Anyone TTC #1 and 30 or older?

So sorry I disappeared on here, things have been hectic:wacko:

Our son was born on October 5th at 2:00 PM weighing 4020 kg and 53 cm long:cloud9:



Unfortunately I felt super bad after the c-section because the medications caused side-effects such as nausea and heart palpatations:nope: During recovery they tried to get a midwife to help with breastfeeding but couldn't find one so the nurse atending em helped and just said that it looked fine. We didn't really get started though until the morning after when the midwives were more available. Our son was doing ok with the breastfeeding but apparently I'm not producing enough milk so he's lost over 10% of his birth weight:cry: Plus he's developed some jaundice although it doesn't look like he'll need treatment, they're testing him again to see if it's on the decline. To increase my milk production, they're having me pump my milk out. The routine is now that I first try breastfeeding him for 15 minutes, then give him what breastmilk I pumped out after last time in a bottle and then supplementing with formula which I'm not happy about but needs to be done:nope: After that, DH takes over and changes his diaper if needed and puts his clothes back on (since they're into skin-to-skin here) and puts him to bed while I pump out the milk he didn't get out of both breasts. We'll see, I'm not feeling super positive right now and fear we may end up giving him formula on a steady basis.
Kat your baby boy is adorable! Awwww!

Im so sorry you felt bad after the c section. But I'm glad you are okay and recovering now. I don't know very much about the breastmilk topic but I'm hoping maybe it just takes time for it to come in. Sending you warm wishes for a speedy recovery. Congrats!
Big congrats, Kat, he's beautiful!

I empathize with you on the breastfeeding issue. I have a milk supply problem, which we discovered after my daughter lost 20% of her weight in 5 days after birth. I had to feed her formula with an at-the-breast supplementer, and then pump afterwards. It was exhausting. After a few months, my supplementer tubing got a hole in it, so now I give her a bottle while I pump. The only time she will breastfeed is in the morning when my right side is leaking, and I still have to give her a bottle afterwards. I get at most 1oz total each time I pump, and she eats about 5oz each feeding. I mix in my breastmilk with the formula. It's disappointing for me, and I struggled with accepting the problem for a long time, but ultimately it just matters that she's getting nourishment. Just do what you can for you precious little guy without putting too much stress on yourself. :hugs:
So sorry I disappeared on here, things have been hectic:wacko:

Our son was born on October 5th at 2:00 PM weighing 4020 kg and 53 cm long:cloud9:

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Unfortunately I felt super bad after the c-section because the medications caused side-effects such as nausea and heart palpatations:nope: During recovery they tried to get a midwife to help with breastfeeding but couldn't find one so the nurse atending em helped and just said that it looked fine. We didn't really get started though until the morning after when the midwives were more available. Our son was doing ok with the breastfeeding but apparently I'm not producing enough milk so he's lost over 10% of his birth weight:cry: Plus he's developed some jaundice although it doesn't look like he'll need treatment, they're testing him again to see if it's on the decline. To increase my milk production, they're having me pump my milk out. The routine is now that I first try breastfeeding him for 15 minutes, then give him what breastmilk I pumped out after last time in a bottle and then supplementing with formula which I'm not happy about but needs to be done:nope: After that, DH takes over and changes his diaper if needed and puts his clothes back on (since they're into skin-to-skin here) and puts him to bed while I pump out the milk he didn't get out of both breasts. We'll see, I'm not feeling super positive right now and fear we may end up giving him formula on a steady basis.

He's adorable, Kat! Congratulations!
Kat - He's beautiful!! :kiss: I can't wait until my LO arrives!

I'm so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well after the c-section! :( I hope the breastfeeding bit picks up and works out for you soon. I know that my sister was not producing well and ended up switching to formula pretty early on, and I know plenty of other moms who did both breastmilk and supplemented with formula when they didn't produce enough and their little ones did turn out just fine. Of course it's more than that, and I know you want to BF, just trying to let you know that you aren't alone in difficulties with BF. :hugs:
Oh my goodness, Kat. He's just divine. Congratulations!

I'm sorry for the complications you've had, and sincerely hope you heal very quickly and things pick up with milk production. That must be an exhausting routine!
My scan today was so cool. The first time we've seen movement. It was wiggling it's little arms and legs around, exactly like a dancing gummy bear. So surreal! Measuring on track with a 175 heart beat. In love with this little wiggly gummy bear.
Hello, I used to be on this group when I first joined BnB and had a LOT of support here.
Kat, massive congratulations on the birth of your long-awaited little boy <3 He is gorgeous! Hope you're recovering well from the c-section. Breastfeeding is really hard and doesn't come easily to everyone, don't beat yourself up if you have to supplement with formula. Is there anyone who can help you with breastfeeding if you want to keep it up? Midwife, lactation consultant?
MissDoc, I remember you from a while ago, may I offer my congratulations to you too! I'm very pleased you finally have your baby on board and that the scan showed everything is going well.
Fleur, thanks so much! I remember you too. :-) It took awhile but I'm deeply grateful to have this little one growing safely in my belly now and hope it continues that way. How are you doing?

Angel, oh my goodness you're so right. These early scans are so sweet. And now that movement happens, they're so much sweeter! The image of a dancing gummy bear is forever imprinted on my heart. :-P It's now starting to look like a baby, which is so cool. Next week is my last weekly scan though... bittersweet!
miss doc - so happy for you that your scan went well! that must have been so very special!!!!! i hope to have a similar moment in the near future. i think today im 5 week 3 days and i feel absolutely no symptoms at all. i know this is not unusual b/c some people dont feel anything till much later; its just a bit unnerving to feel literally nothing.
MissDoc - Oh sad! I was very sad when I got my last weekly appointment. I was so used to seeing her growth (which was amazing week to week!) that it was really hard to go from week 12 until week 20 without an ultrasound!

Star - Don't feel bad about no symptoms. I had almost no symptoms throughout the first 7-8 weeks and even then I only had very mild symptoms. By 8 weeks I was so nervous about not having symptoms I bought a home doppler and started looking for HB, which I didn't find until about 10 weeks but after that I Felt a lot better (though the act of looking for it and not finding it for those two weeks was really nerve wracking and I don't recommend looking for it too early). :)
Thanks everyone:flower:

MissDoc so glad your scan went well!

star don't give up, plenty of people don't get symptoms until later on!

Gagrlinpitt, so sorry, hope next month is your month!

AFM his jaundice does seem to be gradually going away and he's becoming less lethargic so no more battles to get milk in him:happydance: Bf is going a lot better and we haven't had a need to supplement yet. I've been feeding him every 2 hours during the day and 3 hours during the night as per instructions. He's gained weight and is close to his birth weight now at about 3900 g, next weigh in is on Monday. I'm doing better thanks, no pain left although can be a bit difficult getting out of bed sometimes without straining my stitches a bit.
Kat, what's his name?

DH and I are leaning mostly towards Alexander. We were also thinking of the Danish name Malthe (pronounced Mal-tuh) but it's like the 3rd most popular name here and Nikolaj but I think he looks more like an Alexander. His middle name will be Serge after my deceased father either way:flower:
kat - so glad the BF is going well now! that's such great news, congrats!

angel - i really needed to hear that! it feels so weird feeling nothing. its so hard to believe im pg b/c i dont feel even one bit different. it makes me anxious b/c im thinking will the scan show anything...keeping my fx! when was the HB first detected by u/s for you? just wondering if the home dopler detected it much later than u/s or around the same time?
Star, at my 5 week 4 day scan I could see the heart beat (barely) but couldn't hear it. But a week later we could hear it at the scan. Granted, these scans were transvaginal. I don't think we could have heard anything with an abdominal one. I think home dopplers detect much, much later as well. Like they recommend not even trying until after 10 weeks, and even then it's not guaranteed you'll find it (some find it earlier though). So easier said than done, but please don't let yourself stress about the heartbeat too much. It takes some time. How far along will you be at your first scan?

Gagrl, I'm sorry you're onto the next month. That's always such a bitter feeling, but hopefully in a week or so it's replaced with hope and lots of well timed bd'ing! I find that the first 2 weeks of the cycle tend to feel like they go fast, but the last 2ish weeks are the ones that drag miserably.

Kat, how fun to be picking out names! Congrats on whatever you choose! How sweet to honor your family member with the middle name. :-) And so glad to hear the little one is getting stronger and bf'ing is going better! So many congrats to you.

So I'm still very worried about loss/mc, but that worry is starting to shift some to now I'm worried about genetic defects or illness. I hope the NIPT testing in a week or so helps to ease my mind and the results of that are clear. I feel like I've been a little careless with sharing that we're pregnant... I haven't announced broadly yet and our family doesn't know, but when I've spent time with friends or colleagues I trust I have shared the info, and my husband has told some of his friends at work. They know it's not open information yet, but I know good news has a way of spreading... and I'm so fearful of something going wrong and then having to go back and "undo" the sharing of good news. Sooo, I'll just hope that's not the case and that a couple weeks from now all is well and I'm feeling less anxious.
MissDoc I totally get where you're coming from! Once I got my BFP (via blood test with an HCG of 124), my mind kept going into mc thoughts and I actually had a couple of anxiety attacks over it! I never completely stopped worrying though as it was always in the back of my mind although gradually they did lessen but I'm hoping you're able to completely alleviate any fears :blush: As to genetic illness, any scans or tests should help alleviate those thoughts. I know when the NT scan results came in with a 1:4303 chance of Downs, I was very relaxed about it as I knew those where very good odds for baby being healthy. I don't think we announced broadly to family and friends until after that NT scan at about 13 weeks! Before then, only my toxic mother and my ILs knew since they knew we were going through IVF and knew my ER and ET dates.

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