Anyone Pregnant at 38 with their first?

Congrats Blingy! :happydance: There are so many little girls it seems! I always worry about the NICU because my mom works there and I hear stories... if she is coming home on Monday, then certainly that must have been only precautionary?
Congrats Blingie, you are the first of our bunch :flower:

I can't wait to hear further updates from you and I hope everything is going well :hugs:
Aww, congratulations BlingyGal and enjoy your little girl x :flower:
Congrats on your new baby girl Blingy!! I have always loved the name Meredith. :)

Speaking of girls.... We got confirmation that we are in fact having a girl!! Doctor said she is 0.5lbs and measuring exactly to the day. :) I am so excited to go shopping now!!


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I just ate two chocolate bars. Is it wrong that I don't feel bad? :D
Lol Stacey! I don't think that's wrong at all! :)

So this evening has been a little nerve wrecking. When I got home from work and went to the bathroom I noticed brown discharge. Called my doc and he said not to worry and that it could be old blood. He said as long as it's not bright red with cramping then everything is fine. It's hard not to keep thinking and worrying about it now.
Yea I think brown is ok, because brown blood is old and red is new. I think brown can even just be from sex. My Ob said that even small amounts of red are ok too, as long as it isn't a lot and continuous. I haven't had any bleeding though, so it's easy to be rational when it isn't happening to you! One thing I noticed (sorry for the TMI!) is that the cervical mucus really keeps everything clean down there... It always feels to me like when stuff comes out it is just doing it's job keeping you healthy down there for the baby. Try not to worry. I know...easier said than done.

I am 4 DAYS to half way!!! Woot!!!
Blingy: Way to go, superwoman! All natural birth. My sister went natural too and was on a complete high afterwards. I wonder if everyone feels so good after a natural birth? Congrats on your little girl! I love the name Meredith. So cute. I hope you are both doing well. Can’t wait to see a pic or two or three ;)

Heidi: I had an accident with my lady shaver the other day. I can’t see anything with this belly and was using it blindly. I looked at the shaver and there was blood on it! ARGH. Don’t even get me started on shaving my legs or putting shoes and socks on and I’m only 28 weeks along! I hear ya about having to constantly pee (wee! hehe) because of baby’s position. It doesn’t help that I’ve had also had TWO urinary tract infections in the last 5 months. It’s so nice you’re finished with work! I put in my notice at work and will be leaving permanently for the next 7 months or so. We are moving across the country so I will look for a new job maybe in January.

Stacey: So true that every week brings about something new. I had terrible pain a few weeks ago and now it’s completely gone and I’m walking normally again without the help of the belly support band. It seems like every time there is a little bit of stretching/growing there is pain.. and then the body adjusts and you’re ok for a bit. I had my first pregnancy leg cramp the other night and was SCREAMING in agony. My poor husband thought I was in labor and about to call emergency services. Luckily I was able to voice that it was a leg cramp and not a contraction. Haha. Poor guy. Also, I agree that some folks in the TTC forums are irrational and neurotic. It can be frustrating- it’s like you want to put your arms through the computer and shake them really hard. Luckily a bunch of my close girlfriends are pregnant and either a few weeks ahead or behind me. It’s nice to have the ‘real life’ support. Are you feeling the baby move more regularly now?! It’s weird/neat, huh?? And congrats to almost being halfway done!!! We made our facebook announcement at the halfway point.

Jenny: So happy your ultrasound went well. I didn’t know you could see hair on an ultrasound?! Im not doing a nursery either. Baby will be in the bedroom with us for the first year and his dresser and clothes in a guest room.

Kiley: Ugh so scary. I’m so sorry-I’m sure you completely freaked out. Thank goodness it’s brown and not bright red blood.

Things are going well with me (this week at least!) I’m flying to the East Coast for a bachelorette party next week and wondering how I’m going to look in a bar/club at almost 30 weeks pregnant. I really hope guys don’t try to dance with me, realize I’m pregnant, and then get all embarrassed. I could have some really wacky stories for you all. I wake up EVERY single night and I’m wide awake for about an hour or two. It’s ok when it happens during the weekend because I can sleep in but it’s rough during the work week. Thank goodness I only have 2 more weeks at work. I salute those of you who are working all the way to the end. Baby is kicking and punching up a storm. My nickname for him is “squirmy”
Hi everyone!

Jenny - We are doing a bit of a room swap too, so not strange! I am going to sleep in baby's room with him for first few months so oh can get some sleep. Only fair seeing as I am off for 13 months and he is working and also studying 2 days a week at a Uni which is sometimes 4 hour round trip. We have a single bed in the nursery (was just the spare room) and a bedside cot which hopefully can be used until baby is at least 2.

Stacey - can't believe you are almost half way! (feeling any better?). And eat all the chocolate you want, this is definitley the time to indulge!

Kiley - hope the spotting has settled down by now. So scary even though doc has tried to reassure you. Congratulations on your baby girl! Loving the team pink scan pic, complete with bow!

Jessie - Glad to hear your pelvic pain didn't last, sounded really awful! but ouch with the lady shave! I thought those things were safe on your skin, what with all the guards and that. Are you moving before or after the birth? Either way you are a superstar and I hope OH is good at packing/unpacking!

Afm - had a rough week since Tue when I woke up vomiting and headache(then pain under my ribs from vomiting). My mw couldn't get out to see me so sent me to Maternity Assessment Unit in local hospital
(luckily only 20 mins away if traffic ok) incase the symptoms were pre-eclampsia. I got seen within only 10 mins and bp, urine & temp all ok. They also monitored baby for 30 mins with the non-stress test and he was just fine. Was really poorly until today with diarrhea (tmi) but am pretty much ok now. I saw my gp on Fri who sent off a stool sample which will be back tue to diagnose, as she said salmonella can be harmful to baby. I was a bit dehydrated when she checked me, so prescribed a load of diaoralyte sachets to drink.

I ending up missing a session of hypnobirthing (although the stomach cramps I had were so bad on thur I was able to practice the breathing through the pain part!) and a tour of the maternity unit in the hospital where I will give birth (same hospital as the one I went to on the Tue). Lost almost a week of my leave being sick, and having to go in on Tue without knowing what was wrong with me (was so not ready to be kept in or have him early!!) so panicked and bought loads of bits we neededfrom Amazon incase something else comes up which means I can't get out shopping. Oh yes, and baby's hospital bag is now ready, mine is at about 50% :haha:
Ugh heidi that sounds awful. Thank goodness you are further along in the pregnancy so, if god forbid, baby had to be delivered he would be pretty well developed and fine. What did you pack for the hospital? I have no clue what needs to be packed for a birth besides some clothes for the baby to come home in.
Wow there is so much to get caught up with lol

Heidi - I hope everything is going okay with you, let us know your latest updates from your doctor. I am like you baby's bag is almost complete but I keep rearranging and thinking I should be adding more, lol. Mine is about 50% like yours but I think I will throw in stuff like make up bag, hair brush, clothes last minute anyways.

Stacey - half way is such an exciting milestone, I can't wait till tomorrow when I officially have 30 days to go, for the chocolate, I have given up on my cravings at this point haha, it makes me much happier.

Kiley - I had some spotting at the beginning of my second trimester...It was because my husband and I decided to do the deed, maybe that is all yours was...needless to say we haven't done it since, lol.

Jessie - have fun at your batchelorette party it should be fun! and as for the shaver thing, I can't do anything without looking into a full length mirror now, lol...I honestly never thought I would see that day, lol...I will be trimming with scissors when I get a bit closer to my due date, I think its safer.

Sorry if I left anyone out, so many ladies on this thread now.

Thanks for everyone's responses about the living space for the baby, I don't feel so bad that she won't have her own room for a bit.

As for me, I am officially on countdown to finishing work..Two weeks left ahhhh....I go back and forth about wanting to stay longer since I am convinced my baby will be overdue, but the commuting everyday is not worth it and is less safe the bigger I get. Also tomorrow I will be counting down from 30 days...ahhh I am so happy and nervous and can't believe time has flown/dragged over the months, lol...I just want sooo much that she arrives safely and I make it through labour lol....Way to many thoughts going through my head.
I am officially half way today, which just means that I have to start a new countdown, and it can't be days until the end, because my brain can't handle how long that is! I see my ObGyn next Monday, and I don't have my 20 week scan until 22 weeks. Erg. Hopefully everything is ok.

Jessie- Yes I am feeling better overall, but some things are worse. My heart is palpitating a lot. This happens to me when my thyroid is low, but I know it also happens during pregnancy... It's troublesome but at least I've had it before so it isn't as scary as it would otherwise be. I'm glad you have people that are pregnant to talk to. I just had 3 friends who had babies recently, so they fill me in from time to time as well, when I ask. I feel like the honeymoon period that everyone talks about is kind of like a mirage though. I feel decent and somewhat normal, but there is definitely no glow :) The baby does kick (I think!) and it is cool, but it doesn't really feel like a kick. It's just this sudden feeling on my belly really low and it almost seems like gas or a muscle spasm, except that it just isn' know? The kicks aren't regular at all. Sometimes I get a storm of them for a 1/2 hour or so, and then I don't feel her at all for almost a day. Sometimes the kicks move around which is weird. You are a tiny but ahead of me so it's nice to have your opinion of things, since you have these experiences just a bit before I do.

Heidi- Glad everything seems to be resolved now. The scares never end.

Jenny- Good luck! You are so close. I wish we could trade :)

Kiley- I hope all is still well. You are the closest to me in terms of due date, so it's nice to hear from you.

I took the next two days off of work. It's going to be so nice to have a long weekend. High school ends at the end of June, and I told the university I'm not working over the summer, so soon I won't be working, and every day will be a long weekend. It'll be a nice way to spend the third trimester. I might get bored. We'll see.
I was sent down yet again for another ultrasound after my
doctors appointment today!!!!
Due to the fact my stomach is measuring small STILL!
I just had one at 34 weeks and the baby was 4.8 pounds! And everything was fine!

This time the stupid tech would tell me nothing which makes me think something is wrong! I can't wait another week to get these results I am going to lose my mind! I am so upset I in tears right now!
I was sent down yet again for another ultrasound after my
doctors appointment today!!!!
Due to the fact my stomach is measuring small STILL!
I just had one at 34 weeks and the baby was 4.8 pounds! And everything was fine!

This time the stupid tech would tell me nothing which makes me think something is wrong! I can't wait another week to get these results I am going to lose my mind! I am so upset I in tears right now!
Hello ladies! All seems to be well now for me. The spotting seemed to be an isolated case. I did not have any more brown spotting after Friday evening. Feeling a little less worried about it now. This weekend I got out my portable doppler and heard her heartbeat so that reassured me even more. Let's hope it does not happen again. Jenny- hubby and I did do the deed that Monday but I did not think my Friday spotting could be from that? Now I am nervous to do the deed again! On a happier note, hubby likes my top name choice! I totally did not expect that out of him. He pretty much said I can pick as long as the name isn't weird. haha

Jessie- Have fun at the party! I understand it may be a bit awkward going to a bachelorette party at 30 weeks! You will have fun though and make sure to dress up that bump cute!

Stacey- Yay on being half way! About two more weeks for me. :) I am jealous you do not have to work over the summer. I plan on working up until the day I deliver. I only get 12 weeks maternity leave and do not want to use any of it before baby gets here.

Heidi- Talk about nerve wrecking! Hope everything is okay with you and little one. Keep us posted. I am curious too as to what to pack in the hospital bag.

Jenny- I hope everything is okay. I'm sure it is since two weeks ago you were fine. Maybe you will just be one of the lucky ones that does not get overly huge like that model you hear about on social media. She was small and delivered a totally healthy normal sized baby. Just carried differently than most. Hearing everyone's stories about dealing with ultrasound techs makes me thankful that my doc does his own ultrasounds. No waiting on results from the doc for me and I can ask all the questions I want. That would drive me crazy as well.
Hi ladies!

Jenny - :hugs: I'm sure little one is just fine, you have been measuring smaller all the way and she was right on track two weeks ago. Yay for mat leave! I have been off for two weeks now and not missing work one bit!

Stacey - I thought time would go really slow when I was at the half way point but it has gone by in a blink. It's great when you realise you can feel baby moving/kicking rather than thinking was that gas or the baby! My early movements (felt first proper kicks dead on 20 weeks) felt like little taps from the inside. Now if I feel a rhythmic tapping from low down in my belly I'm guessing baby has hiccups!

Jessie - have fun this weekend at the party (we call them hen (girls) party and stag (men) in the uk!).

Kiley - Glad the spotting turned out to be ok. There is always something to be worrying about! Saw you on the other thread on here and saw your alternative name is Quinn (love Ireland btw). I have that on my list! I think in US it's more a girls name but here it's more a boy's name. We still haven't really discussed names but I have got a list of about 10 names. Here in Liverpool (I am from just outside London but have been here almost 16 years) people have an annoying tendency to shorten even the shortest of names so I am really reluctant to choose a name which people would shorten. Some people call me Heid and my friend is Tara and gets Tar !!!

Blingy - hows things going with Meredith?

Afm - my test results from the v&d came back clear for anything nasty, so must have just been a bug like norovirus or something. At least nothing there to affect baby or put me into early labour! I saw my mw yesterday, everything is well. Baby is 4/5 engaged (with 0/5 being fully engaged) but facing slightly back-to-back. I need to try and sit on my yoga ball more to let gravity put him in the best position for labour.
Ordered the stroller today, after months of deliberation we have gone for baby jogger city elite which is a 3 wheeler all terrain for when we go over the field or to the park with the dog.
As for the hospital bags, I just googled it and loads of lists are available so I just sort of picked and chose the bits I liked!
I have packed a baby manicure kit too, as loads of sites say baby's nails can be long and sharp at birth. I actually have a scar on my cheek from when I was born and I caught myself, so don't want that to happen to my LO.
Hi everyone,

Just a quick update because I haven't received "official" results from my doctor. He was not at the office today but the secretary was nice enough to read the results from my ultrasound.

Blood flow to the baby looks good, placenta is good, baby growth looks normal and her weight is apparently 2900 grams, which is 6.6 pounds, LOL. Wow she might be a big baby after all!! I know these things can be off as I have heard from the web, but, things are moving in the right direction and everything looks positive so far. Of course I will wait until next week until the official results from my doctor, but I am sooooo relieved :happydance:

Heidi, wow it looks like you could go anytime! Thats so exciting!!!
Did your doctor do a cervical check? does it hurt?
Also have you tried pelvic tilts on all fours, sometimes that helps get baby into position?
I had my ObGyn appointment yesterday, and the baby and I both seem healthy. I'm not going for my 20 week anatomy scan until next week, which is a bit late, but that's how they booked it! I assume if I have to wait it's probably a good thing... My ObGyn was much nicer yesterday than he has been and I think he finally understands me, so I am feeling relieved about that.

My stomach is huge now and the baby is kicking up a storm all of a sudden. My husband got lucky and felt her kick the other day. All of my coworkers keep looking at my belly...I can tell they are trying to guess if I am pregnant :) Fun times.

I'm also doing birthing classes at the moment. I felt like it was a bit early, but the place I wanted to go to doesn't have classes over the summer, and she advised that the one in September would be too late for me. It's actually been a good thing going early because having more information has alleviated some of the stress, and some of the information is very useful even at this point.

How are things with everyone else? Jenny you look like such a tiny person. It seems like it would totally make sense for your stomach to be smaller than average. My mother is 1/2 Japanese and in Japan they induce women who get much past 5 pounds because they are too small to have bigger babies! Pregnancy isn't one size fits all. I get your doctor's concern, and obviously I don't really know anything about it, but you seem fine. Your belly is huge! There's definitely a big, healthy baby in there!
Hey ladies-
I agree with Stacey and that pregnancy is not one size fits all. im half asian too and the women on my asian side do not give birth to babies over 6.5 lbs. One of the girls in my office is just starting to show at 28 weeks. She was stick thin before. baby is measuring fine even tho her belly is small.

I had my 1 hour glucose screen test and just missed the cutoff! Cutoff is 130 dg/mL and i got 132. Now i gotta do the 3 hour test. No one in my family is overweight or has diabetes but i have been eating way too many baked goods and sweets the last 2 months. I started walking daily- about 1.5-2 miles- and ive cut out refined sugars so we'll see if that helps with the 3 hour. My last day of work was Friday and i will be going back part time in January! Yay! we are preparing for a 3 week trip and then a big move to another state next month. Lots going on and i hope my little boy stays put at least until the beginning of august.

Heidi: i hemmed and hawed over my stroller choice too. We got the chicco bravo trio travel system. I love everything about it except the handle height. Im short and it feels a bit high for me. Good tip re: nail clippers!! A bunch of ppl got me baby mittens. Not sure if i will use them

Stacey: i make my husband feel the baby's movements every single day. Hehe. He probably gets annoyed at me but oh well. I want him to bond as much as possible.

Kiley: youre almost halfway done!!!

Jenny and Heidi: you two are next!! sending you smoothe, easy labor vibes. ❤️

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