Anyone LTTTC Number One?

FF - yeah I know, she was due today but I don't feel like she's coming so, but I've been a couple days late before so I'll just wait a week or so and if nothing I'll be going to the doctor.
@ Urchin...Happy 6 weeks!!! Hurray for throwing up!

@Ash...your chart looks fabulous! Your temps arent usually still up at this point! Fingers crossed for you!

Happy Valentines Day Ladies! May St Valentine bring you all your BFPs!!!

happy pregnant to urchin! and Happy Valentines day too for all ladies here! May love will fulfill our life forever!:hugs: O yeah, i'm a new member in this forum, nice to meet you all, and I hope i can be your good friend in this forum. ^^
@Pinkfee, I am so sorry, I cant imagine how hard this must be for you hun.. Big hugs to you!!!:hugs: :hugs: You are a very strong women and I am so proud of you for dealing with all of this the way that you have been. :hugs: :hugs:

@Ash, Hang in there hun, there is still hope for a BFP since your temps are staying up!!! Remember you arent out until the :witch: shows her ugly face!!! I am sending lots of luck and tons of baby dust your way!! :dust: :dust:

@Raz, so sorry that your :sex: plans didnt go as planned lastnight, I have had this happen so many times as well when I was in my fertile window. Sometimes I just give up on trying to be sexy and I just end up telling DH that I am ovulating and if he is up to a quickie lets just do it for the sake of having a baby... although I know it takes all of the fun out of it.....

AFM, My surgery scheduler from my DR's office called me today and let me know that she contacted the anathesia office and she is saying that they are in network so I am going to move forward with the surgery as planned. I am still a little nervous that there could be a problem because when I called my health insurance company they said that the anathesia place was out of network for my health insurance company, but i guess i am going to have to take a chance and hope the claim gets paid as in network. I also talked to the anethesia place and the customer service guy that answered the phone said he thinks the claim will be paid as in network based on my type of insurance that I have as well, so hopefully my health insurance company is incorrect... lordy this is all so confusing:dohh: Fingers crossed it all turns out okay!! I am going to get an estimae on the costs for the anathesia fees before insurance pays to prepare for worst case scenario in case my health insurance didnt cover the cost of that portion, All i can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best... I dont know what other option I have left and I have done all that i can at this point to prepare for this surgery...

The surgery scheduler at my DR's office is sending me a scriptin the mail to go get pre surgery blood work done and I can go a lab close to home and it is covered at 100%, thank goodness so at least that part wont cost me anything!!!

Other than that i am cooking ham for dinner tonight, and I am not sure what to do with it just yet .... than DH and me are trying out this kick boxing work out DVD that I have. I have been doing pretty good with working out latley, and have been doing my Zumba DVD work outs and than the boxing ones with DH.... on the days he lifts weights I do my Zumba since DH doesnt like the zumba that much even though he was a sport and tried it with me a few times before he officialy decided he didnt like it...LOL...
Hello Lovely Ladies, I have been very busy lately, but hubby is working late tonight.... Kerching £££££, So I thought I would grab a quick few minutes to catch up with you all. Had a very Lovely valentines yesterday had a lush bunch of flowers sent to work he had put alot of thought into it as they were the ones in my wedding bouquet, needless to say we had a very very early night last night ;)

Wannabe I am so sorry you are having a tough time, LTTC is such a rough struggle and nobody ever knows if you will get what you want..... it really d0es drain every ounce of you at times, I am sure once you have done what you need to you will be feeling better :hugs:

Pink Sorry about last night, it must of been a terrible time for you the last couple of weeks, I can't imagine what it must of been like for you :hugs:, I to seem to get rubbish luck with weather on holiday the only places I have been that have had good weather were in Africa

Urchin woo hoo for M/S that is such a great sign

Ash, Try not to beat yourself up too much, I have to agree with Raz the chart does look good :)

Sorry if I missed any of you. I hope you are all doing well? and I hope that :witch: is keeping her distance.

Hello to all you newbies, seems like we are getting quite a gathering in here now, Just hope your stays are short and sweet, I have to admit this is an amazing thread :)

P.s Only 3 weeks til IVF appointment :)
Thought i would share a few pictures of the little horrors keeping me busy

With mum

Little boy

little girl also known as trouble!!

And a link to the webcam on them, though its a bit dull at the moment!
@Raz, OMG the puppies are so gorgeous and so is their mom!!! Thanks for sharing their pictures!!! What a beautiful breed of dog!!! :flower: If I lived overseas I would want to buy a puppy from you!!! :winkwink:

Well, I got some possibly good news today, I just got a call from a staffing agency and the girl went over my resume with me and talked to me about my work experience and the staffing agency has temporary to permanent job placement. I applied to an administrative job with them that is with a real estate/mortgage company about a week ago. The staffing agency lady said she has to go over my resume with her boss and that she should get back to me in a couple of days, so girls keep your fingers crossed for me that I get the job!!! The only problem is if I got the job I am not sure if I could get time off for the surgery, but I will cross that bridge when i come to it, since i haven't got the job yet and who knows how all of this will play out...
Ash, I know you don't want to be hopeful, so I will be hopeful for you! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is a little bit more than a late af!

Wannabe- I'm so glad that you finally have the all clear to go on with your surgery. Insurance companies are the worst at putting you through the ringer. I'll be hoping and praying you get that job, though. It sounds pretty nice.

Raz- Those pups are adorable! I want one too!
I wonder for those doing iui in the uk was it nhs funded? Our pct will find one round of ivf after 2 years but not iui because the success rates aren't high enough. I think I would like to try that before ivf tho.

Sadly I didn't get any funding at all as I'd tipped 40 - but I don't think our PCT funds IUI (and those that do qualify, only get one round of IVF)

I've decided that the easiest way for me to do personals is to do them at the end of every page, that way I don't forget anybody and I don't lose my post. So, if I haven't included you in this post, don't worry- I'm not ignoring you!

What I do Chels, is hit the multi-quote button at the bottom of each post that I want to reply to, then at the end hit the Post Reply button. Then I go through snipping out the bits I'm not replying to (like I've done with your post) or just deleting the whole post and just putting the reply in ... depending on what seems to make most sense

:hugs: lots of hugs and good vibes coming your way pinkfee - passing the tiny sack is heartbreaking, but really does help to move things on.
A holiday seems like a mighty good idea - somewhere you can get away from it all and truly pamper yourself xxx

Raz - sorry your valentines plans went awry - but at least you didn't have squirty-cream-sheets to have to wash! :haha:
I find I have to be quite direct with Mr Urch - subtle, or even not-so-subtle, never gets me anywhere ... so I usually just *cough* grab what it is I'm wanting :D

The pups are gorgeous - are you keeping them?? <3 <3

Thank you very much lucasandy (I think I may have spelled that wrong - but you know who you are!
A big welcome to the loveliest club that no one wants to join - very nice to have you here xxx

Had a very Lovely valentines yesterday had a lush bunch of flowers sent to work he had put alot of thought into it as they were the ones in my wedding bouquet, needless to say we had a very very early night last night ;)

Urchin woo hoo for M/S that is such a great sign

P.s Only 3 weeks til IVF appointment :)

MrsH - that really is super thoughtful :)
and just 3 weeks - that's fab ... bet you're counting down the sleeps!

Wannabe - I'm so sorry you're getting the runaround - this health insurance thing all sounds so complicated, but I hope you manage to work it to your advantage xx

Wow - this thread really does move quickly - I dread to think what I'd come back to if I went away for a week!

AFM I'm just moodling about waiting for scan date to arrive - I know all too well the problems that can happen in early pregnancy so I won't relax a fiber until I see heartbeats, and even then I won't relax more than 3 fibers until I am through the 12 week mark ... which seems an awful long way away

I rang the clinic yesterday as I was worried about my progynova tablets - as I've started throwing up
But the nice nursey said that as long as I've held them downa couple of hours it will be ok, but in any case, the fact that the MS has kicked in shows that my own pregnancy hormones are taking over - which makes the tablets less crucial.
So, I've changed the times I take them to 2 hours before I eat (as it seems to be food that is making me sick rather than an empty stomach which some women seem to report)
@Raz- Those puppies are melting my heart, I want to snuggle one so much!!

@Mrs H- Oh my goodness..... three weeks?!?!! How fantastic! I'm starting a countdown :)

@wannabe - That is amazing news, I really hope you get the job. Maybe its actually going to get you one step closer to a baby, in a way, since it would help with your financial concerns. I'll cross my fingers for you as soon as I am done typing :)

@urchin - that is great that you don't have to worry too much about the pills, and I hope your m/s continues without being too bothersome :)

afm - I am doing alright at the moment. I have decided to do maca and green tea this month, just for kicks, to get me back into the spirit of ttc. I had forgotten how icky the taste of maca is! I do think it makes me feel differently though. Hopefully its a good different. Anyway, just doing the ritual in the morning is good for me at this point. I feel like I am being active again in trying to get pregnant, and that is nice. Hope everyone else is having a happy thursday!
Thank you ladies for your words of encouragement... i'm feeling better today. I think the fact there is sunshine in London is also helping.

Raz - you have very sweet doggies and this is coming from a cat person!

Good luck Mrs H, 3 weeks will fly by!!! very exciting!

Wannabe - Good luck on the job front, i hope you get it and don't worry about the future and taking time off etc deal with that bridge once you reach it, i think with ltttc we spend too much time on the what ifs and off trying to plan a future... I've decided i'm going to try to live in the present more, so i don't miss any opportunities or wake up 5 years from now thinking i've missed my thirties through ttc. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that you sort your insurance issues out, its so confusing I don't know how you US ladies do it!? Like life isn't hard enough!?

Urch - you will be fine hun, i'm sending lots of positive energy towards team E&M.... stick stick and grow healthy little beans! Now this could be an old wives tale but my mum always said the sicker you are the healthier the pregnancy and in my case that proved accurate as I had no real symptoms at all other than tiredness :dust:

And I hope everyone else is also having a good thursday
Now this could be an old wives tale but my mum always said the sicker you are the healthier the pregnancy and in my case that proved accurate as I had no real symptoms at all other than tiredness :dust:

Same here hun, I had people telling me that fact when I was pregnant which was very difficult to handle as I too didn't have any symptoms - Maybe there is some merit to it :shrug:

Pink I just wanted to send you mahooosive :hugs: I think your plan for living in the now is a wonderful idea, I have found it helped enormously on the road to LTTTC :flower:

Poco please go easy on the green tea hun, I have read quite a few clinical studies that prove it stops your body absorbing folic acid which can then lead to serious birth defects if you fall pregnant :flower:

Wannabe congrats on the surgery and job front, I am really hoping it all pans out!

MrsHowley woohoo for 3 weeks :dance:

Urchin we are all rooting for E&M I can't wait to see the scan photo :cloud9:

Raz your pups are adorable! Are you keeping them?

Welcome to all the newbies, sorry if I have missed anyone :wacko:

Nothing exciting to report here, just gearing up to start dtd again :wacko: Looking forward to our valentines day on Saturday. Fingers crossed I don't sleep all weekend, I haven't worked so many hours in about 16 months and boy am I shattered :(
pink, hope you are doing well. I think it's a great idea to try and live in the present. I've recently come to that conclusion myself. I need to start living for myself and not for my future baby, otherwise it's not really living but more like pretending.

wannabe, hope the planned surgery goes as well and without any funding problems! GL hun.

MrsH, 3 weeks is right around the corner. I'm very excited for you.

urch, I can't believe you are now a sweet pea (or two)! Aww, yay! =D

Feisty, hope you enjoy your long awaited Valentine's day celebrations. If you do need to catch up on your sleep on the weekend, make sure you cuddle! =)

AFM, grr!! I don't think I've been this frustrated with my cycle in a very long time. I'm on CD16 today, and usually have 28 day cycles. I've been testing since CD12 and all 5 have been - OPKs! This is so weird. Now I'm so relieved the :witch: came early on my vacation, because otherwise I was supposed to do IUI this cycle. And I was supposed to go to NYC this coming weekend to see my friends, but that's when I would have needed to do the IUI (if I even O this cycle). I guess it's a good thing that somehow the IUI wasn't in the cards for me this month. We'll see what actually turns out of this cycle. Maybe the traveling has delayed my O? But made my cycle start earlier? :shrug:
Thanks for all of the good luck and well wishes girls!!!! :flower:

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Does anyone have any fun weekend plans?
cheers purple! I really like the fruity ticker ... I like imagining my little pea (or peas) in there getting comfy.
So are you going to IUI next month instead????

Hey wannabe - it's Friday, let the Weekend of Lurve commence!
@FF- Oh my goodness I had no idea, I read in a few places that green tea helps improve the quality of your ewcm, so I started drinking it, but I will have to cut down. Thanks for letting me know! Hope you get well rested tonight for lots of :sex: this weekend :haha:

@purple - I hate frustrating cycles :-( fx that you O soon and have a shot at catching the egg!

To everyone else, happy friday!!!

AFM - I am annoyed with DH at the moment - long story. FX I start feeling better with him this weekend and I hope everyone else has a good weekend with lots of :dust: sprinkled on top.
Hey all! Woo for it being the weekend, i also have next week off which is a huge bonus :happydance:

On the not so good side my CBFM is still saying high but the sticks are getting lighter. I havent had much OV pain or fertile signs either so i dont think this is going to be our month. My routine has been a bit all over the place too which i dont think helps in the spotting ov front because of the puppies. But they fly the next on the 26th so next cycle will be back to normal and can start temping again. :thumbup:
Yay for the weekend too!

Brilliant pic Wannabe has put me in the mood for the holiday i've just booked! Nothing fancy just 1 week (beginning of april) to Fuerteventura (one of the canary islands for our US friends) i'm so excited it has really cheered me up, I can't wait to get away from it all and relax with OH.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and for anyone who is around their O lots of :dust:

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