Anyone LTTTC Number One?

@Ash & Fisher, thanks for the charting/temping advice!!! I am glad to hear that my temps seem normal so far!!! :thumbup:

@Fisher, I am glad to hear that your pregnancy is going good so far!!! :hugs:

The hard thing for me with the temping is when I wake up and I totally forget to do the temping. When I first wake up I am always in a foggy haze and I usually go to the bathroom, and I have a hard time remembering to temp before I jump up out of bed!!! LOL :haha::blush:
@Ash & Fisher, thanks for the charting/temping advice!!! I am glad to hear that my temps seem normal so far!!! :thumbup:

@Fisher, I am glad to hear that your pregnancy is going good so far!!! :hugs:

The hard thing for me with the temping is when I wake up and I totally forget to do the temping. When I first wake up I am always in a foggy haze and I usually go to the bathroom, and I have a hard time reembering to temp before I jump up out of bed!!! LOL :haha::blush:

TBH I never found getting up to pee made too much of a difference. I actually left my thermometer in the BR after a while and would take it while peeing so the beeping wouldnt wake DH.
Fisher - aww you're so sweet to DH! :haha: I would wake mine up sometimes to give me my thermometer since it was on the opposite side of the bed as me ... but I don't do it anymore and I'm sure he's happy about it! And as far as your pregnancy goes, accept it girl because it is happening! :) Will you find out the sex or are you going to wait?
Wannabe - I agree with the girls straight to IVF with ICSI Hun, when you have your baby savings or no savings from what we all will havre gone through we will make it work our clinic that we went to didn't really believe in IUI and they didn't do it. Big hugs gun it's so so hard and with each other we have the strength to carry on :hugs:

Ash - I'm so sorry to here about your dog Hun we have pets to and they are like are baby's and you do feel helpless some times :hugs: hope every thing works out x

Fisher :hi: glad every thing is going well x

Tlm - not long now till you test hey? You feeling ok? Xx

Hope every one else is ok too x

Afm - im going to chase up care today and see if they have any answers about the tests we enquired about as no one has got back to me yet
Fisher so glad you're doing well hun :flower:

Ash sorry about your doggy :hugs: our youngest had to have an op last week and we paid £300/$450 to get it done and have now found it hasn't worked. She is going to need major surgery once she's fully grown and that is thousands :cry:
Hi Ladies,

Heres to coming out of my silence coma :) I havent bn on bnb for quite some time as iv been very much in the deepest hole one can fall with infertility struggles. Im very sure some of u can and do understand what its like.

Still trying for no 1, almost 6 years now and 4 miscarriages later. Iv found a wonderful ob/gyn of whom is in constant contact with his FS team at the fertility clinic next door to him. He has endevoured to help me along as far as he can and then hand me over to them. Financially this really helps as all my consults are cash then im lucky if my medical aid pays me a little back. Anyway enough of that waffling :)

New doc, new hopes. On my first clomid cycle with him cd5-9, estrogen days 1-10. Now awaiting the great O. Soooo much going on in my head! He would like me to complete 12 weeks worth of clomid and estro under his care and should it not work we will lap/dnc and blow tubes, following that AI.

Have had 3 friends announce their pregnancies within the last month and one in the family last week. Very much bittersweet for me. The other friends have just had their babies..all ranging from 3weeks - 3months..

Heres to some faith and massive enormous bucket loads of baby dust to us all!!

Thanks for the well wishes girls! I'm getting ready to take him into the vet now, he's been acting like his normal self so I'm hoping maybe it was a fluke or something...not sure what to think. OH and I got into a HUGE argument because money is so tight right now, he's like Rupert better not need surgery and that just makes me mad because if he does ... he does...period! I mean our options are to give the dog up, let them take care of him and then he can go to a different home, or we let him die or get more sick from whatever he has going on or we pay the bill ... end of story as far as I'm concerned and it's a very easy decision.

I actually am thinking that I may hold off on IVF since my OH is WAY too stressed to deal with anything at this point. We'll see what happens, I told him he needs to get into some therapy.

Lucylou - good luck getting some answers today :hugs:

SA - sorry you've been having such a hard time. It always is bittersweet when people you know get pregnant of have their babies because we all wish it was us .. :hugs: Good luck with your new doctor I hope he can help you get your forever baby!
Hi Ladies,

Heres to coming out of my silence coma :) I havent bn on bnb for quite some time as iv been very much in the deepest hole one can fall with infertility struggles. Im very sure some of u can and do understand what its like.

Still trying for no 1, almost 6 years now and 4 miscarriages later. Iv found a wonderful ob/gyn of whom is in constant contact with his FS team at the fertility clinic next door to him. He has endevoured to help me along as far as he can and then hand me over to them. Financially this really helps as all my consults are cash then im lucky if my medical aid pays me a little back. Anyway enough of that waffling :)

New doc, new hopes. On my first clomid cycle with him cd5-9, estrogen days 1-10. Now awaiting the great O. Soooo much going on in my head! He would like me to complete 12 weeks worth of clomid and estro under his care and should it not work we will lap/dnc and blow tubes, following that AI.

Have had 3 friends announce their pregnancies within the last month and one in the family last week. Very much bittersweet for me. The other friends have just had their babies..all ranging from 3weeks - 3months..

Heres to some faith and massive enormous bucket loads of baby dust to us all!!


Welcome to the group!!:flower:Yes, the ladies on thisthread understand the pain of LTTC and are a wonderful support system!!!:hugs:

I am so sorry for the losses that you have had and all of the difficult times you have had over the years during your LTTC journey.:hugs::hugs:

I am glad that you have a good DR now and that you have a plan to get your BFP in pace now. I have everything crossed for you and I hope that you can get your BFP soon!!! I am sending lots of good luck and tons of baby dust to you hun!!! :dust::dust::dust:
Oh ash what a nightmare hun I really hope things work out :hugs: x

Jenny - we all feel your pain on here and all know what your going through (( hugs)) :hugs: and welcome to the group! Good luck with the clomid xx

Well answers from care today they do carry out tests for chromosomes / egg quality but it's £2,000! Wow! We knew it was expensive but didn't think that much but it's some thing we can bare in mind I suppose ?! On the plus side I spoke to St marys and we now have our appointment to see the consultant and get some answers 25 September :) so I'm a little happier about that x

Hope every one else is ok? Not long until the weekend girls x
@Ash, I am sorry that you and your OH had a disagreement about how to care for your dog because of the costs. Financial stress is very difficult and takes a huge toll on relationships! I can understand because my DH & me have been through alot of tuff times over the course of our relationship!!! I hope your dog is getting better and that it won't costs alot if further care is needed from the vet in order for your dog to get better. I hope that you and OH can work through your differences!!! :hugs::hugs:

I talked to DH lastnight about IVF & ICSI vrs the IUI options. He said he wants us to try IUI first a few times regardless of it taking away from our savings. He isn't comfortable with us breaking the bank right out of the gate and going right to IVF & ICSI first. So that is what we are going to do and hope and pray that it works. I think he is worried about us being able to live comfortably after and if we use all of our savings he doesn't want us to be totally broke. There is a huge jump in the cost of IVF in comparison to IUI, so I think the amount freaked him out. I talked to him about the success rates for the IUI and how he has a low sperm count and it will make our success rate even lower, but he still wants to do it, so I guess that is the plan. I am okay with it, I just hope and pray it works!!!

I think my October cycle is just going to be timed :sex: with clomid and than November will be our first IUI cycle because I didn't get to take clomid like I wanted to with my September cycle because my cycle was all messed up with the spotting and crazy bleeding after my surgery. :dohh:

AFM, I started looking for part time jobs and applying to some. I found an admin/receptionist one tht is 20 hours a week in the afternoon that would be perfect for me and I applied to it. I just need to make a little bit of extra money and I want something low stress as well, so I am keeping that in mind well I do my job search. I only want to work like 20 to 30 hours a week, but no more than that. That way I can have a little extra money to put in savings, or for things we would like to do, but it wont interfere with my DR apointments for fertility because I feel like time is not on my side right now because of the possibility of the Endo growing back.
Well, I hope you'll all be happy to hear that when the doctor redid the x-rays today he didn't see anything in Rupert's belly!!! I'm an ecstatic and can't believe all of that stress was over nothing. The doctor said that the objects still might be there but they're not visible on the x-ray so he told us to bring him home, feed him chicken and boiled rice for about a week or two, make sure his poop (sorry for TMI) goes back to normal and then just carry on with life. He said if he starts vomiting or starts acting lathargic or anything to bring him back and then we'll deal with it then but ever since yesterday he has been his normal happy, hyper self so I'm very relieved.

Wannabe - Yes, financial problems are so hard on relationships and it's actually the main reason for divorce in America! So sad! I know this sounds weird, but I've always hated money. Growing up my parents never really taught me about how to save and deal with money because they were always so private about their finances, I never knew ANYTHING, not even how much of their paycheck they mother just told me the other day that you're supposed to save about 10% of your paycheck, well nice going mom, should have taught me that when I was like 16 ... not 24. Oh well! So anyways, money has always been a huge stress factor for me, I mean I don't have credits cards or blow through money but I just hate dealing with the stress of it all. I still think you guys should go through with IVF first however, I support your decision and understand completely why you guys are choosing to go through IUI. IVF is a lot of stress, as is IUI but not nearly as bad as IVF ... I know that if I have to go through with IVF I have to give myself 3 shots daily and then if I get pregannt I have to keep up with the progesterone intramuscular shots for about 13 weeks until I'm out of the first trimester! Craziness!

Anyways, I completely support your decision, you have to do what's best for you at the time, completely understandable...we're all here for you, try to relax and hopefully you will get your :bfp:!

Lucy - so happy you got good news about the appointment on the 25th, that's not that far away! And that is a lot of money for the chromosomal testing but I think you're right that it's definitely something you guys should think about! :hugs:
@Ash, I am so glad to hear that your pup is doing better!!! :hugs: Fingers crossed he continues to feel better!!! :thumbup: Thank you for the kind words and for the support!!! :hugs:
Ash so happy that rupert doesn't need his operation :) that's great news x

Wannabe - you need to do what feels best for you both, I really hope the IUI works for you guys xx
Wannabe, go for it Hun :flower: you have sat down and talked everything through, so this is obviously the right decision :)

Ash so glad Rupert didn't need surgery :) Cookie has her follow up tonight, and I am dreading it :(

Lucy, glad you got the appointment Hun :flower:
aww you ladies are sooo sweet! thank you for the encouragement and well wishes on my journey! Wannab - loved the little ducks thank you :)
Ash - sooo thrilled to hear Rupert wont need any further intervention and he is on his way to happy and healthy times! A little miracle right there :)

When i was @ ob last, he said that should a couple have a sperm issue, that with doing AI, they take the sample and add something (i forget what he said the name was) that attracts all the healthy sperm that are "gym tough" and they then use those sperm for insemination. He says it increases the quality of sperm by like 40%! So just a little something i heard, maybe it helps set someones mind at ease with AI/IUI. It certainly costs a fortune!! Well here in SA, for a AI its R3000-00 ($375 i think or 300 pound) excluding all meds, then with IVF its about R35 000-00 ($4375 or 3500 pound). Money money money all makes me want to cry!

Annoyed at Facebook comments of pregnant friends moaning today.. (aww its sooo hard being pregnant...i feel so sick dont want to do this...) OH my soul it takes alot not to send a rude msg back and say they should APPRECIATE every single moment! Dont they realise how lucky they are!!! grrrrrr
FF - let us know how it goes with Cookie whenever you get a chance! Hope everything turs out okay! :hugs:
SA - I completely agree with women who complain about being pregnant ... it's like try being in OUR shoes! I cannot wait to having MS and back pains!!!
@Feisty, I hope that Cookie is going to be alright and that they feel better soon!! :hugs::hugs:

@SA, Your Welcome hun. Thanks for the info about the AI/IUI, that is very helpful!!! :flower:!!!!! Does anyone have ay fun weekend plans??

DH & me are supposed to be going to a state park tomorrow and go hiking. The weather is going to be really nice here, low 70's and sunny!! :flower:

I am going to make DH chocolate chip cookies today because he has been nagging me about making them for him over the last few days. :haha:

Yesterday I had a tiny bit of brown spotting, which would be awesome if it was implantation spotting, but it is more than likely just left over bleeding from the surgery knowing my luck..:dohh:

DH & me had :sex: lastnight, and I am going to try to stick to :sex: every other day until I can confirm ovulation for sure, so we have our work cut out for us still this cycle. LOL:blush: This has been the mst confusing cycle ever for me because of the surgery I just had....:wacko::wacko:
Yes sure glad it's Friday wannabe ! Another nice chilled weekend I think :)

FF - I hope your pup is ok too Hun xx

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