Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

Angel I feel you on those women who choose sections for silly reasons. We unfortunately do have some that do that here as well although I don't know how many it is. I watched a pretty well-known Danish TV personality (who's not very smart) talk to her doctor about the birth of her baby and she said she was ready to fight to have a section because she didn't want to give birth vaginally. Her doctor did push for vaginal (which is what they always do if there's no medical reason for a section) but she ended up doing a section for vain reasons and has since said that she plans on doing it for future children as well. I honestly feel like they should forbid these sections and that it has to be recommended by a doctor because it's crazy that women can choose and it makes things harder for the ones where their doctor has recommended it because people hear stories about these people:nope: I don't know anything about VBACs though so can't give my 2-cents on that topic but would be interested to find out in what cases it's possible and when it isn't.

AFM my meeting went fine although I developed really bad heartburn and had to power through the last 1½ hours :wacko: They suddenly had an opening for tomorrow but I felt that now I've been mentally preparing for Wednesday so we're going to stick to that date. DH was more into doing it tomorrow but I told him it's highly unlikely 1 day will make a difference. Haven't been loosing any of my plug or anything, my BH are super inconsistent and only happen a couple of times a day and baby is normally pretty active still so don't think I'm going to go into labour anytime soon. The 2 midwives (I think one is in training) wanted to try feeling my bump when I told them our section is due to a big baby and they could tell that baby is big for gestational age.
Oh my gosh, so exciting. Just two more days!!!! I think Oct 5th sounds like a great bday. :-)

With vbacs, the problem is once you've had a c sec youre at a slightly higher risk of uterine rupture. The risk is still very very low, but once your uterus has been cut they are fearful it could rupture with contractions and pushing and that pressure on it (it's often fatal if it does), so they don't play around with that even though the risk is tiny.
Juliet, there is always hope until you start your period. I've totally given up the idea that there is any formula whatsoever to BFP vs BFN cycles. Lol. On some of my BFN cycles I had every text book symptom under the sun so much so that I truly felt that I was pregnant, because I don't usually get all those symptoms. And then on my actual BFP month, it was pretty typical. Similar symptoms to PMS but nothing special in regards to temp, CM, CP, mood, breasts, whatever. I had cramping, but that's not unusual for me. But the cramping started changing and feeling very different from period cramps at some point. By the time other symptoms came (nausea, sore breasts, joint pain) I had already gotten my BFP so they weren't predictive/symptom spotting things for me.

I hope this is it for you! Try not to drive yourself too crazy!
Kat, you'll have to share pics once your little one is here! So close now.

As for c-sections for suspected macrosomia (big baby), it's OK with Dr. recommendation. Yes, sometimes docs are wrong a ultrasounds can be off a pound either direction. However, babies can be big, and laboring for hours and then trying to vaginally deliver a 10 pounder sucks. Especially with the risk of shoulder dystocia (heads out and body is stuck). A true dystocia is life threatening. I recently had a patient who wanted to VBAC, but VBACs aren't induced, the must go into labor on their own. She didn't, so she ended up with her scheduled c section. Baby was 11lbs 10oz. There's no way that baby was coming out from below, and she wouldn't have wanted it to! Lol.

I am a VBAC proponent, for sure, but under the right conditions. I've helped with many successful ones, but I've also seen a few uterine ruptures. The patient definitely should be at a facility that is capable of adequate labor monitoring and emergency c section in the event it becomes necessary. Blood products and anesthesiologists must be in-house at the ready. Does it happen often? No. But it does happen and if it were me, I'd want to be somewhere my baby and I would most likely be ok.
drjo I'll definitely do that although it might be first when I come home from the hospital:flower: Think they'll most likely first discharge me Friday, especialy as I'm both a FTM and this is my 1st c-section.
kat - sorry people were unsupportive about the c-section news, that is really not good and wish you did not have to experience that, your doc says its the best thing for you, so yea of course you should follow it; its great you are doing what is best for you and your baby. and wow! you are almost there! how are you feeling?!?

etis- any updates about the cord? thanks for the explanation about the short cervix, that was very informative b/c i had not heard of it or its potential consequences. any updates on the cervix?

angel - how are you doing? hows school (teaching) and baby going?

all of you seem to know a lot about all of this, from ttc to being pregnant. i feel lost, but learn so much from your posts. so thank you so much!

afm - today was my OTD (official test date). and BFP!!!! HCG was at 797! Im not sure what that number means excactly, but nurse said it was high. my second beta is on thursday. what should i expect to look for then? any increase or must it be by a lot? im so so happy. had to do a lot of bending today and a bit of twisting when looking for things on a low shelf. is that fine to do or should i try to avoid it? i figured since i dont feel any pain or anything when doing it and since its so early then its fine.
Kat - Can't believe it's almost time!!! I can't wait!! :D I'm so excited for you!

Julietyura - welcome! There is always hope until your period shows. honestly, I didn't have any symptoms really until I was something like 6-8 weeks along, so it's very probable that the lack of bloating and boobs being not sore aren't bad signs. In fact I don't think my boobs got sore until way later. Everyone is different. :) The 3rd is still very early for a + test. If you did in fact ovulate on the date you think you did, implantation itself can occur anywhere from 5-12 days after ovulation. And then it takes a couple days after implantation for enough hormone to build up for the test to be positive. Which means, before 12dpo you might not even have implanted yet. And of course there's always hte possibility that your ovulation date was off by a day or two which changes everything. :haha:

Good luck!! I say wait another day or two and take another test.

Star - CONGRATS!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: As for your HCG numbers, that is definitely high! How many days after implantation was this? (I can't remember how many days they made you wait before test day). My HCG at 10DPO (the day of my bFP) was around 24, by 15DPO (exactly "4 weeks pregnant" for me) was only 167. By 20DPO, (4w+5) it was up to 1834 ( I actually looked these up bc I saved them in the notes section of my pregnancy app). The initial number isn't necessarily going to indicate anything, although very high numbers can indicate multiples but there's no science to say for sure it is because many singles produce high levels too. What you are looking for is a doubling of the numbers to occur every 48-72 hours. So on Thursday you're looking for an increase in numbers, and either a double or close to double. Numbers may not double at 48 hours, it may be a little less or more, so don't stress if it isn't exactly doubled.

As for twisting and bending, you're fine. You are still very early and that isn't going to cause any trouble. It's not until you have a bigger belly that they say not to do it, and that's more for your own ligaments/muscles than anything else. Anything yu did before pregnancy you can still do. I still go to the gym 3-4 times a week, I do cardio and weights and everything I did before.

Congrats again!! Make sure to give us an update on Thursday!! :kiss:

AFM - I'm doing well. Teaching is going well, the students are great this year and I'm really enjoying it. Baby is ding great, getting big and moving around a lot more lately. <3 I'm in love. And DH has started to be able to feel her more often and he's so cute when he feels it. I can't believe we're down to 3 months left!
Super congrats to you star, H&H 9 months:happydance: As to HCG mine was 124 around 14dp2dt (after IVF #2). I agree with Angel that it should double every 2 days up to a certain point, I think once you hit a certain HCG level, the doubling takes longer than 2 days.

Angel thanks:flower: I'll update when I can (as to gender and how big baby ends up being) but won't be able to put pics up until I get sent home which is most likely Friday (can't upload pics from my phone for some reason:shrug:). We're leaving for the hospital soon.
Kat eeeeeeee!! So exciting for you.

As someone who worked at an Obgyn office for five years is amazing to me how many woman choose sections for really crazy reasons.. My step dad who was the ob would try and talk them out of it but when a woman makes up their mind.. He would just go over all the extra risks and healing time constantly. He did refuse one woman while I was working there Because she said she didn't have time to go into labor and spend hours pushing... She demanded it and he said he wouldn't do it so she left the practice on her own at 35 weeks to find someone who would give her one.

AFM, I'm 5dpo on my first cycle after my cp.. I'm just glad my body is working again!
kat - sorry people were unsupportive about the c-section news, that is really not good and wish you did not have to experience that, your doc says its the best thing for you, so yea of course you should follow it; its great you are doing what is best for you and your baby. and wow! you are almost there! how are you feeling?!?

etis- any updates about the cord? thanks for the explanation about the short cervix, that was very informative b/c i had not heard of it or its potential consequences. any updates on the cervix?

angel - how are you doing? hows school (teaching) and baby going?

all of you seem to know a lot about all of this, from ttc to being pregnant. i feel lost, but learn so much from your posts. so thank you so much!

afm - today was my OTD (official test date). and BFP!!!! HCG was at 797! Im not sure what that number means excactly, but nurse said it was high. my second beta is on thursday. what should i expect to look for then? any increase or must it be by a lot? im so so happy. had to do a lot of bending today and a bit of twisting when looking for things on a low shelf. is that fine to do or should i try to avoid it? i figured since i dont feel any pain or anything when doing it and since its so early then its fine.

Star, I've been checking in occasionally to see how everyone's doing and I'm SO excited for your BFP! Wishing you all the best!! :hugs:
Thank you all for the support!

Kat - fx that everything goes well for you! Good luck!!!

Gagrl - good luck this cycle! Fx!

Angel - so glad everything is well for you and baby and that you have great students!

My 797 hcg was at 8dp5dt (which translates to 13dpo). Angel I didn't understand why you said when you got your numbers at 15dpo that that was when you were 4 weeks pg. wasn't that 2 weeks and 1 day? Im hoping my numbers get close to doubling. I find out tomorrow and feel anxious. I prob won't find out till end of day though. So I'll be u comfortable all day.
I have had such a crazy emotional day. I had to report two students who have been.....inappropriate touching...... under the table during class. :dohh: :wacko: WTF do these teenagers think they are doing?!

Star - They count weeks pregnant from first day of last menstrual cycle. It's a stupidly outdated way of doing it because on the day that AF is due they consider you "4 weeks pregnant" even though you're only like 2 weeks. But that's why pregnancy is "40 weeks" and not actually 9 months.
i see, i was wondering why on those pregnancy week by week sites they only have it starting at 4 weeks. so basically 2 weeks means 4 weeks. i see.

sorry about the kids today!

tomorrow is second beta and im nervous. ugggggg. i'll update you all. until then!
Im so relieved!!!! Second beta strong. Hcg 1790. So it went from 797 to 1790 in 48 hours. Next step is an OB scan on the 17th to look for gestational sac. And that's the six week scan.

I used an online IVF calculator today to determine how far along I am considered and apparently it's 4 weeks 4 days.

I'm going to research more why two weeks are added. Angel you talked about it a bit. I need to research it. I will today. so I'm supposed to think of myself 4 weeks 4 days of when I'm 18dpo?
Star - Congrats!! That's great! I'm so glad that the HCG went so high!

Yes, at 18DPO, you consider yourself 4w+4. Basically they will count from day 1 of your last period as 1 day of pregnancy. It's an old way of doing it developed from before we had so much technology that could tell exactly how far along people were, but everyone still uses it. That's why we have 40 week pregnancies.
Star-- oh my god are you kidding me?!?! All the world's congratulations to you! You worked hard for this sweet baby. :-) Your initial hcg number sounds great, and ideally it will have doubled or more by tomorrow. Just by all means, stay away from google during these first weeks. When I google bad outcomes occasionally I get sucked into a world of horror stories and it just freaks me out. Seek out positive and exciting stuff online about early pregnancy. I'm really happy for you!!!!

Kat-- This is it!! Can't wait to hear your updates!

Angel-- oh I can't even imagine the sweetness of feeling those movements! I'm jealous! Can't wait for those stages!!!
Thank you all! And great advice about staying positive. I was all anxious today waiting for the results and really don't want to be anxious until my first scan. I'm going to d my best to stay positive and hope for the best!

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