Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

I am on the mini pill but not too religious with it!
I just POAS for the fun of it but bfn! My period still hasn't returned, damn pcos :(
Wine time tonight!!!
i'm still waiting in mine to return as well, i do keep getting cramps, have been cramping on and off for about 2 weeks now and the last few nights i've been having a bit of pink discharge sorry tmi i know
I have seen loads of pregnant ladies around lately and it makes me very broody :blush:
I *think* I got AF last week, but it lasted 3 days and was really light (but still some bright red blood though). I also had some fertile CM 2 weeks-ish before so pretty sure it was AF. Anyway we are now officially TTC, although we're going to my in-laws next week so we'll DTD before and after, so more like a NTNP since I'm not sure I'll have a 28 day cycle:shrug:
My cycles have returned to. i also noticed the cm 2 weeks before hand, i even wrote down on the calender when i had the cm when i thought af would arrive, i write down 2 possible days and was actaully right. :D
I'm so Devo :(
I think cos of my pcos I need to lose some serious weight to get my period back :(
Yay Melfy!

Littlesteph - mine was exactly the same and I was spot on too.

Hopeful - good luck and lots of :hugs:

AFM - well no idea what is going on with my cycle here. I'd normally get a positive OPK around day 23 with O the day after but I'm now on CD 28 with temps still down, negative OPK's and v little EWCM. LO has been sleeping badly lately do maybe my body is just too tired to O this month :( On a positive note, we are officially TTC now!
Honeybee congrats on TTC!!! So excited for you! What has your CM been for the last few days? Could you have a cold or anything that might be causing your temp to be off? I know you mentioned a negative OPK too... could you have Oed ridiculously early this month?
Missy, I am so sorry for your losses :hugs: , but BIG CONGRATS on your BFP!!!! H&H 9 months to you!!!!

Yay Honey, officially TTC!!!

We FINALLY DTD for the first time yesterday (since Weston was born) and OMG it was so painful! I had two bad tears and an epi so I'm assuming that's why. I bled a little afterwards. I had a ton of EWCM last week so I'm not sure if that was O or? I really would be surprised if my cycles return normally while I'm exclusively BFing. I would like to combi feed but it's challenging with his formula sensitivity/allergy. I have yet to try the Earth's Best, it's hard to find around here. May order from Amazon this week and just see how it goes!!!
babydreams: First, thanks for creating this awesome viral thread! Second, we use Earth's Best and it really is the only formula that DD would tolerate. We tried nutramigen (blegh, disgusting) and all kinds of Similac formulas and we had night after night of screaming. She likely had a milk protein allergy. We gave up on formula and gave breast milk only until she was 7 months, when we started back with Earth's Best Sensitivity. She loved it. Now she is onto the Earth's Best regular formula. We really love the stuff! Also love that the formula container has a little blurb about how breastfeeding is the best for baby, but when breastfeeding fails, Earth's Best is there. Hah! :) About the DTD, the first few months were incredibly painful for me too but then I didn't have the epi so my issue was dryness. If you think that might be the cause it might help to use a lube or to ask your OB about doing a little Estrace to help get your estrogen back on track after birth. Estrace is really supposed to help with painful, dry postpartum DTD.
Good luck to all you ladies currently TTC! Sending you all lot's of baby :dust:
Thanks ladies! Trying to stay positive, have no reason to believe that anything other than a beautiful baby will be at the end, just still wrapping my head around having a baby again!!!
I haven't had a chance to read back a lot, I know, I'm bad :( just so busy these days, not to mention so tired ha. But I see that some are trying right now. I didn't even know that I had O'd. The only indication was my +OPK for 3 days. But who knows when I actually O'd. We did the SMEP, for the most part. And I'm still thinking that's what did it this time around, or that I'm super fertile all of a sudden lol.... It's worth a shot, eh?
I wanted to say, I love coming on these groups and seeing the smiles of your happy baby's. Knowing we will have our rainbow soon. There are times I just get on here, look at some stuff and get off of here, but I always smile looking at the profile pic! I know, I'm a bit odd lol... Hope everyone is well today!
babydreams: First, thanks for creating this awesome viral thread! Second, we use Earth's Best and it really is the only formula that DD would tolerate. We tried nutramigen (blegh, disgusting) and all kinds of Similac formulas and we had night after night of screaming. She likely had a milk protein allergy. We gave up on formula and gave breast milk only until she was 7 months, when we started back with Earth's Best Sensitivity. She loved it. Now she is onto the Earth's Best regular formula. We really love the stuff! Also love that the formula container has a little blurb about how breastfeeding is the best for baby, but when breastfeeding fails, Earth's Best is there. Hah! :) About the DTD, the first few months were incredibly painful for me too but then I didn't have the epi so my issue was dryness. If you think that might be the cause it might help to use a lube or to ask your OB about doing a little Estrace to help get your estrogen back on track after birth. Estrace is really supposed to help with painful, dry postpartum DTD.

You are so welcome! Although, I had no idea it would become so popular! LOL :haha:

That's awesome that your DD is tolerating the Earth's Best. I didn't even know about that formula until you mentioned it to me a few pages back, but that's definitely the one I'm going for when I try him on formula again! Do you combi feed now or just do the formula exclusively?

Thanks for the tips on DTD. We actually did use a lube and it was still that awful. :( I can't use anything with estrogen either because I have something called a hemangioma on my liver that could get larger if I were to use any artificial hormones. I can't be on most types of birth control either. Condoms, copper IUD, or sterilization are my only options from now on. We are just doing condoms now although I hate them!!! :wacko:
You are so welcome! Although, I had no idea it would become so popular! LOL :haha:

That's awesome that your DD is tolerating the Earth's Best. I didn't even know about that formula until you mentioned it to me a few pages back, but that's definitely the one I'm going for when I try him on formula again! Do you combi feed now or just do the formula exclusively?

Thanks for the tips on DTD. We actually did use a lube and it was still that awful. :( I can't use anything with estrogen either because I have something called a hemangioma on my liver that could get larger if I were to use any artificial hormones. I can't be on most types of birth control either. Condoms, copper IUD, or sterilization are my only options from now on. We are just doing condoms now although I hate them!!! :wacko:

Ugh, hate condoms too. They always give me BV and yeast infections. Ick. I'm so sorry about the pain... That's really awful :(

We are combi feeding, alternating bottles of milk and formula. We also do one meal a day of baby food and we let her chew on our food here and there. It's such a hodgepodge!
Just popping in, I would love three kids but with the complications I have had in th past one would be okay :). Unsure when I would be TTC maybe soon maybe in a year or so but I can't wait :D x
Just nipping by - haven't been in on a while as, as usual, it's been mad here.
DS has had his first 2 teeth break through so a lot of sleepless nights here, and a lot of Bonjela has came into our house never to be seen again!
Still nothing at all on the AF front, Got to go to the GP again in the next couple of weeks. Now at 20 weeks PP & have been FF the whole time - so no idea what's going on!
I was temping/OPKing to see where I was - whether anything was going to happen anytime soon - but it got a bit disheartening and I got too worried about not getting AF so my BBT thermometer & OPKS have all gone into the back of the cupboard.

I think we're going to hold off on the TTC for a while - we've just bought a house, which won't be finished until October - and then I'm doing a degree too so I think we're going to put #2 on the back burner for the moment. Also I've been a bit poorly the past couple of weeks - not sure what with - but I found it really hard coping with LO when I was feeling off - so not sure how I'm going to cope with morning sickness, etc.

In all honesty I've found the past few weeks really hard - been very emotional and stressed etc. - Do you think this could be because I haven't had AF yet - could my hormones still be all over the place??

:dust: to everyone though!

Hello ladies. I have been MIA for quite awhile. My sister passed away the end of March, so it's been kind of rough, 1st our daughter in Jan, grandfather in Feb and my sister in March. But.... Finally good news for our family! I took 3 tests at home this morning and all had faint lines. Went to the store and got FRER and Clearblue digital and both are BFP!! I am so excited. Just got done doing my blood work, so hoping it's all good news!! I will have to read back to see what I have missed!

I'm so so sorry for your loss!!
Massive congratulations on the BFP though, H&H 9 months to you!
In the past few years, I have lost my Mum and Dad (both when I was 17), my Grandad (Who I Lived with when Mum/Dad died) & my other Nan (Who I lived with a lot when I was a kid).
Having a LO really does heal a broken heart ..

I do still wish all of those people were here to meet him though.

Awwww Zilla :hugs: :hugs: Sounds like there is lots going on for you at the moment, Hun. I hope all those horrible feelings are just your hormones settling themselves. If its any consolation I felt similar right before my cycles came back and the as soon as AF arrived I felt oddly 'normal' again.

Looks like I've finally O'd on CD 29. No positive OPK this time though and our timing wasn't good because DH refused to DTD last night after a stupid disagreement. Grrrr. Unless there are some persistent swimmers holding out, I think we've missed the boat this cycle. It was a wierd one anyway.
when i got pregnant the first night of my opk we had a disagreement so didn't end up doing the deed we ended up doing it on the second night instead and that was the night that got me pregnant.
you never you could still have a chance if you do the deed tonight :)
you don't OV until up to 72h after an OPK so you're always in with a chance ;)

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