Anyone in 1st / Second Tri in West Yorks?

I'm going to Calderdale, not looking forward to it though I went the other week and it was horrible looking place! Don't think I'm going to enjoy giving birth there!
I'm going to Calderdale, not looking forward to it though I went the other week and it was horrible looking place! Don't think I'm going to enjoy giving birth there!

What a shame. Calderdale is a lovely hospital. My OH had an MRI scan done there the other week. They have a Midwife led unit have you been there? xx
I'm going to Calderdale, not looking forward to it though I went the other week and it was horrible looking place! Don't think I'm going to enjoy giving birth there!

What a shame. Calderdale is a lovely hospital. My OH had an MRI scan done there the other week. They have a Midwife led unit have you been there? xx

I have a friend who used the midwife led unit there uswhen she had her son and she thought it was good..
It went well everyone was pleased, so glad it's done now felt like I was storing up this big secret up!!

Cmarie33- is the sickness medication good? I felt really really bad at the beginning but my dr wasn't Kean to give me anything, I still have ms but it's not as bad as it was. I'm giving it till 12/13 weeks to do one before I will have to go back to drs

It's definitely helped my appetite! It was more a case of me not eating properly and it's really helped!

Less than a week til my scan now and I'm beginning to show. Hope
You're all well x

Good luck with the scan. I have booked a gender scan at seventeen weeks now. I was trying to avoid the temptation of extra private scans but Dh has a new job were they are really funny about time off during term time and we have booked the scan for a Sunday.. At least this way we'll find out the sex together. Should be fun too it comes with a 3d preview.. Can't wait..
I had my gender scan at Meet Your baby Leeds and they were so good!
Nooooo way I'm in Thornton too, what a small world!!! Calderdale is an absolutely lovely hospital and the midwives are great x
I've stayed twice at Calderdale before when I've had D&Cs and thought it was really nice in that part,
I won't be allowed on the midwife led unit. When we went in we were up on the normal labour ward which is where the midwife said I'll have to be because of the tear iv had last time, Iv already had to whinge so I don't have to have a section, the delivery suite we were in was awful, it looked like an operating theatre, full of silver trolleys, dingy and really small!! They did say that was the worst room when I asked about it but it's really put me off! :/
And DH is having panics that we will get stuck in rush hour on the bypass and I'll give birth in the car haha
I've stayed twice at Calderdale before when I've had D&Cs and thought it was really nice in that part,
I won't be allowed on the midwife led unit. When we went in we were up on the normal labour ward which is where the midwife said I'll have to be because of the tear iv had last time, Iv already had to whinge so I don't have to have a section, the delivery suite we were in was awful, it looked like an operating theatre, full of silver trolleys, dingy and really small!! They did say that was the worst room when I asked about it but it's really put me off! :/

The put me under a consultant and told me I couldn't be midwife led but when arrived in labour I just stayed in the midwife led unit, altho it was a quick labour.

Did they want you to have a section??? Because I want a section this time, I've had a episiotomy with forceps first time and then a third degree tear second and I've had a hard time recovering I just don't want to risk it again. I haven't had any appointments to discuss it yet x
And DH is having panics that we will get stuck in rush hour on the bypass and I'll give birth in the car haha

This is a big fear of mine, my last labour was 4 hours start to finish, he arrived 2 hours after I arrived at hospital it was way too fast for me I'm scared this one would just happen anywhere!!!!
I know it's not an option for you, but the reason Im hoping for home birth is mt waters broke at 2am and Noah was born at 4.56 am so I dont want to get stuck in the traffic to Bradford !!!!
I know it's not an option for you, but the reason Im hoping for home birth is mt waters broke at 2am and Noah was born at 4.56 am so I dont want to get stuck in the traffic to Bradford !!!!

Oh yeh if your happy to be at home and have quick deliveries it the best place for you! My first took 13hrs so 2nd was a big shock how fast it was happening and all I wanted was an epidural, I told everyone!!!!! All I actually got was abit of gas and air. I was really proud of myself afterwards but was absolutely gutted when I then ended up having to go to surgery and having a spinal to be fixed.
I so wish I could have a home birth :( maybe I can push for mw led, my tear happened because of the midwife not because of me so theres no reason it will happen again, and I laboured really well, was 19 hours so I don't think I'll give birth in the car haha, I was 5cm last time when I went in and I wasn't in much pain at all only went in because DH and my mum made me, I didnt even thnk I was in labour haha,
I keep changing my mind about whether it's just better to have a section, when I more mw last week she sent a letter to consultant to make an appointment so we can decide what's best x
Wantingno2 that was me, I spent all pregnancy saying I'm getting an Epi haha when I was in labor didnt even ask for one cus I didn't find it that painful, and then had to have a bloody spinal to go to get stitched up lol :dohh:
Wantingno2 that was me, I spent all pregnancy saying I'm getting an Epi haha when I was in labor didnt even ask for one cus I didn't find it that painful, and then had to have a bloody spinal to go to get stitched up lol :dohh:

You must be one tough lady!!! Labour is hardwork! And that's being polite. I'm going to request a section, I have a real fear of not being able to function properly because of all the damage down there.

If I wasn't such a wimp I'd love to think I could manage a home birth, it must be so nice to stay at home after birth. I hate staying hospital all alone with a newborn I just want to get home and do it my way with my own things around me. At one of the hospitals in Nottingham where the in laws live the rooms are made for you and yOur partner to stay, how nice to have oh there to help out.
That's what's on my mind too, what if something happens again and I'm left with all the damage and no control over my bladder or even worse! That's what makes me keep thinking shall I just have a section, I'm not sure of the visiting at Calderdale but at the hospital I had my son at visiting was awful, partners were only allowed to come at visiting times with everybody else, I hope that DH can come whenever at Calderdale!
That's what's on my mind too, what if something happens again and I'm left with all the damage and no control over my bladder or even worse! That's what makes me keep thinking shall I just have a section, I'm not sure of the visiting at Calderdale but at the hospital I had my son at visiting was awful, partners were only allowed to come at visiting times with everybody else, I hope that DH can come whenever at Calderdale!

Oh I can't remember what visiting was, I think oh can come earlier/later than normal but not whenever, don't hold me to that tho.

I know my body wouldnt do natural without more damage. Second time in fairness I didnt have as much pain but I think that was more that I had to get on with it. I did have more problems tho, they sent me for physio front and back!!!! I know hilarious!!! Front they told me to do pelvic exercises everyday for the rest of my life, well I hate them and never do it! When I went for back passage physio they tested how strong the muscles are, they were weaker than should be and I wasn't holding the muscles tight for aslong as I thought I was, they too gave me a bum pelvic exercise and a little picture to remind me!!!! It wasn't till about 6 months after tho I had a really sharp pain every time I needed no2 and then started having problems dtd, both seem to have resolved there selfs now thankfully but for a while I did think I was going to have to go back and be 'refashioned!' Sorry that was prob all tmi.

However I read ALOT of stories on here before birth of people who had had previous tears/episiotomy and went on to have no problems at all, so you could be perfectly fine this time x
We have had since I gbe birth problems w dtd can only do 2 positions now or it's painful with the pressure on my scar, I didn't have problems til now I'm pregnant again get horrible pressure feeling in my scar especially if I'm going no2 tmi sorry but it feels like my scar is going to pop open sometimes, so I'm scared of the pushing part incase is does actually happen! That's why I'm meeting consultant to see what he thinks, as I am getting problems now with scar I don't want to make it worse! xo
See what they think, I've heard that Calderdale favour sections. I'd go with your instincts and what feels right for you. When's your appointment? Let me know how you get on x
I'm waiting for a letter to come through, midwife should be ringing this week sometime too, it's all abit of a rush because we've just moved back to the area! x

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