Anyone LTTTC Number One?

@Dazed...On clomid my cycles were long for me, around thirty one days. After the Clomid they were all over the place, but I believe the first two were super short. Are you really cycle day 32?

Yes, I'm currently cd32. Clomid cycles were 29-30days. Too scared to test, and I may have gone back to my old cycle of 32days. I had ov pains cd10 and again around cd17 or so... waiting it out to see what happens and trying my darndest to not SS.

My OB/Gyn gave me clomid because I believed it was weak ovulation. When I had my progeterone check (2 days early) they were only 7.7 something. I know thats not what they want to see, but he said it was fine, leading me to believe I needed to be proactive (I had to ask for my tests and point out to him the days they should be done). It was more of an effort to better regulate my cycles.
If 32 days is your longest ever cycle then not much longer to wait hun :hugs:

Wannabe have you decided to BBT this month? x
32 isn't actually my longest, but it is my average. Longest was 38 but its only happened twice, next longest is 34.
Are you going to wait it out or test? Personally I would wait until CD39 but I am a wimp! Really hope this is a :bfp: and not just a long cycle :hugs:
Are you going to wait it out or test? Personally I would wait until CD39 but I am a wimp! Really hope this is a :bfp: and not just a long cycle :hugs:

I'm totally trying to wait it out this cycle.... Ugh. I'm about 9dpo today which is about when the temptation to test starts each month for me. I'm starting my 4 day string of work + overtime tomorrow in an attempt to make it past when AF is due without testing. I'm expecting AF Saturday or Sunday. I have written on my calendar to not test til tgiving on the 24th but by Monday I'll be 14dpo which would be late for me so if she hasn't shown up yet I expect the temptation to test will be too strong by Monday to work past.
I have actually given up on the notion of ever having kids, so testing early would just mean I was expecting to get pregnant.
@Fiesty, No I am not doing my temps this month, although I do see a thermometer in my local drug store for doing it and could easily pick it up... hmmm.... It is something to consider for next cycle I suppose.

@Dazed, I am sorry you are feeling down hun...:hugs: :hugs: I am going to keep everything crossed for you and send tons of baby dust your way in hopes you can get lucky this month and get your BFP...:dust::dust::dust:
:hugs: @ dazed.

I just caved and tested - BFN! What did I expect, I'm only 8 dpo :dohh:
There's one more sleep til The Scissors and I'm getting scary butterflies ... very glad I'm getting a general though, I really wouldnt want to brave The Scissors while awake!

Did I mention The Scissors? .. eeek!

I'm thinking of you today! I hope everything went well and that you didn't feel a thing!

So the update from the fertility specialist follow up is:

100% unexplained infertility - no surprise there

DH & I have decided we're going to go right unmedicated IUI, rather than clomid alone. DH is, as previously discussed multiple-phobic, and the doctor essentially said that's a good way to be and at 30 I'm young enough that we don't need to take unnecessary risks yet. I'm not sure if we'll start immediately next cycle, but we have a plan written up in the chart that we're allowed to do clomid, unmedicated IUI or both as soon as we want and we have info for all.

The end.

(there's a tiny bit more detail in my journal)

*hugs* I hate that we have all this technology and yet they come back with things like this. I do know that doctors don't know everything, so stay strong and keep hopeful on that IUI! :)

That will be DH and my plan probably early next year when we get our tax return back and can pay for the IUI procedure out of pocket, it costs us about $350.00 for the semen wash and insemination at my DR's office, but that cost isnt including the the medications and testing.

AFM, I am doing okay, just feeling a little impatient in the 2WW, the progesterone makes me feel dizzy,drowsy, and kind of a spaced out drunk feeling, it isnt fun to take, but I am going to suck it up this cycle to see if it will help me get my BFP in combination with the 50 mg clomid this cycle days 3-7, I am hoping I could maybe get lucky. :thumbup:

I still need to do the Saline Sonohysterography to find out what that bump was on the inside of my uterus that showed up on the HSG X-ray, but I was pretty busy this month because my mom came down to visit, so I put it off, I am kind of nervous about it after how hard the HSG was on me, ugghhh, so part of me wants to put it off aslong as possible, but if I can grow some balls I might do it in December at the beginning of that cycle if AF shows up at the end of this month.... Depending on what the bump is on my uterus it could require surgical removal, which has me pretty nervous...ugghhh... :wacko:

Good to know the cost of IUI (well ok at least in your area, but it does give an idea of the ballpark range. I've got my fingers crossed for good news for you at the end of your 2ww! I get that drowsy drunk feeling if I take prometrium too early before bed and I hate it!

I wonder if that bump you have on your uterus is the same thing that I just found out that I have. In my pelvic u/s they found that I have a dimple or nubbin on my uterus. It's called a subseptus uterus and apparently can vary quite a lot from what I have which is considered to be a "normal variant" that won't interfere with ttc or pregnancy, to horns that divide the uterus in 1/2 or 3rds and have to be surgically removed. Either way I hope you get that appointment done and over with and that it turns out to be nothing of importance! :)

Well the clomid side effects arrived in full force last night :( Major mood swings and hot flushes - my least favourite of all of them! Poor DH may end up killing me before we even enter my fertile period :haha:

lol! Oh man, if nothing happens this cycle, I'll be starting clomid next cycle and while I'm excited to be moving forward, the major mood swings and hot flushes are NOT something I'm looking forward to. Good luck!

I take my clomid before bedtime so I can sleep through the symptoms. the good news is that the second month on clomid had alot less symptoms, I think your body gets adjusted to the medication after a while. This month i took my clomid and cant even tell i took anything, it is my 3rd month using the medication at 50 mgs.

AFM, I am feeling a little sad because it is annual emrollment time for my husbands medical plans, and I was looking over the 2012 plan benefits for the different options he has and all of the plans exclude coverage for the infertility treatments. I was thinking that we would have the option to chose a more expensive plan next year and that some of them would have infertility benefits, but so far it is not looking good, :nope: I do need to research it some more but from what I can see it doesnt look very promising..... :cry: i am trying not to get sad because I was thinking this would be a solution for us to pay for infertility care next year.

I guess I am going to have to save $$ to do IUI, and hopefully use our tax return $$ to help pay for IUI and hopefully it will work, otherwise if we have to do IVF and pay out of pocket I will be saving up for many years since it will cost between 10 to 14,000 dollars U.S. from what my research has shown.

The only other soultion I can think of is if I am lucky enough to find a new job with good health insurance options that has infertility benefits than I can use those, but there is no gurantees with that.....:nope: I am not working right now.....

Good suggestion on the clomid timing.

I know what you mean wannabe. I don't have fertility coverage of any kind, which is why I haven't had my HSG yet since its going to cost $900. I really don't want to see my checkbook hit a low point... it makes me nervous incase something were to happen to either mine or DH's job.

Dazed, I also have no infertility coverage- and when I called the insurance company they said they don't even cover testing for infertility but they paid all for the HSG except my $30 copay. Just fyi

I know how you all feel about the insurance. My insurance sucks and it will get worse if I have to go to an RE... since it covers nothing of fertility as well. :( I do know though, that my OB tries to find ways to word things so that the insurance will cover it as a non-fertility related thing, so maybe yours will as well. *hugs*

@Fiesty, No I am not doing my temps this month, although I do see a thermometer in my local drug store for doing it and could easily pick it up... hmmm.... It is something to consider for next cycle I suppose.

I've actually had a bbt for months now, and this is the first cycle that I pulled it out to try it out. lol I'm having fun with it though since I got crosshairs on ff! :D

AFM - I don't think I ever updated on this thread about my test results. Soooo... here's what happened:

PHEWPH!!! Both results were good. In fact better then I expected!

My DH has 131mil sperm concentration with 59% of them with rapid progression (67% total progressive motility)! The prognosis for him is "good fertility potential" though in terms of normal vs abnormal sperm formation, he was on the low side of "good fertility potential". The OB didn't seem concerned about it though, it was just something we talked about after the meeting and getting a chance to look terms up in more detail/examples. So all in all amazing concentration and good motility.

For me, I have a subseptus uterus, BUT the OB says it's so slight that they actually consider it a normal variant and not something to be nervous about or that needs surgery. She described it as a dimple on my uterus rather then completely smooth. She said that based on how slight it was, it would not interfere with getting pregnant or growth of a baby in my uterus. She said I do have some cysts which were expected because of the pcos, but that they are small and inconsequential.

So overall she said there are no flags and that with these 2 tests done and showing pretty conclusively that all flags are green, that the fact I'm not ovulating is the fertility issue for us. So she stepped up the timeline!! If I don't get my period in 35 days I need to take a pregnancy test. If that shows negative, then she wants me to go ahead and kickstart my period and gave me a prescription for Clomid to take cd's 5-9! She also said that if my period comes naturally, then I can also go ahead and start the Clomid as well. At my previous appointment, she'd wanted to wait 4 months before taking the step to Clomid, but now, just a couple weeks later (one cycle) she feels that things are ready to move faster. So I'm really excited that things are moving ahead and that the results were good!

Oh and she was happy with my crosshairs as well even though neither of us are considering them the end-all be-all. BUT based on the high fertility of the cbfm and combining them with the crosshairs on ff, it's a good possibility that I did ovulate on the day or somewhere close to where ff says I did. So we'll see what happens. I'm even more hopeful about this cycle then I was at the start of it!! YAY!

Don't worry.. I'm not getting my hopes up too high, but even if I don't get pregnant this cycle, I still count all of this and forward progress and I know I'm getting just that much closer to being a mom.
Dodger the clomid isn't so bad I am just a wimp :blush:

The first time I took it in August 2010 it was all so new and exciting that I didn't even notice the symptoms - and I am proof that it can work on the first round! We were assured that our loss had nothing to do with the clomid as well so please don't fret about that.

Well we have dtd for the first time this cycle and it looks like the plan to mirror our bedding schedule from our only successful cycle is all go - still not sharing this information with DH though ;) Don't want him feeling under pressure!
Dodger the clomid isn't so bad I am just a wimp :blush:

The first time I took it in August 2010 it was all so new and exciting that I didn't even notice the symptoms - and I am proof that it can work on the first round! We were assured that our loss had nothing to do with the clomid as well so please don't fret about that.

Well we have dtd for the first time this cycle and it looks like the plan to mirror our bedding schedule from our only successful cycle is all go - still not sharing this information with DH though ;) Don't want him feeling under pressure!

Thanks! I'm actually more excited then nervous, but that is something I'm not looking forward to.

Hehe! Good luck with the mirroring and keeping your DH in the dark about it! :) I hope it works for you!
@Dazed...On clomid my cycles were long for me, around thirty one days. After the Clomid they were all over the place, but I believe the first two were super short. Are you really cycle day 32?

Yes, I'm currently cd32. Clomid cycles were 29-30days. Too scared to test, and I may have gone back to my old cycle of 32days. I had ov pains cd10 and again around cd17 or so... waiting it out to see what happens and trying my darndest to not SS.

My OB/Gyn gave me clomid because I believed it was weak ovulation. When I had my progeterone check (2 days early) they were only 7.7 something. I know thats not what they want to see, but he said it was fine, leading me to believe I needed to be proactive (I had to ask for my tests and point out to him the days they should be done). It was more of an effort to better regulate my cycles.

I dont blame you at all about not testing. In the 13 months we have been TTC I have used maybe 4 pregnancy tests. I dont test either until Im LATE because i cant handle the disappointment! Fingers are crossed for you hun!:hugs:
Thanks for the hopes girls.

I don't mean to come off as being down, I'm fine with it. I just haven't completely given up TTC. For me 2 years is too long and its slowly taking its toll on me. I have to get my life back from the TTC monster.
@Dodger, I am so glad that DH's SA was overall very good!!! :thumbup: I am also glad that your DR went ahead and prescribed you the clomid sooner than later!!! I have got everything crossed for you and I am sending tons of baby dust your way that you will be getting your BFP, if not this month, than hopefully the clomid will do the trick for you!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

Thanks for offering a suggestion about what could possibly be on my uterus and for sharing your story with me, that makes me feel hopeful that it could most likely be nothing to worry about....:thumbup:
Quick question for Dodger, What kind of a scan did your DR do to examine your uterus? Was it what I am scheduled for, the saline Sonohysterography? If you did have this type of scan was it painful at all?

I also am on prometrium as well it is a 200 mg dose. I guess it is a synthetic version of progesterone so it is the same thing. What is your dosage and what cycle days do you take yours?
Just some random symptom spotting from me... Ever since I have had the HSG and I know what tube is for sure open I have been paying attention to which side of my ovaries have been experiencing cramping, and when I OV'ed it seemed like the majority of the cramps were on the possibly blocked tube side, but recently for the last few days I have been having some crampy twinges on the open tube ovary side... Weird I know, but I just thought I would share... I amnot sure if it is possible to be in tune with your body enough to know which ovary is releasing eggs and which side is maybe working for implantation... :shrug:

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