Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

GreyGirl - I know the feeling of being scared about having another loss or it taking a while to get pregnant again :hugs:
WAL1 and Melfy - I am so excited about your pregnancies. Does it feel weird counting the weeks and 'doing the fruit' all again?

GreyGirl - totally relate to your post. I worried right until LO popped out and I'm not sure Im quite ready for that again. Like you, I'm going to try and use this time to get healthy so my body is ready to do this again.
Honeybee, this time around I'm just not as obsessed with everything as I was the first time around. I think having a LO already helps keep me distracted, but I very seldom think about the fact that I'm pregnant. The only times it dawns on me is when DD is jumping on my tummy, when I have to turn down alcohol, and when I'm feeling lazy about taking my vitamins. Then I remind myself that I'm pregnant. I have the ticker, but I don't know, I'm so much more relaxed this time around?

You mentioned that you were worried with LO #1 but I bet it will be more mellow for you the second time around as well. There just aren't as many unknowns, you know? I love your strategy of using this time to prepare yourself. I think that preparation will pay off! <3
WAL1 - thanks! That makes me feel loads better. I hope I'll be the same if/when my time comes. I wouldn't say I was climbing the walls with anxiety with #1 but I certainly wasn't mellow either! I wonder if the time will fly by with a LO in tow? Not much opportunity for peace and quiet, I guess! x
Oh certainly. I think having a LO makes weeks disappear without a trace. I think it will go by quickly!
The second pregnancy goes much faster then the first! Even to people I know thought I wasnt pregnant long with #2 :haha: Time goes by even faster with both of them here :cry:
I'm WTT (and wishing I were NTNP) after LO...I planned to have this wonderful pregnancy and birth that was all peaceful and natural and breastfeed right away and get the idea.

I had a great pregnancy that had an abrupt halt at 33 weeks due to pre-eclampsia and ended with induced labor that failed to progress and then got EMCS and a NICU preemie...the story goes as such.

I love LO so, so much...I can't believe I am already thinking about another...but I had a close sibling in age and I want LO to have a close sibling (around 2 years, 2.5 max) but I am supposed to wait at least 18 months after C-section to get pregnant again...I will be a lot less worried after 12 though. But since I want a VBAC...

I also need to get in shape better so I am healthier and less chance of repeat Pre-eclapsia. But anyway, I am WTT for now and hating it...but I am breastfeeding and no period or anything yet, so it's not like I would be getting pregnant anyway...
Hi misspriss, welcome! My daughter was born via EMCS at 31+3, so I can relate to the dream of a perfect pregnancy that was shattered by an early delivery and NICU stay. I can also relate to the feelings of guilt at wanting another baby so soon, but in my case it was a matter of needing to have my children as soon as possible for health reasons. I had a very rough pregnancy, and my problems will only be worse if we had waited to try for LO #2.

However, my OB told me to wait 6 months (a year ideally) after a C-section to start trying again, and so at 9 months we started TTC and have LO #2 on the way. I am planning a VBAC too, but was just curious about the 18 months thing? I had never heard that before.
Hi misspriss, welcome! My daughter was born via EMCS at 31+3, so I can relate to the dream of a perfect pregnancy that was shattered by an early delivery and NICU stay. I can also relate to the feelings of guilt at wanting another baby so soon, but in my case it was a matter of needing to have my children as soon as possible for health reasons. I had a very rough pregnancy, and my problems will only be worse if we had waited to try for LO #2.

However, my OB told me to wait 6 months (a year ideally) after a C-section to start trying again, and so at 9 months we started TTC and have LO #2 on the way. I am planning a VBAC too, but was just curious about the 18 months thing? I had never heard that before.

Different OBs say different things I guess, glad to hear your OB said 6 though, makes me not worry so much about TTC after 12 months instead of 18...
:hi: misspriss! I see you are from too! Just living in Arizona now boo hoo :winkwink:

Im so sorry to hear your idea of a perfect birth was shattered but it is great that your lo is doing fine and you and your OH are open to a second chance! I wish you all the luck! I think everyone has a ideal birth but somehow it rarely turns out that way!

Ive never heard the 18 months thing but I had a vaginal birth both times and was told 12 months so I could see it being 18 months for a csection. Obviously we didnt wait 12 months to have #2 nor are we waiting 12 months for #3 but I will say it was much harder on my body then I ever expected having two close together. So I am a little nervous what could happen this time, but I guess it wasnt that bad to wait :haha:
Zilla: Oh wow, I remember you mentioning buying a house but I didn't know that it wasn't built yet. How exciting--a brand new house! As for the cold we've just been through the same thing here with LO. She had a tiny cold last week that was nothing more than a runny nose, occasional cough, and two really rough nights where she was waking up every hour. But honestly, pretty low stress. Then I catch it and holy moly. I've been sick for 8 days now, sick as a dog. Hacking, blowing my nose constantly, spiking fevers, and all this while pregnant in this extremely important formative stage for LOs neural tube and major organs. My OB said that when you're pregnant, a little cold can turn into a nightmare because you basically have no immune system. Ugh!

Unfortunately I didn't get to tell DH in a magical way. I was planning not to tell him until I'd had a u/s and surprise him with a photo and heartbeat, but I got nauseous the day after Oing (large corpus luteum cyst, we later found out) and started seeing doctors and testing daily to figure out if I was nausea from being PG. So he knows, and not in the most romantic way :( We have told quite a few people. It's really hard to keep it in. I won't be telling most people until they can see the bump, though. Really don't want to be judged. The judgment has already started to roll in "Really? Pregnant again so soon.... On purpose?" Not looking forward to more of that!

Glad you had fun at the concert and so jealous! Finding time for a date when you've got a little one at home is pretty rough... And I know what you mean about looking around for LO. When you actually do go out without LO, you feel like something huge is missing. It's sad first, but then a little liberating as you start to feel your old self coming back a little bit.

I hope you guys get many more awesome dates in the near future! xo

Hello xx sorry for the late reply, I tend to use the Tablet PC nowadays which is a bit of a pain when I'm trying to write a long reply, so I dug out my laptop :)
House is going good, went to see it this week and the roof is on. Only thing is, whenever I go, there are builders working on it, topless which means I can't really look at it too much in case I look like I'm checking them out :haha:

How is LO's cold now? My LOs cough is better, he had 1 week of antibiotics that did nothing but a couple of weeks later and it seems to have cleared up by itself.

How are you now? How is your pregnancy going? it's amazing that there are 2 pregnancies on this thread :) and like almost 400 replies to it! amazing!

Ahh bless you! I know what you mean about telling him in a good way .. it spoils the surprise a little doesn't it! I would want to surprise my OH but I know I would never be able to keep a secret long enough! NExt time we're definitely waiting until 12 weeks before telling family though. Last time I told people at 6 weeks and went into hospital with a suspected ectopic a few days later ... all was ok but it was horrible with people knowing and fussing etc. Tend to prefer to keep myself to myself if you know what I mean!

Don't worry about what people say! I think that whatever you do, people will comment on it .. just ignore it :thumbup:
If you breastfeed, you get people saying "blah blah you don't know how much they're getting etc", if you bottle feed they say "breast is best!",
if you have one straight away they call you "mad" or think it's an "accident" .. if you wait too long you get comments about "long age gaps" blah blah blah.
Sorry for the rant haha :haha:

thank you, we've got a friend coming over on Saturday afternoon and babysitting for the evening - she offered to babysit and kept asking (she loves LO) so I couldn't really say no - going to get a new dress and go and sit in a beer garden in the sunshine with OH :) yay! :hugs:

Melfy: How is your pregnancy going??? :hugs:

Welcome to all the new ladies BTW :) :flower:
Thanks for all you said Zilla. I have to type this on my phone (traveling at the moment) so I understand the challenge in writing long responses :)

Beer garden sounds amazzzinnngg. I hope you and OH are just soaking that in, girl. LO is well, I still have a horrid cough from the cold, and I don't feel PG at all. In fact sometimes I worry about MMC because I have zero symptoms.

Hilarious about the topless workers. At first glance I just saw 'topless' and 'workers' and my brain put together that you were sunbathing topless over there and the workers were peeking! Then I re-read. Your version of the story is much less scandalous than minr, but I'd say go look, and let em think you're peeking. In fact, peek! Unless they're gross, that is :)

WantsALittle1 - I didn't have many symptoms during my pregnancy so I wouldn't worry too much, my major symptom was heartburn! :(
just an update, this week I got + OPK & yesterday got crosshairs on FF :)

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