Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Hi ladies :wave:

Hope everyone's doing ok. FF how frustrating your cycles all out of whack! Hope it sorts itself out for you hun.

Wannabe glad the procedure went ok. What's the plan for you now?

Afm. I am on cd 1 today. So starting my clomid again tomorrow, I got my hopes up last month and my bfn hit me quite hard. I think it's worse now because I know I can get my bfp . This month I WILL NOT SYMPTOM SPOT!!!

Yest was my due date for my :angel: so tough day. Esp with so many people I know getting pregnant at the moment. Dh brother got married this year and are officially trying now. I just know she's going to be one of these super fertiles that try for like 2 cycles.
It's sounds horrible but I was saying to Dh last night that I hope they don't fall straight away, I don't want them to have major issues like us but from a selfish 'don't think I can handle you being pregnant' point of view hopefully it won't be til next year. - god I sound awful! I'm feeling a little bitter today in case you hadn't guessed!

Right well I'm off before I bring you all down with me! Hope everyone enjoys their wknd.


Big Hugs going out to you hun!!! :hugs::hugs: I am so sorryyou are having such a ruff time right now!! Try to stay positive and hopefull for your next cycle with clomid though, which I know is easier said than done of course!! I am sending you lots of luck and tons of baby dust hoping you get your BFP this cycle!!! :dust::dust::dust:

AFM, my future TTC plans have changed some since I know that I have Endometriosis now. I was asking around on the boards talking to other girls that have also had Endometriosis, and they were saying that there is a 6 month window when you are most fertile after the lap surgery to get pregnant!! I have also read online through internet research that over time the endo can grow back. So in conclusion I have decided to move up our IUI cycles and start them even sooner than originally planned. I am going to take advanatage of every cycle starting with my September cycle and make sure we take advantage or every month we have post surgery!!!

I think if we are getting close to the 6 month post operation window and we don't get a BFP through clomid with timed :sex: and IUI than we are going to consider using donor sperm sooner than I was going to originally. I am scared the endo will grow back and I dont want to have this surgery again anytime soon, and right now DH and me can't afford IVF anytime soon, so I dont think waiting will be an option for us, now that I know I have endo. Plus knowing that I have Endo now makes me feel kind of depressed because I thought DH & me were just going to be up against the challenge of his low :spermy: count, but now we also have a challenge with me, and I have friggen endmetriosis... Uggghhh.. Grrr.... Infertility sucks!!!!:growlmad:

I still need to schedule a 2 to 3 week post operation check up appointment, and I want to get my DRs opnion on my Endo and how he thinks it will affect me becuase I haven't had a chance to discuss this with him yet. I will be scheduling a check up/surgery follow up with my DR on tuesday after the holiday weekend.
Haven't update you all in a while .. here it goes.

I had my scan this morning, I have 5 follicles over 12mm on the right side alone along with a good amount under 10mm and on the left side I have 1 or 2 (can't remember as I was in shock) follicles measuring about 16mm so needless to say the doctor I'm assuming was thinking she wanted to cancel my cycle. Which makes perfect sense, it does seem crazy to keep going and trigger with that many opportunities. She said that 12 doesn't necessarily mean that the eggs are mature however sometimes they are and you just never know. So I told her that if my opinion mattered at all that we would continue on with this cycle only because IUI hasn't worked in the past even when I had 3 mature follicles and since my insurance company won't let me move on until I've completed 6 IUI cycles and this is my 6th one. If we cancel this one, I'll have to do one more IUI again before they'll let me move onto IVF and I'm just not really prepared to do that since IVF got put on hold once before. I also let her know that I would be willing ro reduce if anything crazy should happen. She said that she agrees 100% with me, and although we are taking a risk with having to reduce she said that it would really be a shame to cancel this cycle. She said she would e-mail my doctor and get his advice and his opinion but most likely will be triggering tonight IUI monday morning and then deal with whatever happens at that point.

I hope everyone else is okay and keeping the faith, for those that got BFP's huge congrats!

I am glad they still let you move forward with IUI so you wont have to post pone your IVF any longer!! I can understand how frustrating it must be to get your hopes up every month with the IUI and than it isn't working, but still being forced to do it over and over!!!:growlmad: Thank goodness only one more cycle left until your IVF !! :hugs::hugs:I am seding lots of good luck and baby dust to you and hoping you get your BFP very soon!!! :dust::dust::dust:
Sticky (((HUGS))) I know exactly what you been about feeling bitter when others can get pg just like that, and you do in the back of your mind think i hope it soes not work straight away... I think thats because of what we all are going through and it does make you think differntly, sorry today has been difficult for you xxx

Hope every one else is ok x
Sticky, we can all relate Hun :hugs:

I don't even try to hide it anymore when the green eyed monster comes a'knocking. I'm infertile, it makes me hate fertile myrtles - deal with it! ;)
Hello ladies! First post for me, though I've been stalking this site for months! Finally at my wits end. Hubby & I have been trying for 2 years. Pretty sure I OD on 8/20. Just the way my cycle fell this month, had my yearly exam on 8/24 and was given the dreaded cup to take home for hubby. Also had bloodwork done and was told to call as soon as AF came so a hysterosalpingogram could be scheduled. Totally fretting that one. And while I want answers, I'm still scared of that!

Anyway, AF due tomorrow. Past week I have had extremely sore nipples, tight/full breasts (never have any soreness with breasts or nipples before AF), major headaches and nausea all week. HPT on 8/29 BFN! Today, I still have sore nipples and slight nausea, no headache though. When I went to bathroom a few hours ago (tmi), slight brown discharge on toilet paper but nothing since and no cramps. Feedback??
Hello ladies! First post for me, though I've been stalking this site for months! Finally at my wits end. Hubby & I have been trying for 2 years. Pretty sure I OD on 8/20. Just the way my cycle fell this month, had my yearly exam on 8/24 and was given the dreaded cup to take home for hubby. Also had bloodwork done and was told to call as soon as AF came so a hysterosalpingogram could be scheduled. Totally fretting that one. And while I want answers, I'm still scared of that!

Anyway, AF due tomorrow. Past week I have had extremely sore nipples, tight/full breasts (never have any soreness with breasts or nipples before AF), major headaches and nausea all week. HPT on 8/29 BFN! Today, I still have sore nipples and slight nausea, no headache though. When I went to bathroom a few hours ago (tmi), slight brown discharge on toilet paper but nothing since and no cramps. Feedback??

Welcome to the group!!!!:flower:

It sounds like you have some possible early pregnancy smptoms!! I think you should go ahead and test!!! Good luck and baby dust to you!! I hope you get BFP!!!

It sounds like you are getting ready to do an HSG once your AF arrives? That is where they flush the die into your uterus to make sure your tubes aren't blocked right? I had it done and started a thread to ask girls about what it was like for them when they had it done, and I also did an update on this thread discussing the outcome of my procedure as well...

Here is a link to 2 of my threads about the HSG, I posted questions in the LTTC section and the TTC section and got a bunch of responses. I hope this helps you out!!!:thumbup:

LTTC thread section:

TTC section thread:
Thanks wanabe!

Trigger tonight and IUI monday morning. Happy that the stimming process is over and I can move on and be on my way towards a BFP or an IVF cycle.
Thanks for the welcome, wannabeprego! My moms bestfriend had this done years ago and said it was terrible & that her cramps were so bad she couldn't walk!

Once we started TTC, my cramps...woooooo....they got worse! Last year, I had surgery (carpal tunnel release) and had some RX painkillers left over and my cramps were so rough, thats what I was using - and I mean AF really was :witch: at 5am for a wake-up call and 2-3 hours of sheer fetal position crying like a baby pain! My gyno prescribed me Ponstel & said if that didn't help she wanted to have me tested for endometriosis. Luckily, it helped and they haven't been that bad for a while.

Now that we've hit the 2 year mark it scares me. I do want to know what's up but then I'm kind of scared of the outcome. I'm sure you understand! Hubby is reluctant to have :spermy: tested but willing to do it - guess he is in the same boat as me.

And am I the only one who gets BITTER when they see a young person with a newborn who wasn't "trying"? Maybe I'm going off the deep end!
Thanks for the welcome, wannabeprego! My moms bestfriend had this done years ago and said it was terrible & that her cramps were so bad she couldn't walk!

Once we started TTC, my cramps...woooooo....they got worse! Last year, I had surgery (carpal tunnel release) and had some RX painkillers left over and my cramps were so rough, thats what I was using - and I mean AF really was :witch: at 5am for a wake-up call and 2-3 hours of sheer fetal position crying like a baby pain! My gyno prescribed me Ponstel & said if that didn't help she wanted to have me tested for endometriosis. Luckily, it helped and they haven't been that bad for a while.

Now that we've hit the 2 year mark it scares me. I do want to know what's up but then I'm kind of scared of the outcome. I'm sure you understand! Hubby is reluctant to have :spermy: tested but willing to do it - guess he is in the same boat as me.

And am I the only one who gets BITTER when they see a young person with a newborn who wasn't "trying"? Maybe I'm going off the deep end!

Those really painful cramps sound like it could be a sign of Endo, although I hope that isn't the case for you hun!!:hugs::hugs: I am glad that the meds the DR prescribed you have helped with the cramps/pain. :hugs:

I was nervous about the HSG, but part of me knew it was a necessary step to having a baby. Some quick tips I have for you is to take some really strong pain meds before the procedure and see if your OH can drive you to and from the procedure. I remember when my DR pumped in the iodine solution it was like a super long cramp coming in waves!!! Even though it seemed like a long time, I know it went by really fast!! It was worth it to get answers for me, and I am glad I did it. I regret putting off my infertility testing as long as I did and I wished that I started my journey sooner. Also some girls get pregnant right away after their HSG's so u never know, u migt get pregnant after yours. The HSG can clear out small blockages that might be in your tubes now. :thumbup: Good luck to you hun!!!

Yes, what you are feeling towards women that get pregnant after trying for just a few month is totally normal!!I have went through different phases during my alomst 3 year LTTC journey, and I was very jealous of pregnant women, and angry how so many women that have babies so easy seem to take it for granted. I also went through a deep depression at one point as well!! Right now I have come to terms with my situation some home and have accepted it for what it is. But, I am getting ready to get back into TTC again bcause I am healing from my hysteroscopy and lap surgeries and I am hoping I wont get to crushed and depressed if AF crashes the party in my next attempts!!:wacko: NExt steps for me is a cycle or two of clomid with timed :sex:and than onto IUI next now that I know my uterus is cleared out,both of my 2 tubes are open and my Endo is cleaned out for now!!! :thumbup:The challenges for me is that DH has a low :spermy: count and eventually my Endo can grow back, some of the girls on the boards have told me the first 6 month after my surgery are prime fertility, so my goal is to take advantage as much as I can with my next steps!!
My doc thought if the RX worked, it ruled out Endo. I only took 1 round, as after insurance coverage it was super expensive and there is no generic form. That's been months ago so I think they should have continued if it was Endo? Not sure. Seems my spotting has gone from brown to red and I'm fully nauseated now. I'm fairly sure it's me being upset that it seems AF is coming and not PG. :(
@Lala, I am so sorry the :witch: has arrived!!:hugs:Good luck with the HSG, please keep us updated and let us know how it goes!!
@wannabe - thanks! Continued spotting all weekend and AF showed up this AM. I finally broke down, which I haven't done during this whole ordeal. I guess I was still holding out hope, even though my temps were plummeting and the spotting was hanging around. Finally called the DR and scheduled in for Friday afternoon. Hoping for positive results, but at this point it's hard not to fear the worse.
@Lala, big hugs to you hun!!:hugs::hugs: Good luck with your appointment, please be sure to let us know how it goes!!

AFM, I have scheduled my follow up post surgery appointment for 09/17 in the morning, so I know the DR is going to want to take a look and make sure I am all healed up from my surgery okay, and I am going to ask him questions about my Endometriosis, and makre sure we have a plan in place for our upcoming IUI attempts. I am not sure exactly when we will be doing our first IUI, it will be probably be November or December. I have to talk to DH and the DR and make a plan. The DR should be writing me a RX for clomid meanwhile at least in my next appointment.

Other than that my AF is confusing,I have been having light brown spotting for the last 3 days, and pink clumpy stuff when I pee, but not enough to need a maxi pad, so I can't tell if this is AF starting or what is going on, so right now I have no ide if AF has begun or what is going on, the only thing that sucks is that I am not going to be able to start my left over clomid this cycle if I dont know what CD I am on...:wacko: I am hoping I get full flow normal AF soon so I can figure out what the hell CD I am on since the surgery, I had heavy bleeding after the surgery so I wasn't sure how it would affect my next AF....I am going to do OPK's and if I an figure out if I am OV'ing than it can help me figure out where I am in my cycle, I usually OV around CD 14 or 15, so maybe that can help me figure out what in the world is going on, :wacko:
Sorry your body is being confusing Wannabe. I don't know when your next AF is, but with all that has happened internally from the surgery, I would be hesitant to think what is going on is AF. I agree that you should OPK to get an idea where you are in your cycle.
I agree with dazed Hun :flower: I would imagine that this is post op bleeding still :hugs:

Well I did a test and :bfn: which means I am still awaiting the end of this bloody cycle!
FF - (((HUGS))) i really hope it comes to the end soon so you can get back to TTC it must be such a rollacoaster you are hun xx

Lala - Sorry witch showed up, its always a disapointment especially when you are in our boat, and i dont care what any one says it doesnt get any easier for us we just have to support each other and stay strong xxx

Wannabe - Hope things are getting better for you x

Dazed - Hows things with you ? hope your well?

Ash - How did things go on Monday ?

Hope every one else is well

Lucy xx
Dazed - Hows things with you ? hope your well?

Sorry I have beem MIA more than normal. I stalk daily.

Things are starting to look up for me at the moment on a non-TTC level. I've had to stop trying this cycle because DH lost his job a few weeks ago. He's now found a new job so hopefully we will get back on the baby train in the next week or so after AF shows. Still got some other personal struggles to try to dominate, but I am going tackle them one at a time!
LucyLou - things went great on Monday like they always do when I have IUI. About 7 follicles that were 12mm and over, (I know 18mm is normally considered mature however if we cancelled this cycle I would have to do another because of insurance purposes before moving onto IVF. And the doctor said that some follicles that are 12mm do have mature eggs in them, it really it just a luck of the draw kind of thing) great sperm count, 98.5million post wash. Now the waiting begins. Thanks for asking!

How are things going with you?
Good luck ash. It'd be lovely for this cycle to be the one.

AFM - I've been a bit down in the dumps about our situation lately. I'm currently waiting for the mating season to begin and then the next round of progesterone testing. I've had a problem with my shoulder and am now getting physiotherapy (from a cute young physio who got me all flustered this morning when he had his arm round me while testing my range of motion. That cheered me up a little!). I have to get a steroid injection into my shoulder though, which is happening on Friday. Not looking forward to it, but needs must. Hopefully a little bit of steroid will make it to my ovaries and I'll have a super egg brewing lol!
Good luck in the wait ash! We had EC today and got 14 eggs, so we are just waiting for the phone call tomorrow to see how many fertilise so a nervous wait!

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