Anyone LTTTC Number One?

@Fiesty, I am turning 32 this year, so I was getting stressed worrying about my bilogical clock ticking and all of that, but I decided I am going to do this on my own schedule... I do want to have at least 2 kids at minimum. By me just waiting a little while I can have a nice savings and a secure job, and DH should get a pay raise this summer too. Having $$ saved is going to make it easier to be able to afford to stay home with a baby and pay for our infertility treatments etc... If I was rich I wouldnt have any reason to put any of this off and I would of probably did IVF already to be totally honest with you, but unfortunatly I dont have a silver spoon in my mouth and i dont have any infertility benefits.. I dont like being stressed out financially and I know things will get better in time. So for now I am just going to enjoy the positives of being baby free, like sleeping in on the weekends, and coming and going as i please, going on vacations, etc.. Dont get me wrong I would love to have a baby, but I have to be smart in the process....:thumbup:

Its funny, but i didnt even think about having a baby until I was getting closer to 30, although if I had known it was going to be this hard for me and DH to have a baby I would of started the process sooner.... I was so clueless when I first started this whole TTC process, if I only knew than what I know now... :dohh:

@Fiesty, I agree with Urchin, and I think you should go on your vacation and enjoy yourself... I dont know how much IVF costs over there without your goverment benefits, but here the cost is so high between 10 to 14,000.00 based on what I would need, it is a last resort for me really. I pray to god that IUI works for us because otherwise we will be depleting our savings to pay for IVF down the road. Although here some clinics gurantee the IVF works or they would refund your money, or repeat the process again for you, so if I get to the point where we have to do IVF I will be going to one of those clinics that gurantee success or a refund is given...
Wannabe that sucks that the cost is so high in the US, here we have seen a localish clinic with 50% success for between 3 and 4k (roughly $6.5k).

I think you are definitely right to try and enjoy the now, I do find that when I am distracted I cope with things so much better but it is just having the time to sit there and think things over is when it all gets too much to handle. Maybe we should start a new thread for LTTTCers that are focusing on enjoying life and not obsessing over it all :haha:
^ Well, AF arrived 11-12 days earlier than expected. :shrug: Just lighter than usual so clinging to that improbable chance that it's IB but I'm realistic so I opted to be CD1 at FF.

When will this happen for me? I've waited for soooooooo long.. 3 years and never had a :bfp: :cry:
Oh Lian :hugs:

What was your temperature this morning? I only ask because yesterday it was really high which seems odd if your period has arrived :flower:
@Lian, Big hugs to you hun... I am so sorry that the :witch: got you!!! :hugs: :hugs:
lian, looking at your chart I don't think your AF started. Your temperature has gotten higher instead of getting lower? Also, there is such a thing as ovulation spotting/bleeding. Maybe that's what you are having right now? :hugs:
Okay, let me catch up with all of you girls! Here goes:

urchin That's a good idea, I'll ask my clinic why they changed my diagnosis. About your work, I would agree with Mr urchin and would say to only do what you can within your work day. After all, you are just 1 person.

Feisty I'm sorry you are having a hard time now and again :hugs: But I encourage you to do the private clinic, because this way you at least are not sitting on your butt waiting. Instead, you are proactively trying to make a miracle! And, you can always take baby to Tokyo! =D

10yearsttc: Welcome and good luck to you on your IVF!

ash and vjp, how are things going for you both? Fxed! :D

MrsH Sorry to hear about your sale falling through. But I am sooo happy to hear that your appointment went fantastic! Doesn't it feel great when things finally start rolling ...

lucy, my DH loves going to our FS lol. He loves the private room they have waiting for him, full of x-rated videos to watch and magazines to read. He more so loves it that usually he goes there during work hours, and technically is getting paid for it :winkwink: So it can be fun! Pass that onto your OH!

FutureMommie, welcome! I'm sorry to hear that your journey has been so difficult. We are all here for you, so you are not alone. :hugs:

Tasha, wonderful news that everything checked out fine. Yay for Clomid! Are you going to do just Clomid on its own for 3 months? Will you also be monitored?

fisher! Another Clomid+IUI lady, welcome to the club =D I have heard that acupuncture does wonders for IUI, I'm considering it myself right now.

greekgirl, I'm sorry you had a tough day. I find that talking to my mom really does help when I tell her that she won't ever understand how I am feeling. She obviously has children, and therefore does not have the fear of never having a child. Then she seems to be more so compassionate and understanding. Try it! =)

wannabeprego I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying being a working lady =)

Wow, I really should respond sooner than I do otherwise this thread really gets going! Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday!
Hi All

Mrs H - Thats sounds good, and it wont be long now huni!!! We are going for OH tests tomorrow so getting a little excited!! We wont be far behind you at all! hopefully we can both get our long awaited BFP!! yey

VJ / Ash - How you both feeling? how long before your testing ??

Lian - Sounds funny... maybe IB, have you tested??

FF - thats such a shame for you hun, like Urchin says maybe you could bend the truth a little... or like you say go for IUI before IVF?

Tasha / Fisher - Bring on Clomid! hope it works for you!

Urchin - How you feeling? hows the sleeping going? hope you are sleeping a little better now :)

Well hoping OH SA is better seen as i have been pumping him full of every type of vitimans! ha ha

Lucy xx
AFM, I have to say that I have been sooo scared of taking medication and doing any sort of treatment, but I have never felt so energized! Firstly, anytime I went to my FS I felt much better knowing I am at least taking control of the situation and investigating the circumstances. But this cycle with Clomid and my upcoming IUI, I feel even more in control and optimistic! AND I haven't posted on here for a bit because I didn't want to jinx anything, but I have had absolutely NO side effects from taking Clomid :shrug: I am absolutely shocked by this, because my body is sooo sensitive to everything! Like the one time I got pregnant (which ended in a MC), I knew I was pregnant the very next morning! So I am very grateful for this.

Currently I am feeling cramping in both of my sides so I assume Clomid is working. I'm guessing it's just the follicles growing and maturing. Let's hope there's going to be more than 1 to increase my chances!
Purple - thats sooo funny huni!! ha ha i will let him know, to lighten the mood i have said we will go shopping after ha :)

Check you out no side effects on clomid thats good hun!! hopefully this will be your month!! xx
Some of you asked how I was going so here it goes.

I'm being patient is really the only word to describe how I'm doing. I ordered some IC's off amazon on Friday so I'm hoping they'll either be here tomorrow or on Tuesday! Once I get those I will be testing everyday until I get my bfp! I'm 6dpiui today 8dp trigger so I'm wondering if the trigger is out of my system yet? I read that it takes up to 10 days so it should still be in my system today but by the time I get my ic's it should be out! I'm really looking forward to having my tests so I can do my little experiment where the lines get lighter and then darker again. Today I have been constipated (sorry for the TMI) but I know that CAN be a sign of pregnancy so I'm just trying to not dwell on it because I did move and my diet has changed slightly from the move so only time will tell. Thanks for asking!

VJ how are you doing? Purple what about you? and Lucylou? Hope you girls are doing okay!

Urchin - still so happy for you! Have you been sleeping any better at all ? I hope so!
Purple so jealous about the no symptoms on clomid ;) Have had a raging headache all afternoon which is normally the start of my clomid symptoms. As for the cramping, yep that is definitely the clomid working it's magic :thumbup:

Ash keeping it all crossed!

Well have been researching local acupuncture and Chinese herbalists so will no doubt be making an appointment after our next FS appointment :)
Oh ash exciting stuff huni!! bet you are getting excited hun.. hope this is your month :) We are off for OH to have his SA tomorrow so moving faster towards IVF now really hope it works we will have loads of BFP's on here...

FF - let me know how the acupuncture goes? I think i might try it next month heard a few good things about it x
Ash I am trying to keep positive. I am 9 days post o today. Trigger has been out of my system for a couple of days now. I have had some meltdowns as i am just worried what if this is not it. Its definitely an emotional roller coaster. I just keep praying which is all i can do. I have immense pain this morning in my right side and thought for sure i was going to have to ring the doctor tomorrow, and that i probably had a kidney infection or something, but then went to bed and when i woke up the pain was gone. I am trying not to read too much into things anymore as there is nothing i can do. It will either be :bfp: or :bfn:. It is that simple. I know i sound like a downer. Its just how i am feeling right now. I hope things keep going well for you. Fx. Almost through the tww.
ash I am on CD8 and just finished my last clomid pill last night, and thankfully have had no side effects from it. I am going to my FS Tuesday for my CD10 monitoring to see how many follies I have and to get blood work done. Then we'll see what they say. I'm not sure when I'm going to ovulate this cycle, therefore not sure when they are going to schedule the IUI. Will keep you all posted.

I know you and vjp both said you took the injection shot for ovulation. I don't recall my FS suggesting that to me. Why did you take the injectible instead of waiting to naturally O? I'm going to research about those 2 options, but just wanted to know what your DR/FS said about it? Thanks.

I can imagine that this 2ww is one of the longest. But I would say to try and enjoy this time of hope, because it is one of the only times you can feel peaceful and content through a cycle. I find CD1 until past O to be the most stressful, but then I try to be "easy breezy" =). That will be my plan this time round as well ... weeeell maybe this cycle I am also going to try to be "easy breezy optimistically positive" :D

:dust: to you girls!
Fesity I'm sorry you have a headache! :hug: I wanted to let you know that although I am not having side effects, my DH has decided subconsciously to have them all for me! So I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone! He has a horrible headache, really moody, and keeps demanding homemade chocolate chip cookies from me! LOL :dohh:
Okay, let me catch up with all of you girls! Here goes:

urchin That's a good idea, I'll ask my clinic why they changed my diagnosis. About your work, I would agree with Mr urchin and would say to only do what you can within your work day. After all, you are just 1 person.

Feisty I'm sorry you are having a hard time now and again :hugs: But I encourage you to do the private clinic, because this way you at least are not sitting on your butt waiting. Instead, you are proactively trying to make a miracle! And, you can always take baby to Tokyo! =D

10yearsttc: Welcome and good luck to you on your IVF!

ash and vjp, how are things going for you both? Fxed! :D

MrsH Sorry to hear about your sale falling through. But I am sooo happy to hear that your appointment went fantastic! Doesn't it feel great when things finally start rolling ...

lucy, my DH loves going to our FS lol. He loves the private room they have waiting for him, full of x-rated videos to watch and magazines to read. He more so loves it that usually he goes there during work hours, and technically is getting paid for it :winkwink: So it can be fun! Pass that onto your OH!

FutureMommie, welcome! I'm sorry to hear that your journey has been so difficult. We are all here for you, so you are not alone. :hugs:

Tasha, wonderful news that everything checked out fine. Yay for Clomid! Are you going to do just Clomid on its own for 3 months? Will you also be monitored?

fisher! Another Clomid+IUI lady, welcome to the club =D I have heard that acupuncture does wonders for IUI, I'm considering it myself right now.

greekgirl, I'm sorry you had a tough day. I find that talking to my mom really does help when I tell her that she won't ever understand how I am feeling. She obviously has children, and therefore does not have the fear of never having a child. Then she seems to be more so compassionate and understanding. Try it! =)

wannabeprego I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying being a working lady =)

Wow, I really should respond sooner than I do otherwise this thread really gets going! Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday!

Thank you, yeah just the clomid, i have to have bloods done on day 21 then I'm back at hospital in four months x
FF - good luck with the acupuncture =D Let me know how it goes, I've wanted to try it for a while!

LucyLou - good luck with your OH's SA! I hope the numbers are good and FX'd for you IVF that's coming up soon!

Purple - I'm happy to hear that you had no side effects while I'm clomid, so lucky! And I hope you have a good follicle or two ready to go! My doctor suggested the trigger, I dont' really know why to be honest, I mean I do ovulate on my own according to previous bloodwork but since we had been trying for 14 months without success he didn't just want to do the same thing, meaning, didn't want to just wait for natural ovulation. He suspects also that I may have weak ovulation so the trigger would have helped with that if that was the case! I hope that helped!
Hi ladies, I see you have all got to know each other quite well, maybe I can join this wonderful conversation. I'm trying to conceive #1, my signature tells most of my story, but I'd love to join your conversation and get to know all you lovely ladies better!

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