Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

AFM, I haven't checked in on this thread in a while, but I got my BFP on Sunday! Was totally shocked. Now I'm just super scared of possible MC and also about a possible kidney infection I have going on.

Congrats Jezika H&H 9 months to you:happydance:

As for being scared of an MC I feel you totally there:hugs: I'm 7w3d today and have been scared of MC almost non-stop since getting my BFP:wacko: I think that if my 1st scan goes well on Wednesday that I'll relax a bit more though. Sorry about your kidney infection, I hope it's easily treatable. FXed for you:flower:
So the court date did not go as we had hoped. The judge was really on the border, and we had enough paperwork to warrant kicking out his crazy uncle w/ a 24-hour notice (because he had not lived on that property for over a year and he just broke in and refused ot leave) but in the end the judge decided to rule in his favor because it was a gray area about whether or not the 24-hour notice actually applied here :/ It's a much longer story than this but I don't want to bore you all.

Since we do own the property now we can remove him, but now we have to file a 60 day eviction and go through this all over. This time I told DH to hire a lawyer ASAP. Because he didn't hire a lawyer for this onea nd if he had the lawyer prob could have advsied us to drop that court date and refile the right paperwork and saved us a ton of money. Since we lost this court we have to pay his crazy uncle's lawyer fee.....$1700. That's the part I'm most angry and frustrated about. :(

DH hired a lawyer on Friday. At least now the lawyer will deal with everything for us. And we don't have to pay him anything up front. Whoever wins the court case pays him. Unless the crazy uncle decides to actually leave w/in the 60 days and then we have to pay the lawyer but those are minimal fees if we don't go to court.

His uncle also started texting DH yesterday and trying to threaten us. Said that he's going to make it impossible to get rid of him, he's going to move a bunch of people onto hte property and then we'll have to file evictions for each one, and waste a ton of $ etc. He's partially correct on how that works, the state laws for evicting tenants are really complicated and in favor of people living on the property (even squatters), but if we file the paperwork now before he moves people on we'll be fine. Then he started telling us that he'll leave if we give him $10,000 right now and another $30,000 when we sell the property..... he's trying to blackmail us for money. :/

I told DH to go file police reports on harassment, intimidation and blackmail. And w'ell keep filing reports every time he messages us, until we can send him back to jail (he's been to jail 3 times for assault).

Wow.... sorry that got really long! It's just been a stressful week.

Jezika :happydance::happydance::happydance: Congrats!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hope your kidney infection clears up!
Angel - sorry to hear that it didn't go as planned. What a nightmare. Hopefully with the lawyer it will be smooth sailing since you guys are obviously in the right!

Kat - glad your bean is cooking up nicely. I have no idea how it's possible to enjoy pg with all this fear of MC, which I hadn't even had on my radar till reading these forums.

AFM, the fear is getting more real and now I'm feeling really scared and sad. Here is how my HPTs have gone:

Feb 21 (12DPO) - first squinter on wondfo
Feb 22 (13DPO) - similar squinter on wondfo
Feb 23 (14DPO) - clear line on FRER (the pic I'd posted)
Feb 24 (15DPO) - stronger line on wondfo than before (but still not close to control)
Feb 25 (16DPO) - [no testing]
Feb 26 (17DPO) - [no testing]
Feb 27 (18DPO) - line on wondfo is stronger than at 13DPO but definitely fainter than 15DPO

AF was due last Sunday (Feb 21).

I've been trying to explain it away but I really don't think I can. I used FMU all times. I guess it's possible it's because I've been drinking lots of water lately because of the kidney stuff and have gotten much better into the habit of drinking loads than I had been earlier on this week, but I thought that it doesn't matter as long as I don't drink much during the night before FMU. Having said that, sometimes a lot of pee just comes even when I stopped drinking water many hours ago. In any case, I think it's a stretch. And I know people say "a line is a line" and that all these sticks have different levels of dye and are not supposed to be quantitative tests, but I just don't buy it when I've seen so many people's wondfo lines reliably darken across time despite all that and I've heard of so many MCs when lines didn't darken or got fainter. And I've only seen a few cases on these forums of such light lines at 18DPO.

I wanted to take my final wondfo with more pee but it was an even shorter hold and I would've just been more upset if faint. I'll probably go and get another FRER today and test with FMU and try to not drink much in the evening (even though I should be drinking lots), but I've pretty much resigned myself to having a CP. I really wish I hadn't tested

ETA: My pee this morning was a very pale yellow, as it has been for the past few days presumably because I've been drinking lots. I don't know when it was, but I do remember having very yellow urine at some points that I've tested over the past week, but now I feel like I'm just clutching at straws.
Angel I'm so sorry that things worked out that way:hugs: It's truely amazing that more can't be done to keep him away. He sounds very unstable mentally:wacko: I truely think it was a good idea to hire a lawyer and I hope he can help you get rid of this uncle.

Jezika I would stick to the same HPTs if you're going to test and see if the line darkens so maybe stick to Wondfo at this point? I probably wouldn't keep testing though. Are you experiencing any type of bleeding, especially if it's red? I know with my CP in December I was bleeding some before my beta revealed it was a CP although I hadn't really noticed it until I was told that it was a CP and removed the Crinone and saw the red blood with clots since the gel had been sucking up the blood. FXed that it's not a CP though:flower:
Well, I'll see what the FRER shows tomorrow morning as the line I got on that on Tuesday was much clearer than on the wondfos anyway. I've not had any bleeding or spotting at all, just sore boobs and light cramping on and off since before I got the BFP (that I assumed was uterus stretching... I had same sensation at 9DPO which I assumed in hindsight was implantation).
Well, I'll see what the FRER shows tomorrow morning as the line I got on that on Tuesday was much clearer than on the wondfos anyway. I've not had any bleeding or spotting at all, just sore boobs and light cramping on and off since before I got the BFP (that I assumed was uterus stretching... I had same sensation at 9DPO which I assumed in hindsight was implantation).

I think FRERs have a higher sensitivity than Wondfos so maybe that's why? Yep the cramping is normal, I still get it on and off (am 7w3d today). I'd say as long as you aren't having severe cramps and/or lots of red bleeding than you're most likely ok. Easier said than done though, I still will occasionally check for blood:wacko: Although I am getting better at not doing that and have cut down a lot:haha:
I haven't checked in on this thread in a while, but I got my BFP on Sunday! Was totally shocked. Now I'm just super scared of possible MC and also about a possible kidney infection I have going on.

Congrats Jezika! Sending you positive thoughts :flower: top it all off...I've got a cold now. :( ugh.

Jezika - I would honestly get a digi and use it. If a digi still says pregnant then you're good. With my CPs my lines never got darker on the Wondfo BUT the digi never actually said pregnant either. I've done a lot of reading on Wondfo's and people say in the reviews that they are great at picking up early + but they aren't great for checking for a darkening lines because they often won't darken for a long time but a FRER will. Don't let it get you down!
Star_e - This might not be helpful to you or may be stuff you already knew, but I found this article super informative when I was reading up on PCOS, just in terms of getting my head around what it actually is and what it's related to:

EAhner - Welcome! Are you planning on using OPKs or temping before you start TTC?

Angel - I believe you would've had the court case by now. How did it go?

AFM, I haven't checked in on this thread in a while, but I got my BFP on Sunday! Was totally shocked. Now I'm just super scared of possible MC and also about a possible kidney infection I have going on.

Thank you for this link! I'm about to read it now. I appreciate all info. I love recommendations and really appreciate it.
Angel so sorry the uncle court thing did not go well. Glad you are getting a lawyer. That will help ease the burden and hopefully take some of the stress off.

I hope you recover from the cold. Sometimes colds linger for far too long. Hope you feel better soon!
jezika how are things going now? I understand the need to want to test a lot. when will you take a blood test? tomorrow?
Hi! I'm 34 and I've been TTC for five months. I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks about a month ago. I have a heart shaped uterus so while I seem to get pregnant easily I can't always keep it. I've had three pregnancies, two confirmed with ultrasound. The first gave me my beautiful daughter now almost four but the other two ended at 6 and 7 weeks. I took a two year break from TTC while I went back to school for my MA. I live in Berlin right now and find the whole TTC thing pretty lonely. And on top of all that I'm one of the minority of women who produce hCG variants instead of normal hCG so pregnancy tests don't work for me! I think I'm pregnant again but I'm waiting for a special pregnancy test they don't sell in Germany to be delivered from the UK.
My temp dropped today so FF took away my CH. :dohh: This is turning out to be a very frustrating month for me. I suddenly know what other people talk about when they have wonky temp months. This has never happened to me before, I'm sure it's been all the stress from this month. I'm thinking that even though my temps are all over the place that I did O, simply because my breasts are very tender right now which has been typical for me during the last few cycles after O leading up to AF (looks like my progesterone is finally producing).

Either way I think I'm testing around March 4-5th.

Kitty2012 Welcome! So sorry to hear about your losses :hugs: I cannot even imagine. I've had two CPs and that was bad enough, my heart goes out to you. Hopefully this is your sticky bean. :hugs: So what kind of test do you have to take to detect your hcg variant?
Hi Kitty - so sorry to hear about your losses. I hope this will be a much better journey for you.

Angel - sorry about your temps. So frustrating, I know. Hopefully it doesn't matter and your BDing will still be at the right time and get your preggers.

Star-e - Last night there was a small streak of red blood when I wiped. I know it can happen in normal pregnancy, but together with the faint lines I'm pretty sure it's a pg loss. FRER this morning on super-concentrated pee is same as five days ago and wondfo is same as four days ago, plus my boobs feel different now and I just feel AF-y. I know it's not over yet but I have no interest in keeping my hopes up. I was surprised by how devastated I was last night. I have no idea how people do this even once and not be terrified every single day of future pregnancies, let alone go through it several times. Goes to show how strong women are. I do have a doc appt tomorrow and I will relay all this, but as of now I'm pretty sure it's over.
Last night there was a small streak of red blood when I wiped. I know it can happen in normal pregnancy, but together with the faint lines I'm pretty sure it's a pg loss. FRER this morning on super-concentrated pee is same as five days ago and wondfo is same as four days ago, plus my boobs feel different now and I just feel AF-y. I know it's not over yet but I have no interest in keeping my hopes up. I was surprised by how devastated I was last night. I have no idea how people do this even once and not be terrified every single day of future pregnancies, let alone go through it several times. Goes to show how strong women are. I do have a doc appt tomorrow and I will relay all this, but as of now I'm pretty sure it's over.

Awww Jezika I really hope this isn't a CP:nope: I wouldn't go too much by symptoms though as they do come and go.

Let us know how it goes:hugs: I'm sure we're all here for you to help you through this if it really is a CP:hugs: I know personally how much those stink:nope:
Oh Jezika! :hugs: I really hope this isn't a CP. Keep us posted.

If it does turn out to be a CP, just know that we are here for you. We've been there. And yeah, it basically leads to fear for future pregnancies, for sure. :hugs: But we can get through this.

Keeping my FX that it's all normal.
Jezika, got my FX for you!

Angel, I'm sorry about your crazy uncle-in-law. The law is pretty f'd up to allow him to stay there! Glad that you've got your post-O symptoms despite all the stress and crazy temps!
Thanks MrsRose. Yeah, it's crazy.

I played with my temps and if I eliminate even one of the high temps around the +OPK then I get my CH back so I went ahead and did that for now. I'll see how my temps go the next few days. Right now I just wish this damn cold would go away! :(
jezika, how did the appointment go? i am so hopeful for you and have my FX. i agree with everything you wrote in your post. after reading the heart breaking stories of so many women on this forum, i've realized how very strong they are and how this journey can be so incredibly difficult. i am so appreciative for this forum. its a place where we can all come together and share our stories and support each other. i am so sorry to hear you were devastated the other day, i hope your appointment went well today. please let us know.

angel: i have not started temping yet, i will do that this cycle, but i have to wait for a few weeks. doc just proscribed the provera, need to take that for 10days, then wait for AF. so i guess i'll be temping in a few weeks. i have heard about peoples wonky temping charts too. i can see how it would be totally frustrating, esp if temps are affected by stress, etc.

kitty: sorry to hear about your losses. let us know what the test says when you get the news. FX for you!
So, I'm almost positive that I O'd earlier than FF says because when I checked cervix this evening I'm getting red/pink. Which usually happens about a day or two days before AF, so I think I probably O'd the day after the +OPK.

This also probably means AF is soon to come and I was not successful this cycle.

Star - It's always best to start temping at the beginning of a cycle, but if you are taking provera and then waiting for AF I would start temping now just ot get the hang of it (maybe not record necessarily). It can take some practice to make sure to temp at the right time, and make sure to get a thermometer that is effective etc. I know its ounds like it should be so easy, but my first two cycles temping weren't really very effective. Took me awhile to "get it right", I guess.

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