Star_e - you're so sweet for asking after me. Here's what I wrote on a different thread, about Monday, though I definitely felt so, so much better today. In fact, it's like night and day:
Went to the doc, which sucked 'cause the resident I'd seen on Friday was also there... she'd said "congratulations!" when I had told her I was pregnant, and my whole appt yesterday was supposed to be to find out what to do next, so it truly sucked having to tell her that the reason I was there had changed to MC. Obviously I cried, 'cause the moment anyone shows me a smidgen of empathy, I cry. Sometimes even if nothing is wrong if it's that time of the month. Anyway, they sent me off for an urgent u/s to rule out ectopic (because of my one-sided pains), which was traumatic enough in itself having the u/s wand painfully digging around while I bled heavily and tried to think of sadder things than an MC in order not to cry. Luckily the technician was a stern Eastern European woman, so I didn't have the whole empathy problem (plus my mum is also a stern Eastern European woman, so I like the no-nonsense attitude). Then I went for a blood test to make sure the HCG comes down over the next few days. I'm guessing if the u/s had shown ectopic, the doc there would've spoken to me, so I'm sure it's fine. But really what's surprised me is my reaction to all this. I came home and cried for two hours straight. Like properly sobbed. I feel like maybe 40% of it was negative irrational thoughts like "why me," "I'm a failure," "I am helpless" and "this will keep happening and I won't be able to handle it," as well as just being almost disgusted by and ashamed of my body because it had betrayed me (I just wanted everything inside me to get the hell out of me), and then 60% just the crash of hormones I'm sure. I know all my thoughts were irrational even at the time, but I just couldn't help it. I've not felt that sad in a long, long time and I'm still shocked by my emotional reaction and that it was in response to only one week of BFP. I knew the risks, after all.
I am feeling a lot better today. Mind you, I've felt okay in the mornings and things just seem to go downhill, but today I am hoping it will stick. My best friend also happens to be on vacay this week so I think it made it harder. Yesterday I was convinced I don't want to TTC for a real long time because I'm not emotionally up to that, and in fact anything to do with TTC just made me feel sadder (including this forum, which is unfortunate because it's so full of support). Anyway, it helped to realize that even though I may feel and think a certain way today, it doesn't mean I will feel and think this way tomorrow, next week, next month or whenever. I think we probably will try again straight away (I'm feeling optimistic right in this moment at least) but I'm not putting pressure on myself to decide. Though supportive, of course DH is fine after all this. Men are so lucky to get away without all the physical stuff! I did start temping again... I've been forcing myself to not avoid (avoidance is almost seen as a sin in psychology, which is what I'm studying) and it's been better than I thought. At this point I'm not emotionally tied to my temps so it's nice to ease back in. It's also helped to keep busy.