Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Ay up my lovelies :hugs:

Here's the news from Urchin Towers ...
I was second on the list yesterday, but first on the list lady was waiting on bloods, so I got bumped up to first place - meaning I went down to theatre at 9.10
Five minutes in the anaesthetics room and just starting to think (as I always do) 'I don't think this anaesthetic is working' ... then someone spoke to me and I think I mumbled something to say I wasn't asleep yet and the voice said 'you're back on the ward'

So I slept for a couple of hours then woke up crampy - not dreadful, just like a bad period. Then I had an odd conversation with a nurse that went like this:
Me: I'm quite sore, could I have some painkillers
Nurse: I'm afraid the only thing I can give you is Morphine
Me: That will be fine!

I thought she was going to say paracetamol! At home with similar cramps I would have sent Mr Urch for co-codamol and hot water bottle - but Morphine? that'll do nicely

So I slept for another couple of hours, woke up and had a cuppa a wee and something to eat (ticking all the 'ready to go home today' boxes)
Dozed a bit more, read a bit of my book and waited for my consultant Mrs R to come see me.

She arrived at about half past four and told me that she'd had a good look around and could report that there are:
No scars
No adhesions
No fibroids
No polyps
and the lining is all fine too!!!!!!!

I thanked her many many times and agreed to let her know how it all works out for us!
I am officially in love with Mrs R - she is the kindest consultant I've ever met and such a good surgeon, honestly my external scar is so neat and fine and it sounds like she left my insides as neat as the out!

So I got home about 6 last night, still quite woozie from the anaesthetic and morphine - but very happy that we have the green light!
I've phoned the fertility clinic this morning to pass on my news and am generally taking things a bit easy today

By this I mean no plastering, but I am about to do some cleaning and re-cut the windowsill for the bathroom and tile round it

I really am no good at all at doing nothing, in fact it stresses me a lot more than just pottering about doing light jobs at a slow pace - but I do promise, no plastering!

Just thought I'd pass on the good news :happydance:
@Urchin, I am so happy to hear that your procedure went so well, and that you are only a little soar!!!! That is great news that you got the green light to move ahead with your plans!!!! I am super excited for you hun!!! I wish you all the best with your plans moving forward!!! :happydance: :happydance:

AFM, I am already thinking about weekend plans, I think me and DH are going to put up our Christmas tree and decorations on Sunday. DH has Friday off since he works 10 hour days and gets every other Friday off, so we are going to have a long weekend. So Friday i am thinking of checking out a mall that I have never been to to try to find an outfit to go out on Saturday night in. I havent went out for a night of dancing in so long and I think it might be fun for me and DH to go check out a club around here.

Do you lovley ladies have any fun plans for the weekend? I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!!:thumbup:
That is fantastic news urchin!!! So happy for you.
Urch I am literally grinning like the Cheshire cat! I have a really strong feeling that the fact you have over-come all of these obstacles lately to get the green light is a flipping amazing omen! You my lovely are soon to be pregnant!!!!

Wannabe that sounds nice hun, I will probably just be starting up my Etsy store and maybe doing a few more jewellery creations. I am not holding my breath that this is going to take off for quite a few months but I am more excited about the prospect of hearing some happy news from customers. My personal opinion is that the success stories relating to fertility crystals have more to do with providing the wearer with PMA and hope rather then any 'magical' properties - Kind of like a Placebo effect but hey if it works, it works! As always I love researching new fertility related tales and I will try to keep an open mind when it comes to Crystal Healing as I know many people swear by it. Oh and the Jewellery looks quite nice too ;) Also nice to have my jewellery scream that we are trying for a baby but in a secret way :haha:
Went out to dinner with the in-laws for our anniversary last night. MIL was saying she "Knew a girl who stopped taking her BCP and got pregnant right away, but they didn't think she could.", and when I mentioned my irregular cycles (3-4/yr!) she asked me if I was taking any vitamins.


I guess people who don't have trouble TTC just don't get it. I sat there and smiled through it, though inside I was feeling pretty down.

Did I mention it was a huge restaurant/shops place decorated for Christmas, so there were a ton of little ones toddling around...:haha:
Ay up my lovelies :hugs:

Here's the news from Urchin Towers ...
I was second on the list yesterday, but first on the list lady was waiting on bloods, so I got bumped up to first place - meaning I went down to theatre at 9.10
Five minutes in the anaesthetics room and just starting to think (as I always do) 'I don't think this anaesthetic is working' ... then someone spoke to me and I think I mumbled something to say I wasn't asleep yet and the voice said 'you're back on the ward'

So I slept for a couple of hours then woke up crampy - not dreadful, just like a bad period. Then I had an odd conversation with a nurse that went like this:
Me: I'm quite sore, could I have some painkillers
Nurse: I'm afraid the only thing I can give you is Morphine
Me: That will be fine!

I thought she was going to say paracetamol! At home with similar cramps I would have sent Mr Urch for co-codamol and hot water bottle - but Morphine? that'll do nicely

So I slept for another couple of hours, woke up and had a cuppa a wee and something to eat (ticking all the 'ready to go home today' boxes)
Dozed a bit more, read a bit of my book and waited for my consultant Mrs R to come see me.

She arrived at about half past four and told me that she'd had a good look around and could report that there are:
No scars
No adhesions
No fibroids
No polyps
and the lining is all fine too!!!!!!!

I thanked her many many times and agreed to let her know how it all works out for us!
I am officially in love with Mrs R - she is the kindest consultant I've ever met and such a good surgeon, honestly my external scar is so neat and fine and it sounds like she left my insides as neat as the out!

So I got home about 6 last night, still quite woozie from the anaesthetic and morphine - but very happy that we have the green light!
I've phoned the fertility clinic this morning to pass on my news and am generally taking things a bit easy today

By this I mean no plastering, but I am about to do some cleaning and re-cut the windowsill for the bathroom and tile round it

I really am no good at all at doing nothing, in fact it stresses me a lot more than just pottering about doing light jobs at a slow pace - but I do promise, no plastering!

Just thought I'd pass on the good news :happydance:


That's so great!
@Dodger, I am so glad that DH's SA was overall very good!!! :thumbup: I am also glad that your DR went ahead and prescribed you the clomid sooner than later!!! I have got everything crossed for you and I am sending tons of baby dust your way that you will be getting your BFP, if not this month, than hopefully the clomid will do the trick for you!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

Thanks for offering a suggestion about what could possibly be on my uterus and for sharing your story with me, that makes me feel hopeful that it could most likely be nothing to worry about....:thumbup:

Oh thank you!! Reading this put a huge smile on my face! :hugs:

Quick question for Dodger, What kind of a scan did your DR do to examine your uterus? Was it what I am scheduled for, the saline Sonohysterography? If you did have this type of scan was it painful at all?

I also am on prometrium as well it is a 200 mg dose. I guess it is a synthetic version of progesterone so it is the same thing. What is your dosage and what cycle days do you take yours?

Mine was a trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal u/s (2 different tests) in which she did quite a bit of looking and recording of things. lol I haven't had what you are going to have so unfortunately I have no info for you on how that will be. *hugs* I'm hoping that you have the same type of easy experience that Urchin did!

As for the prometrium, I'm currently using it to kick start AF when needed. I start taking it if I don't have a new AF 6 weeks after cd1 and am not pregnant. My dose is the same as yours. I've actually discovered that for me where I sometimes have trouble getting to sleep, if I take the prometrium a couple of hours before bed, I'll have that woozy drunk feeling, but it seems to put me to sleep RIGHT away. lol If I want to avoid that feeling, I just take it right before I go to sleep and so far, when doing that, I've had no side effects that I've been awake to notice. :thumbup:

Went out to dinner with the in-laws for our anniversary last night. MIL was saying she "Knew a girl who stopped taking her BCP and got pregnant right away, but they didn't think she could.", and when I mentioned my irregular cycles (3-4/yr!) she asked me if I was taking any vitamins.


I guess people who don't have trouble TTC just don't get it. I sat there and smiled through it, though inside I was feeling pretty down.

Did I mention it was a huge restaurant/shops place decorated for Christmas, so there were a ton of little ones toddling around...:haha:

Ugh. Yeah and the hard thing is that even knowing that people who haven't had trouble don't have a clue, they still somehow manage to blindside me with their comments. *hugs* I'm sorry she was so uncomprehending of what you are going through.

@Urchin - I'm so glad that things went well and that the results were all clear and clean!! YAY! I'm also glad that if the scissors were present, that they weren't noticed. lol :happydance::happydance:
That's brilliant news urchin xx I hope u are all well x Afm i was CD17 yesturday and 6dpo and i had a bit of brown spotting so either i am getting af really early or it was implatation bleeding which i have never had before, i am praying to god that it is implantation. Also the hospital rang me on tuesday and while i am waiting for my appointment the doctor wants to investigate so i have to have more tests done and oh has to have his semen tested xx
Awesome news urchin, I'm so happy for you :happydance:

Tasha, FX for you that it was implantation bleeding :thumbup:
@Tasha, I got my fingers crossed it was implantation spotting and that you get your BFP this cycle!!! :dust::dust::dust::dust:

Good luck with your upcoming testing, I hope you get good results!! :thumbup:
So I walked out of the house today for work 10dpo and didn't test! I feel like I deserve an award! Usually I would have given in by yesterday. :rofl:
Haha well done Fisher you did really well not to test :haha:

Thanks for the gl wishes ladies, sending loads right back at you all :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Just some symptom spotting from me, I am still getting over a cold that i have had for about the last 6 days, and I am on the last leg of it, with blowing my nose and coughing up crap..... well I just threw up some of my lunch.... so of course I am hoping it is because I am pregnant, but it might be from all of the flem and crap and coughing that made me do it.... ugghhhh... not fun...

I did ask some of the girls in First Tri if having a cold is an early pregnancy symptom also and alot of them are coming back and saying they did get sick as an early prego symptom, so hopefully these are good signs for me and I am on the road to a BFP....
So I walked out of the house today for work 10dpo and didn't test! I feel like I deserve an award! Usually I would have given in by yesterday. :rofl:

LOL...Good for you!!!! Be strong!!! LOL....:thumbup:
Well done fisher :wine:

Wannabe, I was ill with Sprout at about 11dpo but only lasted until 13dpo - hope this is a symptom for you :hugs:
That's brilliant news urchin xx I hope u are all well x Afm i was CD17 yesturday and 6dpo and i had a bit of brown spotting so either i am getting af really early or it was implatation bleeding which i have never had before, i am praying to god that it is implantation. Also the hospital rang me on tuesday and while i am waiting for my appointment the doctor wants to investigate so i have to have more tests done and oh has to have his semen tested xx

Oh my! I'm hoping for implantation bleeding for you!!!

So I walked out of the house today for work 10dpo and didn't test! I feel like I deserve an award! Usually I would have given in by yesterday. :rofl:

Wow!! Will you hold my hand and keep me strong when I get to 10 dpo?? Great job! :)

Just some symptom spotting from me, I am still getting over a cold that i have had for about the last 6 days, and I am on the last leg of it, with blowing my nose and coughing up crap..... well I just threw up some of my lunch.... so of course I am hoping it is because I am pregnant, but it might be from all of the flem and crap and coughing that made me do it.... ugghhhh... not fun...

I did ask some of the girls in First Tri if having a cold is an early pregnancy symptom also and alot of them are coming back and saying they did get sick as an early prego symptom, so hopefully these are good signs for me and I am on the road to a BFP....

Hmm... I haven't thrown up at all, but I've been sick for the last 5-6 days as well and my nose/coughing has been driving me crazy! Hopefully it's all good signs for both of us! :hugs:
Just some symptom spotting from me, I am still getting over a cold that i have had for about the last 6 days, and I am on the last leg of it, with blowing my nose and coughing up crap..... well I just threw up some of my lunch.... so of course I am hoping it is because I am pregnant, but it might be from all of the flem and crap and coughing that made me do it.... ugghhhh... not fun...

I did ask some of the girls in First Tri if having a cold is an early pregnancy symptom also and alot of them are coming back and saying they did get sick as an early prego symptom, so hopefully these are good signs for me and I am on the road to a BFP....

I totally have a semi cold right now too. We're clearly spending too much time on here if we're spreading illnesses over the Internet to each other now

Thanks ladies I'm proud of myself and glad I signed up for this overtime to distract myself....although I don't know how much longer I can keep going. It's SO tempting.
I totally have a semi cold right now too. We're clearly spending too much time on here if we're spreading illnesses over the Internet to each other now

Muahahahaha!! So true! If I'd been drinking something just then, I would have spit it out all over my monitor. lol

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