Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Urchin it is normal for symptoms to come and go hun :hugs:

Tasha good luck with the results.

Well bad news for us :cry: DH :spermy: has dropped from 23 million to 5.2 million ! It is such a drop that the specialist was convinced he had been smoking weed! We were then told to repeat the test in 3 months time but based on getting 'normal' results and my tests the next step would be IVF :cry: Now IVF in my book would be fan-flipping tastic if it wasn't for the fact that we have to wait until we are 30 to just be put on the list - meaning a minimum of 4 years from now. I enquired about IUI and was told that our PCT doesn't fund it so IVF will be the only option. Also due to the wonderful NHS rules if by some miracle we can afford private IVF and it fails the NHS will tell us that I am no-longer eligible for IVF due to private attempt.

Feeling rather low right now and to top it all off I have to go and sit with my Nana this evening and she is playing up terribly at the moment meaning it is going to be a rough one when all I want to do is curl up and hide :(
Oh my, did they give any other explanation as to how it could have dropped so much? :hugs: to you I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better :hugs:
Thanks Amy :flower:

They said it could be stress/diet/environment etc I did raise the issue that DH is coeliac but won't stick to his gluten free diet as he believes he was misdiagnosed (he clearly is coeliac as looks ill constantly when eating gluten) and she did say that it could have an impact on numbers but she mentioned it was a huge drop.

Even if we manage to get DH :spermy: up to normal limits we are still stranded as she is saying IVF is the next step once we get his numbers back up :(
FF I am sorry to hear about your DH'S numbers dropping, and the prospect of IVF, I know I had a hard time dealing with the fact I have to have IVF, but now I am embracing it like you. Sounds like your PCT are strict, I know my PCT will only fund people 30+, married etc etc but I know if you have a diagnosed reason everything seems to move a lot quicker. It might be worth looking into egg sharing as you can sometimes get that free or only have top pay £500 that is if it is something that you wouldn't mind doing. Or you could always move (not really a practical option)....something we considered, if we lived just 3 miles away we would get 3 free rounds and not 1 :(
Urchin fingers and toes still crossed for you xx
@Fiesty, I am so sorry about your DH's SA results.....:hugs: :hugs:

If he isnt on vitamins to help with his number than get him on some ASAP. I have heard that Wellman Conception vitamins are the best ones out there for you UK girls. Also if his numbers went from a normal count to that low it makes me wonder if he was just having an off day or something maybe and the numbers arent actually as bad as they seem to be. How long ago was his first SA done where his numbers were more normal? I can feel your pain hun though because my DH has a low :spermy: count and it does make things more difficult... Although I am also a member of a vasectomy reversal girls thread on B&B and there are a several girls that have gotten pregnant with low numbers, a couple I know that got pregnant with only 1 million count with the old fashioned way, so please dont loose all hope hun. But the best thing you can do is get your DH on vitamins. Good luck to you hun... :dust: :dust:
@Urchin...I cant imagine how you are going to wait until Feb 4th without going crazy! Im going crazy FOR you!!!
Hi Ladies! I know I haven't posted here much, but I have a question. Does the below response look like my insurance will cover an HSG?

Thank you for contacting Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The hysterosalpingogram requires a pre-authorization before the service is rendered. If a pre-authorization is not completed prior to the service being rendered, the claim may be denied. If the pre-authorization for the hysterosalpingogram is approved, your co-pay responsibility will be determined by where the service is provided. There is a $40.00 co-pay member responsiblity if this service is provided within a participating specialist's office. If this procedure is performed in a participating outpatient facility setting (hospital), your co-pay responsiblity is $40.00. On your policy, the maximum out of pocket that you would pay per calendar year is $2500.00.
Hi Ladies! I know I haven't posted here much, but I have a question. Does the below response look like my insurance will cover an HSG?

Thank you for contacting Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The hysterosalpingogram requires a pre-authorization before the service is rendered. If a pre-authorization is not completed prior to the service being rendered, the claim may be denied. If the pre-authorization for the hysterosalpingogram is approved, your co-pay responsibility will be determined by where the service is provided. There is a $40.00 co-pay member responsiblity if this service is provided within a participating specialist's office. If this procedure is performed in a participating outpatient facility setting (hospital), your co-pay responsiblity is $40.00. On your policy, the maximum out of pocket that you would pay per calendar year is $2500.00.

Yes, it would be covered by your insurance as long as you get pre-authorization. Your Dr's office should be able to do the pre-authorization for you so ask them to take care of it for you. In other words your DR's office contacts your health insurance company and gets them whatever information is required to get pre-approval for the procedure to be done. If they do not set this up in advance before your appointment than your claim will be denied. Also make sure that your DR is an in network provider for your health insurance company so than all you will have to pay is a $40 dollar copay like they have stated. You can check with your DR's office and your health insurance company to make sure your Dr is in network for your insurance company to be totally sure.

The out of pocket max of the 2500 means that once you reach your out of pocket max, and have paid that much out of your own pocket in a calender year than your plan pays 100%..... Co-pays dont count towards the out of pocket max though, it is only if your plan is paying a percentage like 85%, and if you were paying 15%, that 15% counts towards your out of pocket maximum...

I used to work for a health insurance company for a few years so that is why I know alot about health insurance plans. :blush:
Hi Ladies! I know I haven't posted here much, but I have a question. Does the below response look like my insurance will cover an HSG?

Thank you for contacting Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The hysterosalpingogram requires a pre-authorization before the service is rendered. If a pre-authorization is not completed prior to the service being rendered, the claim may be denied. If the pre-authorization for the hysterosalpingogram is approved, your co-pay responsibility will be determined by where the service is provided. There is a $40.00 co-pay member responsiblity if this service is provided within a participating specialist's office. If this procedure is performed in a participating outpatient facility setting (hospital), your co-pay responsiblity is $40.00. On your policy, the maximum out of pocket that you would pay per calendar year is $2500.00.

Yes, it would be covered by your insurance as long as you get pre-authorization. Your Dr's office should be able to do the pre-authorization for you so ask them to take care of it for you. In other words your DR's office contacts your health insurance company and gets them whatever information is required to get pre-approval for the procedure to be done. If they do not set this up in adnavce before your appointment than your claim will be denied. Also make sure that your DR is an in network provider for your health insurance provider so than all you will have to pay is a $40 dollar copay like they have stated. You can check with your DR's office and your health insurance company to make sure your Dr is in network for your insurance company to be totally sure.

The out of pocket max of the 2500 means that once you reach your out of pocket max, and have paid that much out of your own pocket in a calender year than your plan pays 100%..... Co-pays dont count towrds the out of pocket max though, it is only if your plan is paying a percentage like 85%, and if you were paying 15%, that 15% counts towards your out of pocket maximum...

I used to work for a health insurance company for a few years so that is why I know alot about health insurance plans. :blush:

I just wanted to add that also anything that you pay towards your plan deductible will count towards that out of pocket maximum as well. I am not sure if you have a deductible or not with your health insurance plan, but i just wanted to give u that info in case you do.
Urchin it is normal for symptoms to come and go hun :hugs:

Tasha good luck with the results.

Well bad news for us :cry: DH :spermy: has dropped from 23 million to 5.2 million ! It is such a drop that the specialist was convinced he had been smoking weed! We were then told to repeat the test in 3 months time but based on getting 'normal' results and my tests the next step would be IVF :cry: Now IVF in my book would be fan-flipping tastic if it wasn't for the fact that we have to wait until we are 30 to just be put on the list - meaning a minimum of 4 years from now. I enquired about IUI and was told that our PCT doesn't fund it so IVF will be the only option. Also due to the wonderful NHS rules if by some miracle we can afford private IVF and it fails the NHS will tell us that I am no-longer eligible for IVF due to private attempt.

Feeling rather low right now and to top it all off I have to go and sit with my Nana this evening and she is playing up terribly at the moment meaning it is going to be a rough one when all I want to do is curl up and hide :(

Oh FF why is your PCT being so blooming arsey! Where are you based i cant believe that you have to be 30+ is there no movement with that at all? hHope you get it sorted huni xx:hugs:
Thanks Amy :flower:

They said it could be stress/diet/environment etc I did raise the issue that DH is coeliac but won't stick to his gluten free diet as he believes he was misdiagnosed (he clearly is coeliac as looks ill constantly when eating gluten) and she did say that it could have an impact on numbers but she mentioned it was a huge drop.

Even if we manage to get DH :spermy: up to normal limits we are still stranded as she is saying IVF is the next step once we get his numbers back up :(

FF- I don't really have an explanation or advice, but. My DHs first SA the number he told me the doctor said was 116mil (he has no basis to know if that's good or bad so I don't think he'd exaggerate) he was also excessively pleased with himself as per him he "only saved up for 12hours max" (yes I was pissed when he told me he didn't follow instructions) and then for our IUI I went in expecting awesome numbers - since 116 with no abstinence, right? Yeah I internally flipped out when they showed me his PREWASH count was like 3.6mil. And he said that was Saved from the time of my pos OPK. The reason I'm bringing this up at all is my take on it is the number can change, just randomly. But. What do I know. I don't understand your explanation about why IUI is out for you. That's a total bummer to need to move right to a long IVF wait :hugs:

AFM: plodding along. I should be Oing soon. IUI #2 is still on hold til I graduate. The only update is DH said last night we should try clomid this summer. Which is the first time he's said "yes lets do it" the only thing is he followed it up immediately with "I only want 1 kid though" so I'm still not sure he's ready for a 10% chance of multiples. I guess I can always send a spare baby via FedEx to one of you though right? (I jest, I jest :haha:) hopefully he'll come around. How okay with it do you think he needs to be for it to be 'fair' for me to take it?
Hey girls. Sorry i been MIA. Ugh so i think i may have had IB today. I went pee and there was brownish orange there. It's gone now. I also have a lower backache. Just aches, no cramps. My stomach kinda feels really firm too, but bloated. real weird. I'm suppose to get AF next Thurs. Going to test on Monday.
Good luck baby :hugs:

Thanks for all the support lovelies :flower: The problem is DH is on warfarin which means he can't take supplements for fertility or eat food that increases his swimmers :( Annoyingly when I asked the FS for advice on this she admitted she had no idea and didn't even know that zinc couldn't be taken with warfarin! (even our local pharmacist knew this). We have pretty much been told that even if his swimmers go back up to 'normal' limits (I am confident they will) we are still in the 'unexplained' group and the NHS will revoke IVF for 4 years. I have looked into IUI but locally we will be looking at £800 and it is a huge gamble for something that may not work. I know that kids are expensive etc but I just think that seeing as we may need to do it several times I'm not sure if we could afford it :wacko:

Struggling today :( My ovulation was already out of synch but temp rose significantly for me yesterday (usually meaning ovulation within 24 hours) but it has dropped hugely so I guess the stress could have cooled it off again :growlmad: DH also has a frozen neck so not sure if we can dtd (part of me is seriously wondering what the point is).

Sorry for being a moaning myrtle (of the none fertile kind ;) ) just struggling with the fact I may not be a mother for 5-6 years. DH swimmer results aren't even bothering me that much as I feel really confident we can easily get the numbers up.
Fisher - that sounds like progress - if he is willing to try clomid, then that gives you some more options. TBH given that he knows there is a 10% chance of twins, I wouldn't take to heart the 'but I still only want 1' bit... If he knows the odds, but is willing to give it a go, then he is merely stating a preference.
If in the summer he is still saying 'yes, we'll give it a go' (even with 'but i only want 1') then I'd take it as ok enough to do it.

I'm very conflicted myself on numbers - knowing I have 2 embies on board, my head is telling me that one baby would be the ideal outcome, but my heart says she wants both Eenie and Meenie to make it!

BabyD - fingers crossed for you chikkie

FF - moan away! We all go in waves don't we? Sometimes we are positive and everything looks rosy and possible ... other times it all looks hopeless and bleak - but we're here for each other regardless xxx
Feisty there is nothing worse than having a bad day, I still get them now but they seem to hit me harder these days, I suppose it might be due to the fact that I have no control over my fertility at all now, where as before doing things that I thought were helping seemed to help me IYKWIM, Sometimes you just need to talk it out and have a good cry and that is what we are here for, so don't be sorry it is perfectly normal, I am angry most days, and none of us know if it will ever happen, but we just have to keep going, I hope you fell better soon xx
I really do agree, sometimes you just need to take the big girl panties off and have a good cry or talk to someone! :haha: I definitely know I have lately! Sat my butt right on the couch all day and watched TV Show marathons (woohoo Netflix!) and ate a whole pint of chocolate ice cream the other day when AF arrived.. I was supposed to start my new jogging routine that day lol :dohh:

Even if you have to take a step back for a cycle and do a NTNP one, and not worry about everything it helps.. That's what we're doing this cycle (actually until we get the HSG done..) and I already feel better and less anxious than I have in a LONG time. TTC is hard and LTTTC is even harder emotionally :hugs: do what you need to to feel better :) we're always here if you wanna bitch/moan/cry it out.

AFM: We're for sure down to NTNP until the HSG which is fine, taxes should be back soon so we can actually afford it here in a couple weeks :D (lol I love taxes when I get it all back, *******s can suck it when they take it out though :haha: )

Ooooonnnnn another note: I GOT A NEW JOB! :D One that pays benefits, pto, 401k, sick time, holidays :swoon: omgosh I am so unbelievably excited! I work in retail right now (so that sucks) and I usually work about 35 hours per week but corporate said 'no part timers at all ever get over 30 hrs per week end of story. period. never.' so I was looking at a massive pay decrease and I've been closing a lot so I would get home at 9:30-ish :\ but this new job is 8:30-5:30 mon-fri! It's a REAL job! :haha:

SO EXCITED! :yipee: ! Maybe 2012 isn't off to such a bad start after all...

edit: omgosh bnb bleeped me out! I didn't know they could do that! CAN THEY DO THAT?

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