Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

Hello Ladies,
I am sorry I have been gone for a while. We have been out of town quite a bit lately for various reasons, DH business, family tragedy, vacation, etc...

BBbliss, I am so sorry to read about your chemical pg. I hate that you are going through this. I do not know if it helps you but I had a chemical IVF/ICSI when I was 44 and then conceived naturally the following year.

Marathongirl, Congrats.
Oh BBbliss, this is not what I wanted to read tonight. I am so sorry. :hugs: you had such a great story and progression. You don't know how many of us were rooting for you and that bean.

Definitely rest, relax and recuperate and we'll be here when you're ready. Much love. :hugs: :cry:
Saintlysue, thank you for sharing your story, I does help! I need all the possible possibilities to fell real right now as I don't want to lose hope. I fell tired right now... But still have hope. I'm sorry you had family tragedy to deal with recently I also have a lot of other issues all going on at the same time and its just overwhelming sometimes. I hope things are finally going back to normal on your side.

Terri, thank you for telling me that, I means a lot to me. You are always so sweet and I can always tell you are very genuine too. I hope all is well with you and I hope you conceive soon and go on to have a heathy pregnancy. :hugs:
Hi Ladies. Just wanted to give an update. So I went in for 3 betas this week and little bean is growing but at a slower rate than my doctor would like to see. My numbers were: 4/26- 253 4/28-425 which is a doubling time of 64 hours. Had more bloods drawn on 4/30 and levels were 746 which is a doubling time of 59 hours. While I am holding out hope that this little bean is viable I know that slow rising hcg is not a great sign. Just wanted you all to know. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Marathongirl, don't lose hope, maybe it's not as bad as you think, I have read that it is still considered normal if it doubles within 72 hours and you are still under that. When do you go back for another? Are you just waiting for u/s now? Stay positive. All is well :)
Thanks so much for your kind words BBbliss :)
I did get another beta today and it went from 746 to 2826 in 3 days. That's a doubling time of 37 hours! I'm not out of the woods yet but things are going in the right direction at least :)
Oh BBliss... I am so sorry to hear this news. I am just ill to hear this. Stay strong. It is great to hear you still have hope. We all have to keep hope alive. It is so tough to get so far and then deal with a chemical. TTC at this age is only for the strong and we definitely have strong women here! I think someone recently mentioned to me that someone had a natural pregnancy at 50. My REs have also said pregnancy at this age and older IS possible, even though with IVF the success is low...I think sometimes our bodies get it right without IVF...praying that can work....Hugs!

Marathon - what a rollercoaster you are on now....Glad to see that spike in the beta...please keep us posted and good luck!

Hi everyone!
Dmama, thank you, yes it was very hard specially with all the prep and shots and wait for an end result that just breaks your heart, but I think you are right! I still believe I can do this on my own, I have faith my body will create the right moment on its own. I'm almost decided I don't want to do another IVF it was just so hard on my body, I talked to my sister who is 9months pregnant and I asked if she would give her eggs, we laughed and she said "of course!" Maybe I'll do that since we both have we are both from the same genetic pool. Like I said before, I still hope to do this alone, maybe something less invasive... I also know someone ( my BFF's cousin) who had a natural pregnancy at 49, her son is 15 now.

Marathongirl, your are looking good right now! Stay strong! :) I'm praying for you :)
Wow! Encouraging news about the lady who had a natural pregnancy at 49. I need a 'cool' smile to put here :D

AFM, I'm waiting to see a new specialist. I was not at all happy with the one I saw last time. He made me feel totally past it and almost laughed in my face. This new one sounds more positive and that in itself has cheered me up :)

I hope you're doing OK, BBbliss :hugs: Take it easy and take it slowly. You'll know what's the right thing to do if you listen to your body and your heart.
Thank you Delphine, I'm just trying to stay positive and look ahead, I don't want to relive my recent failed IVF in my head and in fact right now I don't even want to do another IVF. For now. And I'm ok with it.
Wow! Encouraging news about the lady who had a natural pregnancy at 49. I need a 'cool' smile to put here :D

AFM, I'm waiting to see a new specialist. I was not at all happy with the one I saw last time. He made me feel totally past it and almost laughed in my face. This new one sounds more positive and that in itself has cheered me up :)

I hope you're doing OK, BBbliss :hugs: Take it easy and take it slowly. You'll know what's the right thing to do if you listen to your body and your heart.

I realize that my experience is not going to be everyone's experience, but when I was 44 I went to an acupuncturist to get treatment before embarking on IVF. The acupuncturist basically told me to forget it. That I was too old and should not be thinking about having a baby. Now, this lady was not one of those who specializes in acupuncture and so I learned that that is who you need....but she was an experienced Chinese acupuncturist and an older and I thought wiser woman and could just be the wholistic practitioner that I thought she should be....but no. She made me feel like crap and essentially told me to get out of her office because it was a waste of time. I should have gone back there with my pregnant belly but forgot all about that lady until now....Don't let what that doctor said get you down....While things are going to be difficult for us, we know that already....we need to find people who are at least positive otherwise they won't do their best for us. And we deserve and are PAYING for their best!
Thank you, dmama :hugs: You're absolutely right. I think it's really patronising of people to assume we don't know that it's not the same conceiving in your 40s compared to your 20s. OF COURSE, we know that! When I saw my gynaecologist, i felt like saying "Yes, I KNOW that - I wouldn't be here if I thought I could just get pregnant immediately, would I? I came here for some HELP".

I think it's really presumptive of people to tell us what we can and can't do.
I agree, but unlike the "glass half empty" crowd, I'm of the strong believe that if it can happen to anyone it can happen to me, or maybe I could even be feel like I could be the first ever, LOL but that's just me ;)

Well, this is my first cycle after my chemical and I'm on CD13 with lots of CM, I hope I still O normally right away, I went back to temping and OPKs. I normally O around cd 17 so we'll see.
Great news about your cycle, BBbliss. That CM can only be a good thing as it shows your hormones are getting back to normal.

Your positivity is inspiring. I know what you mean about thinking you'll be the first ever. When I spoke to my Dr at the beginning of my TTC journey, she commented on my age and I felt like saying "So?" : D

On one hand theyre fussing women in their 40s about contraception and on the other hand they're spreading doom and gloom about conceiving. They can't have it both ways. I often think there's a little bit of prejudice mixed in. My Dr seemed to be ok, but then I asked her to refer me to another specialist and she kept trying to add negative things to the referral letter. There was no reason for that as I'm in good health, but it was like she was against me trying to get pregnant in some way although she initially seemed positive. I suppose she hoped I'd give up and go away.

I think she underestimated my determination!
It's the same for me my OB never really believed in me, only didn't really say what she thinks but I can tell...

I have ewcm today CD15 but no LH surge I hope it's coming and I can catch it, I think we'll just BD every other day and I'll just keep an eye on my temp.
BBbliss- good news about the ewcm! Only us ladies could ever know how exciting that is to see :)

Delphine- I agree about doctors and trying to find one that takes you seriously. I'm so glad that you are as determined as ever to prove them all wrong!!

AFM- I had a scan on Thurs which was 6w3 d from LMP. There was a sac and a yolk sac but no fetal pole. I am holding on to a small thread of hope that it was just too early? They want me back next Thurs for another scan. I really think at this point it could go either way. I'm really not sure when I ov'd as I'm not charting or using opk's. I find my other signs to be a bit unreliable so who knows? I hope I have good news next week.
I hope everyone is having a great weekend :)
I hope it is just too early, marathongirl - fingers crossed that you get good news at your next scan :hugs:

I'm CD9 and trying not to get obsessed with OPKs. I've also developed a fixation about what's the right angle for the pillow I put under my hips after BDing! It's hard not to obsess sometimes.

Keep strong, everyone xxx
Thanks Delphine. I'm trying to remain positive. My symptoms are definitely getting stronger so I'm hoping that's a good sign.
Good luck with catching your eggy this cycle :) I know what you mean about being obsessed. We've all been there :D
Ladies, I am so sorry that you have experienced such horror with so many docs. I can tell you that the numbers for women under 25 and over 40 having abortions due to unwanted pregnancy are equal. I learned that in nursing school too many years ago and my OB said recently those numbers still match both groups not wanting children one because they feel they are too young the other too old. But there are a lot of women who get pregnant over 40 for some reasons some doctors do not want us to know the facts. My OB is always telling me about the pregnant 49 yr old mom that had a healthy baby.
Marathon, hang in there, like Delphine said it could just be early stay hopeful and I'll be thinking of you.

I feel I'm getting obsessed too, I'm now on cd17 and opk still neg and CM feels dry, it looks like I'm going to O late and it's probably because its my first cycle after CP.

I have another story, one of my best friend's parent from their kid's class is a DOCTOR who like many of other drs didn't think she could get pregnant anymore at 47 and with two kids in college her and her husband were just enjoying their freedom when she was shocked got pregnant. Now she's 57 with a 10yo.

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