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Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Hi Raz - I'm south Birmingham ... As 'on the edge of birmingham' as you can be, and still be in Birmingham... But I want to move back to Leicestershire where I'm from

I have completely lost faith in symptoms - my tits have been sore
for two months now but am defo not pregnant ... Every so often they go all veiny - still not pregnant ... And right now are a bit bigger than normal - STILL not pregnant!
Actually, maybe it's just my tits that are liars?
Maybe I should start a thread for women with lying tits?
And why do I now have the Eagles stuck on replay singing 'you can't hide - those lying tits' ?
Urchin i'm so with you on symptoms, my body is definitely lying to me.

i'm not sure what started it whether it was the month i took soya or the month after when I had the HSG but since then I have ovulation type pains almost every day in either the left or right side of my abdomen, I got all excited the first time i felt them as I normally didn't feel anything around O but when I started to feel them everyday then thats no good as that doesn't show me anything.

plus since my period last week i've had itchy boobs?! now what the hell is that about??
So i too am ignoring everything that my body is telling me... and i think my tits might be lying to me aswell!!!! :haha:
Me too! My body has been lying to me ever since I started TTC! I honestly never noticed my sore bbs before. PLUS I feel like my body picks a new symptom each month just so each time around I have the thought: "well this is new, maybe this is a good thing":haha:

There was the month of the implantation dip on my chart (that happens at least every other month)
There were the (3 or so) months my chart was definitely triphasic
There was the month of stairstep increases
The month of nausea & irritability
There was the month of NO symptoms!
There was the month of lotiony CM after O
There was the month of mild cramping the whole TWW
There was the month of exceptionally sore bbs
There were the two months I had a 14 day LP (I'm usually 12 so I was a asolid 2 days late)

I swear I've had them all and never once a hint of a BFP. Speaking of I'm glad I randomly went back to temping this month on CD 14 because I usually O CD16 and its CD 19 and I think I'm still waiting. Maybe all the stress of the insurance issues has pushed me back?:shrug:
Fisher it is possible that the stress could have put your ovulation back. According to research that I have done, despite everyone blaming stress for our lack of pregnancies the only thing stress effects is ovulation so once you do ovulate don't worry about the stress causing any more issues.

Urching you proper made me :rofl: with that post! I too have lying boobs and now also have the Eagles, you can't hide those lying boobs in my head! :wacko:

Not really any symptoms to report and I am about 11DPO today :shrug: I am being positive but through with symptom spotting as it is all lies!
Hello Ladies, Hope you are all well?

Ha Ha Urchin & Feisty, I am so glad I am not the only one with boobies that misbehave,

Nothing to report here, on CD 12 getting some slight twinges and CM is deffo getting more productive, I hope nothing happens before next week, I am hoping my body will do me a favour just this once :) xXx
I want to join you guys!! Been TTC for 4 yrs. Had 1 BFP but MC at wk 10 :-( Tried everything since. Just changed countries so right now my only aid is the clear blue fertility monitor, which tells me I ovulate about 6 days befor getting EWCM (sorry if TMI)... I'm lost and lonely and I've seen so many babies be born (and I do get glad for my friends) but Inlong for one, my hubby longs for one too... He used to be hard as a rock, in the sense that he kept calm, and strong and hopeful.. But as he is approaching 40 he's been getting emotional and has even cried with me with our BFN... I used to tell him he was cold and now it breaks my heart to see his pain too...

I hope I fit in here and get to know you guys a little better.. This experience is so hard and I have come to terms that no one that has not dealt with LTTC gets it...

Welcome storkstalker - we're a fun crew :) and I don't believe in TMI. According to the TCOYF book your CBFM is lying & you always O the last day of EWCM. Have you tried temping (everyone else! Look at my pushing my BBT addiction - I'm a dealer! :haha:)
Hi Fisher, nice to meet you! And thank you for taking your time and answering me... I temped for a whole year, but my charts were all over the place, I'm a light sleeper an my hubby really SNOOORES so I wake up like 5 times each night, go pee, drink water, check the door... :wacko: (I always think it should be no problem feeding my baby as I wake up every two hours anyway) So I tried to not even move at wake up and temp, but even though the chart looked as it supposed to look, it was reaaaally hard to pinpoint the O day, specially I never seemed to present the temp drop the day prior to Ov... So it drove me nuts... I had to quit... At one point I was using two thermometers to prove accuracy.. So I did try, not for me.. I guess I could begin trying... My gut was telling me the monitor lied... we BDD on the day of peak anyways and the days of EWCM to cover all fronts... I get super excited with each new thing I try and then boom... Right now I have gotten 5 BFN (2 clear blue digital & 3 cheap 10uiml) so damn period if again I'm not pregnant come already so I can start looking forward to ovulation again... Somedays I just cry my eyes out... Most days I imagine symptoms, from ovulation pain, to nausea, smell, light cramping... So far all in my head... OMG here I am over venting again.. Thank you so much for being there... I appreciate it you can't imagine how.. :hugs:
To FeistyFidget, I loved your little ticker to remeber your baby angel. I still have the picture of my BFP and first ultrasound and remember that little peanut that was inside me for 9 weeks. He/she would be two by now.. I wanted to ask you if it is ok if I did one like yours (not identical but the idea) to remember my baby bean?
Sooo it's not just me then! FF, fisher and pink all have
wayward tits too... Honestly, mine are never normally sore
but the last couple of months they've been a pair of mares!
Glad I've shared the Eagles joy - it's actually extended a couple of lines now....

You can't hiiiiiiiiide those lying tits
and your cra-a-a-amps mean you've got the shits
thought by now I'd know my bi-i-i-its
ain't no way to hide those lying tits

there you go - you can all be singing that on your way to work this morning :)

welcome to storkstalker (love the name btw) good to see you here and sounds like you're in the right place!
MrsH I missed you off (blummin iPhone doesn't let me see theposts
at the same time as replying so I have to try and remember who said what!) one more for the club!

Don't think Ive got any news today - just lying on me bed with a cuppa before getting ready for work. Wishing I could stay here.... It would be so nice to be able to stay here

Is very strange to think...I have always been a career woman (nothing hugely high powered, I'm a service manager in the care sector) but I've always really valued my career and the sense of identity that comes with it
and now, I'd quite happily give it up to stay home with children... Sadly neither of us earns enough for that to be a possibility - but if Mr Urch got
himself a mahoosive promotion I'd kiss goodbye to work

but he's an admin worker in the NHS so not much chance of that *sigh*
StorkStalker so sorry for your loss hun :hugs: Go ahead and make a remembrance ticker, it helps! :flower:

Urchin I LOVE your posts! They always make me giggle! :flower: I too was a career lady but unfortunately I still believe it was the stresses of my old career (and crap from boss) that made me lose sprout - The warning signs were there but I was too scared to confront my bosses as they had already made my life hell since my pregnancy announcement and I was scared I would be fired and left with no maternity pay if I 'rocked the boat'. So have now struck out on my own and it has been almost a year since I started doing part time work - the money barely covers the bills and treats are none existent but I am so much happier! I now earn to live rather then live to earn iykwim

Well off out with my Nana today for some shopping! She is in her eighties and severely neglected by all nine of her children so I know she will really appreciate the gesture! Now running late but had to stop by and check for updates ;)

Oh and what is everybodies thoughts on the CBFM? I have almost purchased a few this week off of ebay BUT my ovulation is usually CD12-CD14 and I temp so not sure if it is worth the HUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE investment? Any advice is appreciated :flower:
Hi Urchin & FeistyFidget.. Thank you for the warm welcome..

About the CBFM I pondered about buying it (amazon sells it much more cheap than over the counter) for about 4 months.. I thought I already know my signs, it's too much money (God knows I've spent much more in HPT and individual OPK), so due tu hubby's work we are now living in a new country, so I decided to splurge on the monitor. It says it will get to know you, and I've only had it for two months.. But I'm a usually later than earlier ovulator, so I was surprised to see the peak on the first month by day 12.. And even more surprised on the second month when I saw it peak at day 9... I was barely out of my period (7days usually).. And then I had EWCM at day 14-15-16 so we BDD those days too, and as the monitor asks for 10 days sticks it was showing low fertility those days... So either my body is crazy or the monitor doesn't have a clue... I don't know as for now if I would recommend it... I know so many girls that ot pregnant with the monitor, but hey, those were friends who were very frustrated of trying for whole two months already!! One of which told me, now I know how you feel, haha... Ok, great that it worked for them, she is actually half way down her pregnancy so that's the months it took me to decide and buy it.. As soon as my period begins I will start month 3 of CBFM so I will be reporting... Hopefully now we will be able to get to a doctor here in France because you need three paychecks to get into the system or something...

The one good thing is that you get to pee on a stick for another ten days LOL if you are a POAS addict like it seems I am...

I'm so glad I'm here!! Will love reading you girls and having you on my prayers!!

Thanks Chick! I am seriously considering it but may wait until cycle after next to try and give myself a month to hopefully get a bargain off of ebay. At the moment it is coming in at about £60 for the monitor and a months worth of sticks but I will keep searching!

I find this place awesome for being able to vent and have lovely ladies in a similar situation to share our struggles with!
Hey ladies!

I can barely keep up with you, I've been so busy lately! It's great to see this thread doing so well. Welcome to the new people!!

My boobs have been acting up since I started TTC, and I think it's because of all the herbal tea I drink (raspberry and red clover). They used to get much bigger and painful just before the witch arrived and now it starts the day after ovulation and lasts for the whole 2WW. It would make sense since they are supposed to mimic or boost hormones right?
Good evening Ladies!!

Hello Storkstalker and welcome to lttc1.
Loving the song Urchin, glad someone is as mad as me, I made up a song about my dog based on "I love Rock n Roll"
Next thread should just be called 'Lying Tits'

Anyway just to say I was using the CBFM for 12 months or so and it told me I was ovulating every month despite occasionally having the odd anovulatory cycles, So I wouldn't recommend it, I think it is fine if you don't have any issues.
I find temping much more accurate, I am using the Duo Fertility Monitor which uses a sensor to check your temperature 20,000 times a day and much more stress free, but it is expensive. I was very Lucky as my husband got me one for my 30th birthday back in July :)

Anyhow just got back from Acupuncture and I really needed tonight, I have felt a bit stressed and not quite my usual self this week I don't know weather it is because of my impending HSG or weather the whole TTC thing is doing my head in atm, But I will be glad to get it all over with this time next week I will be through it and on the other side and hopefully with some good news :)
Good evening Ladies!!

Anyway just to say I was using the CBFM for 12 months or so and it told me I was ovulating every month despite occasionally having the odd anovulatory cycles, So I wouldn't recommend it, I think it is fine if you don't have any issues.
I find temping much more accurate, I am using the Duo Fertility Monitor which uses a sensor to check your temperature 20,000 times a day and much more stress free, but it is expensive. I was very Lucky as my husband got me one for my 30th birthday back in July :)

Anyhow just got back from Acupuncture and I really needed tonight, I have felt a bit stressed and not quite my usual self this week I don't know weather it is because of my impending HSG or weather the whole TTC thing is doing my head in atm, But I will be glad to get it all over with this time next week I will be through it and on the other side and hopefully with some good news :)

I looked up the duo monitor and was suuuuper jealous they don't sell that in the US yet. I've been thinking about buying some LH strips to use with temping. I looked at the monitors but they're all so expensive :blush:. I've been doing everything just based on CM and temps for the past 1.5yrs so... I was contemplating a LH strip, preseed and softcups combo (I've never tried LH strips or the softcups... but since I found out no infertility testing or treatment would be covered by my insurance I'm trying to come up with a backup plan to keep me sane! :coffee:

SPEAKING of insane... my temp is still hovering around the coverline and I'm on CD 20! I looked back through my chart records and my latest one EVER was CD 23 and this cycle will be in second place. *le sigh* although, on the bright side it is now unlikely I will need to rescheduled my specialist appointment on the 26th due to :witch: arrival since the late O will push me past the appointment. We had been doing so good with :sex: but have missed the last two nights which is making me nerrrrrvous that I'm going to O any minute and we'll have missed it :wacko: There are so many portions of TTC to get worked up about. :tease:

That's all nothing otherwise to report, I've spent the entire day doing homework at my desk. I actually had to disconnect my computer and move it across the room to get work accomplished and keep from spending the whole day on B&B :blush:
Ah Fisher I too spend many an hour on bandb when I am supposed to be 'working'. As I work from home a great deal of the time it means there is no one watching meaning I don't have to 'pretend' to be working - this usually means I waste a lot of time on here :haha:

I will be taking it super easy from now until Christmas, the :witch: is due Monday and I can honestly say that it has crossed my mind maybe a quarter of the time that it usually does in the 2ww! For me this is impressive :rofl:
I will be taking it super easy from now until Christmas, the :witch: is due Monday and I can honestly say that it has crossed my mind maybe a quarter of the time that it usually does in the 2ww! For me this is impressive :rofl:

That's great! :thumbup: I hope you can keep it up!! I should definitely learn from you!:winkwink:
FF - the reason I gave up my last job was the huge amount of stress it was
causing me.... I was working 80-90 hour weeks to try and stay on top and never had any time off. I was meant to have annual leave over christms but only actually took Christmas day off, the rest of the time I was working - literally 7 in the morning til midnight every day. I stuck it for five months.
I would only recommend teaching to someone I seriously hated!

The job I do now is pretty full on and I'd be lying if I said I never bring work home with me - but I do get days off and weekends and the stresses are
different ... It isn't the relentless pressure of teaching
sad thing is, I liked the teaching bit, and the students - but it was all the paperwork, the lesson plans and the marking that took up the time.

Money was good and mat benefits would have been great, but the stress was
so great it would have been massively detrimental to trying to have a family. And poor Mr Urch spent 5 months looking at the back of my head as I sat on the computer all night every night.... He was so supportive but it can't have been easy for him. He never once gave me a hard time but when I got the new job he said yaaaaay! This means I get you back!

I think I am likely to look into going part time if we are
successful with the IVF - Mr Urch might do this too. My cousin and his wife work their childcare this way ... Both work part time so both get to spend lots of time with their daughter.

I have a bit of a plan to set up a business at home - and if I can get that going that might be a better option than going out to work ... but would need to wait until. In the meantime I am doing my very best to try to win the lottery- I'm very good at it, apart from the picking the right numbers bit - I'm rubbish at that!

Glad I make you giggle chikk ... Giggling is goooooood!

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