Anyone Just Past EDD Want to Wait Out Labor Together?

Absolutely!! Welcome teabella and Maria!!! The more of us to wait it out together the better! :flower:

Teabella, I'm also ok(ish :haha:) with being overdue and my only real stress is the looming induction at 41+5 too! What reflexology techniques are you going to try? I haven't looked into any of that yet, so very curious! Dh and I are planning on trying to dtd tonight, but we will see how that works out because he is a little uneasy about sex now that baby is so big and "right there" lol!

Maria, happy due date hun! How are you holding up? Are you uncomfortable or coping well still?

Thanks, Tawn. Our hospitals must have the same policy on induction then if they're both 41 and 5! Are you in the UK?

Not sure on the reflexology techniques - I've just booked a general session. I'm going at 11 so when I come back I'll let you know how it went and what they did. I think there's some pressure points in the heel that are meant to help induce labour so I assume they'll focus on those - but its all new for me too so not really sure.

Enjoy your night of romance tonight! The midwife also said I should have lots of sex as well:blush: Probably tmi but given all the swelling/extra blood flow, I'm worried I'll get sore if we do (and don't want to be sore for the birth). But if the sweep doesn't work tomorrow, I'll rethink!

I hope all you other ladies in waiting are doing well!

Welcome newcomers!!
So pleased our little group is expanding.
I am 6 days over (Teabella I think we were due on the same day)
I just returned from my sweep. Pretty non eventful. MW said that cervix was quite posterior and she was only able to insert one finger :(
Did not feel the slightest discomfort which I don't think is a good thing.:wacko:
I have another sweep booked for Monday. But quite frankly feeling quite fed up.
I feel like DH has wasted his leave which is the most annoying thing!!:growlmad:

Re the sex thing- OMG really not in mood for it. DH is a horny beast though :blush: and if he had his way we'd be at it every day!! He has no qualms about me being about to pop! I have been refusing it or weeks but have 2 days ago i relented found it quite uncomfortable and even distressing. We did manage it in the end though but needless to say other then helping DH out it has not moved things along for me!! :cry:

So now waiting it out. Really hoping I go into labour over weekend partlyy becAuse Childcare for DS is more accessible!

Sending you all lots of :hugs: and labour :dust:
Aww candycurls, sorry you didn't have a great sweep either! But hopefully it will move things along enough that (if you don't go this weekend naturally) Monday's sweep will be able to do the trick!

I would be up for dtd occasionally, even this late, but DH has been seriously NOT into it for a few weeks now. He heard the midwife talking about her being head down etc etc at one appointment and said RIGHT, I am not giving her brain damage with sexy time! :rofl:

But I told him he has to at least TRY to "finish what he started 9 months ago" so we will see how the night pans out!
Aww candycurls, sorry you didn't have a great sweep either! But hopefully it will move things along enough that (if you don't go this weekend naturally) Monday's sweep will be able to do the trick!

I would be up for dtd occasionally, even this late, but DH has been seriously NOT into it for a few weeks now. He heard the midwife talking about her being head down etc etc at one appointment and said RIGHT, I am not giving her brain damage with sexy time! :rofl:

But I told him he has to at least TRY to "finish what he started 9 months ago" so we will see how the night pans out!

Edited last post so it made sense! :confused:
Good luck with the romance Tawn ha ha!
Maybe suggest DH have some :wine: first to relax him...
Still no signs at all for me
I am 40 + 2 days over but pretty sure my due date is today, going on my own dates. I am also going to have a curry tonight- a v hot Thai one! feel like the baby will come this weekend but apart from lots and lots of baby movement and a few muscle back aches, i have nothing yet. Cannot wait for the first contraction- I am so excited!!
Can I join you all? My EDD was yesterday and I lost my plug but otherwise the day was uneventful! I have been sitting around at 1.5cm for two weeks :coffee:. I had a sweep on Wednesday which gave me cramps for about an hour but they weren't much different from the AF type cramps I've had off and on for two weeks now, so it doesn't seem like anything is coming! My dr. already started talked about induction on Tues (before my DD....) and I am really hoping not to go that route. We dtd and I've been bouncing on an exercise ball and kind of overdoing it with housework but nothing doing!
Thanks for the welcome lady's. just back from the mw and all is good baby is 1/5 engaged and ready to go but was the same two weeks ago so he will come when ready. On the plus side I had my daughter at 38wks due to PE so am please that I have got to my due date with no signs of PE returning... Yeahhhh x
I have also been having period like cramps on and off for the past two weeks and his head is so low that the pressure can be really uncomfortable especially at night, also had a couple of evenings where BH have got more intense and I can have up to 6-7 an hour and then they stop... Also morning sickness was back this morning which is aparantly a good sign as it means I'm getting a hormone surge which you get before labour starts!!! So lots of things happening but not happening ha ha.. Hurry up baby !!!!
Oooo I haven't heard of the nausea hormone surge thing! I have had some nausea for a few days, hopefully that's a good sign! I also have felt my LO's head way way down in my pelvis for a while though the dr still says my cervix is high....Starting to wonder if she can't drop any lower though I can't imagine her being lower without being in my actual vaginal canal.
I felt nauseous last night but feel better today. So it never meant anything for me :cry:
I am so so fed up now.
It feels like your life is on hold.. Kind of surreal experience!
I can't face the weekend! And weather has turned so not sure how to entertain DS :wacko:
Good luck everyone..
Yes apparently nausea is a good sign!!!
I'm starting to get so many emails asking if baby has arrived yet, it's driving me crazy as trust me I will be shouting it from the roof tops once it actually happens lol.
Candycurls I totally understand about keeping the kids entertained my little girl is 3 1/2 and running rings round me at the mo the only way I can keep her entertained is by going to the toy shop ( been twice this week and dad is taking her again tomorrow ) !!!! Nursery are taking her an extra day as of next week so three days will be a god send and give me some time to put my feet up.
Welcome to our overdue club Lauren and Lillian!! Fingers crossed things start for all of us soon!! Isn't it funny how everything is a sign of labour?! Lol! Every time I feel anything out of the ordinary I end up googling whether it could be a sign of labour! :dohh: all of your symptoms sound much more promising than my lack of symptoms though!!! :thumbup:

:hugs: candycurls! Just remember it can't go on forever!!! I really hope this weekend is it for you hun!
Oooo I haven't heard of the nausea hormone surge thing! I have had some nausea for a few days, hopefully that's a good sign! I also have felt my LO's head way way down in my pelvis for a while though the dr still says my cervix is high....Starting to wonder if she can't drop any lower though I can't imagine her being lower without being in my actual vaginal canal.

I feel the same reg baby's head he really can't get any lower and mw even commented today that she could feel the pressure!! Tell me about it I'm the one walking round with him 24/7 ha ha
My one dr who could get her finger farther into my cervix said she could feel my baby's head, which makes me think she's ready to go but that was two weeks ago so who knows!
My one dr who could get her finger farther into my cervix said she could feel my baby's head, which makes me think she's ready to go but that was two weeks ago so who knows!

Think it just goes to show that baby will only come when ready no matter what. Still frustrating thou!!
Omg very frustrating!! I never thought I'd get impatient. We really struggled and went through a lot to get pregnant and I've been grateful for every minute up until recently, lol. But the goal is a baby so I suppose it makes sense that I'm ready for her!
Hi guys,

Had reflexology session this morning which was lovely and relaxing. She didn't want to do a full induction session as I haven't had reflexology before so she focused on my general health - but she did spend a bit of time focusing on the area associated with the pitutory gland (bit that makes the oxytocin that's needed for birth). She also suggested I spend some time rubbing my nipples! I'm going to go back on Tuesday if bubs still hasn't shown up.

Since the session, no contractions or anything but I have had an upset stomach (probably the thai for lunch though rather than anything else:)).

Interesting to hear about the nausea thing. I wasn't aware of that either.

Here's hoping my sweep does something tomorrow! It will be the first time anyone has looked at my cervix so will be interesting to see whether its favourable or not.
Absolutely!! Welcome teabella and Maria!!! The more of us to wait it out together the better! :flower:

Teabella, I'm also ok(ish :haha:) with being overdue and my only real stress is the looming induction at 41+5 too! What reflexology techniques are you going to try? I haven't looked into any of that yet, so very curious! Dh and I are planning on trying to dtd tonight, but we will see how that works out because he is a little uneasy about sex now that baby is so big and "right there" lol!

Maria, happy due date hun! How are you holding up? Are you uncomfortable or coping well still?

Thanks, Tawn. Our hospitals must have the same policy on induction then if they're both 41 and 5! Are you in the UK?

Not sure on the reflexology techniques - I've just booked a general session. I'm going at 11 so when I come back I'll let you know how it went and what they did. I think there's some pressure points in the heel that are meant to help induce labour so I assume they'll focus on those - but its all new for me too so not really sure.

Enjoy your night of romance tonight! The midwife also said I should have lots of sex as well:blush: Probably tmi but given all the swelling/extra blood flow, I'm worried I'll get sore if we do (and don't want to be sore for the birth). But if the sweep doesn't work tomorrow, I'll rethink!

I hope all you other ladies in waiting are doing well!

Welcome newcomers!!
So pleased our little group is expanding.
I am 6 days over (Teabella I think we were due on the same day)
I just returned from my sweep. Pretty non eventful. MW said that cervix was quite posterior and she was only able to insert one finger :(
Did not feel the slightest discomfort which I don't think is a good thing.:wacko:
I have another sweep booked for Monday. But quite frankly feeling quite fed up.
I feel like DH has wasted his leave which is the most annoying thing!!:growlmad:

Re the sex thing- OMG really not in mood for it. DH is a horny beast though :blush: and if he had his way we'd be at it every day!! He has no qualms about me being about to pop! I have been refusing it or weeks but have 2 days ago i relented found it quite uncomfortable and even distressing. We did manage it in the end though but needless to say other then helping DH out it has not moved things along for me!! :cry:

So now waiting it out. Really hoping I go into labour over weekend partlyy becAuse Childcare for DS is more accessible!

Sending you all lots of :hugs: and labour :dust:

Candycurls - Yes, I'm 40 weeks and 6 days so same due date! Exciting! Have you got an induction date yet? Sorry to hear the sweep hasn't done anything yet, but it still could work. It could all kick off over night for you!

My DH is the same - I told him that the midwife advised lots of sex and he got really excited. We've not had sex since about 37 weeks which is a really long time for him - I told him I'd see how the sweep goes tomorrow and think about it after that. I'm sorry to hear your session with DH didn't work for you.

Here's a great site with stats on when women go into labour after 40 weeks - the good news is that it can't go on that much longer - we'll hopefully have our bubs in the next week!
Hi guys,

Had reflexology session this morning which was lovely and relaxing. She didn't want to do a full induction session as I haven't had reflexology before so she focused on my general health - but she did spend a bit of time focusing on the area associated with the pitutory gland (bit that makes the oxytocin that's needed for birth). She also suggested I spend some time rubbing my nipples! I'm going to go back on Tuesday if bubs still hasn't shown up.

Since the session, no contractions or anything but I have had an upset stomach (probably the thai for lunch though rather than anything else:)).

Interesting to hear about the nausea thing. I wasn't aware of that either.

Here's hoping my sweep does something tomorrow! It will be the first time anyone has looked at my cervix so will be interesting to see whether its favourable or not.
Ha ha love the nipple idea but apparently you have to do it for hours!!! Maybe we should all put sometime aside each day and get rubbing. Might get my BH to have a rub but it would only last 5mins before he would get distracted lol xx
I have also heard about the pressure points inside your ankles near the heel. Mine are very sore so I'm going to try rubbing those. Don't think I can rub my nipples for hours...
Omg very frustrating!! I never thought I'd get impatient. We really struggled and went through a lot to get pregnant and I've been grateful for every minute up until recently, lol. But the goal is a baby so I suppose it makes sense that I'm ready for her!

I think we have been waiting for this moment for so long that the end bit goes soo slow and we just can't wait to get our little ones in our arms!!! Funny thing is once they arrive we will all be moaning that we miss being pregnant. Ha x
Hi guys,

Had reflexology session this morning which was lovely and relaxing. She didn't want to do a full induction session as I haven't had reflexology before so she focused on my general health - but she did spend a bit of time focusing on the area associated with the pitutory gland (bit that makes the oxytocin that's needed for birth). She also suggested I spend some time rubbing my nipples! I'm going to go back on Tuesday if bubs still hasn't shown up.

Since the session, no contractions or anything but I have had an upset stomach (probably the thai for lunch though rather than anything else:)).

Interesting to hear about the nausea thing. I wasn't aware of that either.

Here's hoping my sweep does something tomorrow! It will be the first time anyone has looked at my cervix so will be interesting to see whether its favourable or not.

Will be interested to see if anything happens, might resort to it myself if you sudenly go into labour!!!!

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