Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

Hi ex and daddiesgift, thank you so much. I'm happy to say that actually there was a light at the end of this tunnel: my OB was wrong! I was not having a chemical.

My 'chemical' was pumping out an hCG of 176 this morning at 9am, a doubling time of 24 hours based on my Tuesday reading of 44 mIU/mL. Needless to say we are over the moon and officially baking our number 2 kiddo now, hoping that this LO decides to be a sticky bean. We are calling him/her Little G (from a story DH read when he was a kid) until we know whether it's a blue or pink bump.

I can't believe it happened so quickly--I am really in shock as I was still pumping for DD when I got pregnant, and then suddenly my supply started to drop dramatically at around 7-8 DPO. Thank you all for being so supportive ladies. In case anyone is interested here is my testing thread:

So much love to you all, beautiful mommies!
Hi ex and daddiesgift, thank you so much. I'm happy to say that actually there was a light at the end of this tunnel: my OB was wrong! I was not having a chemical.

My 'chemical' was pumping out an hCG of 176 this morning at 9am, a doubling time of 24 hours based on my Tuesday reading of 44 mIU/mL. Needless to say we are over the moon and officially baking our number 2 kiddo now, hoping that this LO decides to be a sticky bean. We are calling him/her Little G (from a story DH read when he was a kid) until we know whether it's a blue or pink bump.

I can't believe it happened so quickly--I am really in shock as I was still pumping for DD when I got pregnant, and then suddenly my supply started to drop dramatically at around 7-8 DPO. Thank you all for being so supportive ladies. In case anyone is interested here is my testing thread:

So much love to you all, beautiful mommies!

How is everyone doing??
Finally got AF after almost 6 months - took 5 days of Provera & now I'm hoping it'll kickstart my system again.
This seems to be a lucky thread though - 2 BFPs already! :)
H&H 9 months ladies xxxxxxx :hugs:
WantsALittle1 - Amazing news! Stick little bean, stick.

Hurray Zilla - back on track. Why are you feeling lonely, Hun?

All I've got to say is CD61 .......... Fast running out of time on my TTC 'window of opportunity' to have back to back mat leave :(
That's awesome news, Zilla. What was the final verdict on what was happening and why AF wasn't returning even though you weren't BFing?

Honeybee, sorry to hear that the maternity leave situation isn't going to work out. Have you been charting or anything during the last 61 days to see if there are any indicators of Oing?
Yes, I've been charting, and even though my temps will be off because of waking up to feed LO, the cycle looks anovulatory :( DH says it is because LO is not ready to share me just yet!
Yes, I've been charting, and even though my temps will be off because of waking up to feed LO, the cycle looks anovulatory :( DH says it is because LO is not ready to share me just yet!

Awwww, that is so sweet of him to say :) If it's any consolation according to my chart I was having an anovulatory cycle too (but obviously wasn't!) Temps were all over the place, and I was waking every 2-3 hours because of LO. Still 61 days is quite a bit of time. Did LO suddenly start BFing more after your last AF?
Wantsalittleone: I tell you sometimes I just feel like we know more than doctors when it comes to pregnancy:wacko: Stick baby stick!!

I have an U/S tomorrow, and I'm really nervous. My lines are just way too dark to be a chemical (the 2nd line being as dark as the control line on a dollar tree test, and with a very diluted pee!!), I'm confident it's a sticky one:happydance:
Good luck tomorrow Melfy!

WantsALittle1 - this is my first cycle since LO. I am pretty sure I O'd before AF because the CM was v obvious, but this one is odd - patches of 'half-hearted' CM but nothing clear. I'd say LO feeds less frequently now too as she has moved to 3 hourly feeds rather than very much on demand and is also eating solids. I did have a day away from her when I pumped. I thought this might have triggered AF and then LO continued feeding has delayed O? Not even sure if this is something I should see my GP about.
That's awesome news, Zilla. What was the final verdict on what was happening and why AF wasn't returning even though you weren't BFing?

Thank you :) There wasn't anything! No reason at all. So they just gave me provera to bring it on. Hopefully I'll go back to normal after this. was expecting the worst AF ever but it hasn't been too bad.

Fab news though for you :hugs: ; just read through the separate post you linked on here - amazing story. Exciting!!

Hurray Zilla - back on track. Why are you feeling lonely, Hun?

All I've got to say is CD61 .......... Fast running out of time on my TTC 'window of opportunity' to have back to back mat leave :(

Thank you! I'm glad.
Ah nothing much, just feeling a bit miserable one day, think I was being melodramatic! lol! thank you though :flower:

I know what you mean about the TTC window though. We passed the very very end of that window last weekend. To be honest though, OH has got a new job and I won't have to go back to work anyway so it doesn't really make a difference!

How is everyone enjoying the bank hol (UK)?
LO is ill with a chest infection, my & OH went to see Muse in London last night & left LO with MIL, (very reluctantly, I didn't want to leave him poorly but OH persuaded me as we already had the tickets and he was meant to be asleep the whole time anyway) & he was awake until 4am for her. oooops.
Hopefully he's better for us tonight.
Honeybee: I was thinking something very similar. Perhaps that little one STTN and then regressed, so your prolaction dropped (AF returned) but then went back up. I definitely noticed that my cycles were longer when I would cluster pump to increase supply. It messed things up big time!

Zilla: Thanks for reading my post. It's been a very wacky experience but I'm glad that in the end our LO is still here. I hope that he/she decides to hang out with us for 36 more weeks! Oh no! Where did LO get the chest infection? Poor little guy. And awesome that you guys are Muse fans. 'Glorious' is my fav :) Good for you guys for taking a night off together and sorry for your MIL that LO was having a rough time sleeping.
We are WTT but it will be a while yet before we start NTNP :)
Honeybee: I was thinking something very similar. Perhaps that little one STTN and then regressed, so your prolaction dropped (AF returned) but then went back up. I definitely noticed that my cycles were longer when I would cluster pump to increase supply. It messed things up big time!

Zilla: Thanks for reading my post. It's been a very wacky experience but I'm glad that in the end our LO is still here. I hope that he/she decides to hang out with us for 36 more weeks! Oh no! Where did LO get the chest infection? Poor little guy. And awesome that you guys are Muse fans. 'Glorious' is my fav :) Good for you guys for taking a night off together and sorry for your MIL that LO was having a rough time sleeping.

I'm so glad for you! it's a fab story. What did your OB say when you told him??
Have you told many family members? When we were PG with LO we told people really early, but I don't know if I would again.
Not sure when we're going to start TTC if the provera has kicked my cycle in gear. We've bought a house which won't be built until September, so I don't really want to be pregnant (even a little bit) at that point, so maybe we'll wait until we're in the new house and see how space goes!
I think he got it from me. I had it but my GP wouldn't give me antibiotics for it until I'd had it a week as they hate giving out antibiotics, so he got it off me :(
He's a lot better now but he keeps coughing and waking himself up and getting grumpy. Bless him!
Yeah it was a good night, very weird as I kept forgetting LO wasn't there at first and kept looking around for him :haha:
how is your pregnancy treating you so far??xx
Zilla: Oh wow, I remember you mentioning buying a house but I didn't know that it wasn't built yet. How exciting--a brand new house! As for the cold we've just been through the same thing here with LO. She had a tiny cold last week that was nothing more than a runny nose, occasional cough, and two really rough nights where she was waking up every hour. But honestly, pretty low stress. Then I catch it and holy moly. I've been sick for 8 days now, sick as a dog. Hacking, blowing my nose constantly, spiking fevers, and all this while pregnant in this extremely important formative stage for LOs neural tube and major organs. My OB said that when you're pregnant, a little cold can turn into a nightmare because you basically have no immune system. Ugh!

Unfortunately I didn't get to tell DH in a magical way. I was planning not to tell him until I'd had a u/s and surprise him with a photo and heartbeat, but I got nauseous the day after Oing (large corpus luteum cyst, we later found out) and started seeing doctors and testing daily to figure out if I was nausea from being PG. So he knows, and not in the most romantic way :( We have told quite a few people. It's really hard to keep it in. I won't be telling most people until they can see the bump, though. Really don't want to be judged. The judgment has already started to roll in "Really? Pregnant again so soon.... On purpose?" Not looking forward to more of that!

Glad you had fun at the concert and so jealous! Finding time for a date when you've got a little one at home is pretty rough... And I know what you mean about looking around for LO. When you actually do go out without LO, you feel like something huge is missing. It's sad first, but then a little liberating as you start to feel your old self coming back a little bit.

I hope you guys get many more awesome dates in the near future! xo
WantsALittle1 - Yay! Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :happydance:
Wantsalittleone: I didn't tell DH in a magical way either. He offered me some sunny side up eggs and I said I couldn't. One thing led to another and BAM, i told him:shrug:

I had an U/S today; we saw the sac, yolk sac and fetal pole, but no heartbeat yet, which is not surprising considering I'm 5+2, so I have another one next week. Hopefully we'll see the heartbeat then!!
melfy, seeing a fetal pole at 5+2 is awesome! Congrats! I'm going for my second u/s at 5+1 and hopefully we can see a FP too!
Melfy - Great news about your scan! :happydance:

WantsALittle1 - Good luck for your scan tomorrow :D
Great news about the scan! :)

It's just over 3 months until we start NTNP and just over 6 til TTC - so excited but terrified at the same time! I'm not even worried about coping with 2 close together, I'll deal with that when the time comes...I'm terrified I won't get pregnant or having another loss. I'm trying to stay positive. I'm trying to get healthier before getting pregnant again. So much to think about!

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