Having a frustrating day. My car is acting up and DH is working on it but something broke and now he's frustrated and I'm frustrated because he's so frustrated.

What a day. And horrible timing for my car to break. We've got so much to do this weekend we didn't really have "fixing my car" in the mix. But I've managed to clean the kitchen, do laundry and clean the bathroom and bedroom. Still have a lot to do but that's something done at least.
On TTC news: AF as been really light this time around, despite the insane cramping from when it started. Ever since then it's been easy and light and I almost didn't realize I had it! Today it's so light it's almost spotting!
DBZGood luck!!! Hopefully it's your BFP!
I had a massage last weekend, it was heavenly! I wish I could have one every week! Good luck at your appointment! I can't remember, have you and DH had any testing done thus far?
I get one every month. I have a membership at a place called Massage Envy and so I get a 60min every month. It's amazing. This week I'm paying a little extra for a 90 minute. I do that once every few months. It's totally worth it.
We haven't had any testing done so far. None of my doctors were willing to test until we hit the 1 year mark. This will be our first visit.