Anyone Pregnant at 38 with their first?

Oh that is nice and early scan :)

Feels like I have been waiting for one Foreverrrrrr, lol

I am super anxious today and not sure how I am going to make it to the 15th :wacko:

I am sooo nervous and apprehensive. The way my mind works is to constantly worry that something could go wrong even when there is no reason to believe it :-(
I'm reliving the early days of my pregnancy reading through your posts. Such an exciting time. I miss feeling the internal flutters and kicks, though it's so nice to be able to sleep on my back again. I hope all of your scans go well. I was always amazed each time I saw my boy on the screen because it made it more real for me.
With my first pregnancy I didn't even want to talk about it to my OH until my 12 weeks scan confirmed I really did have a baby in there! I was fretting inside the whole first tri because I had no symptoms other than very sore bbs which then went around week 9 or 10 I seem to remember. I'm now about 5.5 weeks along and trying to keep calm but doing the same old routine of checking the toilet paper every time, stressing about no symptoms (I don't even have sore bbs this time, just a few twinges and flutters in my uterus, but I wonder if I'm making them up in my mind!!). I've decided not to join in on the first tri forum this time because it made me worry more than was necessary last time because you can't help but pick up on the negative posts. It's totally normal to not have symptoms 1st tri and doesn't mean there's anything wrong at all. There's plenty time for symptoms along the way!!
I've decided to step back from the 1st tri and pregnancy boards a bit too- seeing losses and comparing symptoms is making my anxiety worse! My symptoms keep coming and going, so every time they go, I start worrying. I had a 1-2 Weeks result on 4wks 3 days, which freaked me out, so I'm not testing anymore either.

I think there were so many cycles that I thought maybe I was pregnant and got hopefully and ahead of myself during the TWW, which ended up being for no reason, I'm worried that the same thing will happen- that I'll be spending weeks thinking I'm pregnant and find out at my scan that it's no longer there!

I've been feeling better about things in the last couple days, but do have to limit what I look at online!
Fezzle - having gone through a pregnancy already my advise to any ladies would honestly be to steer clear of Dr Google, he drives you insane!! I know it's a temptation to peek but it will only make you stress, fret and not enjoy the pregnancy. Of course I have my worries and concerns but I'm trying to go with the flow this time and not ponder on the "what ifs". :thumbup:
hi Jenny ! anything new? any symptoms?
Hi All,

I hear the pain of all of you, lol...
I don't feel preg at all beside a bit of tender bbs that come on and off.
I keep trying to feel my Fundus/uterus.
I think I felt it a few times when I have a very full bladder but sometimes I don't, which of course stresses me. I know it is a bit to early to be feeling it but I am looking for any physical reassurance right now.

I am one week away from my first scan and I am so anxious...I should have booked it earlier, lol....

I am trying to be patient but I know this week is going to drag.

I hope everone else is doing well and any positive stories are welcomed here :)
When does Canada usually do their first scan? I feel bad for the UK girls who have to wait until 12 weeks to get in with a doctor. I think that is far too long!! And the weeks leading up is so excruciating. But you are almost there, and you have to let us know how it goes. :D
less than a week Jenny ! yay !
No symptoms here, just tired around 5 pm, like so tired I could fall asleep. Nothing other than that !
2 more weeks before that scan... so loooong...
I know time does go sooo long but when we look back at this process in a year it will seem like it went sooo fast, lol...

All I want is this bean to be healthy, it more than I have ever wanted in my life!
well well well Jenny ! It's your day ! let us know !

I finally had my first scan.
They baby is measuring right on target at 12 weeks 4 days with a heartbeat of 152.
She (I don't know if it is a she) was a bit lazy not moving around too much (I hope that is okay, the tech said to have some sugar next time, I barely ate because it was a crazy morning)

I am so over the moon right now and I hope "she" continues to grow :cloud9:


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yay !! so happy for you !
and don't forget to eat ! all meals are very important at this stage
can't wait for my scan next week !
Yes, lol, you gotta eat, or at least drink some juice. When I went in for my NT scan the tech knew right away that I had just eaten lunch by how active the baby was. It was literally flopping all over the place.
I had no idea until I got home and googled it, but the baby is most active after you eat.

That is great that everything is solid! Did they tell you anything else, what is the next step for you?
I wish I knew that, lol
Thats okay next time at least the heart rate is good etc
I do another scan around 16 weeks for the part 2 of the NT test.
But she said so far no abnormalities :)
Glad all is well ! Didn't see the picture cause I was on my phone. So cute !
I wish I knew that, lol
Thats okay next time at least the heart rate is good etc
I do another scan around 16 weeks for the part 2 of the NT test.
But she said so far no abnormalities :)

I had eaten a strip of chicken and a sip of Sierra Mist about 20 min. before my scan and the baby was bouncing all over. I read most women drink orange juice before their scan to get the baby going. Don't intake too much, though... If LO is too active they may not be able to get the readings you need and you'll have to wait or reschedule. :D
I'm 39 and this is my first pregnancy. I just got my :bfp: yesterday. I've never had a positive test, so I'm hoping this is the real deal. I have all of the same worries that you girls have been talking about in this thread. I don't really have any symptoms either, except for sore boobs. No nausea, no fatigue, nothing. I too do a little happy dance every time I go to the bathroom and there isn't any spotting. I'm so worried it's going to turn out to be chemical thanks to Dr. Google. I have my first appointment on 12/29 and they plan on doing an ultrasound. My LMP was 11/8, so that would put me at five weeks.

I really hope this bean sticks! If so, my due date will be right around my 40th birthday. For the past couple years I'd been dreaming of a vacation in NYC for my 40th, but now all I want is to be nearing labor and delivery.
Congratulations, Stenokat! That's fantastic! Everyone has different symptoms. I didn't have any nausea at all, none, in fact I was hungry more than usual in the 1st tri. Plus, I heard some women only get it very late in the first tri. A lot of the "old wives' tales" were totally false for my pregnancy, haha.
Jenny, congrats on the positive ultrasound! Btw, I got a wrong gender assessment on one of my ultrasounds (the 18-week), so just know that this is possible too unless you get a super-clear view of the private parts! But really what matters is that it's healthy and growing and has a good heartbeat.
Grats, Stenokat!! For the record I did not have any symptoms at 5 weeks, but at 6 it hit me like a mack truck and has been on and off since. Be grateful you don't t have symptoms. :D Happy, healthy pregnancy!

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