Kat - I wasn't aware of the painful part for breastfeeding. That's why I'm so glad you're sharing your experiences, I am getting nwe information and so I won't be so surprised when it comes to that! My sister did have problems with producing enough milk and she had to switch to formula fairly early with my niece. While my sister was sad about that, she said in a way it was a relief because my niece started to sleep a lot better and for longer periods with the formula because it kept her full longer, and my sister felt more comfortable going out without worrying about the "oh no I have to breastfeed and what will people say/do about it" because people can be horrible about BF in public

I know right now you're feeling like your body is failing you, but just keep reminding yourself that it is nothing that you did or could have prevented, and you're doing everything you can to make sure he gets all the food he needs (hence supplementing with the formula).
OK I just hope it doesn't totally put you off breastfeeding if you're otherwise planning on doing so

But the pain does seem to be normal at first since my MIL also had it and no one blinks an eye here when I mention it. Don't know when it'll lessen though, in the meantime using Lasinoh nipple cream which does seem to help take the edge off. Too bad about your sister, I seriously hope it won't end the same way for me and Alexander as I was hoping to breastfeed for at least the first year or so. I understand her not much wanting to bf in public, I had to do that today but used Alexander's duvet as a cover which offered some privacy so no one could see my boob hanging out

I think here it's more accepted to bf in public though, just me being modest

Thanks Angel, I'm still hoping my breasts will soon get the message and make a bit more milk.
Kat - i've heard from other people to that breast-feeding can be painful. Eventually I was going to ask you about this. is it so painful that you want to cry? I've read that for some it is really painful. I very much hope the pain subsides for you soon and am so appreciative as it's been said before that you are sharing these early weeks experiences with us. Thank you for doing that because it's so helpful. hope you and your bean both get some better sleep soon.
To be honest, yes but it's mostly when he feeds from the breast where there's an injury to my nipple. But it does seem to be every so gradually improving. And the pain is mostly when he's latching on so the first 5-10 seconds, once he's properly latched it's ok. If he's not properly latched (which is happening less often) so he's e.g. only getting my nipple in his mouth than that can also be pretty painful but I always stop him and get him to try latching again.
Thanks star, I just hope I'm not scaring anyone because that's not what I intended
BTW everyone I was at the hospital today to hear Alexander's latest results and his jaundice is definitely declining and the doctor seemed very happy about the results. The doctor agreed that feeding him every 2 hours is
insane so DH and I have dropped the health care provider's recommendation and going to feed him every 3 hours during the day and every 3½-4 hours at night. I admit the 2 hour program was making me crazy (I was numerous times at night feeds crying and threatning to stop breastfeeding all together

) and causing Alexander to get too little sleep so he was often cranky

Surely every 3 hours is also good enough to get my milk production a bit more up anyway??!! DH has said he'll take it up with the health care provider if she starts anything because we absolutely refuse to do the 2 hour program anymore!