lol its so hard not to test though, with my pregnancys i was always over day 31 b4 i got BFP , still no af here im day 31 todaynormally if we bd around time af is due it will come next morning this last 2morning i have been expecting it to be here but not a sign of it, im going shoping with dh now going to try and not buy a test cuz i will just do it as soon as i get home lol waiting on frer to come, i think this could go either way for me i have had 33 day cycles before, my boobs feel sore and full my bra is feeling to small i feel sick i have af type cramps not to bad just like a pulling feeling my milk glands where i would have pressed to hand express wile breast feeding are raised and lumpy im crying at silly things on tv , but im thinking ok yes we bd'd on day 14 and day 16 but could this really happen i am well aware of the many girls on this forum alone who have been trying for months year ect and here i take a chance one month and im pregnant surely not?
y friend is going to hate me if i am she got her coil out feb 2008 and still hasnt got cought she has 4 boys already just cant seem to catch the egg this time so if i am pregnant im going to wait for as long as poss b4 telling any one me and dh have said with it being our 5th we wouldnt be telling anyone till we are abt 16weeks.
babydust to everyone xox![]()
you'll tell us right!?![]()
lol yep i will tell you girls, ok so went shoping in to the city got home and guess what came in the post my FRER so didnt even put shoping away had to go pee on it and its BFP really cant believe it, its very very faint so the worrying because this test can be taken 6days b4 af so im on day 31 shouldnt it be clear?