Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

There's no cure for baby fever! I thought having #2 would do it. But now I want #3.
Lol, Oh no. I was really hoping it was just a phase bc DH and I can't try again until 2015, that's my Grafuation date since I had to stopped due to labor. Now I start bk next month. And we're not using in contraceptives....just the pull out method, and with me taking prenatals pills and being active I'm really just begging for it, huh. How lucky u are to be working on baby # 3!! I can't wait until I get there, I love the idea of a big family. I guess I won't buy any hpt tommorrow maybe an Ovulstion kit, as u can see I so miss TTC and the pregnancy stage, even with knowing what comes once pregnancy has reached it timeframe.
Zilla: So sorry to hear of your trouble. I hope AF gets here soon! :(

Deterrose: I'm so sorry for your loss. Congrats on your January baby! I too have a January baby!

AFM: Tested today BFN! But, I'm sure I have line eye. :( Will test again tomorrow and see.

How fantastic are they at this age? I love it soooo much. Wonder weeks aside :haha: Hope you get a BFP soon!
Got my scan results & it's PCOS :-( got to go for more bloods this week and then speak to my GP properly.

How is everyone???Xx
Detterose - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs:

Nevergivingup - Congratulations on your little Prince :D Great name too, our little Prince is called Tyler :cloud9:

Leinz - Fingers and toes are tightly crossed for your BFP hun! :dust:

Zilla - I'm so sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with PCOS :hugs:
THANKS EXCALIBUR!!! I saw ur sig and saw your baby was name Tyler as well, I def fell in love w/ that name wen my DH name him. And Congrats to your little Prince as well, they are so amazing aren't they!

Sorry Zilla ab the PCOS, hope it gets better w/ time.

Detterose: sorry ab your lose.
Nevergivingup - You're more than welcome :D Tyler sure is a cute and amazing name hehe :blush: Thank you very much, they sure are amazing :cloud9:
Excalibur: Thank you :flower: Hopefully we get a rainbow baby in another year or so. I think the wait may kill me!

Nevergivingup: That's what I did haha I was a few days late but convinced it would be negative but the idea of testing was just so fun. You can imagine my shock when it was a BFP!
AFM: The :witch: got me... Onto cycle #3, but taking this month off and maybe next. Means no NTNP, but Preventing and WTT!

Nevergivingup: I wouldn't say you are begging. I've never used anything but the pull out and I haven't gotten a surprise yet. It's been 10 years! I hope you are able to TTC sooner than you think. I've also learned it depends on how many kids you'd like to have... I kind of get sad about #3 because I'm nearly sure its our last. DH would like 4 or 5, but personally I don't see myself able to handle that many. And I'd like all mine close together!

It will happen for you hun! Enjoy the dreaming. I have bad baby fever too. I've gotten a journal (have for all 4). I write in it if DH and I talk about #3, or if I think about them from time to time... then in the 2ww and throughout pregnancy. I also ordered a soft lamb baby stuffed animal and I cuddle it thinking of #3. Seems to help me a lot. (My loss had a Panda Bear, its been such a treasure in my grieving process and forever.) Also my journal too. Even though its far to short.

Detterrose: I love this age to. Except Zoela is going to fast. Needs a nice slow down! :) She is up on all 4s and rocking! Read my message to nevergivingup, some pertains to you! :)

EX: Where is all the juicy details about you?
Leinz: I was wondering about the lamb reference in your journal!!! :)
GL xxxx
Detterose: Now I will be def testing and convincing myself its Negative, maybe I'll be in for a surprise as well!
Detterose - You're more than welcome :flower: My fingers and toes are tightly crossed for you! :dust:

Leinz - I'm so sorry to hear that the evil witch got you! :growlmad: :hugs:

There isn't really any juicy gossip on me at the moment, we are WTT as I have too much going on at the moment, I am on anti depressants and also attending Counselling sessions (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) I wouldn't like to risk getting pregnant whilst on this medication as it can affect baby and it wouldn't be very fair :(
Nevergivingup: My fingers will be crossed for you ;) We werent on BC. I thought I knew my cycle well enough to not use it (obviously not lol!) But we also used the withdrawal method. Which funnily enough is how we fell preg with DS! We are just very fertile I guess 0_0
Thanks Detterose!! And yes w/drawal method and still fell pregnant, you are def "Fertile Mirtle!!" Which is an awesome thing!! I'm secretly shooting for twins again next time:haha:
Zilla- sorry to hear of your PCOS. I sometimes wonder if this is what is going on with me or has gone with me. How funny Ive been tested for everything and the TWO times Ive been scheduled for a laproscopy Ive fell pregnant! So I had to cancel to appointments which wouldve told me if endometrious/pcos may be an issue. :dohh: dont stress you can still have a healthy pregnancy!

Excalibur- Hope things get sorted out for you soon. Ive taken antidepressants for years..9 years to be exact. I had to go through a ton just to find some that actually helped. So now for a couple years Ive taken lamictal and its worked great! I stopped taking it during pregnancy though I was told I could (my sister also took antidepressants during three pregnancies and her kids have no issues at all. 12 yo, 6 yo, 1 yo) odd enough during pregnancy was the best feelings Ive had mood wise in my whole life! :wacko: good luck!

We NTNP #2 and seriously didnt have sex at all that month because we were all sick so it was a huge shock I fell pregnant with #2! and we had ttc #1 for 2 years so falling pregnant after 2 months of sex was pretty crazy! We wanted to NTNP then TTC now we are WTT :haha: I think you can get caught in baby fever and not really look at the big picture. This is my OH deal anyways :dohh: in my heart I felt it just wasnt the right time so Ive convinced him we should wait a tad longer. I wanted to not take birth control but Im too scared to accidently fall pregnant, which we would still be happy about but I do want to wait.

I love our boys age difference even though it wasnt planned that way. But it is hard having two littles especially since my OH is in the military it makes me having to do everything for them as he is always gone at work ect. I kept thinking how on earth will I go grocery shopping with two todders and an infant?? I want to shoot myself taking the boys together now! Our cars wont fit three car seats. Neither boy is potty trained right now. And we have an upcoming move that I REALLY do not want to to do with two toddlers and an infant or while pregnant. Ive moved too much while pregnant :haha: I want to lose more weight and stop adding to the stretched skin! I want to get two vehicles that can fit three littles. I want one boy potty trained and our routine to be a little better. I also want to spend as much one on one time I can with each boy before adding a third. I feel we do a great job with both boys but there is guilt that comes a long with thinking of how it was with #1 and how it just cant be that way with #2.

Think I got off track :haha: anywho we are going to WTT till January 2015. We will moving to our "permanent" place by permanent I mean a few years instead of 6 months. The boys will be 3 and 2 thus probablly making them 4 and 3 by birth of new baby. They will be in preschool so I can have one on one time at home with an infant. We can buy our new cars and I HOPE by then both boys can be out of diapers :haha: and by gosh I better have lost this last 15 pounds by then :dohh:
Daddiesgift - Thank you ever so much for your kind, reassuring words, they mean a lot to me. Sorry to hear that you have been through and are still going through what I am going through now, I am currently taking Fluoxetine 40mg. My Doctor said that he doesn't really want to keep upping my dose as there will be more risks of side effects :wacko:

Sounds like you have everything planned out for your near future, that is great! :thumbup:
Its okay really :flower: I had a troubled childhood/teen years which seeing a therapist helped LOADS but after that was over there was still the genetics of depression and the chemical imbalance of depression. I wanted to be happy, I felt something was wrong with me, I was scared Id be like some in my family that had deep issues but its not like that. The medicine helped the things the counciling just couldnt. I would feel down or sad for no reason. Things could be going great but Id just wake up feeling down and hopeless, like nothing could make the light come into my life. Thats how I knew it was more than just some bad experiences. It does suck to take something every day that could cause issues with your body but I had to ask myself do I want to live a long miserable life or a MAYBE shorter happier life? No contest there. And light at the end of the tunnel Im actually on the lowest dose this brand offers now! Ill probably never be able to not take it but its good to know as time goes on things do get better!!

Sorry pretty passionate about breaking barriers of depression/mental illness. :haha:

I hope we have it figured out! In my journal is about 10 pages of "should we have a baby? no we wont have a baby! well maybe well just ntnp. Okay we are going to do it. Okay no we arent" :wacko: it changes every week :haha: as of babies!

I'm waiting to try till November 2015. I feel like I wouldn't be able to cope with a second at the moment as I had a bout of pnd which I can only describe as a dark period in my life. I am now coping with dd but I feel another child would tip me back over the edge.
Nevergivingup: Yes! At least when we are ready for #2 we won't have much problems conceiving haha, I hope!! I bet when we actually try it will probably take us forever! Ohhh I would secretly love twins, but my LO is a handful, and there is only one of him!! LOL
daddiesgift - thank you! Hope you're doing good now?? You sound like you are :) & read on your sig that you're cloth nappying 2 LOs at the same time .. amazing! I tried but lasted a couple of months before giving in. My washing machine broke and I got too used to using disposables, unfortunately!

Feeling a bit miserable today - I spoke to a family member about PCOS & all they said was that I was going to have to "put it with it and deal with it" and that they brothers and sisters and weren't close so it doesn't matter if LO stays an only child?
...thanks! :|

Kittylady: sorry to hear about your PND, I'm glad to hear you're doing well now though :hugs:

detterose: I know what you mean about twins! They look cute in their matching outfits but I don't think I could handle 2 at the same time ... eeeek! Although if I do go for meds to concieve with PCOS as I'm not ovulating, apparently there's a 1/10 chance of multiples, oh gosh.

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