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Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Dij it sounds like you're another one for the lying tits club and I think I see a candidate for a new splinter group - The Lying Temps Crew!

I have a CBFM and I do really like it (though clearly it isn't helping me much - mind you, it is a monitor not a miracle worker!)

ooo and I forgot to say FF have fun with your nana - I miss mine muchly. Nanas are ace!
What if I have lying temps and lying tits? - oh this is a mess :rofl:
Hi girls,

I am glad that I found this thread. I am also LTTC #1. My DH had a 14 year old vasectomy and had it reversed in October 2009, so as a result of the reversal he has a low sperm count. It was about 5 million :spermy: and 36% motility. So This coming October marks 2 year mark since his reversal was done. We have been TTC about a year and a half out of the 2 years because DH's previous job kept him overseas for the first 6 months or so after the reversal was first done.

So fast forward to today, after many months of TTC, the heart ache month after month, i am scheduled to go in for fertility testing in October. DH needs to get a second SA because it has been a year since the first one so hopefully he will have improved numbers now since for up to 2 years after the vas reversal a man's numbers can improve, plus i had him taking fertilaid vitamins.

So my testing will start as soon as my period starts next cycle, which will be in the beginning of October most likely. Between CD 2-4 I need to schedule a day for blood work to check my FSH levels, and than somewhere between CD 3-8 I have to have an ultrasound to check my ovarian reserve and see how many follicles I have, than sometime during CD 5-13 I have to have an HSG done where they put the dye into your follopian tubes and do X-rays to see if I have any blockages in my tubes...Hopefully once October's testing is done DH and myself will hopefully be able to move forward with IUI since it is affordable when you dont have any insurance to cover infertility treatment. We are saving up to do the IUI now.

If DH's SA numbers arent high enough than we are going to have to look into other options. Either a sperm donor or IVF. IVF is expensive though so we have to look into trying to change our health insurance to one with fertility benefits next year. So the plan is to cross one bridge at a time and after October DH and myself are going to put a plan of action into place depending on what the test results say.

One of the hardest things is that I have some great groups of girls that I am friends with on other threads and all of them are either pregnant or have had babies and I am the only one that isnt pregnant yet, so I felt left behind. But dont get me wrong, I am very happy for all of those girls and they are all great ladies, but it was a realization and reminder that a pregnancy probably isnt going to happen naturally for me, or on its own, so that was why I went to seek infertility testing.

Wish me luck with October's testing girls. Hopefully we can at least get the green light to move forward with IUI.

It is very nice to meet all of you ladies and I wish you all the best of luck in your TTC journeys. I hope we can all get our BFP's very soon!! :dust: :dust:
Welcome wannabepreggo :flower: If your DH SA comes back and it is still low put him on a high lycopene diet (just google food and drinks that are high in lycopene). A lovely lady suggested it to me last year and I have since read many good things about it improving count and quality. I wish you luck for October's testing :hugs:

Well another one for the lying tits and temps is lying symptoms in general! My CM is usually abundant by now (CD12) but it seems to have dried up a lot. So this will be a new lying symptom no doubt :wacko:

It is DH and mine tenth anniversary this Wednesday and now I can't get the image of being able to announce a :bfp: as the best present to him ever :wacko: Realistically I know it isn't going to happen but it doesn't stop the day-dreams :growlmad:
Welcome wannabepreggo :flower: If your DH SA comes back and it is still low put him on a high lycopene diet (just google food and drinks that are high in lycopene). A lovely lady suggested it to me last year and I have since read many good things about it improving count and quality. I wish you luck for October's testing :hugs:

Well another one for the lying tits and temps is lying symptoms in general! My CM is usually abundant by now (CD12) but it seems to have dried up a lot. So this will be a new lying symptom no doubt :wacko:

It is DH and mine tenth anniversary this Wednesday and now I can't get the image of being able to announce a :bfp: as the best present to him ever :wacko: Realistically I know it isn't going to happen but it doesn't stop the day-dreams :growlmad:

Thank you for the warm welcome and for the good luck!!!:hugs::hugs:

Happy Anniversary to you!!! My 5 year wedding anniversary is this month too and is on 09/30. :thumbup:

Good luck and baby dust to you hun!!!! :dust: :dust:

Hello Ladies, and welcome wannabeprego good luck for October sounds like you have a busy month, looks like your doing in one month what we have had done in 10 months.

Wow Feisty 10 years of marriage that is fantastic, Congratulation I hope you get spoilt, and you never know you might have something exciting to celebrate on top of that fx's you get the best present ever :) xxx
Welcome Wannabeprego!

FF, don't give up hope... even if the timing is not great for a gift, there's still a chance that you could conceive around the time of your anniversary right?? :hugs:
Thank you again for the warm welcome girls!!!! :hugs: :hugs: I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Ah only 10 years of being together this Wednesday, (we have only been married for almost two years) I am just greedy and like to celebrate two anniversaries a year ;)

Well my lovely :bfp: day dream has been dashed this morning with slight darkening of CM. I am 13DPO today and according to FF my cycles have always had a LP of 14 days accept for one in January this year (which was my first proper period after we lost Sprout). Admittedly the thought of a late implantation bleed did cross my mind (and I googled it!) but now that the cramps have also started I am just preparing myself that we are out this month. I am slightly annoyed as I had a 'new' symptom of less CM post ovulation but I am trying to remind myself that as this is only my second 'natural' cycle things are bound to be a bit wonky at first!

Trying not to get too upset by it at the moment and just concentrate on crafty bits and Christmas preperations, really glad I didn't share my hopes with DH as I find it really difficult to get through if he is really suffering too.

The plan for today is to pop into town to check they have the bits I need for making home made Christmas presents (and double check prices) and then maybe treat myself to a wander to the bead shop to at least see what they have in there and maybe buy a few bits!
@ FF :hugs: you should def buy some beads if :witch: is coming. I got super hopeful yesterday too when i realized if I got knocked up yesterday my due date would be my 31st birthday :shy:
@Feisty, I am so sorry that the :witch: looks like she is going to show up....:hugs: I know there have been many months were I thought for sure I was pregnant because I got a faint line on an HPT or I had a new unusual symptom, but the :witch: showed up anyways....sigh... Our bodies are so confusing....:hugs:

I hope you enjoy your shopping trip and keeping busy is a good way to keep your mind off of everything....
I spent £13.00 on beading bits and got all depressed realising that I could have gotten it all off of ebay for about £5 :cry: I managed to make a very sweet black and green necklace and bracelet set for about £3.10 so have lots left over.

I also treated myself to a Fertility journal that I found in our bargain book shop. It is usually £15 but managed to get it in there for £1.99! Ideally it should have been used at the begining of our journey as it explains all about the ovulation basics but I thought it would be nice to have something to document our struggles so that when we get our happy ending I will be able to read back through and remember just what we experienced and just how fortunate we were to eventually get that sticky bean!
Feisty me and my hubby have started doing a journal, I wish we had started it in the beginning but we never thought that our journey would take so long you, just expect it to just happen.
I am going to get some stars and some glitter pens to try and make it look pretty :)
We were recommended to do a journal to help with all the emotions and we deffo needed it the last 2 weeks I have really been struggling and the negative thoughts are over taking and I am usually so positive xx
Oh Mrs Howley :hugs: I know how you feel. I have really found it easier since I have started my hobbies and focusing on the big task of Christmas xxx
hey ladies, am just catching up with the posts...

Urchin, your Lying Tits song really made me laugh! hahaha! Mine's acting up right now too, but at least for this time I know it's because of the hormones I've been taking, lol
And I definitely can relate to being a career woman and giving it all up...I used to be
the career woman type too but was ready to really give it up once we have a baby but I didn't realize that infertility would crash my confidence and career down :( I can soo totally relate to you about the stress from work, quiting and hubby being supportive during job hunting and being soo happy when I finally found one.

Feisty, you work from home? Lucky you! Sometimes I wish I could work from home too.
Happy anniversary to you and Hubby in advance! :) And I would love to see pics of your
lovely beadwork here :)

hello to all the new ladies and to everyone else in this thread :flower:

Wishing us lots of baby dust in our different journeys to get to our most precious bundle
of joy!!

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Hey Yellowbell - it is a real sapper of energies isn't it?
Actually they both are: work and ltttc both take a huge
amount out of you. I don't have enough energy for both to be stressful and I'm certainly not ready to give up ttc - so work had to change! Though I suspect
even without the ttc I would have changed jobs ... Oddly enough I do like to have at
least SOME life outside of work :)

this weekend is a busy one for me.... Friday I went to an old friend's funeral - very very sad day. Then yesterday I went to a gamefair (dogs, horses and ferrets not nintendo, xbox and wii!) and I bought a fantastic sauté pan that is so non stick that you don't need
any oil - even to fry an egg!

Today we are going to be fitting skirting boards - neither of us has done it before but I'm sure once my mate google has shown me how I'll be able to figure it out!
Good Luck with the skirting boards Urchin! :thumbup:

It is a viscous circle, LTTC makes us depressed which makes ttc harder which makes us even more depressed :wacko:

Well the evil b@tch is here :growlmad: but I am not getting too despondent! Am trying the fig diet today recommended by a lovely lady on b&b and for the first time in months I am actually taking my supplements; Pre-natal, 1000mg EPO, 1000mg star flower oil and 75mg of aspirin. I also brought a cute metal drinks bottle yesterday and plan on drinking my 2ltrs a day!

I am not temping or using OPK this month, I will just wing it and see what happens! First a bit more liberating taking the supplements but without the stress of charting :)
@MrsHowley, Awww, I am so sorry you are having a hard time dealing with the stresses of TTC right now....:hugs::hugs:

I completely understand how you feel, yesterday morning I was trying to talk to my DH about the upcoming options we have in regards to TTC since we are trying to plan for IUI, and what would happen if his SA is to low and we cant do IUI, trying to prepare and plan for how we would handle the alternatives, and I didnt feel like he was listening to me, so we got into an argument and I was crying my eyes out, feeling so hopeless about everything...:cry::cry: We did work through it and I am feeling better today, but It is such an emotional rollercoaster and sometimes the pain is like your heart is breaking over and over...But I think us ladies are stronger than we give ourselves credit for, you sometimes need a good cry, but once you let it all out you just pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and get back to it!!!

@Urchin, I am sorry about the loss of your friend. :hugs:

AFM, I am ovulating today, I got my positive OPK this morning and me and DH had lovely morning :sex:.I figure me and DH should at least have :sex: just in case, there is always that small glimmer of hope for every month to get a BFP, even though deep down inside I sometimes think I am fooling myself thinking it could happen without assistance...But I am vowing not to get my hopes up really high this month and promising myself not to cry if AF gets me. I am trying to be positive and hopeful for my upcoming OCtober testing and hoping that DH and me will be given the green light to move forward with IUI....

Here is a picture of my positive OPK from this morning..just thought I would share....

Wannabepreggo it definitely is a roller coaster and Feisty you are right it is such a vicious circle.
I am thinking positive today and I seem to be winning I am feeling much more myself now, it is so nice that you ladies here have felt the same and I am not the only one going through so happy for her this.
3 weeks today and my SIL's 1st baby is due and while I am excited and very happy about it, I feel that the closer it gets to her due date the more I am finding it hard, just wish the green eyed monster would get lost now xxx

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