Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

Aw Zilla - that sucks. Did you BF at all? It's mad what our bodies have to go through, I guess x

Nope ... tried it and quit before we left the hospital :(

That is odd then. I am only on my first cycle at 17/52 pp but I wasn't overly surprised as I am still BF. Hope things sort themselves out soon. Will you be actively TTC when normal service has resumed?
i'm hating i feel like i'm getting more broody as the days go on
Totally understand, Steph. So tired of waiting too, but deep down I know it's not a good time for us. We're moving in three months and I can't imagine having morning sickness and moving cross country... The flying (talk about a nausea/vomiting trigger), the stress, the settling, the belongings all over the place. Gah! I can't wait until we move--I want to start right away! :)
Leinz, I'm also WTT until Aug-Oct, somewhere in that time frame. I am so exhausted right now, I can't imagine being pregnant on top of it. I had such a terrible pregnancy too, I am a little scared to do that again so soon. Finally, I am concerned about my milk supply if I were to get pregnant, as Weston has a cow's milk sensitivity and gets very sick on any formula I have tried. I attempted to supplement him a few times by giving him a bottle before bed (so he would possibly sleep longer) and he also had to have a little formula the day I had my surgery. He vomited over and over again each time he had was awful. He also has terrible reflux so that could be part of the issue. I think just about the only ones we haven't tried are the soy formulas & Nutramigen because they smell so awful...and I still want to breastfeed most of the time. So, I feel I need to wait until Weston is at least 6 months before trying for #2, just in case I were to get pregnant and lose my milk supply. By then he would hopefully be able to tolerate formula a little better if I had to switch him to it.
Leinz, I'm also WTT until Aug-Oct, somewhere in that time frame. I am so exhausted right now, I can't imagine being pregnant on top of it. I had such a terrible pregnancy too, I am a little scared to do that again so soon. Finally, I am concerned about my milk supply if I were to get pregnant, as Weston has a cow's milk sensitivity and gets very sick on any formula I have tried. I attempted to supplement him a few times by giving him a bottle before bed (so he would possibly sleep longer) and he also had to have a little formula the day I had my surgery. He vomited over and over again each time he had was awful. He also has terrible reflux so that could be part of the issue. I think just about the only ones we haven't tried are the soy formulas & Nutramigen because they smell so awful...and I still want to breastfeed most of the time. So, I feel I need to wait until Weston is at least 6 months before trying for #2, just in case I were to get pregnant and lose my milk supply. By then he would hopefully be able to tolerate formula a little better if I had to switch him to it.

Our girl had a milk protein allergy so we tried Nutramigen.... oh my goodness, the smell was horrid. She would make the most disgusted face when we'd try to bring the bottle next to her face, and never even tried to suck on the bottle once. She was repulsed. Also, I totally understand the fear about getting pregnant again after a bad pregnancy (mine was essentially 8 months of stabbing leg pain, reflux, incurable anemia, and a feeling of suffocating). I also sympathize with the milk supply issue too! I'm an exclusive pumper, and never really got to BF, and have had to use expressed milk since day 1. I'm also worried about weaning too soon if we have another LO. DD will be 1 when we start trying again (August-Sept), but since she was a preemie I want her to get an extra long stretch of drinking breast milk.

BTW Earth's Best organic makes a great 'Sensitivity' formula that you might want to give a try. It's the only formula DD would drink, and after being on it for a month we transitioned her to the non-sensitive Earth's Best formula with no problems. Maybe that might work for you?
Leinz, I'm also WTT until Aug-Oct, somewhere in that time frame. I am so exhausted right now, I can't imagine being pregnant on top of it. I had such a terrible pregnancy too, I am a little scared to do that again so soon. Finally, I am concerned about my milk supply if I were to get pregnant, as Weston has a cow's milk sensitivity and gets very sick on any formula I have tried. I attempted to supplement him a few times by giving him a bottle before bed (so he would possibly sleep longer) and he also had to have a little formula the day I had my surgery. He vomited over and over again each time he had was awful. He also has terrible reflux so that could be part of the issue. I think just about the only ones we haven't tried are the soy formulas & Nutramigen because they smell so awful...and I still want to breastfeed most of the time. So, I feel I need to wait until Weston is at least 6 months before trying for #2, just in case I were to get pregnant and lose my milk supply. By then he would hopefully be able to tolerate formula a little better if I had to switch him to it.

Our girl had a milk protein allergy so we tried Nutramigen.... oh my goodness, the smell was horrid. She would make the most disgusted face when we'd try to bring the bottle next to her face, and never even tried to suck on the bottle once. She was repulsed. Also, I totally understand the fear about getting pregnant again after a bad pregnancy (mine was essentially 8 months of stabbing leg pain, reflux, incurable anemia, and a feeling of suffocating). I also sympathize with the milk supply issue too! I'm an exclusive pumper, and never really got to BF, and have had to use expressed milk since day 1. I'm also worried about weaning too soon if we have another LO. DD will be 1 when we start trying again (August-Sept), but since she was a preemie I want her to get an extra long stretch of drinking breast milk.

BTW Earth's Best organic makes a great 'Sensitivity' formula that you might want to give a try. It's the only formula DD would drink, and after being on it for a month we transitioned her to the non-sensitive Earth's Best formula with no problems. Maybe that might work for you?

Thanks for the advice! I will try that formula. I would just like something to supplement him for the bedtime bottle, as he tends to just was to "comfort suck" while falling asleep and will sometimes use me as a pacifier for an hour before finally passing out. Also I have heard the formula gets them to sleep a little longer, and he is a much happier baby when he has had a good nights sleep. He was on a pretty good schedule until I had surgery, and then it all went to crap and he went back to every 2-3 hours at night. It has not been fun getting no sleep while trying to recover from surgery--LOL! :wacko:

What were the symptoms and how did you find out she had a milk protein allergy? Weston also gets this horrible diaper rash everytime I drink milk or eat too much ice cream, so I am suspecting he has either an allergy or sensitivity. I mentioned it to his pedi and she really didn't have much of an answer, just that generally with a cow's milk allergy you see a rash all over the body (not just diaper rash). :dohh:
^ Screaming. All-night screaming. Infrequent BMs, and screaming accompanying those BMs. In the hospital when they started fortifying my breastmilk with formula, she was constipated for two days where before she'd been having 2-3 BMs a day. She got so backed up that she had bile in her stomach. As a NICU graduate, we were instructed to add Neosure to two of her bottles each day. We'd do the bottles at night, and she would end up waking up every hour screaming, fussing, inconsolable. We asked the Ped what might be going on and she suggested a milk protein allergy and we stopped the Neosure and I cut out dairy. The screaming fits stopped immediately and she started sleeping longer, but the weird thing is that a month or so later I started slowly eating dairy again and she had no problem. I don't know if milk protein allergy is something they grow out of, or if in our case it was just milk protein sensitivity due to immaturity of the gut and not a true MPA. When we finally decided to do formula (6 months actual, 4 months corrected age) we started her on the sensitivity formula to be safe, and she did very well on it...

Do you know if true milk protein allergy is for life, or if it clears up as it does in our case?
BabyDreams & Wantsalittle, Sorry to hear about milk allergies. :( I hope things get better fast.

Can't believe my LO turned 3 months today. Still waiting until September, happier about that by day. My first born was a NICU graduate. She was born with birth defects. Not many issues at the moment though. Sure scared me!

As for the second pregnancy and birth... Everything went fine... So, I'm sure they will for you too! I was worried the whole time of going through the experience again. But #2 is healthy and perfect. It makes this time so much easier.
i just had my little boy November. he's a dream. we also have a little girl and i thought that my wee dude would be our last but strangely i feel like i'm not done. that sound's really strange so i guess i am WTT... i may be WTT for forever as we don't know if we'd manage a 3rd in the house and with the financial situation we are in. We're not in a bad financial state but we're comfy.

it's really weird because my little boy is still so small but i am so broody and get jealous seeing pregnant woman :dohh: haha! i would NEVER have thought i would have gotten like this so quickly having Xavier. Trying to use weightloss as a distraction but i can't help but want another.
i found i got broody really quickly as well my little one was born at 36 weeks 4 days, i had to get induced with him as he stopped growing, they think he stopped at about 32 weeks. i found when he was 2 weeks i started getting broody, didn't help hubby asking when i wanted to start trying for the next. we are hoping when he's 3 months (crazy i know) but it all depends on what my doctor says tomorrow
i would start now if i could! Or i would have started ttc already but yeah:( you're not mad
glad i'm not the only one who wants to start trying so quickly
Leinz - Happy 3 months Zoela :cloud9:

I wanted to start trying again as soon as Tyler was born, I missed my bump! :blush:
hi girls were not trying yet till shes 9 or 10 month after my wedding x x

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