Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

Thank you Delphine, I'm sorry it took me so long to respond, but with my grandmother passing and 16dd being an emotional angry teen at the moment I've been trying to focus on family matters more then on myself and TTC

My little guys with the scarf and hats make me smile too :) they are a promise :)

I don't know if I said it but I love your attitude and I totally get it about your experience with the Dr. I felt the same way! Now I just want to prove him wrong!

Hang in there! You have a good spirit and a lot of good intentions from a pure place. There are forces in the universe working their magic on you... Keep an open heart and let the details sort themselves out :)

Thank you for what you wrote, BBbliss. It really stuck in my head because you put it so beautifully. Thank you.

I sat with my partner the other evening and we talked about our hopes for a child, and I remembered what you'd written here about the universe's magic. Just thinking about that makes me feel calmer and more open and less anxious.

I hope you're OK and that this week has been bearable. Life's hard sometimes - very hard. I can't write anything as poetic and perfect as you did, but I really hope all's well with you and your family.
Delphine I just wrote you really long post and lost it, don't you hate when that happens? Lol

I'm so happy my words were good for you, you've been there for me as well and I'm glad to be a messenger of hope when you need it :)

I had a great wknd with DF, it was his birthday and I was the one feeling blessed and celebrated.

It's so good to hear you talk about your relationship with your partner, you seam so close and connected , it's so nice to see... I believe in love, always have :) so good to have that...
Glad that your weekend was so good, BBbliss, and that you are your DF had such a great time. I don't know if it's because I'm thinking about babies so much or just because I'm in my 40s now (getting old but certainly don't feel it :D ), but I really do appreciate those special good days so much more, don't you? I had a lovely day with my partner yesterday - simple but lovely :)

Just posting here today to wish good luck and a Happy Easter Break to all the ladies who post here or just read the posts. Easter and Spring are times of new life, and that makes them extra-special :)
Happy Easter Ladies! Hope everyone enjoys time with family and friends. We all have so much to be thankful for.
Hi ladies
I haven't posted in a while...sorry about that....I haven't had a chance to read all the posts that I have missed, but hello to everyone!!!

Garnet....congrats!!!!! Looks like you went overseas for the DE IVF...I know many people do that, but I don't think I could swing that with work...How long did you have to stay over there?

BBliss - fantastic on the frozen embies!!!!! That is totally awesome and I do wish you the best of luck for the upcoming FET. I did get pregnant with 44 year old eggs, so you have a great chance at this ...maybe even twins!!! :)

Delphine - so sorry you had some bad experience with the Re a while back. Again, the docs feel helpless with us older ladies and they don't know what to say when it does not work, so they'd rather move us on to a sure thing, (or better odds at least) because it makes them feel like they succeeded and also adds to their success rates. Not everyone will get pregnant in their 40s with their own eggs, yes that is true, but some people will, and I was one of them. I do think that they need to provide us with the information, but let us make the decision whether to move on with OE or not and not cut us off.,..I am so glad you rebounded and sound fabulous now!!!

Hope all enjoyed the recent Holidays and hope everyone is doing well with baby dust going out to us all!!!!

I had an unsuccessful IVF back a month ago....I got the DE speech and feeling that may actually be my only chance at having #2. Trying to decide what to do doc is willing to do a last ditch mini IVF to see if my eggs just didn't like the high stim because I did respond well to a low stim IUI...which of course also didn't work, but since the response was really good with the IUI, we thought IVF would be great, but it wasn' really only money is in the way of deciding what to do because finances may not be there to do both a mini stim and then DE in the end...well, we will see, but some decisions need to get made pretty soon...
Dmama, it's so good to hear from you! I'm so sorry you had a bad ivf cycle, we put our bodies through so much pushing and pulling and sometimes it still doesn't do what it's told to do and I understand the frustration and sadness that comes with it. We can only hope we are still holding on to "seeds" that hold enough life in them to bring us new hope for a different future. I'm sure holding on to that hope right now. I always think back about your experience and that gives me hope. I wanted to know all the details of your successful IVF cycle back when I had the retrieval and fert but I hope having two 6d blasts is a good sign. I decided to look at it this way, if I had 8 fertilized eggs it's better then having perfectly timed intercourse with perfect sperm for a whole year, so looking at it that way, I think my odds are pretty good :) I do have a friend who is a few months older then me and just had a baby over the wknd and she wasn't even TTC.

I hope you make the right decision ahead... I just had a dream I was offered DE again and in my dream it didn't look so bad. It was kind of funny, they told me the donor was 5'9" and that made me really happy because I hate being short, LOL

dmama, pray for guidance :)
Great to hear from you, dmama.

I'm sorry your IVF was unsuccessful :( I sympathise with your dilemma. It's so frustrating when money's an issue because it influences your decision-making when you already have enough to think about. I can't give any advice except to say that you must do what's best for you. What I do when I have to make a hard decision is play it over and over in my head, imagining all the possible outcomes and how I'd feel. Gradually then a picture forms of what would be best for me. I hope you can make the right decision for you. That's all that matters.

Ah yes, my downer RE! He's history! But I will be warning other women oevr 40 not to bother with him. If I'd known he'd already written me off without seeing me, then I could have saved my money.

No news from me, but I have been keeping positive by reading lots of success stories for women over 40 online, and even for women over 50 who've used donor eggs. It makes me feel positive about women's bodies and out ability to fight and succeed.

BBbliss, do keep us updated on your transfer! I hope all's going according to plan :) And as for being short, remember precious things come in little packages :D I speak as a lady of 5'2! :D
BBliss... can't wait to hear about your transfer. I was successful at 44, so I do believe those blasts are golden for you. I would kill to be 44 again!

Delphine - How are you doing. Thanks also for your comments. I am getting close to the end of the road here...I will either go on to DE or foster/adoption or accept that #2 isn't a reality. The ttc thing has taken up a lot of time, as well as emotional energy and finance and it is time to move on....I am at least sure that moving on is going to happen...whether we move on with #2 or not, I am not sure yet...
Had a horrible month. My father in law passed away, a week later my husband was run over by one of his forklift guys while talking to another manager, and then my grandmother's husband passed away. We were pretty busy and I was unable to get online too much.

Yesterday, I had my HSG. My tubes are blocked again. Apparently it's common for scar tissue to build up and block the tubes like before my reversal. I don't know of any natural remedies to repair the problem and my insurance does not cover anything other than diagnosis(no fertility treatments).

I am guessing that IVF is going to be my only option and it's most likely going to have to be donor egg IVF because of my age and AMH.
I'd prefer to do the IVF here in the states because I don't know how I'd keep my job and be gone to Europe for almost a month, but I'm not opposed to traveling there if I have to for financial reasons and I'll have to hope my job is covered just temporarily.
BBliss... can't wait to hear about your transfer. I was successful at 44, so I do believe those blasts are golden for you. I would kill to be 44 again!

Delphine - How are you doing. Thanks also for your comments. I am getting close to the end of the road here...I will either go on to DE or foster/adoption or accept that #2 isn't a reality. The ttc thing has taken up a lot of time, as well as emotional energy and finance and it is time to move on....I am at least sure that moving on is going to happen...whether we move on with #2 or not, I am not sure yet...

I'm OK, thank you - not too stressed at the moment. The other night though I did realise that I'd subconsciously started to give up on getting pregnant :( When we first started trying, every time we DTD I'd imagine the spermies doing their thing and fertilising the egg, and I'd be excited during the TWW. But the other night I realised I wasn't even thinking that I might be pregnant. I suppose that's normal after months of not conceiving. It's not always easy to keep the same level of positivity.

dmama, you'll know what's the right thing for you to do. There's no one right answer. You must do what YOU think is best - it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. TTC is a strain, for sure. When I first started, I was very wary of the idea of DE, but now I realise that the most important thing to me is that my darling partner has the child he longs for. Ideally, this would be with my eggs, but if the alternative is watching his disappointment month after month, then I'm not ruling out DE. I do think it's good to think ahead and have back up plans even if you never use them.
Had a horrible month. My father in law passed away, a week later my husband was run over by one of his forklift guys while talking to another manager, and then my grandmother's husband passed away. We were pretty busy and I was unable to get online too much.....I am guessing that IVF is going to be my only option and it's most likely going to have to be donor egg IVF because of my age and AMH.
I'd prefer to do the IVF here in the states because I don't know how I'd keep my job and be gone to Europe for almost a month, but I'm not opposed to traveling there if I have to for financial reasons and I'll have to hope my job is covered just temporarily.

So sorry to hear about your awful month, BabyG. That sounds completely dreadful, all those things happening at once. Unbelievable that your husband was run over too. I hope he's OK now.

Keep strong :hugs:
Dmama, thank you so much! I do think about you all the time and it gives me hope. I also have a friend of same age who just had a baby naturally. So there IS hope. If this one doesn't work DF said he would do it again, but I hope we don't have to, it's so expensive!!!

I think you are should listen to your heart and do what it tell you. DE is not a bad option at all, I was so against IVF for myself a year ago and look at me now, I think the hard part is making a decision and after that everything will flow in the right direction, there are forces in the universe that want nothing more then for you to be happy and it's that evolutionary impulse of life that will take you there. You will be happy in the end! Trust yourself :)

BabyG, I really fell for you, what a terrible month you had. Sometimes you think you can only handle one problem at a time and then life just gives it all at once, well maybe you will have a long stretch with only good coming your way soon. You can do this!

Delphine, how are you doing these days? How's that adorable partner you are so lucky to have? I hope you are well and your love is strong no matter what happens. Sometimes life doesn't happen as we want but I have to say this TTC journey has really strengthen my bond with DF, I know him better and love him more now then ever before :)

Afm, looking good at my u/s today and FET should happen next week Tuesday ou Wednesday! YAY!
Thanks BBliss... you are amazing...all body parts are crossed for a successful FET

Delphine - you too...thanks so much hun and I am praying for your BFT as well..

BabyG - sorry your month was full of loss and tragedy...I myself just started to think about going abroad for IVF with DE because it is soooo incredibly expensive here...but like you, I have no idea how I could get off work for that length of time, although they do seem to allow local monitoring and then flying when the time is right, although that may lead to a higher expensive as far as the plane are in Atlanta? have you considered using a frozen egg...I think RBA in Atlanta has good rates and price is about the same as a conventional cycle and much lower than a fresh donor cycle....I have been checking them out...

Hugs all!
I hope everyone had a beautiful Mother's Day weekend I know most of us here are already blessed with a child.

I was visiting one of my pregnant cousins Saturday and she told me a girl at her work came in one day and told her her mother was pregnant at 50 naturally! after years of trying and treatment, and long after she gave up. she has already had the baby now. Just amazing!

My transfer is tomorrow, I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed for transfer.

Say a prayer for me girls :)
I hope everyone had a beautiful Mother's Day weekend I know most of us here are already blessed with a child.

I was visiting one of my pregnant cousins Saturday and she told me a girl at her work came in one day and told her her mother was pregnant at 50 naturally! after years of trying and treatment, and long after she gave up. she has already had the baby now. Just amazing!

My transfer is tomorrow, I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed for transfer.

Say a prayer for me girls :)

BBliss - I am sending you all the good luck and blessings and baby dust and hugs and peace that I can. I really hope this is it. You have fantastic embryos on ice and I really have good hope for this. I pray you can get your take home baby. You will be PUPO after transfer and I hope you can enjoy that my dear! Wishing all the best!!!!:hugs:
I hope everyone had a beautiful Mother's Day weekend I know most of us here are already blessed with a child.

I was visiting one of my pregnant cousins Saturday and she told me a girl at her work came in one day and told her her mother was pregnant at 50 naturally! after years of trying and treatment, and long after she gave up. she has already had the baby now. Just amazing!

My transfer is tomorrow, I'm trying to stay calm and relaxed for transfer.

Say a prayer for me girls :)

BBbliss, I hope everything went well for your transfer.

Keep calm and trust in your body :hugs: You've got so far already making those fabulous little embryos. I'm keeping every single thing crossed for you and your DF. I so hope everything works out for you :hugs:

Take care of yourself :hugs:
Thank you so so much my beautiful friends :)

It all went well and they looked great, really great :)

Dr said "babies are going home now" that made me smile.

I was really out of it yesterday from the Valium, but happy :) and now I'm just going to take it easy for the rest of the week and stay relaxed until I can test :)

I hope you ladies are doing well :hugs:
Thank you so so much my beautiful friends :)

It all went well and they looked great, really great :)

Dr said "babies are going home now" that made me smile.

I was really out of it yesterday from the Valium, but happy :) and now I'm just going to take it easy for the rest of the week and stay relaxed until I can test :)

I hope you ladies are doing well :hugs:

I just want to write a big long AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! :D

Lovely news - I'm so pleased everything went well :)
Girls I took a hpt this morning and got a faint positive. The line is there!

I'm praying it gets darker and we make it to the end.

I knew my eggs were not all bad, I'm glad I went with my instincts and believed it could be done. I feel this was the hardest part of the process. Lets hope it all goes well from here.

Thank you for being there for me, as always we are here for each other
OMG, BBbliss! That's so exciting! :happydance:

I logged in here to see if there was any news from you but thought it might be a bit early, so to read that now is so very, very cool : )

Keeping everything crossed for you that they settle in OK.

You were right! Your eggs are good. You totally did the right thing ignoring that first doctor you saw.

Relax and rest and know that we're rooting for you with all our hearts, and hoping that everything continues to go according to plan :hugs:

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