a mole hill, so I put off going to the dr. for 5 days, and I wish I hadn't.

I don't want to scare you, but I feel that if you are having this much pain that is consistant with an EP you should see a dr imediatly. You have already been through the worst, so what is it going to hurt to go to the DR and be seen?
Thankyou so much for your reply premomt, and im so sorry about what you had to go through :(

When im up and about the pain is minimal, its when i sit in a certain position, the pain today is a lot less than yesterday if im honest but i know how unpredictable EP can be.

This time last pregnancy i was already bleeding (spotting) that was my first sign that something was wrong, last time the pain came last and literally got worse over 48hrs where i couldnt sit, stand or lay in any postion to get comfy.

I had my right tube removed 6 weeks ago today, I called my EPU today and spoke to the sonographer who scanned me and found the EP last time, we had a good chat, and she said that considering ive been haing these pains for 5days and im only just over 4 weeks, she really doesnt think it couldbe EP as its so small at this stage.. however she then said no EP is the same, and if the pain becomes severe then to call and come see her asap.

She said she could bring my scan forward to next tuesday next week but thats the earliest she would be able to see anything 5.5 weeks, so she said unless the pain isnt getting worse or your not feeling unwell etc then to try and ride it out to the 13th (i'll be 6 weeks|) as she will be able to see everything properly by then (well fetal pole etc) and make sure its where it should be.

she sounded VERY positive but yet im STILL worrying..

She also said Lorraine you have to remember it was only 6 weeks ago you had major abdo surgery and you are still healing from that internally so you will get twinges and funny feelings until everything is settled and now with added preg hormones things are lossening up and that will cause things to niggle to.

Im feeling better this evening but i still am in doubt, im going to keep an eye on the pain and im on constant knicker watch (tmi) sorry lol

Thankyou so much for listening to me ramble on you have no idea just how much it helpsxxx

Lorraine xx
Well good I am glad you spoke with someone. That always helps. Keep aware for all the signs and don't pass anything off!
On another note, I am hoping to not be too far behind you... I know I said I was gonna wait to try, but secretly I hope our not trying not preventing will lead to something this cycle. I won't be upset if it doesn't but I hope..
Lou- the other thing I have been meaning to say is ask if you can have a quant count done. Its where they test your HCG levels over the course of a few days to make sure they are rising properly. That would really help you be more confident, and your dr know things are going ok without an ultrasound.
Hi ladies!

DH and I conceived our first month after marrying in September 2008, we weren't "trying" but we weren't trying not to and were excited about our BFP! That pregnancy ended with it being ectopic, I needed major surgery because it had ruptured and "trying but not trying" was put on hold for 3 months to recover.

This is our 2nd month of TTC since our "EP Baby" and I've found that the loss of our first little one has given me an urgency to conceive again.

I am using BBT charting and recently found that post-ectopic pregnancy I have an issue with luteal phase spotting that I didn't have before. That lead me to this lovely board after a google search for natural ways to boost my luteal phase. Have any of you noticed a change in your cycle after your ectopic pregnancies?

Lou-- it must be so scary for you! There is an ectopic pregnacy trust message board that I also go to and has a lot of ladies that support one another. A lot of them go through the same fears and concerns. I have not got a BFP again since my EP but, even with my spotting I am so afraid I am pregnant even though I don't have a BFP, just because spotting was my only sign that something could be wrong, prior to the rupture. If you have continued pain I would urge you to get to an emergency room as my EP ruptured before I was even 6 weeks along. Although to reassure you, I still have sharp pains in my incision area that are similar to what I experienced with my EP. Just be careful and I will be sending lots of positive thoughts your direction. Keeping everything crossed for a sticky bean in the right place for you dear!

Also wanted to mention the same thing along the lines as premomt-- HCG levels should double every other day in early pregnancy. If you could get your HCG count tested and then re-tested 2 days later, if it has doubled it indicates that your little bean is growing at the right rate.
Premomt wow!! thats excellent news i'll be sending you lots of :dust:!!! goodluck huni

Sarah I use the EPT daily:)

As for the blood tests i may call my GP today and see if i can get booked in earlier as when i called last thursday this friday was the SOONEST they could see me :( hence the wait, i did tell them my situ but apparently there are people more important infront.

This morning i feel fine 100% infact, however as the day goes on i know niggles will start so i'll be on my guard..

Again thankyou all xxx

& Sarah its good to have you aboard and goodluck huni xx
hi sarah, welcome:hi:

Premomt, that is fantastic news, i hope not trying but not being careful works for you. Its good to see that we all seem to be getting back to 'normalty' in some way.

Lou1979, i'm sure everything will be fine but i'm with you on the worry front and not even pregnant again, part of me..... no make that all of me, is scared of what will happen if/when i do get pregnant. It somewhat takes away the pleasure of trying.

Gnomette, i'm really pleased everything went without a hitch and can't wait to see the pics.

love to all x x
Thanks Rabbit, until i see baby in the right place im not going to be convinced infact im thinking EP until proven otherwise!

that way i wont have a huge fall if it is in the wrong place , and if its not in the wrong place and he/she made it then i'll be over the moon!
hi Rabbit, thanks for the welcome!

Lou, you sound just like me. I assume the worse to prepare myself for what could possibly be the worse. Even though I know I have such high chances of a normal pregnancy in the future. I use EPT on a daily basis myself-- username is same as here. How about you?

Do you have any known reason as to why you had an EP previously? There is no known reason for me... just one of those things, everything looks healthy for me. Sometimes I think that is worse because there is no treatment or any plan of action I can take to try and help me find my way around it in the future.
i agree with you two, assuming the worse lessens the fall, and makes it even better if it's all good x x
My username on EPT is Lorraine (original i know)lol

I have two beautiful boys aged 6 and 4 and have NEVER EVER had problems prior to the EP, not 1 op, no infections nothing!

I was just one of those unlucky people it just 'happens' to like yourself :(

I did a digi this morning which came up with 3+ which is a milesetone for me as i never got past 2-3 last time.

my boobs feel like rocks and are so sore, (which i guess is a good sign?)

Thankyou Rabbit & Premomt also, what would i do without you :)
I so wish we had the conception indicator CB tests in the states! Congrats on your HCG levels registering 3+!! :happydance::happydance:
as for me>yesterday I got some bad af type cramps, and was bloated beyond the fat pant status. Today I am major weepy. My boobs dont hurt like before af, nor have they gotten bigger. CP is firm and closed.

(look at me NOT symptom spotting... HA!):rofl:

I have a feeling af is on her way, and i am ok with that if that's how it's going. Just wish it would hurry up and get here already!

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