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Anyone LTTTC Number One?

MrsHowley I can sympathise with the green eyed monster, DH cousin posted a scan photo earlier and I just wanted to hurl the laptop across the room :blush: I know I shouldn't be so jealous but they were trying for only four months and she is older than us. :cry: So much for PMA hey.

Well off round a friend's in a bit for dinner so that will hopefully cheer me up!
Monday again :-( why do they come round so fast?

Well, we completely failed at skirting boards - it was all too difficult for us so we have someone coming to do it for us. Instead we finished stripping the bathroom tiles then had a bit of a spring clean. I'm feeling pretty pants about failing at
skirting boards - I'm normally quite good at practical jobs ... But I think I'd need to do a room alongside someone, before being let loose on my own.

Thanks for the condolences folks - it was quite a shock. He was only about 47 and had had a stroke 3 weeks ago, but seemed to be on the mend.
MrsH ... I am definitely there with you with my emerald eyes shining! It is so hard
seeing other people have what we are desperate for. I tend to hide loose aquaintances on fb that post lots of scan pics - but not close friends. They all hurt, but people I'm close to I will be getting to know their child so I will grin and bear the scan pics.

I generally find pregnant women harder to be abound than babies - but for me the killer is family gatherings where everyone (and I mean everyone) has their little family unit and I just look at them thinking how much I want what they have
Hello everyone this thread moves so fast, hello 2 anyone new. FF sorry af got u huni try and stay positive 4 this cycle. Afm i ov'd on cd13 so i am 5dpo at the minute.
I am also in the tits r lying 2 me club lol xx
:lol: Tasha! Keeping it all crossed for you hun :hugs:

Well having a rather odd :witch: this cycle, not too sure what is going on :shrug:

I have my GP appointment tomorrow, not looking forward to it.
:lol: Tasha! Keeping it all crossed for you hun :hugs:

Well having a rather odd :witch: this cycle, not too sure what is going on :shrug:

I have my GP appointment tomorrow, not looking forward to it.

Odd in a good way?? :coffee:
This whole cycle was strange for me... I believe I'm currently 3DPO though. Maybe :shrug:
Hello everyone this thread moves so fast, hello 2 anyone new. FF sorry af got u huni try and stay positive 4 this cycle. Afm i ov'd on cd13 so i am 5dpo at the minute.
I am also in the tits r lying 2 me club lol xx

Tasha we're probably about right on! :hugs: I'm 3DPO but AF usually comes about 12 DPO
Hello everyone... well.. I´m out this month too.. :cry: I don´t know why I keep getting my hopes high each month, it´s so hard.. This weekend was awful.. Damn :witch: came and with the emotional pain came also a lot of physical pain, those cramps wont go... anyway, at first it came so little I did yet another test, BFN of course... It was my MIL´s birthday yesterday, we do not live in the same country and she and DH were on a fight, and I insisted he should still call her on her birthday, he said he would do it if I promised not to fight with him over whichever way the call went... It didn´t go well for me.. I bit my tongue to keep my promise... thats what I get for trying to be an adult :dohh:.. I stayed away from BnB because I try to not be all over the PC and phone when DH is at home.. so I couldn´t properly vent as I am trying to give him a break from all my crying and wobbling... He is VERY supportive, but even I can´t be around myself sometimes... so I figured, he just came back from a work trip, I´ll try and be a sane person for a weekend... It was a good thing he was in London for the work trip, beacuse I asked him to bring back the book some of you recommended here, Bump&Grind, it´s really nice and easy going and you I can totally relate, so that was my escape over the weekend... Only there were three births announced on Facebook, from friends and family (I was expecting those any time soon) and beeing all oohh and ahhh over the babies (believe me I´m overjoyed they are fine and the mothers too and will love this kids, they are my friend´s and cousin´s and etc) but it is HAAARD to see yet another set of babies being full conceived, gestated and delivered during our journey... It was also the2nd birthday of the baby girl of a dear friend, who announced her pregnancy exactly the same day I announced mine and later I MC... so that was hard to take... :cry: Oh dear god, as if you girls didn´t had your own things happening... it´s just that no one else understands... Thank you for being there and for reading and for sharing stories... May this be our lucky month!! And to anyone whose lucky time already came I wish you a very Healthy 9 months... no one deserves more to be a mommy and have every thing go right than a LTTC couple and mom.... Good luck and best of vibes... xoxo
@Story, I am so sorry that the :witch: got you hun....:hugs: :hugs:
Feisty Fidget and StorkStalker, I'm so sorry that this wasn't your month. I have my fingers crossed for the two of you, that next month will be a better one!

And StorkStalker, please don't apologize for venting, it's very hard to talk about our struggles with family and friends, and there's only so much our men can take. We feel your pain and we're here for you:hugs:

Fisher and Tasha, I'm at 3 dpo too!! Yay!! TWW buddies!:thumbup:
Storkstalker, sorry that old :witch: came...

I too know the feeling of seeing babies being conceived, gestated and delivered during our ttc journey, two very close friends of mine have recently had babies and we're still none the closer. It is hard but i can't be too jealous as they're both having a tough time at the moment, one her baby was born 5weeks early and only weighed 4lbs 7oz and almost didn't make it and the other her poor baby has bad reflux so is constantly crying... its made me have a bit of perspective and be a little less rose tinted about the whole thing, doesn't make seeing that :witch: arrive any less painful though.

I'm trying to be less obsessed this month, so i'm not entirely sure whether i've O'd or not which is quite liberating!

Got our FS appt this thurs so i'm a bit in limbo at the moment, quite eager to hear what they've got to say.

p.s I'm currently reading Bump&grind too and i'm enjoying it.
:witch: came Sat.. On to October... Our 2 year ttc anniversary... I have a doc appointmet later today to see where we go from here.. Sorry to all the ladies that got the :witch: as well...
Thanks for your support PinkFee.. Please let us know how your appt goes.. wish you the best of luck.. Hopefully Bump&Grind will bring us some nice laughs... Thanks again!!
:witch: came Sat.. On to October... Our 2 year ttc anniversary... I have a doc appointmet later today to see where we go from here.. Sorry to all the ladies that got the :witch: as well...

:hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry hun...:hugs:
Hi ladies,
Wow I have missed alot.
I've been away for the weekend relaxing with a group of girly friends. We went last year and there were 2 pregnant ladies I knew about and 1 who hadn't yet annonced. This year there were also 2 pregnant ladies so I'm keeping my fx I'm the 3rd who just hasn't announced yet!

Even if not, it helped to pass a few days faster currently on cd26 :witch: is due on Thursday so hoping she stays away.

Sorry to hear from those lovely ladies who :witch: has paid a visit to this month. Onwards and upwards hey. :hugs:

:dust: to those ladies on their 2ww.

Glad those ladies who are reading Bump and Grind are enjoying it.

Keep :coolio: girls our BFP will be here soon x
Hugs to everyone putting up with a crap visit from the :witch:

Good luck and sticky :dust: to everyone else!

Have to find a suitable knitting pattern for DH's cousin to make as a Christmas present for their bump :cry:
Not much going on with me today...I am still ovulating according to today's OPK which had the test line darker than the control line...

here is a pic of today's OPK


So DH and me had :sex: twice lastnight and we will have :sex: again tonight when he gets home from work... :devil:

Plus today is my birthday... :jo: I feel like an old lady, LOL... I think DH and me will celebrate this weekend though... But tonight DH is going to pick up some Applebees so at least I dont get stuck cooking on my birthday!!!:thumbup:
Happy Birthday! Glad you've done a good job this go round of cooking yourself a birthday bump!:happydance: Tomorrow is my DH's birthday too! I'm baking a chocolate cake as we speak.

It's cloudy today and in the low 60s and I just felt like I'm sleep walking all day :coffee: But now after seeing your LH strip picture, I shall browse amazon and buy myself some!!!

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