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Anyone Pregnant at 38 with their first?

hi girls! sorry I wasn't around for a while..
Kiley : YAY congrats!!
and welcome to the new ladies, congrats too !
Jenny, your bump is cute! mine is bigger than that, but I'm not as thin as you are and I have 3 fibroids.
Heidi, I'm french and my hubby is american, we got married in the Us and it's been 3 years we live in France.. now we feel like going back to the Us! soon I hope!
Kiley, I'm sure a six-week scan will be transvaginal. I had mine at seven weeks and it was. There is nothing you need to do to prep for it. I brought my husband along and this is how my first appointment went:
Nurse took me back alone for vitals and to collect urine.
I was placed back in waiting room.
Sonographer took me back alone to do the measurements, etc. on ultrasound. When I got in the ultrasound room, she had me disrobe from waist down. She then lubed the ultrasound wand and handed it to me to insert. Totally painless. She did her measurements, etc. She then went and got my husband and showed both of us together the little bean and her heartbeat.
Next I was taken to exam room (with husband) and a vaginal exam was performed. If you happen to be due for a pap, they will do that at this time. Then the nurse practitioner went over some basic info and gathered our family histories and set me up with the high-risk office that I have to go to as well because of my age.

Hope that helps.
Hi girls!

Lola - that's a big move to do, you and hubby know the best place for you to bring up your LO, I guess it will be hard to leave family behind (I moved from just outside of London to Liverpool 15 years ago to be with oh and still miss my family even though it's only 200 miles)

Kiley -was having a mooch around Ttc over 35 & saw your 'knocked up' cake - absolutely brilliant! For your scan like steno said it will be with the wand vaginally. Also here in uk they ask you to empty bladder immediately before too.

Afm - tripped over our dog today at agility class when he bottled out of a jump and got under my feet. Bruised my knee pretty badly, but was more worried about baby, but as I was putting ice on it with my feet up I was getting loads of kicks. There always seems to be something to worry about!
Thanks for the info ladies! I had my pap 4 days before I got my BFP so I am good there. :)

So today I am kinda freaking out. I am 5 weeks exactly today and still not having much for symptoms. Just tender boobs (well kind of... They actually feel better today). Not even having a hint of nausea or tired. I feel normal today and still been able to get up at 5 am and workout every morning. I know its still very early, but not having the common symptoms makes me nervous and worry. Ugh, next Wednesday can not get here soon enough!
don't worry too much, we're a bunch of ladies here that didn't have symptoms and we're all fine!
Hi ladies!
So nice to see updates!
Heidipie - sorry to hear about your tripping! That would be a bit scary. Thank goodness baby was kicking away to reassure you. We have a dog too and he's pretty good at staying out of the way in the house but there's been a couple of times when I've almost tripped over him at the base of the stairs. He loves that spot for some reason.

KileyJean - it's hard but try not to worry yourself too much. I felt really normal until week 9-10 when I started to get morning sickness. That's really late compared to most people but it's stuck around ever since! Yuck. Lots of gals around here have no symptoms whatsoever.

As for me, I have good news. The high risk clinic made a mistake a couple weeks ago, the baby isn't in the 10th percentile but the 25th! Plus baby has grown a lot in the past two weeks so that he/she is between 25-50th percentile, yay! So now I only have scans every four weeks instead of two. Which is great bc I had to wait two hours last week before they could see me. I had to use the washroom many times and then load up on water all over again. Slightly ambiguous news, I failed my first diabetes test. I go back tomorrow morning for the second test. Fingers crossed I don't have GD.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi everyone. I hope it's ok to intrude on your group. I'm 39 and having my first baby. My husband is 31 and we have been together for 8 years, and married for 2.5. I wasn't sure if I wanted kids and I have always been the one to drag my feet on the marriage and pregnancy piece, but in December we finally decided to try. Based on everything I read about trying to get pregnant after 35, I was expecting to have some time to get used to the idea before it happened, but by January I was pregnant! I am 8 weeks along and I heard the baby's heartbeat this morning. Everything is going so easily I keep waiting for something to go wrong. My husband is totally relaxed of course. He keeps telling me that the reason there is so much scary stuff on the internet is because no one posts about their boring, easy pregnancies... which, of course, makes complete sense. :) I was reading your thread, and you all seem so completely normal, that I decided I had to join. Maybe this will keep me away from the drama on the internet :)
Welcome StaceyM! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I was so relieved after my 8 week scan/heartbeat, I cried. Yes, stay away from that drama on the net...For me, Dr. Google is my worst best friend, if you know what I mean. The hardest thing I did in the first trimester was cut myself off from googling things (well, most things). There's so much conflicting information and, quite honestly, most of it should only be answered by our doctors anyway.

Anyway, I hope to see you posting here again!
Lola- Thanks that is good to know about the little to no symptoms. I ended up taking another pregnancy test on Monday just to put my mind at ease and it did. I took the ClearBlue Dig. Weeks Estimator and it was right where my estimations are. That made me feel better. My mom also told me that her symptoms came and went as well.

Blingy- Great news about your growing baby!! Grow baby grow! Sorry to hear about the failed diabetes test though. Hopefully the next test is better and that one was just a fluke.

Stacey- Welcome and congrats! Good to see another newly pregnant person in here. I am VERY newly pregnant. 5w+2 today. And my husband and I were the same as you guys and thought we had a little time before it would happen. I was on BC for 20 years. Stopped at the end of Oct. Then in Nov., Dec., and Jan., we did not try but did not prevent either. February was our first month actually trying with timing and we got our BFP! I am in the same boat as you and pretty nervous and read way too much on the internet and hear about all these women having miscarriages. My husband is totally relaxed too and not worried one bit. I actually got mad at him the other night and told him he has no idea what is going through my head at all hours of the day now. And I asked him what made him the expert on pregnancy haha! Oh my poor husband.... I am sure there will be more days to come that I bit his head off.
Ladies you don't know how lucky you are not to have many symptoms. I have been ridiculously sick since week 4...which is way too early! I actually only took the test because I knew that I was either pregnant or something was very, very wrong with me. Be thankful. Dragging myself to work every morning can be difficult, and I wake up about 7-8 times a night. I am nauseous, dizzy, have headaches, hip pain, gas, sneezing fits, congestion, can barely hold my head up sometimes...you name it. If I don't eat the second I am hungry the gremlin makes me pay for it, but when I do eat I am sick also....lol....can't win so have to laugh. I don't throw up, but I am losing about 1.5 pounds a week. I have thyroid disease so my doctor thinks my hormones are just figuring out how to work properly. Since I have a bit of extra weight, he is not worried. I would give anything to be symptom free. When you start feeling sick you will look back on this and laugh that you wanted the symptoms!

Kiley- I don't know if you had your scan yet but mine was the vaginal insert one, and it was a piece of cake. The wand looks and feels like a penis (honestly!), and they don't put it in very far. No biggie. I really didn't think I would be worried about miscarriage but it turns out that I am. It doesn't sound very fun. Because I am an academic type I needed reliable statistics to make me feel better. I found out that the chance of miscarriage is only 5% after 6 week ultra with confirmed heartbeat, 2% after 8 week ultra with heart, and 0.5% after 11 weeks (reliable source). I don't know if this makes you feel better, but it really helped to put things into perspective for me. The stats have some adjustments for age, age of spouse, IVF, previous issues, taking more than a year to get pregnant, etc.. some adjust me up (age) and some down (husband's age, no issues, quick conception). People sometimes act like it is all about age, but it isn't. There are so many factors and the horror stories are from that unlucky 2%. Yes my husband is a saint as well. He puts up with a lot :) I yelled at him the other day for not comforting me even though I was being irrational. I told him that pregnant ladies cried and worried for no reason, and that he didn't have to do the work of being pregnant, so he had better do his one and only job better from now on! LOL. He looked down sheepishly. He's been doing a lot for me because I've been so sick, but my house looks like a tornado hit it. :)

Blingy - Thanks for the welcome, and sorry about the diabetes test. One of my friends in pregnant with twin girls and she is going through that right now. :(
Stacy thank you for those stats!!!! They make me feel much better! I am all about studies and scientific evidence. Now for the longest week of my life... my 6 week appt is next Wednesday.

I am sure the symptoms will hit me.... It is still way early for me. But this 'not feeling pregnant' thing is really driving me nuts! I am very thankful I am not going through what you are, that sounds awful! But I have a feeling I wont feel at ease until my 6 week scan. I hope your body gets used to those hormones soon!

I don't know if this will help you but I found this website (I don't know how accurate it is) but it helped me to see my mc risk go down everyday.


Hello and welcome to everyone new :)
Hi ladies, hope you are all well.

Blingy - great news about baby's growth, how awful for an error to put you through all the worry though. I've seen lots of ladies on other threads in this forum fail the first GD test but pass the second, so fx'd for you.

Stacy - :wave: congratulations and welcome! sorry to hear about your full on preggo symptoms. I had nausea from week 4 which continued to about week 14 then got less and one day I realised it had been a few days and was gone - yay! Am still getting up twice nightly for the bathroom though!

The web site jenny mentioned was really reassuring for me early on, I used to check it a good few times a week. Has anyone seen this:


I love looking at it everyday to see what developments are taking place (when I'm supposed to be working!)

I saw my mw today for my monthly checkup and got to hear baby's hb, which was 142bpm. She also measured my belly from top of fundus to pubic bone which was 25cm. This corresponds with how many weeks you are (24 today) but you can have 2cm either way before they send you for a scan to check on baby's growth.
Hi Heidi,

Yay we both have reached V-day today :thumbup:

And I love that website you mentioned I am on it every day also lol.

I like this one also https://www.thebabycorner.com/ it even has a weight gain calculator that tells you if you are in range!

Well I am happy my pregancy is progressing nicely however, my marriage is another story.

He is continually very verbal towards me calling me a horrible host of names, very critical of not only me but of everyone else....So much negativity most every day.

I am not sure if I am strong enough to stay or leave. I just want this baby more than I have ever wanted and pray she is not affected.
Oh Jenny I am so sorry to hear about your struggles with your Husband. This hits close to home for me... A few years back I went through this exact same thing with mine. Mental and verbal abuse. I ended up leaving him and went straight to a divorce lawyer and it was a real eye opener for him. Fortunately for us we did not end up going through with a divorce. We went to therapy and then about a month later I moved back home. It was a tough time and I can not even imagine how you are dealing with it while pregnant. You just need to think about the future and if you want your baby to grow up in an environment like that. That is most of the reason why I waited so long to get pregnant. We were not in the right place and I did not want to subject a child to that. But don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that you leave him. Only you can make that decision. What I can tell you is that ever since reconciling, he has not been that way again to me. He really did change, and he realized what he could have lost. Just know that I am here for you if you ever need to talk! I hope for you and your baby's sake your husband can change too. Praying for you.
Yay Blaze! I'm exactly one week ahead of you! How are you feeling so far?
Hi everyone can i join? I am 37 and 5w6d based on lmp.

So far the only symptoms i have are tender and slightly swollen boobs (which come and go - this morning it is just sore nipples). And i feel tired even though i have had a good night's sleep.

Driving myself crazy reading about all the things that can go wrong. I won't see ghe midwife until 8 wks or get a scan until 12 wks so am thinking about booking a private scan sometime after 7wks so i can see if there is actually anything going on in there!

Jennybean that sounds like such a horrible situation to be in and my heart goes out to you. Have you tried any counselling?
Hi bluefairy! :hi: Welcome and congratulations!

Jenny Bean - Your SO is being awful to you. I'm very sorry. Can you talk to him about it? Or talk to friends/family about it? Is this new behaviour since being pregnant? Or was he like this before getting pregnant? First priority, keep yourself and your baby safe. I hope his behaviour doesn't escalate.

Heidi and Jenny Bean - Yay for V-days! It's a great feeling, isn't it?

Kiley - Those symptoms will come eventually, no doubt! You're going to feel SOMETHING...extra bloat, gas, sore breasts etc.

I have good news: I passed the second diabetes test! Which means ICE CREAM FOR EVERYONE! :icecream::icecream::icecream:
Jenny - Before you read this, I should tell you that I am extremely opinionated and straight-forward, almost to a fault sometimes. I'm also pretty pragmatic; I don't often let my emotions cloud my judgment. I know that not everyone is like me, and that some people find confrontation difficult, but have you ever tried just telling him that he can't speak to you like that, and that if he continues there will be consequences? He will probably keep yelling, but if you stay calm and in control, and keep letting him know that this words choices/behaviour is not appropriate, what would happen? I know you said you had been married for less than a year, but I feel like you have been with this guy for quite some time. Am I right? Has he maybe not given you as much attention and care as you deserve in the past as well? Sometimes emotions cloud our better judgment. The bottom line is that you deserve to be cared for, pregnant or not. You deserve someone who feels lucky to have you, and to be with someone that you feel lucky to be with as well. The longer people act a certain way, the harder it is for them to change. It may seem hard to do something now, but it will still be hard after the baby comes, and then still hard the year after that. Don't put off making a decision. I used to think people couldn't change, but like Kiley said, sometimes it happens. I've seen it too. If a person really wants to change they will...If they don't want it enough, they won't. Counselling is always a good idea. If he doesn't change then he has effectively decided that the relationship isn't worth it. It's tough to know this, but tougher to stay with someone who doesn't deserve you, and can't make you happy.

Heidi and Jenny - Sorry I have no idea what V day is. Congratulations?

Hello new people. I'm glad that I'm not the only one newly joined. So the latest in fun pregnancy symptoms are the massively painful, sharp abdominal cramps every time I have to do some washroom business of the #2 variety. Luckily I have had these infrequently before I was pregnant or they would have scared the hell out of me. I get super hot and can't breathe for a second when it happens. Uggh. Now I have to get up 20 minutes earlier for work to deal with this new aberration. Fun times! I'm already counting down the weeks to go and I'm only in week 9. I think the gremlin is trying to kill me. If I don't make it, tell my husband I love him :)

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