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Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Happy Birthday! Glad you've done a good job this go round of cooking yourself a birthday bump!:happydance: Tomorrow is my DH's birthday too! I'm baking a chocolate cake as we speak.

It's cloudy today and in the low 60s and I just felt like I'm sleep walking all day :coffee: But now after seeing your LH strip picture, I shall browse amazon and buy myself some!!!

Thanks for the Birthday wishes!!!:winkwink:

Happy Birthday to your DH!!!!!:thumbup:

Yeah, I get my OPK's off of Amazon, like a pack of 50 for about 10 bucks usually, the IC's work just as good as the expensive Ovulation tests, so it is a huge money saver.... I usually get about 3 days of positive OPK's when I ovulate....
Wow this tread is moving quickly today!! Just thought I would check in quickly.
Happy Birthday Wannabeprego, Sorry to all you internet angels who have AF :(
HSG day tomorrow am feeling a bit nervous but will be glad once it is over :) xxx
Wow this tread is moving quickly today!! Just thought I would check in quickly.
Happy Birthday Wannabeprego, Sorry to all you internet angels who have AF :(
HSG day tomorrow am feeling a bit nervous but will be glad once it is over :) xxx

Good luck with your HSG.I hope everything looks good and you have clear tubes...:hugs: I have to schedule one in October once my AF comes. Please let us know how it goes!!! I was asking girls on here how there's went on a couple of threads I created because I am nervous as well, and most girls said they had period like cramping before and after the procedure so they suggested taking pain medicine before the procedure. For mine I have to take antibiotics. The girls that had a painful procedure were ones that had some blockages in their tubes from what I have been reading.
MrsHowley I will be thinking of you today hun :hugs: Good Luck xxx

WannabePreggo, that is my Pup Boo, she is just over 5 months and a beautiful chihuahua. She is the light of my life :cloud9: DH finally gave in and let me get her after what would have been my EDD passed and we were still not pregnant.

GP appointment in just over an hour, nervous as hell! :wacko:
MrsHowley I will be thinking of you today hun :hugs: Good Luck xxx

WannabePreggo, that is my Pup Boo, she is just over 5 months and a beautiful chihuahua. She is the light of my life :cloud9: DH finally gave in and let me get her after what would have been my EDD passed and we were still not pregnant.

GP appointment in just over an hour, nervous as hell! :wacko:

Why so nervous? Is GP just your regular doctor?
Hello Ladies, just got back from Hospital the HSG went well as far as I know, it was no problem at all, felt the catheter go in but it felt just like a smear, and didn't feel the balloon inflate or the dye go in, hardly anything at all, don't know why I was nervous, should get my results by the end of the week :)
WannabePreggo, that is my Pup Boo, she is just over 5 months and a beautiful chihuahua. She is the light of my life :cloud9: DH finally gave in and let me get her after what would have been my EDD passed and we were still not pregnant.

I too have a chihuahua named Boo!! He's 3 &1/2 years old and he is also tan like your little girl!! He is my baby!! GL && FX'd for your appt today!! :hugs:

AFM..I went to the doctor yesterday to see where to go from here. I am a Clomid taker, so with the cysts I developed last cycle (1.7mm on Left and 3.3mm on right) He did another scan on my ovaries.. the one on the left is gone, but the one on the right is still there, smaller but there.. So he told me to come back in 6 weeks to see if it has resolved itself. :growlmad: Then he will move me up to 100mg Clomid.. So I'm on my own this month! :shrug: FX'd that I can ovulate on my own! I will be temping.. I'm debating on getting OPK's.. I've never used them, and I can usually detect Ov by temp.. I just don't want to waist the money if there is a chance I won't even ovulate this cycle..:dohh:..
Wantababy I would love to see a picture of your fur baby :) OPK are good for giving you notice to start dtd and are really cheap on ebay but I would advise you keep recording BBT to confirm ovulation has occurred.

MrsHowley so glad that it went well hun :hugs:

Well update on GP appointment is in my journal so feel free to take a peek if you want :flower:
I will look into them on e-bay..

..and this is my Boo Bear!! boo boo.jpg
Oh bless! Check out his cute little tie! I couldn't be without my Boo Bear now, DH is absolutely besotted with her too :cloud9:
I know what you mean about the puppies, I have 3!! A lab, a german sherpherd and a mix of retriever! My sister made a joke in her speach at our wedding, about the average couple here having 1 dog and 2.2 kids, and if we followed that logic, we'd end up with a pretty full house!

Lots of doctor's appointments this week ladies! I hope that you get encouraging results soon:thumbup:
FF sorry your appointment was a bummer :hugs: Im totally loving this thread you've made though :flower:

I'm just in the thick of the two week wait now *tick tock tick tock* my appointment is on Monday.
That HSG sounds promising Mrs H - of course you won't know til the results but women with blocked tubes tend to find it painful ... Fx for next week

chihuahua's - or 'snacks' as they are called in our house :) we have 3 dogs: 2 whippets and a big hairy lurcher ... I don't think they actually eat chihuahuas but they do look like one might fit it their mouths! I couldn't be without the dogs - Digit is mine, the oldest ... His kennel name is silver digiloo but I generally call him digit or dij. Stig is the puppy and belongs to Mr Urch, along with Flynn the big hairy thing :)

wantababy - sticks are indeed super cheap off the Internet, and give you some warning of oscillation (as mr urch named it!) otherwise if you release the egg after temping one day, it could be nearly 24 hours before you pick it up on the thermometer and no time for any strumpage before work!

FF I'll pop over and have a look at your journal hon xx
I grew up with staffordshire bull terriers and always used to joke about tiny dogs being dinner :haha: It is quite amusing watching my mini boo hold her own against my Mum's Staffies though :rofl:

MrsHowley I just know those results are going to be fine :hugs: No pain = No block :dance:
@Fiesty, I am sorry that you arent getting more answers with your appointments and that it is so frustrating for you. I really hope that you can get some treatment options and answers soon so you can get some help getting your BFP!!! :hugs: :hugs:

@wantababy, awww, your dog is sooo cute!! I love the little tye!!! :winkwink:

@MrsHowley, I am so glad that the HSG went so well and was quick and easy... I am sure everything is going to be good and clear with your tubes!!! :thumbup:

AFM, I am in the lovely 2WW now, I think me and DH covered all of our bases with plenty of :sex:!! :devil: I just ordered 100 of the IC's (HPT's) off the internet so I can make myself go bonkers testing early in my 2WW, I always do this to myself and always vow to stop, but I still havent learned my lesson yet about testing early.. :wacko: :wacko: Hopefully they come soon in the mail!!

@Fisher, Good luck with your 2WW, I hope we both get our BFP's this month!! :dust: :dust::dust: :dust:
Hello Ladies, Thanks for the positive vibes for good results, I am hoping I will get them soon, How long did you ladies wait for your results after your HSG?
Fisher good Luck with your appointment Monday.
Feisty So sorry your appointment wasn't much fun
I have a good feeling about this thread I think it is going to be lucky :) xx
Hi ladies I've not really had chance to catch up with you all but hope your all feeling ok today after doc appointments and operations and things.

For those of you in your 2ww I've just come to the end of mine and I've been going stir crazy this time.

Anyway AF due tomorrow but I couldn't wait any longer so went to do a hpt and got my :bfp: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

I can't believe it. It's still not really sunk in yet.

:dust: to all you ladies for helping me through this and I genuinly hope to see some more soon.

Wow Miget Em that is great news, Congrats :) I said this was a lucky thread :) xxx
Thank you Mrs Howley,

I really hope your right about this being a lucky thread for everyone else.

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